Have you lost something in your own house?

October 31, 2012 8:21pm CST
This morning after taking a bath, I learned that my two lotion bottles are missing. I just bought them few days ago. I was in fact very happy because I bought the second bottle discounted. I was able to save about 300 pesos for that. But after learning that they are both missing, I just can't figure out how am I going to react. Well, it was just a lotion but the mere fact that it was lost in my own room, I just don't know what to say. Have you experienced the same before?
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23 responses
@litvillegas (1274)
• Philippines
1 Nov 12
Oh! That's too bad. Maybe you misplace it to someone else room or if not there's a thief entered your room. I've never experienced this kind of situation. I guess you have to search it in your entire room again..
• Philippines
1 Nov 12
Thanks lit! We've searched everywhere and we even searched down stairs although my husband and I knew the fact that I have never used lotion down stairs. The moment I leave our room, I am already dressed. I apply lotion and moisturizer before putting my clothes on. Like I said, I am not really after the lotions, but the fact that someone sneaked in our room and took them without permission. I have checked the closet and some of my clothes are missing. This is so annoying.
• Philippines
2 Nov 12
We do not really lock our doors as my in-laws and all the people who live in their house go in our house everyday. I find it really ironic that this person who stole my things just took the lotions and not our laptop which are also in our room. So I have this feeling that she's only after the lotions.
• Philippines
1 Nov 12
Sorry to hear about that friend. I guess someone really steal it. So sad... Maybe you forgot to close the doors in your house.
@hereandthere (45638)
• Philippines
1 Nov 12
my brother sent me, my sister and my mom a box each with branded perfume and lotion. i immediately put mine in my closet because frankly, i don't like strong scents and more or less, knew i'm never going to use them. i kept it anyway since i know it's expensive and might give away as gifts eventually. my sister couldn't find hers but i have a feeling it was just misplaced since she has a lot of stuff in her room. sometimes even when we're pretty organized, or even quite OC, there will still be times when we ourselves misplace something. and when we finally find it (usually accidentally when we're not even looking for it) that's when we remember that actual day and time when we placed it there, usually temporarily and we initially intended to come back and put it where it should be, but never did because we've forgotten about it. i do hope it was just misplaced. if someone took it, they should to tell you about it, even after the fact. now if they gave it away without telling you, say as an emergency gift, that's a different story! because the truth is, nobody wants to be forced to lock their stuff right in their own home to protect themselves from the people they live with. :(
• Philippines
1 Nov 12
Thanks for sharing hereandthere. I am actually considering of locking our room after this incident. I hate the fact that I am already losing something which is already in our room. I would understand soap bars and utensils because they are downstairs. Upon checking, some of my clothes are also missing. My sister in law was here this afternoon and I told her what happened. She said she'll try to find out what really happened. I think that she knew already what I am trying to say.
• Philippines
3 Nov 12
Thanks for the information. I really appreciate it. Yes, in a way, I am glad that this person only took inexpensive things and not our laptops and other things. But of course, I can't let this person think that she can do everything she likes. I said 'she' as the only guy in here is my husband and nephew and I don't think they are going to use lotion anyways. I was even asking my husband if maybe, he ate my lotions??? My mother in law and my husband's cousin were saying that probably it is their maid because they say that my sister in law has lost her soap and found out that this maid was using it. Well, I really do not know why she has to do it. She can ask if she really wants them. I would be happy if she did that instead of just sneaking our room.
@cher913 (25781)
• Canada
1 Nov 12
oh i always lose stuff around the house and what i do is stop and think and retrace my steps. that always helps me find what i am missing.
• Philippines
4 Dec 12
Yes, I also do that sometimes and that is really helpful. Thank you.
@mzz663 (2772)
• United States
1 Nov 12
I've lost things like that! Usually I find them when I'm looking for something else. Then sometimes, there are things that I never end up finding and I figure maybe I accidentally threw it away or someone stole it. for the four months I've been looking for my extra phone battery and charger and can't find them anywhere! If you happen to see them, let me know!
• Philippines
4 Dec 12
LOL have you been out lately, maybe on a travel that you needed to bring bag, phone battery and charger with you? Sometimes, we forgot to return them to their places after bring them out.
@maurya83 (923)
• India
1 Nov 12
I think it has been just misplaced by someone.. it happens to me often, i like to keep my things arranged and at their place but sometimes i dont find them because other members in family place them anywhere else..and sometimes i keep something and forget actually but find it after a little search :D Once I bought some items and when i reached at home i found one of them missing (it was a packet of hairbands) after 4-5 days my hubby gave it to me as he found it under the car-seat..Search every possible place, hope you will find your lotion :)
• Philippines
1 Nov 12
Hi maura, like I have said before, I have been using this lotion for a few days already. I have a specific area where I put my lotions and moisturizers as I use them every morning. I use it before I put my dress on and am already dressed up before I leave our room. We've searched everywhere and already told my in-laws about it. I am not actually after the lotion, but the fact that something is missing in our own house, and from our own room which is at the second floor. I do not like the fact that someone went to our without our permission, and they are the only people who has the keys to our house.
@maurya83 (923)
• India
3 Nov 12
ok, yes thats bad..they should ask before, but you indirectly gave them permission by giving your keys..my opinion.. :-
• Canada
1 Nov 12
I lost my good beyblade Hades Before
• Philippines
4 Dec 12
Hope you'll find them soon. Thanks for sharing.
@jaiho2009 (39140)
• Philippines
1 Nov 12
Sorry to hear about this. Well, I am sure you're upset and I will feel the same thing if this happens with me. Maybe you can ask the people inside your home- for sure it's one of them who took it. I've experience these things during school days when I am still living on rented rooms with 2- 3 other girls sharing one room.
• Philippines
1 Nov 12
I think that the person who took my things does not really want to admit her wrong doing. So I will make sure she'll learn her lesson. I don't think it is proper to take something from any room without permission. I've spent years living in the same room with someone I work with and there really are times that she borrow my things ahead before asking permission. But I would understand as I have already set my mind that it could be possible as we share the same room. And the fact that she always told me when I arrive that she indeed borrow my things. But this latest incident is different. Someone went to our room without our permission and took not only my lotions but some of my clothes. And we've searched our house and this person still do not want to admit. I hope she would keep my things in a very safe place because the moment I've seen her using them, she would really hear something from me. She needs to know that she can't just take anything from other people. That's theft.
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
1 Nov 12
For me this is something that happens on a regular basis. For example, my best friend and myself have been searching our house high and low for the past week looking for one of her boots. These are a part of her Halloween costume and we've looked everywhere for the one boot and we haven't been able to find it. We know that it has to be here somewhere, but where it is is beyond either of the two of us. There is only one place that I can think of where we haven't looked, so I really don't know.
• Philippines
1 Nov 12
Hi, I do understand that this is usually happens to many. It does happen to me in the office sometimes whenever I have so many works that I have to finished. But it is definitely different when it comes to our house. I have a morning routine and I do apply lotion before putting my clothes on, and before I left our room, I am already dressed up. There was never really a time that I left our room and brought my lotion with me downstairs to apply.
@pahak627 (5022)
• Philippines
1 Nov 12
We lost some things in our house. Our suspect is our neighbor. For abut 2 years, she has been always a regular visitor in our house. She married young and left school. I let her go to our house because she is the only friend that my daughter had during those times. I saw her wearing a few of my clothes and that of my daughter. I just ignored these because I have no proof that she took them. Then came a time, when my daughter's pair of fitflops were lost. No other suspect except her because she was always seen going in and out of our house. I sent a test message to her asking her to return without mentioning what. Alas, she replied that she wore the slippers and she will be returning it. She did not personally returned the slippers instead she asked my niece to take it from their house. Then the slippers were returned. From that time on, she did not come to my house anymore. If that did not happen, more things to lose yet. I have lost several things, a ring and necklace. But I did not think them so much I might be upset.
• Philippines
1 Nov 12
Hi pahak, I have the feeling that the same thing happened to me. But in my case, I am not really sure because I suspect two people - my husband's cousin who is currently living in my in-laws' house and their maid. These two are always in our house, bringing me so much stress. They act as if they own the house when the fact is they are only here to use our bathroom and water because they do not have a water supply connected in their house. I've lost few things in the past like whitening bar soap, shampoo, utensils, and some clothes which I would only realized when I already seen in them. But I really did not have the courage to say anything to them, I would only tell my husband. But this time, I think that I needed to talk as I've lost something in our own room which means someone has tried to open our room without us knowing. I do not really want to wait for the time that I will lose something that is valuable. This has to be stopped now. I won't definitely tolerate people like this in our own house.
@francesca5 (1344)
1 Nov 12
I am very good at losing things, though most of them I have found again. I usually lose something when I operate on auto-pilot, and put something down without thinking about it, my glasses have been lost so many times I am amazed I still have them. My advice, is just to go back in time, and think what you did when you brought them home, what happened, sort of retracing footsteps can work, because if something distracted you before you had put them in their usual place, you might have put them down in the wrong place. Try going back in time, as you may find them, though I often find something when I have given up and am doing something else completely different. But its not nice to think of someone coming into your room and stealing something, so just relax, and sort of allow your subconscious memory to do the work for you.
• Philippines
5 Nov 12
Hi francesca, we're not able to find both but my husband found one bottle in our trashcan outside our house. The other, we still can't find it. My mother in law did some check with their maid's things but didn't found the lotion but did find some things that do not belong to her like hair spray, hair accessories, bath soap, and others. Yes, they are small things you won't really notice if you lose them. It is just sad that you lose something in your own room but my husband told me to just stop looking for it. But this is really making me mad as I do not know what am going to lose in the future.
@prashu228 (37520)
• India
1 Nov 12
hi friend, It happened with me. , few months back ,i kept my gold earrings,on the dinning table and forgot about them. It was only after three days i remembered that , i left my earrings there. I was so worried ,because they were not in the place. I asked all my family members ,they said they didn't see them. i was even more worried. Then finally my mom said , they took it,they didn't tell me because, i was so irresponsible. so to teach me a lesson they didn't reveal it. But its so horrible on my part , i remembered about it after three days, so bad
• Philippines
5 Nov 12
Hi prashu, thanks for sharing your experience. Yes, some people really do that for us to learn our lesson when losing things is already a regular thing for us. I think that people try to multitask, they tend to forget where they place their things. Like you said, we tend to forget for days and would only remember if we happen to use them again and they are gone. In my case, I use it everyday and so the following morning, I knew already that it was missing.
• India
1 Nov 12
Hi friend, sad to hear about this, anyway now you realized the pain of missing things. As you mentioned you got the second lotion without any cost. Mostly this kind of free items never stay with us, only our hard earned things never forsake us. I don't faced this kind of incidents in my life
• Philippines
4 Dec 12
Thank you for sharing. Yes, sometimes that is the case. We don't usually give value or are given less importance those we acquire for free in instant. But actually I didn't get it for free, the price was discounted but I still payed for it. It is kind of sad that I haven't used it and it was already gone.
@meowchie (992)
• Philippines
1 Nov 12
Uhmm. that sounds strange. Hope there's no ghost in your house. But if there's no ghost, it simply means someone's sneaking into your room and "borrowing"? Well if it's not yet returned til now, then maybe stealing your things. If your less valuable lotions are stolen, how much more your expensive valuables? They may be at risk too. You should be careful and lock your room. For now, you're not even sure who's doing this :) And oh! When you find out- give her a Christmas gift! Lotions will make her happy. aw :)
• Philippines
5 Nov 12
Yes, I just want to think that someone borrowed them and throw one in the garbage bin I've already asked my husband if we can change our doorknob so we could have a new key because the old key was gone a long time ago so we don't really lock our room. I guess that in a way, we're to blame because we should have locked our room for security. But we trusted them because they are part of the family. My husband does not want the idea of having our room locked because he said that he might forgot the keys inside, but I think that he's just making an excuse. I think that he does not want to it because his family might be offended. Before, I suggested that we should have a double lock in our doors so that they don't just come in our house without us knowing. But he does not want it because he feels that they might be offended and think that we don't trust them and they do not want them to come in our house.
• China
1 Nov 12
IT is weired ,isnt it.I am figuring what happened to the two bottles of lotion and why they are missing.they are not like some bread which is always attractive to mouses,so there are two possibilities lied to before us:one is that they were put down the other-else place you already forgot,the another is somebody took them and forgot to tell you.It happened to me when i was in the college but confirmed at last that it was beacuse me wrong rememberings.
• Philippines
1 Nov 12
Thank you eagle, I really do not have any other place to put my personal things except our room. We have searched this morning with my husband and this afternoon with my sister in law, and did not found the bottles. I've told my mother in law about it because they are the only people who come in and out our house everyday. I do hope she'll do something about this because I find this very serious. If we just let this people took our things because they are just small or inexpensive, I believe that there would come a time that if they have the chance, they will likely to get more valuable things in us.
@UmiNoor (4521)
• Malaysia
1 Nov 12
I've experienced this before. I bought a certain item and placed it somewhere and then I forgot where I've put it. My house is quite a clutter so there are so many places that I could have put the item and forgot about it. Perhaps that is what happened to your two bottle of lotion. You must have placed it somewhere and then forgot the location. My solution to my problem is to put the item where I will be using them so if I bought a bottle of shampoo, I will place it near the bath room and my canned foods will be in the kitchen cabinet. That way I will never forget where I put the items that I've bought.
• Philippines
1 Nov 12
Hi Umi, I've been using this lotion for few days already. I placed it beside our bed together with my other personal things. It was just in there yesterday and I very certain about it. At first glance, you won't really notice that something is missing as there are so many bottles in there. But since I use it everyday, I would know at first look that it was gone.
@atv818 (1980)
• United Arab Emirates
3 Dec 12
Well maybe somebody in your house took it. But if you are living alone, then somebody whom you cannot see had taken it. You see, back in the Philippines, we Filipinos believe that there are spirits living among us and sometimes they get to fancy things that we have. So if there is anything missing and nobody had touched or took it, we ask nicely in the wind for the spirits to hear and request to return the item. Sometimes, we see it elsewhere visible so we would think that we had simply misplaced it. But if it appears in an unusual place then we are sure that it was fancied upon and returned to us. We just simply thank them for returning it. You may give it a try. No harm in trying, right?
@jenny1015 (13359)
• Philippines
1 Nov 12
I do misplace some of my things and it really pisses me off not to remember where I have put them. So sometimes, I just forget about it and it pops out after a few weeks or so....
• Philippines
1 Nov 12
Hi jen, I only have one place for my lotions and moisturizers and I do use them before even wearing my uniform.
@ARIES1973 (11426)
• Legaspi, Philippines
1 Nov 12
We are only four in the house so if anything was lost, I would surely know that someone was able to enter the house. I never experience that a thing inside the house was lost. But the rooster that my husband was taking care of was stolen. The said rooster was outside the house. There are times that we think we had lost something but after searching her and there, we will find out that it was just misplaced. Ihope you have just misplaced those things. Have a nice day!
• Philippines
1 Nov 12
I hope that it was the case but I am certain that it was only in our room since before going down, I am already dressed. I only used my lotion before putting my dress on. And all my personal things are inside our room because for almost a year, we have regular visitors who come to our house very often. Our room is not locked but I really do not expect them to be come here as it was on the second floor.
@mariaperalta (19073)
• Mexico
1 Nov 12
When I lived in Las vegas usa , I had the same happen with some make up. After it happened twice I realized it was girl friend who would visit for coffee a couple times a week. Shed go to the bathroom and on her way pop a few things in her pocket. maybe this is what happened to you there.
• Philippines
1 Nov 12
I have this feeling that the same actually happens here. I do lost facial wash and soaps before and my husband found them in his parents' house. Their maid is actually using them. I really wanted to ask my husband to look for my lotions in their house because I have this feeling that this maid has took my lotions while we're away. But I just don't know how to say it without offending anybody.
@Sindelle (824)
• United States
1 Nov 12
I've done this before too. Usually its not a matter of someone stealing my things. Most of the time I'll think I left something in my room but then forget that had used the item again and left it somewhere else. Lotion isn't that expensive. I'd imagine if someone wanted to steal from you they'd choose something a little more valuable then a couple bottles of lotion. Do you live with anyone? Could a family member of borrowed your lotion? Lol, I know when I was a young girl I used to borrow things from my mother all the time. I even have a dog that on occasion walks off with some silly stuff. Anyways I'm sure you'll come across them. Cleaning your home is a good suggestion to help you find it. Even if your place is clean if you have a lot of clutter it can be easy to misplace things.
• Philippines
1 Nov 12
I live with my husband but people from my in-laws house go to our place very often. They do not have water in their house so they are always in our house. And my lotions and moisturizers have a specific place in our room because I do use them everyday. The last time I've seen and use it was yesterday morning before I left. And only realized that they are gone after taking a bath this morning. I have experienced before that even our whitening soap has gone missing.