Mitt Romney's fake food drive and Paul Ryan's fake help at soup kitchen.

United States
November 3, 2012 2:20am CST
Were the dishes clean, or weren't they? There are so many things wrong with the soup kitchen saga, but mainly, Paul Ryan saw an opportunity to try to convince some saps into voting for him by pretending to be charitable. He stormed a soup kitchen and said he wanted to help. He washed a few dishes, spent a total of 15 minutes there, while on camera. And left. He did not lend support to the people there. He faked it, and it was obvious. Mitt Romney's "storm relief" campaign gig in Ohio. The night before, his aides went to a Walmart and bought $5,000.00 in canned food items, diapers, etc. They handed them to the "participants" as they were coming through the doors, and then, on film, the people took those cans and handed them in and said they were happy to donate. It was completely staged and rather insulting. It's clearly a political stunt, mocking those in need of help. Red Cross did not even want canned food. They wanted blood and money. How can people support these kind of people who would do things like this? The right wing pretends to have integrity. What these two did was shameful, and you need to admit it.
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8 responses
@Metatronik (6198)
• Pasay, Philippines
3 Nov 12
I could imagine how the disaster can be used as advantage for the candidates like Romney to campaign by showing or projecting they are helping but indeed they don't like to do it.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
4 Nov 12
Debbie, why not ask Carrel Hilton Sheldon about what kind of caring person Mitt is: Annie
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@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
5 Nov 12
Yeah, cause if a left wing blog says Romney doesn't care about people it must be true. Nice to see you still have such a high standard for sources Annie.
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@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
4 Nov 12
See post above. And then explain how you met Romney, and how you KNOW whether or not he cares.
@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
3 Nov 12
First, the left media ridicules Romney for holding a relief rally, and saying that collecting food is a stupid thing because the Red Cross wants money and blood. Meanwhile, people on Staten Island are starving because they haven't got any FOOD. Collecting food for people who haven't got any is not a terrible and horrible thing to do. You guys are just sick and twisted. Secondly, if he held a relief rally and didn't donate to it himself, you would be all over him for asking for charity from other when he is in a better situation himself to provide it. So he donated the first $5,000 worth of goods and supplies? That's not all that was collected, you know. And the people who are without clothes, food, flashlights and other necessities like diapers and formula, are actually going to be very glad to receive those things. They are not going to be helped by Obama going to Las Vegas again, are they? It's a disaster, people need stuff, Romney provided it. FEMA hasn't done anything there to help. Obama went to Vegas. Nuff said.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
3 Nov 12
With all due respect, Rollo, you've apparently totally missed the point. IF Willard had said UP FRONT the he'd donated the first $5000 worth of goods himself there wouldn't be any problem IF he'd held a legitimate "relief rally". As it was supporters were told they couldn't enter empty-handed and then were directed to the goods purchased by the Romney CAMPAIGN, which were then handed to the Mittster who pretended they'd been legitimately donated. It was nothing but a ruse and a sham. As for the Red Cross preferring to be given blood and money, doesn't it make more sense for money to be donated by people who aren't right there at the disaster sites? That way those who are there and know exactly what the greatest needs are can go and purchase the food, diapers or whatever else they may be. "Sick and twisted"? REALLY??? Annie
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
4 Nov 12
I give up...if you really want to believe that Romney was in the least bit interested in trying to provide relief who am I to try to change your mind. Come on, we're REALLY not that stupid! We'll have to agree to disagree on the wisdom of immediately going back to doing what caused the worst environmental disaster in history because I think a moratorium was definitely in order following the BP spill. I don't disagree about the LDS church being generous with their aid in disasters but I don't think the Mittster is the typical Mormon. Of course now "he's running for office, for Pete's sake"! Annie
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@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
4 Nov 12
Annie, the guy gives 30% of his income to charity each year. That's a lot more than the 5% Obama averages, or the PATHETIC 0.01% Biden throws at charity. Pretending that he doesn't care about donating to people is just ridiculous. "what caused the worst environmental disaster in history" I think you need to study your history better. That may have been pretty bad for the US, but it's nothing even remotely close to what's happened in other countries. Disasters like that are pretty common in Nigeria where we get about 9% of our oil from. It just doesn't get media attention, nor was their much media attention when oil rigs were getting attacked by locals who also took hostages because they couldn't stand all the oil spills and what it was doing to them.
@anniepa (27955)
• United States
4 Nov 12
Can you even imagine the outcry here on myLot if any Democrat ever pulled such a stunt? I have to be honest here, before Eddie Munster - aka Paul Ryan - became Willard's running mate I knew I disagreed with him on the issues and I was pretty sure he was a bit of a hypocrite, but I really didn't have any clue he was a total liar and a fake. I DID know that about Romney, of Back to Eddie, my first clue came when he lied about his marathon time; now, trust me, I'm no runner and I've CERTAINLY never run a marathon, but I happen to have some friends that are and have and I know for a fact that true runners do NOT forget their best best times. The thing I thought about mostly regarding the soup kitchen fiasco was what a poor example for Ryan to be setting for his young children, who were right there with him washing clean dishes. What does he tell them..."Be honest and authentic, kids, unless it benefits you to fake it"? Mitt Romney is as far from authentic as one could possibly get. I almost choked on my coffee when I heard him say to vote "for the love of country" instead of revenge. Seriously, does anyone believe for one nano-second he cares one bit about this country or anyone or anything but himself and his own family? Both of these phonies think they're lowering themselves to pretend to be willing to help any of "those people" which surely must include most of the storm victims. Annie
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
10 Nov 12
Ladybugmagic, thank you so much for this very interesting information. I think we all knew, even those who refuse to admit it, there had to be some reason for Mitt to refuse to do as all Presidential candidates have done since his own father set the precedent and release multiple years of tax returns, and that doesn't mean TWO. Annie
@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
3 Nov 12
Only a left wing moron would criticize a man for spending $5,000 to help hurricane victims while simultaneously encouraging others to donate. "Red Cross did not even want canned food." You know who DOES want canned food? Survivors of the freaking hurricane. Ladybug, I LIVE IN NEW JERSEY. Unlike you and all the morons criticizing Romney I know EXACTLY what is going on here and what people need. They need FOOD, SHELTER, and CLOTHING more than anything else. I know the Red Cross wants blood and money, that's all fine and dandy, but it doesn't solve the immediate problems. Obviously you know nothing about bloated non-profits like Red Cross. It takes them FOREVER to give money to people who suffer tragedies. Food and clothing can be distributed quickly and efficiently. How about you get off your high horse, drive your lazy left wing a$$ to New Jersey, and try HELPING people instead of insulting those who do. That's probably asking too much. You'd probably rather smash a few bank windows and store fronts like your Occutard friends.
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@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
5 Nov 12
"I always thought you lived in Florida for some reason." That's because I lived there up till December of 2009. Since then I've lived in New Jersey. In a few weeks, I'll be moving back to Florida and escaping the highest taxed state in the country thanks to the excellent job I just got in Florida. "The Romney campaign could have publicly stated they were donating $5,000 worth of canned items, but instead staged a food drive which was a disguised campaign rally." It's not like he was keeping it a secret. So he didn't make a huge public statement, who cares? Why is it a bad thing that he's doing this? It's HELPING PEOPLE no matter how you dress it up. "I would be mad too if Obama did this. He and his family actually do go to soup kitchens. Not just for 15 minutes for a photo, but actually spend the whole day there." That's because the Obama's FORCED soup kitchens to allow them to work their for the entire day. In Paul Ryan's case, they asked permission and the person in charge said that the presence of a VP candidate, secret service, media, and film crews would interfere with their ability to operate and feed people so they would prefer he come just to help wash dishes after people left and that's what he did. Afterwards, the owner of the soup kitchen said that the person in charge shouldn't even have approved that because the owner doesn't want his soup kitchen to appear partisan. The policy of avoiding such partisanship is common in soup kitchens and I've worked in ones that wouldn't allow even local politicians to come if film crews would be present. When it's the president though, saying no isn't an option.
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• United States
5 Nov 12
Soup kitchens welcome any and all genuine help, especially that from the President. At no time has Obama forced anyone. That is a desperate assertion on your part. The Obama campaign does prepare in advance, as is customary, because of the secret service, film crew, etc. In Paul Ryan's case, he stormed the soup kitchen with a film crew and asked someone there if it would be okay. She probably said yes thinking he would work for the public that day, and not just 15 minutes. She later got in trouble, and the soup kitchen lost funding because of this political game. Ryan did dishes for 15 minutes, got the photo he wanted, and left. There is no defending that. Romney did not hold a canned food drive. He bought cans of food for people on the East and distributed them to his audience members to then hand back to him to imply he held a storm relief canned food drive. There is no defending that.
• United States
5 Nov 12
I always thought you lived in Florida for some reason. My family is on the east coast. I was born and raised in Princeton before moving to Cali. I am not being dismissive in the least about what the people in Jersey or NY need. The Romney campaign could have publicly stated they were donating $5,000 worth of canned items, but instead staged a food drive which was a disguised campaign rally. They handed people who attended the canned items and then they handed those to Mitt on camera. It's like going trick or treating, and the person at the door reaches into your bag and hands you a piece of candy back. It was tacky and pretty shameful considering people really are in need right now and they put up a pretense of helping. So, because I point that out, you have decided to group me in with the Occupy imposters that were sent to discredit the movement, and I am lazy for not hopping on what would be a cancelled flight to NJ to deliver my own canned item? What you are doing is projecting the anger you have for Romney and Ryan on to me. I would be mad too if Obama did this. He and his family actually do go to soup kitchens. Not just for 15 minutes for a photo, but actually spend the whole day there.
@matersfish (6306)
• United States
3 Nov 12
I criticize the fakeness of a lot of celebrities as they come forth for a cause, not because their heart isn't in the right place but because of the importance the public assigns to it -- importance which seems to be absorbed by the celebrity, evidenced by the noticeable head swelling. But putting a famous face to relief efforts is what's always done. Anyone can go through and nitpick on whether or not the celebrity showing up actually cares. That obviously depends on if you like the person. I'm sure to you and Annie, Obama's all heart, while it's the Republicans who are only using it as a photo op. Politicians are going to use what they can for what they can, but the issue here is whether or not people are actually being helped. FEMA is a disaster, and there are real people out there who need real, immediate help, not money to pad people's pockets or blood to be stockpiled just in case. Those things are fine, but it's tragic to criticize the giving of tangible items that can be used forthwith. The only thing anyone 'round these parts needs to admit is that people need help that they're not getting enough of. If you want to see who really helps and who doesn't, I suggest you pay attention to Rollo's last comment about the LDS church. They're the first muthaphuckas on the block for the cheese and the last muthaphuckas to leave! Coming from an agnostic who consistently facepalms over religious people, LDS is all heart in these matters, and I suspect Romney would be giving relief whether running or not. That he's running just puts him in the line of nonsensical partisan political fire.
@bobmnu (8157)
• United States
4 Nov 12
And the President showing up in NJ was all genuine concern and not just a photo op of being presidential. Pulling police and firemen off of rescue and recovery duty to provide protection for the President was fine. Appearing with a Republican Gov was real concern and not just a photo op. How much food, blankets and relief supplies did he bring on Air Force 1? President Bush was critized for not visiting New Orleans after Katrina, but he did not want to interfere with the rescue and relief effort. Politician all do things for photo ops, that is the nature of the business. Why did the President fly to Florida the night before Sandy hit only to fly back in the morning to make it look like he was rushing back to take charge. The forecasters had predicted with in minutes when Sandy would make land fall and they knew that it would have a major impact on the NJ and NY coast.
@anniepa (27955)
• United States
4 Nov 12
Maters, you're not getting it; if Romney would have been honest I'd have sincerely given him credit for it. I mean, I don't like him or Ryan and I disagree with both of them on just about everything, but I'd still be willing to admit it if they showed one iota of genuine concern for the disaster victims. They did NOT. Mitt's rally was a political rally, nothing more, nothing less, and he tried to disguise it as a food drive because he knew how cold he'd seem if he openly campaigned given what the people of New Jersey and New York wee going through. Even so, IF he'd announced at or before the rally that he and/or his campaign were donating $5000 worth of goods and asked for supporters to follow suit and give a little something that would have been fine. Ryan's photo-op of him and his kids washing clean pots and pans wasn't intended to help anyone but the campaign and I think everyone should be offended that he apparently thinks we the voters are that gullible. Like the Op-Ed in the Washington Post stated, the Romney campaign holds the electorate in contempt and seriously thinks we're stupid and are all suffering from Romnesia. Annie
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• United States
4 Nov 12
No. I get it just fine, thank you. It's not like I'm new here.
@andy77e (5156)
• United States
4 Nov 12
Sorry, but the left really does not have any room to talk. In 2000, Al Gore claimed "I accompanied James Lee Witt down to Texas when those fires broke out." in reference to the Witt who was director for FEMA during the 1998 Texas fires. Yes, Al Gore only accompany Witt, if you mean that Al Gore happen to meet FEMA agents at the Dallas Airport (by accident), on his way to a Fund Raiser event in Texas. He did actually swing by the fire damaged area with FEMA agents only to continue on to the Fundraiser, and James Witt was never there, and Al Gore was only passing through. If you want to talk about fakes and hypocrisy, then deal with the Democrats first. They are kings of this area. Yes the Republicans do their share too, but not even on the same scale as the Democrats. You don't have room to talk. Sorry.
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@oneidmnster (1384)
• United States
5 Nov 12
Were those political stunts meant to gain publicity? I'm sure they were. Were they mocking people? I doubt that. They were still helping people in need or at least Romney was. Romney does give 30% of his earnings to charity. You can say whatever you want to about the man,but he does do that and that's commendable. Ryan's was strictly a publicity stunt. But,if Obama had done the same thing no one would have said a word about it. Obama constantly gets a pass on every misstep. But for the most part you're right on this one.
@irishidid (8687)
• United States
4 Nov 12
Does it really matter to those who are desperate and need help? If you want to believe the worst of these two men you are free to do that, but when you're hungry you don't care where the food comes from. Why would they give food to the Red Cross? I would assume it would be packed up and shipped to the people who need it. Red Cross is not the only charity that is available when a crisis arrives and people are allowed to help without giving to the Red Cross. This may anger you and it isn't meant to, but I really feel sorry for you. You are such an unhappy person and I find that sad. Maybe in real life you're a nice person.
• United States
5 Nov 12
It matters to those in need because this was not intended as genuine help. Those who need help need earnest help. Not this manipulated fake help. This should be an indication as to how he would run the country if elected.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
10 Nov 12
Taskr, I realize there are some birth control pills that cost around $9 but they're not suitable for every woman and some pills cost well over 10 times that. Even that may only be "a few bucks" for you and certainly only pennies for the Mitts of the world but for many working class women it's the difference between eating or going without or having gas to go to work or not. Annie
@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
6 Nov 12
Ladybug, when someone's starving, living in a tent, have been wearing the same clothes for a week, and someone gives them canned goods and clothing, they don't care about the person's motives or politics, they're just thrilled to have food and clothing. Look at it this way. People like you are just crying because you want free birth control. Obama told you it's your RIGHT to force people to buy you birth control. You know he did it to score cheap political points with ignorant young female voters who don't want to spend $9/month on pills, but you don't care because you're getting free birth control. See, it's the same thing only what Romney is doing actually HELPS PEOPLE.