bible :: Not Imminent but Important
@flowerchilde (12529)
United States
November 1, 2012 8:08am CST
The Book of Revelation is the completion of the world's rejection of Jesus. The story of mankind and life as we know it, is a complete story. It's a drama written in flesh and blood. This story would have ended long ago, if God had not confused the languages at Babel Tower.
- There's something within me that won't let me stop trying to explain what I think of as the simple to understand, Book of Revelation. It's not that I think the culmination described within this book of the Bible is imminent. It's that I think many of us should know the message and pass it on.
- If someone doesn't hear what you're trying to tell them, are you able to simply wait for another day, another opportunity? (Unless it's urgent of course!) Or are you one who is impatient and try to repeat yourself right then, even forcing the issue, until they hear you?

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5 responses
@PastorP (1170)
• United States
3 Nov 12
Point well taken!
It is also good to keep in mind that when The Revelation was written, Israel had ceased to exist as geographical / political nation. Fast forward to 1948 it is back on the map again. 12 of the 13 tribes are mentioned as sealed in Revelation. Flip the pages over to chapter 13 - and look at where we are at today - no problem with having the mark to be literally fulfilled. What we read is imminent for sure.
Oh, 1 more. Armageddon - chap 19 - cp Joel 3:1-2. United Nations was formed just a few years before Israel was re-established in 1948.
@flowerchilde (12529)
• United States
3 Nov 12
Iuliuxd, hmmm, "a drama written in flesh and blood" - what I meant is God's drama (PROVING the issue of good and evil) meaning this life isn't just some random thing unfolding.. Surely God is Perfect, and Perfection, surely, makes no mistakes.
PastorP! Finally, someone who reads the Book of Revelation as literal occurrence and having a today application and not just one of yesteryear! Actually, I know lots of folks take it as literal occurrence to come.
- Thanks for the very interesting cross reference between Joel 3:1,2 with Revelation chapter 19, the marriage supper of the Lamb, His return and Armageddon, when the birds or prey (which fly higher than the little birds) will do a cleansing.. [The two reapings (of chap 14, but, chapters 11,12,13,14 are inserts! one of the ways the vision is 'locked'/sealed "for many days".]
- And amen, 1948, Israel (Ezekiel's valley of dry bones, wasn't, then is). The Book of Revelation is big and pretty as you please in the world today including the 666 ability, among other things, like tracking, holographic capability, world body/beast which was, then wasn't because it's head, u.s. didn't, after all, sign on, but after the fire of 13:13, was rebuilt, and I can't help but notice how verse Rev 7:1, the new wind unleashed when the 6th seal was opened (or broken)is paused/held back -- described in chap 6 as a blend as what this new wind is when opened, and what it is in its final stages/occurrence at the 'end' -- 7:1 "angels holding back the wind" (i'm thinking) while the tribes of Israel are sealed (i.e, come to faith in Jesus, a cross reference being how Jesus said "Jerusalem, Jerusalem... .. you shall not see me again. Until you say 'blessed is He who comes in the name of the LORD".) Also, as we know too, after these is seen a large/huge crowd also, from every nation, tribe and tongue.. (but note, to be revering/at the throne (or upon mt zion, chap 14) is this the same as when He returns to Mt of Olives?-Zech 14:4 and Acts 1:11-"you shall See Him return just as you have Seen Him go up into heaven". I believe the Book of Revelation is purposely.. misleading? confusing.. keeping the vision hidden "for many days" but of course it's the Spirit of God which reveals it.. "blessed are those who read, and hear, and heed.."

@mythociate (21432)
• Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
1 Nov 12
Not really, but kinda. See, usually the person is setting their actions in accordance with this misinterpretation ("Well, Jeebuss gonna come back any day now; so I better build me some chicken-statues!"
) so I have to convince them they're wrong so they don't waste their time.
Jesus talked about 'when they day comes, they'd better hope they're not busy.' He said that because NO ONE--saved or unsaved, good or evil, vanilla or chocolate--is going to be 'ready to go' when the time comes.

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@flowerchilde (12529)
• United States
2 Nov 12
What a lot of folks miss is how Bible prophecy is parallel, or double.. Same as it is when the two advents of Jesus were spoken/written, all like the 2 advents/coming are one with no apparent gap between the two. With Bible prophecy there's a more or less 'immediate' fulfillment of the day it's spoken and given, and also a 'last' days fulfillment.
- The reason I went into that is because in Matthew 24 and Luke 21 Jesus said "when you see" in Matthew, the abomination which desolates (surely the notorious 666 for 'last' days interpretation that is; see Dan 12:11,12) then run to the hills! And "when you see" in Luke "Jerusalem surrounded by armies" (can we see that trend shaping up in the world?) same thing.. make yourself scarce.. According to Daniel 12:11 and 12, there's 45 days cannot buy or sell w/o 666, with I believe the last "ten days" escalating to "will be killed w/o 666" (escalating from Rev 13:17 to 20:4) (Rev 2:10=ten days?)
- So you see, I believe the whole 666 travesty can be avoided by those who know the signs
P.S. I don't believe anyone will be 'going' anywhere.. but perhaps that's another discussion.. thanks for your comment, love many of your discussions!

@flowerchilde (12529)
• United States
8 Nov 12
..unless my Lord tells me to do otherwise
..which reminds me of a verse.. in Ezekiel I think.. O watchman if you see a sword coming and warn not, their blood will I require ofthee. Of course that's for a 'night'watchman (or day) but the book of revelation does say "blessed are those who read, hear and heed the things written therein"
Bottom line, I guess, Mythociate, if I felt God had revealed something to me, namely how ppl could avoid danger, what sort of person would I be to ignore it, or just use it for me and mine? I see 45 days to be careful, ten to be 'hidden'/unseen. What a shame if I'm right and folks I could have told and they avoid rev 20:4, but I was too chicken, or lazy to share it!

@mythociate (21432)
• Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
4 Nov 12
My Lord said 'be not troubled,' so I trouble not and ask all others not to trouble me. I'm not 'seeing' anything, and all the things about Jerusalem and all those other Armageddon-place are just 'rumors of war' to me ... just like my 'being hit by a car' is to you.
Just share peace
let the travails of tomorrow wait until 'tomorrow' to happen (and that's not 'tomorrow' as in 'the day after today,' that's 'tomorrow' to G-d---to whom 1000 years are as a day!)

@mzz663 (2772)
• United States
2 Nov 12
I've read the book of revelation more than once and think every time I read it, I see things in a different way.
I don't think the last book of the bible was meant to be understood easily.
So many things left unsaid.
I quit trying to force my thoughts on other people, it usually ended up in an argument or they would keep believing what they wanted to believe.
If someone wants to dismiss something, they are going to do just that.
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@flowerchilde (12529)
• United States
3 Nov 12
That is so true! On two counts.. 1, wea ll easily dismiss things (yes I can see that quite plainly in moi!
) and, 2, there's locks to the Book of Revelation! I've determined to present nibbles of what I've found.. like the above comment, "Rev13:13=Rev6:12-17=1945". It's short, it's simple.. And, I'm going to post the long form, which is the verses.. maybe in 2 different Bible versions, one in this discussion, and another as a new discussion (so I don't duplicate my posts) - [I'm off to cook breakfast now, have a good day!]

@mariaperalta (19073)
• Mexico
1 Nov 12
I believe in God. But I truly dont read the bible. I go to church when I can here.