Non-Union Utility Workers Not Allowed to Help in New Jersey

@Fatcat44 (1141)
United States
November 2, 2012 12:42pm CST
I find this very disturbing. With the destruction from Sandy and the need of help, non-union utility workers are not allowed in New Jersey. The unions are wrong on this and they should relax their policy during this time of emergency. This is totally wrong.
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12 responses
@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
2 Nov 12
You are right, that policy should be suspended. If I lived in that area I would be up in arms! The workers, btw, went elsewhere to help so they didn't go home. But this is absolutely ridiculous. Did you know that there is a federal law that says only union workers can help in a situation like the BP spill? I forget its name but that is one reason that was given for the slow cleanup on the Gulf. The unions won't relax their policy. They have their agenda and will stick to it no matter what, even if it means losing jobs or closing a facility that employs them. At least that is what the union people I know say. There is a reasoning behind it but it is so outdated that it does nothing but harm them these days.
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@bobmnu (8157)
• United States
2 Nov 12
The Unions are concerned with only one thing and that is to do what is best for the members who are paying dues. In Wisconsin we had examples where Unions demanded higher wages and better benefits even though it would mean cutting position. The most upsetting thing is once a Union is in you have to join and have no say in which Union represents you (unless you are fortunate to live in a Right To Work State). If the President gets re elected he has supported chard check, which means that all the Union has to do is get you to sign a card saying you support the Union, no secret ballot. The People of NJ should push to become a Right to Work State.
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• United States
3 Nov 12
This has proven to be untrue already. I have always said if Obama were to save us from an asteroid, he would somehow be at fault for sending the asteroid here in the first place. He and all state and local officials have executed a speedy recovery, which was ridiculed by republicans for being too swift. If my party were to use a hateful premise about something demonstrably untrue for political gain like the repubs have been doing on a daily basis, I would disassociate from that party immediately.
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@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
3 Nov 12
It has not been proved untrue. It has been denied because it looks bad. They said "oh, we sent them away because they weren't working in the areas we needed them to work". No explanation of why they didn't direct them to those areas in need. They can't answer as to why they didn't just redirect them, because they haven't thought up that excuse yet.
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@laglen (19759)
• United States
2 Nov 12
Just a simple case of "who the hell cares what the union says"? They are clearly too powerful as proven here. They have truly lost sight of what their purpose was. It is a pity.
• United States
3 Nov 12
This is just another case of republicans lying and you falling for it over and over again.
• United States
2 Nov 12
Of course they're not, Union workers want that money but they won't work under such conditions so the good people from another frickin state come to help but are turned away. I think we should stop donating money to help them out as well because unless its got Obama on the face of it, its not worth anything. Yea its wrong but so is the whole Nobama administration, forget those people, they can just rot. If somebody extends a hand you take it, idiots!
• United States
3 Nov 12
Debunked by who? Union officials and Obamapress? Alabama non union members are sticking by the story..
• United States
6 Nov 12
Flower Debunked by the power company. That Long Island power company that made the accusations would not return any calls.
• United States
3 Nov 12
This story has already been debunked.
• United States
3 Nov 12
If that were true, that would be absolutely awful.... Except it is not true. This lie is sick.
1 person likes this
• United States
3 Nov 12
Well, ladybugmagic, just imagine how sick and fed up half of america is with all the vile lies spouted by the left wing and even the mainstream (liberal) press.. real fed up they are
@MntlWard (878)
• United States
4 Nov 12
I was just about to post the snopes article on this. I'm glad someone got the correction on the first page, as I wouldn't have made it. :-)
• United States
6 Nov 12
Funny how no one on here asked for a real link. This story has been proven WRONG by ever real news outlet (of course I won't hold my breathe on the right wing ones).
• United States
3 Nov 12
You need to look into this more as there are private utlitie workers working in my folks twon right now from our state who are not union and they are not having any issues at all being allowed to work. My folks live in the middle of NJ.
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• United States
3 Nov 12
It's not true. It's much ado about a republican lie.
• United States
3 Nov 12
How is it a Republican lie? From what I have seen there was a union guy or two spouting crap trying to keep jobs only in the Union until they where shut up by their own Union brothers.
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@stary1 (6611)
• United States
2 Nov 12
Fatcat44 This is the first I have heard of's totally wrong and I would expect an uproar over it...
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• United States
3 Nov 12
..well, if anybody would report it that is.. (thank GOD for other than mainstream news media!)
• United States
6 Nov 12
Stary, if it was TRUE there would be an uproar. BUT IT ISN'T!!!
• United States
3 Nov 12
I would be right alongside with you in the uproar, but its false information, and the republicans are latching on to it, much like, "Jeep is sending jobs to China". They like to lie.
@flowerchilde (12529)
• United States
2 Nov 12
Why must human institutions (human beings) always want monopolies and 100% POWER!!?? And my second comment: What is wrong with a little common sense for crying out loud!!??
• United States
3 Nov 12
@peavey (16936)
• United States
3 Nov 12
I heard about that and it really irritated me. What has the world come to? It's all about money and power and no one cares about people, especially people who might need help. Some of the news coming from the aftermath of this storm is disturbing indeed.
• United States
3 Nov 12
Well to some it's simple, liberal sources / mainstream press ='s always true, other than liberal ='s always false, makes life easy, til liberty is replaced with dependence that is..
@peavey (16936)
• United States
3 Nov 12
Which reports, exactly? And where?
• United States
3 Nov 12
If you look a little further into as the reports come in, the truth is that no one is being turned away.
@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
3 Nov 12
I understand husband has been union plumbing/pipefitting for 35 years... and they are so stupid. They are tearing them selves down out of arrogance. I understand the union want to keep their foot hold, but still...the people of NY and NJ are homeless and no utilities and all that...if the union don't want non-union to help out....make all them union people house and feed the people that need the help of a construction worker! But to say they can't help when so much is needed..that is just horrible. What they should do is make what htey have out here...a book 1 which is local members. Book 2 is in-state people, but out of the local people and book 3 which is out of state people with travel cards. Then call of book 1 and when that is cleared and they need more, they go to book 2...and when that is cleared and they need more..they go to travelers book 3. And maybe tell the book 3...we'll keep you for 90 days...after that you leave or you join. But good grief...think of the people of the state...those are the ones that are hurting...sometimes the unions are not that "people orientated". It's all about themselves...forget those that are cold and homeless...they aren't union. Or if the govenor cared about the state..he'd sign some temporary law into order saying...any qualified construction worker that comes to help in an emergency...can automatically be employed, once all the state members have secured jobs and more help is needed.
• United States
3 Nov 12 Chris Christie even said that the crew involved got bad information and that all help is welcomed regardless of union status. Being that this is his state, and the republicans are making a mockery of the real help he is receiving and trying to politicize this in a very demented way, he may end up reconsidering his party line, seeing how utterly cruel they are.
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• United States
3 Nov 12
...because emotions are so easy to play.. but folks should know better..
@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
3 Nov 12
Utterly cruel? Politics is not an area where this kind of emotional response is appropriate. This is why I say all liberals vote from an emotional response rather than an intellectual perspective.
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• United States
6 Nov 12
This is a good fairy tale, but like all fairy tales IT ISN'T TRUE!!!! Here is your link:
• United States
6 Nov 12
Fat, we all hear things, and take them as fact. I didn't see a link that you posted, but I do recall seeing a link where someone quoted someone from Alabama saying this was the case. It would be interesting to see who is telling the truth.
@Fatcat44 (1141)
• United States
6 Nov 12
But at the time there was nothing rebuting this. I am glad some came out and rebuted this.
@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
3 Nov 12
I heard on FOX that Christie said utility trucks from non-union states came up to help but went to where they weren't needed. Whether or not they were sent to where they were needed was not known.
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@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
3 Nov 12
Why is no help getting in to Staten Island? Do you suppose it's because Mayor Michael Bloomberg wouldn't let Obama in to do a photo op? "Residents washed their muddy hands with bottled water and handed out sandwiches to neighbors as they sifted through the soggy wreckage of their homes, searching for anything that could be salvaged. Spray-painted on the plywood that covered the first floor of one flooded home were the words: 'FEMA CALL ME.'" Battered by Sandy, Staten Island feels forgotten - By The Associated Press on November 03, 2012 at 9:02 AM, updated November 03, 2012 at 9:42 AM
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• United States
3 Nov 12
From what I have been reading, they are going to places where help is needed. No one would turn down much needed help at this time.
@lacieice (2060)
• United States
3 Nov 12
I'm torn on this. I realize they need all the help they can get, but the problem is that they are trying to keep out scam outfits. They learned during Datrina and other catastrophies that there are unscruplous people who will take advantage of the situation. Now, if these non-union outfits are proven to be legitimate, then they should be allowed to help.
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