Raiding the kids candy
By dorannmwin
@dorannmwin (36392)
United States
October 31, 2012 9:53pm CST
Tonight was Halloween and it meant that all of the little ghosts and goblins get to go out and collect candy from different houses throughout the neighborhoods. My children were able to visit all of the houses around my mother's house plus visit a couple of different Trunk or Treat events. The result of this is that the kids have at least five pounds of candy each.
Not only does this mean that the kids have plenty of treats that they will be enjoying for several days to come, it also means that there is candy that mom and dad can raid from them as well. If you are a parent, are you one of those parents that will raid a little bit of candy from your children following Halloween? What is your favorite kind of candy to eat (or steal from the kids if you do have Trick or Treat aged children?
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17 responses
@randylovesdar (4932)
• United States
1 Nov 12
We had a lot of kids and one man who was in the military (he was collecting candy for the men and women so I gave him a few pieces). I wish I had kids of my own to take around. I know when we were younger my mom would go through our candy and steal all of our Tootsie Rolls (my sister did not mind, but my brother and I would get mad). I bought my mom a bag of her own Tootsie Rolls and brought it over yesterday (I knew if I did not she would have stolen my niece and nephew's). My favorites are M & M's and Kit Kat bars.
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@ginahinderliter (270)
• United States
1 Nov 12
My daughter didn't score even one of my favorites. My favorite is Almond Joy. Of course my daughter would share her candy. It's only right...I did buy the Halloween has seemed to go downhill in my town. It's like only one light out of every 5 or 10 houses have their porch light on. Anyone else finding that in their town?
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@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
2 Nov 12
That was so sweet of you to buy a bag of Tootsie Rolls to give to your mother. I really like Kit Kat bars as well.
As far as the number of houses that light up goes, I really don't know how it is in the neighborhood that I live in because we choose to take our children trick or treating in the neighborhood that my mother lives in (it's where I grew up and where my nieces still live). There are fewer houses there that light up but I think it is because of the fact that many of the people in the neighborhood are getting a lot older. The kids did get really good treats though.
@sishy7 (27166)
• Australia
1 Nov 12
Wow, lots of candy there! We did not really have any Trick or Treat here; I don't think Halloween is really celebrated here... My kids grew up in the States, so they had great Halloween memories. Our nextdoor neighbor then always decorated their house for Halloween. One time they turned their front yard into a cemetery.
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@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
2 Nov 12
We have never decorated up our house for Halloween except for the fact that there isn't a single year that I can think of where we didn't have at least one pumpkin carved or painted. There is, however, a house around the block from my mother that always goes all out with their decorations for Halloween. The kids loved it this year as they have every year in the past.
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@jillhill (37354)
• United States
1 Nov 12
When the kids were home I did raid their candy....the little stinkers though usually knew just what I took! Like how can they keep track? I was naughty last night. I gave out first the things I didn't really like such as blow pop suckers..and I kept back the things I did like (snickers etc)....I didn't get many trick or treaters....what I have left will go to work with me to the break room. There are a few guys that will eat anything as long as it has sugar in it!

@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
2 Nov 12
It sounds like it was quite opposite in your neighborhood than it was in the neighborhood where my mother lives. This year there were more trick or treaters there than there have been in years. Of course my mother decided to give out fruit snacks because they are healthier and also lead to a lot less temptation at home.
@asyria51 (2861)
• United States
2 Nov 12
My husband was handing out the candy, while I took my daughter out. He just turned out the light instead of opening the last bag. He is using it for a lesson he teaches on Feudalism, and he uses M&M's. So instead of having to go out to the store again, he just stopped giving out candy.
I went to a friend's neighborhood, and there were some houses that were giving things to adults as well. One had hot chocolate and coffee out for the adults. Another had free tickets to the local movie theater. I thought that was really nice.

@much2say (57346)
• Los Angeles, California
1 Nov 12
Hee hee! Yah, I think this year we have the most candy we've ever gotten for trick or treating and other Halloween stuff throughout the month. I could not believe both of the kids laid out their candy on the floor (so we could check them) and proceeded to lie on top of them yelling "I love my candy!"
I've already taken pieces here and there (just the other night we went to a birthday/Halloween party - loads of candy from the pinata alone). And I'm sure we'll be picking at the trick or treat load too - ha ha (afterall they can't possibly eat ALL of them all by themselves, could they?). I tend to "raid" the chocolates - particularly the Snickers, Reese's peanut butter cups, or M&M's - oh and Kit Kats and Babe Ruths. Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! 

@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
2 Nov 12
Kathryn actually told me that I am welcome to all of her Reesee's cups because she has decided that she doesn't like them any more. As far as some of the other things that I really like, I have to be a little bit more sneaky. For example, I love Almond Joy, but this year she has decided that they are one of her favorites so I had to sneak one of those.
@courtknee525 (3742)
• United States
1 Nov 12
Whenever I used to go trick or treating, my favorite part was coming home at the end of the night to lay out all my candy on the floor and see what I had gotten. I've gotten older so I haven't been trick or treating in a few years :( But maybe next year I'll find a little kid to go with so I can sneak some of their candy!

@allknowing (142130)
• India
2 Nov 12
I was privileged to be there at one of these events in the US. I was spending a few days with my niece and her kids went around collecting candies. Unfortunately most what they collected were ordinary toffees!
Being a candy addict I was eagerly waiting for their return only to be disappointed!

@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
6 Nov 12
Chocolates used to be the things that were the exception to the norm as opposed to the norm. However, it seems this year that my children got a lot of the really good candies instead of the candies that most adults don't enjoy.
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
7 Nov 12
I do have to add, however, that I do think that Swiss chocolates are very delicious. When I went to Switzerland as a teenager I came home with three pounds of Swiss chocolate and I was so very disappointed when it was all gone.
@allknowing (142130)
• India
6 Nov 12
I can be shameless when it comes to Godiva and the likes. Most of my shopping during foreign holidays has been chocolates. Each country has its own specialty. It is not necessary that only Swiss chocolates are the best. Let me add however that I enjoyed the experience of being there during this event and watching the excitement with kids running around helter skelter

@ShyBear88 (59347)
• Sterling, Virginia
1 Nov 12
Since our oldest is only 1.5 we went throw her candy and made sure she had things she could have and the ones that she couldn't we took for ourselves to eat but the rest is hers to have. She is still too little for some the candy that people get and of course the baby got a rattle for Halloween.
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
2 Nov 12
Last year when my niece was just three months old, she had to stay at home because she had RSV so my brother and sister-in-law trick or treated for her just so that they could have the entire bag of candy to eat for themselves. This year she is just over a year old and she went with them to trick or treat, but they've already said that Jaley isn't allowed to have any of the chocolate.
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
6 Nov 12
What really stinks for me is that I did go to the store looking for the candy that is a favorite of both myself and my husband and I wasn't able to find it. Of course the children didn't get any of this candy either. That's okay though, I really didn't need the candy anyway.
@ShyBear88 (59347)
• Sterling, Virginia
4 Nov 12
We bought our own candy last year with our daughter was just under a year old. But this year she could go and have candy but we did buy our own candy as well. My parents have tons of candy so we get our fixed with theirs since my old nephew is just 5 and he can't have everything yet either.

@schulzie (4061)
• United States
1 Nov 12
It's funny I was just reading about this. It said that 90% of parents will eat about 25% of their kids Halloween candy!
My kids all made a pile on the kitchen table of the candy they don't like and they didn't like Butterfinger, Snickers, Reese Peanut Butter Cups, Milky Way and Three Musketeers!!
They kept the Hershey Bars, Twix, Skittles, Twizzlers, Life Savers Gummies, bubblegum, and pretzels for themselves! But everything else they didn't want so that means I have all this candy now that I love! Oh dear! LOL
Have a great day and happy myLotting!!!

@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
2 Nov 12
Wow, can I come to your house and raid the pile of candy that your children won't eat because some of my favorites are included in that list of candies that they don't really like.
I don't think that we eat 25% of their candy, but I will admit that we do snag a couple pieces each night for about a week. This isn't much considering they had about five pounds each.
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@wilsongoddard (7291)
• United States
1 Nov 12
I don't have children, so that isn't an issue here. If I did have kids, I wouldn't be swiping their trick-or-treat candy. As far as I am concerned, their candy would be their candy. If I want candy, I'll just go buy some good chocolates for myself. Why would I want to raid the (usually subpar) stuff that kids come back with from trick-or-treating? I'm an adult who has her own (small bit of) money and the freedom to go to the candy store anytime I want to get good chocolates.
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
2 Nov 12
I definitely wouldn't say that the candy that my children got was subpar candy. In fact this year they had more of the name brand chocolates than they've ever gotten. They had a great time and have volunteered to give me some of their candy without my having to swipe it from them.
@redredrose (1105)
• United States
1 Nov 12
My husband and i were not able to have children of our own so we go to my sister's and help with her kids at Halloween aged 9 and 3 yrs old. Now my nephew came home from preschool with a bag of Halloween candy on Halloween and my hubby started going thought it when he thought he could sneak a bit. He took a small bag of skittles gave me 2 of them and said shhhh laughing. Then while helping my sister and i pass out candy while her hubby took the kids trick or treating he ate so much of the candy he was passing out. Now i think his favorite was the chocolate because that's what he ate the most of. Yes i did sneak a bit too such as a twix bar and some peanut butter m&m's. My favorite would have to be the chocolate and anything with chocolate in it or peanut butter since i am a fan of both.
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
2 Nov 12
I tend to be one that really likes to get ahold of candy as well. I don't take much of it, but I do at least have full permission from my daughter this year to eat all of her Reesee's cups because she doesn't like them any more.
@lelin1123 (15594)
• Puerto Rico
1 Nov 12
When my kids would trick a treat I would definitely raid their candy. First of all it would be to much candy for them to even eat over time. I didn't want them to have cavities. So I would hide or eat the candy myself. I miss that because now my kids are grown and my grandkids live far away. My six year old granddaughter called me on skype to show me her two big bowls of candy. She was so happy. 

@bounce58 (17385)
• Canada
4 Jan 13
Last year's halloween was surprising as the kids brought home a decent loot even though it was raining out.
And yes, I do raid their bags too! Not only to minimize what they would be spoiling themselves with, but also to get some treats for myself. Once in a while you'd find full size chocolate bars in their bags. And those are the ones I keep to myself.
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
7 Jan 13
Yeah, you see, I really do think that parents deserve to get some of the treats because they are the ones that go out walking with their children to collect all of the treats.
Though I think that there should be a law that children had to share their candy with their parents, but since it isn't written, I think that parents raid because a lot of children refuse to knowingly share with their children.
@asyria51 (2861)
• United States
2 Nov 12
I love Kit Kats, and yes I raid my daughter's stash. I am not as blatant as my hubby about it. He dug through took what he liked best and hid it in the freezer (where he found my stash of oreo cookies, but that is a conversation for another night.). I just ask my daughter when she is having her piece if mommy can have one too.
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
2 Nov 12
Honestly my children are really good about sharing their candy with me. But there are just some times that I want a piece of candy after they've already gone to bed and that is when I will take a piece from them.
@courtknee525 (3742)
• United States
1 Nov 12
I'm not a huge candy eater but there are a few things that I used to love eating from my Halloween bag. I haven't been trick or treating in a few years (I'm 20 now :() But if I ever have kids I will definitely be the type of parent to sneak treats from their bag lol.
I kind of wish I had a little kid to go trick or treating with so I could have some candy :( Luckily my mom is a first grade teacher and she brought home the extra candy from her class and she has some of the good stuff for me to eat
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
2 Nov 12
You know, my little sister that isn't a mother yet, has never had a year where there hasn't been candy in the house because my daughter was born when she was 16, so just after she was too old to go trick or treating. She doesn't take very much, but she will snag a little bit here and there.
@911Ricki (13588)
• Canada
4 Nov 12
I remember as kids we would dump them out on the living room floor, and then look through it to make sure nothing was tampered with. We then would pick everything we didnt like out and give it to my parents. My Dad use to get a pile of the caramel squares as none of us liked them, then we would trade with each sibling for items we liked.
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
6 Nov 12
My children have been really good about sharing their candy with their father and myself this year and they've also been really good about sharing amongst themselves. I really do have to admit that I'm really proud of them.
@danishcanadian (28955)
• Canada
1 Nov 12
I don't believe in taking candy from children. How low can you go? Adults have the money to go and buy all the candy that they want. If a child offers me a piece of candy, I will possibly take it, definitely thank them for the offer, and commend them on sharing, but I will never EVER take something from a child. The child deserves respect too.
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
2 Nov 12
I don't think of it as stealing candy from the children because of the fact that as parents we do buy them their costumes and we walk with them to do their trick or treating. They really don't need to eat all of that candy themselves anyway.
@Professor2010 (20156)
• India
1 Nov 12
Thanks for sharing about this festival, really i learn many things here from the discussions; as hindu we don't observe this festival
as a kid i was very much fund of candy/chocolates, but now because of diabetes i don't eat, at times i do eat sweets made using 'sugarfree' powder
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
2 Nov 12
I couldn't begin to imagine what it would be like to not be able to enjoy at least a little bit of candy every now and then.
I do think that mylot is great because we do have the opportunity to learn of different holidays and celebrations that are celebrated in other parts of the world.
@Sindelle (824)
• United States
1 Nov 12
Sometimes I'll go out with my young cousins trick or treating. Sometimes I've noticed the adults snag a few Reese's cups after they've gone to bed. They live in a big neighborhood though and literally come home with two pillow cases filled entirely with candy. Nobody needs that much candy. Usually though if the kids are awake they'll just ask for a piece of candy and the kids willingly share.
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
2 Nov 12
My children will willingly share as well when they are awake. It just tends to happen for me that I always seem to get my little sweet tooth after they are asleep for the night.