Some predict a Romney landslide..I wonder if that is possible
By stary1
@stary1 (6611)
United States
13 responses
@peavey (16936)
• United States
3 Nov 12
I (and a lot of other people!) would be shocked if it happened. All the polls have it much too close. Far more likely is that there will be days and days of counting and recounting. We may not know who won for awhile, since it's so very, very close.
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@ladybugmagic (3978)
• United States
3 Nov 12
I hope they announce the winner and the house and senate winners on Tuesday night. I only have half a day at work on Tuesday, and then go back on Wednesday. I will be a little uneasy until I hear the results.
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@ladybugmagic (3978)
• United States
3 Nov 12
Republican governor, Rick Scott refuses to extend early voting through Sunday. Democrats are standing in line, hours at a time. There are record turn-outs. You would think the republicans would wish to do whatever it takes to support the democratic process and ensuring everyone who wants to vote has the opportunity to do so.
It's really not fair, many MANY people want to vote to support Obama, but can't afford to miss work or stand around for hours at a time. This is a blatant attempt at thwarting the vote, making it so that the vote is so close.
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@p1kef1sh (45681)
3 Nov 12
I hope that he does not win at all and see no evidence for a landslide. if he does win then that will be very bad for the world. He has no foreign policy save that which he can exploit for his own wealth. America will get poorer and still not understand that they are not the predominant economy on the planet.
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@p1kef1sh (45681)
4 Nov 12
And Romney does have foreign experience or even a foreign policy? Even Republicans worry about the void in that area. At least Obama didn't come over here and insult us unlike Romney We are supposed to be the US' greatest ally! Incidentally that is a myth peddled by politicians anxious to get us hinto another war! The last one was started not by Obama but Bush and our troops are still dying as a result. You elect Romney he will certainly grow the economy...unfortunately it will be China's! Christian Republicanism will become the
predominant feature and life will get tougher. You think that you have it bad now? Well just what are Romney's economic policies? Even he doesn't seem to know. Obama is far from perfect but let's face it, the GOP have blocked his every attempt to rebuild the economy and deliver a fairer society - of course that's what so many view as a socialist approach and the edge of the precipice. The press here are full of the election and one thing is clear, the overwhelming view is that if Romney is elected then the World will become a less safe place; although tax breaks for millionaires will increase and labour conditions for millions will reduce. As for the status and reproductive health and rights of women.....But heck....they are just silly bubble headed pieces of fluff who really ought not to be entrusted with the vote....
@stary1 (6611)
• United States
4 Nov 12
You are not alone in your opinion...but in America we feel the economy is extrememly important especially since we want to continue being a world leader.
I do not see Romney as a war monger but neither is he an appeaser as Obamna is which is why the military is more supportive of Romney. No one wants war..not the right or the left..but Peace through strenght is a good policy...

@oneidmnster (1384)
• United States
3 Nov 12
Unfortunately,that's not going to happen. For whatever reason,there are plenty of people that don't really care about this country. Will Romney be a better President than Obama? Well,he can't be worse. Obama had his chance and he blew it. Now it's time to give someone else a chance.
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@ladybugmagic (3978)
• United States
3 Nov 12
Healthcare for mult-millions of people, ending two wars, getting 2 renowned world-wide criminals, expanding the internet for the most rural of areas, ending DADT, fighting for equal pay laws, a steady gain of jobs for over 32 months, averting a national depression, and helping with a speedy recovery from one of the most damaging storms - that is blowing it to you?
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@Troublegum (641)
• United States
3 Nov 12
Obama care hasn't even gone into effect fully yet, and we are already seeing pull back adjustments in the healthcare industry. When it does go into effect expect the current "uninsured" to get roughly the same care they got before now that they are on a government program and expect everyone else's costs continue to rise while their quality of care continues to decrease. yes I call that blowing it.
if you take your gain in jobs put it along side the growth in population and factor in the decreasing average wage, I would be real hesitant to say he averted anything, but did a great job of slowing a recovery. Again I consider this blowing it.
@oneidmnster (1384)
• United States
3 Nov 12
Ok,maybe it's time to get into the real world. Obama's health care plan is going o punish people for not having insurance. Most of these people don't have insurance because they can't afford it. companies hiring part-time workers that need full time jobs to survive and afford insurance is not job growth. Internet for people in rural areas has been happening for years and has nothing to do with Obama. The only reason Obama was quick to help after Sandy was because the election is less than a week away. When are Dumocrats going to wake up to the fact that Obama only does things to get votes? That was a retorical question.
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@lampar (7584)
• United States
3 Nov 12
I am deeply doubtful he will win landslide, even if he manage to turn the table and emerge as a winner, the count outcome will be closed for both candidate, the winner will lead by slim margin not landslide as some predicted, the slight possibility doesn't exist. 

@lilwonders456 (8214)
• United States
3 Nov 12
I think it is going to depend on turn out. There is a difference between polls and people actually showing up to vote. How is Sandy going to effect turn out in the effected states? I don't see a lot of excitement in my state over this election. So I am very interested in seeing how voter turn out goes.
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@ladybugmagic (3978)
• United States
3 Nov 12
What state are you in?
I heard that portable polling stations are being sent to those hardest hit by Sandy.
I feel republicans thirsted for the opportunity to disenfranchise many New England voters. In any civilized nation, they would have agreed to postpone the vote until those states are out of water and have electricity.
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@ladybugmagic (3978)
• United States
3 Nov 12
Changing the election date is not illegal.
Because we have Obama in office, this recovery in Christie's state is speedy and efficient. With Romney in office, he would go to a completely unrelated state and pretend to hold a food drive, when Red Cross only wants blood and money.
Delaying an election is not illegal. Congress would have to support the delay, on a bipartisan effort, and we already know how good the republicans are at that.
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@bagarad (14283)
• Paso Robles, California
3 Nov 12
It will depend upon turnout. And, ladybugmagic, it is illegal to change the voting date, which is determined by the Constitution of the United States. How long since you've read it? Elections have never been changed for a disaster or war. Even during the Civil War elections stayed on schedule. Gov. Christie is a Republican, and he said he doesn't care about politics or the election right now. He just wants to get his people taken care of. There are still a lot of Democrats in New England in areas where everything is working -- I know some of them. Still plenty to vote and win their states for Obama.

@GardenGerty (162781)
• United States
3 Nov 12
I agree that this is in the spotlight for many. I would not put anything past the press, but it is good that many are watching, and hopefully participating and voting. (off topic also) Sorry if my number of posts overwhelms you, but I just do my socializing here instead of on Facebook. I am sure a lot of people post that much or more there. I have lots of friends here so this is my fun and has been for six years or so.
@ladybugmagic (3978)
• United States
3 Nov 12
Some rumours indicate that it is not close but the media is suggesting it is to boost their ratings. I think this will be the most closely watched election in the world this year.
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@GardenGerty (162781)
• United States
3 Nov 12
I think it is very close and I think that the polls can prove anything, depending on who runs them. I think this will be a hard fought election and the results will take quite a while to be settled.
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@ladybugmagic (3978)
• United States
3 Nov 12
Off topic - 40,000?! OMG! I exhaust after 10 posts, and then run out of time to follow-up on any.
The fact that this election is close is really frightening. I am a little bit left leaning, but even if I were a republican, Romney and Ryan have not shown any redeeming qualities.
At least half this country supports Obama. And the remainder of the world, except for Pakistan, which favours Romney.
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@ladybugmagic (3978)
• United States
3 Nov 12
The day after the Benghazi affair, Obama stated that this was an act of terror. That was the very next day, where he promised he would go after people who attack Americans, much like he did successfully with Bin Laden.
If the attack on the US embassy was a sign of weakness, was it also a sign of weakness during the 12 attacks on US embassies during George W Bush's tenure?
In one attack alone in 2004, nine Americans were killed.
There is so much fake outrage coming from the right wing about Benghazi, when chances are had Fox not brought it up, they wouldn't even know how to spot it on the map.
You right wing want to pin this on him as though he was watching them from the situation room begging for help to help continue your fantasy that he is the anticrhist who wants to hand us over to fundamentalists.
People with a brain see that an awful attack happened, and he is finding out what caused any mistakes and hunting the attackers down. They also recognize that Paul Ryan denied funding for extra security for the embassies.
@bagarad (14283)
• Paso Robles, California
3 Nov 12
Since when has Pakistan supported Romney? I seem to have missed getting this news. Could you send a link on this? As far as the world supporting Obama, it's because they know he supports a weaker America, since he's already dismantling a lot of the military. The way he has handled the Benghazi affair demonstates he's not competent as Commander in Chief. All the facts may not be in yet, but there's lots of evidence to support the fact that he and his people lied to the press and the people about a video causing the attack instead of terrorists.

@scorpiobabes (7225)
• United States
3 Nov 12
It is SO close, though Obama's actions in response to the hurricane have been favorable to him. I'm not seeing a landslide either way, though I'm of the opinion that perhaps voting in affected areas should be delayed another week. It's terrible that so many people still do not have electricity or heat, yet they're being asked to vote? If it was me, that would be the LAST thing on my mind, especially if I had young children.
But I think that some past comments that Romney's made about FEMA and it's role will NOT go over with those that have been affected by a natural disaster. I know that there are some people who are still likening Obama to being a Muslim (which he isn't), or likening Obamacare to socialism (in some aspects perhaps, but it still needs massive work), but I'm seeing Clinton's influence in some aspects.
If some recall, Hillary Clinton made it her platform to try to create a national healthcare system; if anything, Romney's and Clinton's ideas became the structure of Obamacare. As someone with a pre-existing condition without health insurance, the idea that I could purchase health insurance without being rejected automatically DID appeal to me immensely. I don't agree with "forcing" people to purchase health insurance or punishing them with additional taxes.
I think a better idea would be to allow each state to develop insurance with a "menu" of sorts, where each person that wishes to be covered can select healthcare that benefits them. I say this because at my last full time job, the owners of the company were constantly changing our plan to benefit themselves instead of everyone. Then perhaps the doctors, hospitals and pharmacies could agree on a set fee that is paid by each insurer; anything more, the insured would be responsible. And if someone doesn't accept the insurance, they would be required to pay full price for services rendered. And the requirements to receive charity care should be stricter.
Again, these are ideas. I'm thinking that it will be an incredibly close race, perhaps by a few thousand. I just don't want to see an election count contested by the loser again.
@stary1 (6611)
• United States
3 Nov 12
ElicBxn I don't expect a landslide but I have thought about it. heard others say it is possible..and what a shocker if we had one
. I have heard the Evangelicals are rallying behind who would have guessed that??
Then we have a lot of the military plus others unhappy with Benghazigate and Obama's avoiding who knows how many that represents.
Independents seem to be breaking more for Romney..3 days until we get a clue...

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@lacieice (2060)
• United States
3 Nov 12
i sincerely hope he does not win at all. It would be the biggest misake the voters of this country will ever make. He is not the man for the job. Everytime he says "I can do it", it reminds me of someone saying "trust me", and you all know you can't trust anyone who says that.
If Romney is elected, he will find it very difficult, if not impossible, to deal with any foreign policy issues that come up...he has already stepped on too many toes in other countries.
I belong to a lot of survey sites that are running unofficial polls on who will win, and the results favor Obama by 25%. I really hope these results represent what will happen on election day.
If Romney wins, this country is lost.

@lacieice (2060)
• United States
4 Nov 12
Romney is a very successful businessman, but that is all he is. He has no idea how to deal with other aspects of the presidency of the U.S., and the possibilty that he may actually get elected scares me. You say whatever happens we will survice...I'm not so sure we will if Romney is elected.
And no, President Obama has not been able to achieve all his goals, but he has made progress, and you don't change horses in the middle of the stream.
@stary1 (6611)
• United States
4 Nov 12
Thing is many even Obama supporters remember Obama said 'trust me' and feel he betrayed them...there is a whole list of things promised and not fulfilled...
My hope for Romney comes mainly from his past experience and success with business and with working with Dems...unlike Obama who at times seems to think he knows it all...
Jimmy Carter was suppose to beat Reagaen according to the polls...
but I know what you mean..I am encouraged by reading polls favoring my candidate as well.
Whatever happens we will survive....

@changjiangzhibin89 (16887)
• China
4 Nov 12
Just as the football match,nobody can tell who will win the election until the last moment.
@bostonphil (4459)
• United States
3 Nov 12
I think the election is going to be close, not a landslide for either candidate. Where have you hear that Romney might win by a landslide?
I think this elections is going to be interesting as well as controversial. Romney might win the popular vote but Obama might win in the electoral college which will make Obama re-elected. If this happens, there's going to be a big debate and discussion about the electoral college, once again.
Didn't this happen when George W. was running against Al Gore? I wonder what the country would be like today if Al Gore had been elected.
Elections are always interesting.