How Filipinos remember their loved ones...

November 2, 2012 2:04am CST
Here in the Philippines, All Saint's Day and All Soul's day is the time where Filipinos visits the graves of their dead relatives to their memories alive on their minds and hearts. Besides, this occasions also serves as a way where families and their relatives become reunited despite of their busy schedules from works and schools.
6 responses
@Metatronik (6199)
• Pasay, Philippines
3 Nov 12
It is not actually our habit of going in cemetery during that date because of many people who are going there and at times it can cause trouble. We don't want to mingle with the traffic. Instead we are going to the cemetery during middle of November where we are sure that there would be not other people already.
@kokomo (1867)
• Philippines
3 Nov 12
I feel so sorry with my grandparents who has just passed away a year ago. I was not able to visit their tomb for I am currently residing now in the city. Our province is too far and I just got a two days off so it was enough to travel and spend the day in the province. I just prayed their souls to be at peace.
@aabuda (1722)
• Philippines
2 Nov 12
Actually, I just came from the Cemetery....the place was so crowded....people were having picnics....I am happy to see that we Filipinos finds a place to spend time with our departed love ones....
@SIMPLYD (90722)
• Philippines
3 Nov 12
It's so nice that Nov 2 was also proclaimed as Holiday. After how many years, i decided to go home to our hometown on All Saints Day. Thus, me and my mother was able to go to the cemetery, before the crowd gets bigger. We had a hard time remembering where is my grandparents tombs , because it has been years actually when we last went there. But i am glad that we did, this year.
• Philippines
2 Nov 12
As part of our tradition as Filipinos, we went to church to attend a mass and after that, we went straight to the cemetery. We lit candles and offered prayers to our departed loved ones. All Soul's Day is also a great time to reunite with some relatives and catch up on stories :) Also, we looked forward on the food that our Aunt's and Lola's brought :)
• Philippines
2 Nov 12
This is a great season to remember our loved ones! This is a perfect reason to be reunited with our relatives! But isn't it perfect to reflect how they affected our lives? For the whole year, there are two days that we have to look back, November 1 to give thanks to our wonderful saints and November 2 for the souls of our deceased family member or friends. However, we should not also forget them even if it is not November 1 or 2. We should find time to pray for them or offer mass. This will make them happy and at peace. Remember them should not only be twice a year. I pray for your deceased loved ones.