What will happen when all things are for Free?
@toxic_lifestyle (1213)
31 responses
@arielpaige (257)
• United States
1 Nov 12
Or no one will ever do anything because there will be no reason to continue making a product or performing a service because there is no benefit from it. No one would ever do anything. We'd all freeze and starve. Get no education, won't drive. Because no one will be working. HA HA! The Indians could do it, but with this generation, I don't know... Maybe all the lazy ones would die off and the motivated, sincere people would survive, repopulating good people again. Our world would fall apart and rebuild. Ha ha. Funny to think about. But oh, wouldn't that be so wonderful if everything was free?! YES! :)
@toxic_lifestyle (1213)
• Philippines
1 Nov 12
I agree! All of us will become unproductive. And we'll not strive hard to make ourselves better anymore. :)
@matersfish (6306)
• United States
1 Nov 12
If by Indians you mean Native Americans, then they also knew better.
They traded and had a power structure within most tribes and people worked as part of the community or were told to GTFO by big chief.

@arielpaige (257)
• United States
1 Nov 12
Yes, the *Native Americans* had it right the first time! haha. Excuse my slur! I was in a hurry and wasn't thinking. *Native Americans*! haha.

@mzz663 (2772)
• United States
1 Nov 12
I don't think it would be a bad thing but somehow trade would have to come into the picture. If someone wants to eat, someone has to work for the food or to make it. If someone has nothing to attribute, how will they eat?
Happiness, I really don't think, has a lot to do with money, though. I think in a world where everything is free, there would still be some unhappiness.
@Sindelle (824)
• United States
1 Nov 12
A wise man once said trying to buy your way to happiness is like trying to cure hunger by tapping hamburgers all over your body. I agree having tons of stuff is not the way to happiness. I also obviously agree with your comment that trade is a nesseity however trade is basically just another way to pay for something besides using money.
@MoonGypsy (4605)
• United States
1 Nov 12
no one will ever know what that's like, unfortunately. if everything in the world were free, there would be no steeling. people would be content. there would be less reason to fight. d'evils will never let that happen.
@matersfish (6306)
• United States
1 Nov 12
Yes. But what if I wanted more food or a better house or better shoes?
@thesids (22180)
• Bhubaneswar, India
1 Nov 12
Nice fantasy no doubt
But dear, if everything came for free, there will be nothing interesting and challenging. You know we all are so very lazy and we are forced to do things just because not all is free.

@silverfox09 (4708)
• United States
2 Nov 12
You are right , us as human like challenge and that is the trill of life . Without something to be gain most will not do anything . Even if everything is free , we would still have to work to provide such things so its not possible in any way are form .
@Sindelle (824)
• United States
1 Nov 12
First of all I think that hell will freeze over the day everything becomes free lol. I also do not feel that making everything free would be a good thing. Nobody would be motivated to make goods so we'd run out of freebees. Another thing to take into consideration is that the world is full of many greedy people. If we made everything free there would be a lot of selfish behavior and hoarding going on. I could even see it turning into some sort of bloody holiday shopping brawl.
@peavey (16936)
• United States
2 Nov 12
You're right; if everything were free, poverty wouldn't be a "problem." It would be a lifestyle and everyone would be living it. As to people being happy, I don't see happiness in having no goals, no challenges, no rewards, no hope for a better something or other. How would anything ever get better?
But I don't think we really have to worry about it. Nothing is really free, except the air we breathe and if pollution keeps growing, we'll have to pay for that by buying tanks of cleaned air to carry around with us.
But nothing is free. Somebody, somewhere pays for it. It may not be money they pay with, but it is surely paid for with human dignity or freedom or our very lives.
@applefreak (3130)
• Singapore
2 Nov 12
i do not think all of us will become happy. we are happy to get things for free now because we know it's hard to come by. but once it becomes the norm we will just take it for granted.
imagine having someone who feeds you, buys clothes for you and gets you toys once in a while. i think that would make you really happy right?
but once you realise the person i'm talking about is your parents the happiness just disappears. because many of us takes it for granted that it's our parents' duty to clothe and feed us. once it gets down to this, the happiness will not be there.

@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
2 Nov 12
Hi toxic, How can everything be free with our present concept of the world? I was reading of some of the comments and everything certainly wasn't free for the native American. They worked very hard in order to survive. Yes, they shared with the less fortunate among them but hopefully we do the same. Perhaps you mean that there will be no money but that doesn't mean that everything will be free - someone has to produce the things that we need. The world as we know it could not exist if everything was free. Blessings.
@Canellita (12029)
• United States
3 Nov 12
All things will never be free. Something has to be done to produce food, clothing and everything else, so materials and supplies have to be purchased and labor has to be invested. The best that can happen would be for people to replace money with barter.
@aabuda (1722)
• Philippines
2 Nov 12
But I think, although most of us will become happy, people will definitely tend to abuse things which are for free....and cannot be controlled anymore because they will tend to use the resources until it will last....so with it, I now understand why free concert, still gives tickets...in this way, organizers can still control the crowd so that it will not reached the allowable venue limits.
@sarlyntenerife (326)
• Philippines
2 Nov 12
Well if everything is free, people will not be problematic when it comes to financial stability BUT the bigger problems will arise such as stores may not be exist, services may not also be existed and gadgets and internet and so on. See? If everything is free why would people do things if they can already get it for free? They will just waste time to do it for the other people. If it will happen being able to get free things will be useless.
@goldenteardrops (747)
• United States
2 Nov 12
that would be nice for a few days if it would hold up but then there would not be enough to go around then the greed would kick in from the greedy people and the fights will begin and man would still not be happy with what they have and want more and more and then take and take. but it would be nice to get a good start on things. if you got there first ..
@mythociate (21432)
• Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
1 Nov 12
Would you struggle to go out & get a job then?
@heaytheblogger (2876)
• Philippines
2 Nov 12
If all things are for free, People would be lazy to work on anything. they would be dependent in all aspects of life (food, clothing, shelter,needs,wants,and luxury)If all things are for free, then People will no longer have sacrifices in life especially working their heart out on anything in response to money and success.
@Sindelle (824)
• United States
1 Nov 12
I think the world would fall apart if everything was free. People would not be motivated to make goods without some sort of compensation. Also there are many greedy people in this world. If everything was free there would be a lot of hoarding and then we'd quickly run out of goods. I could even see it becoming worse then a bloody holiday shopping brawl.