I'm at the breaking point with politics--literally....
By dragon54u
@dragon54u (31634)
United States
November 3, 2012 1:28pm CST
I was awakened today at 8AM after a very, very bad night full of pain. The phone rang and I looked at the clock and panicked, thinking something was wrong with one of the children but it was a political recording. Then just now some people rang my doorbell asking me to vote for a candidate. To my horror, I started to cry and broke down sobbing, telling them to go away and just leave me alone, that I was sick of being harangued day and night by both political parties. I've just had it with all this crap, day after day. I just finished putting a sign on my front door--it says "Political People, Leave Me Alone! Stop HARASSING Me!!!!"
I swear, it's more torture having a phone and doorbell than it's worth these days. 

It should NOT be a chore to vote and we should not be harassed day after day by unwanted calls and visits and crap stuffed in our mailboxes. At least the stuff in the mailboxes don't actively intrude on our privacy.
Is anyone else sick to death of all this? If these were charities or private individuals we could probably sue them for harassment. I'm just so fed up with it all. I'll be so happy when this election is over and the torture stops.

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16 responses
@BarBaraPrz (48856)
• St. Catharines, Ontario
3 Nov 12
I sympathize with you. Your election campaigns go on for years... or so it seems. Luckily, Canadian campaigns only last six weeks, but that's long enough to be annoying, too.
Well, in a few more days, it'll be over and hopefully you'll have some peace.
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
3 Nov 12
I think the election will just stir things up more. If Romney wins, many people are saying they will call for riots. If Obama wins, the country will be even worse off, or so they say, and the grousing will never stop. Either way, we're in for a rough 4 years. 

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@BarBaraPrz (48856)
• St. Catharines, Ontario
3 Nov 12
I think you'd be better off with Obama, but that's just my opinion.
Any way you look at it, no matter who wins, the government always gets in. The president doesn't really run things.
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@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
3 Nov 12
We have the same problem with our provincial and federal elections up here. Some of it is the party I am voting for and some the other parties. I get sick for saying yes I will vote for your candidate, or I have not made my mind up. I wish they would keep records. Sometimes I feel they used to work for Windows, i.e. the kind that says "are you sure you want to log off" but translated "are you sure you want to vote for the opposing candidate," and if you say ,"yes," will ask, "are you really certain?" I wonder if they realize that people often read for information and cannoto just get it in a phone cal.
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@GardenGerty (162497)
• United States
3 Nov 12
Sometimes it makes you want to "press any key" with a sledge hammer. I think politics may be the same the world over.
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@lovinangelsinstead21 (36850)
• Pamplona, Spain
3 Nov 12
Hiya dragon,
Can really feel for you as you are right too. Having a door Bell and a telephone sometimes is a bit of a nuisance.
We are not being bothered by being asked to vote so much as some silly person has taken it into their head that I need or needed or have had my telephone repaired so after five days of continual recorded messages at all hours of the day I gave her an answer a polite one but enough to stop them calling for a good while.
I said to her well that is about the fortieth thousandth time that you have called to ask me about the repair and I do not even have a contract with you.
One said he was calling from the Vatican so I said Amen and put the phone down too on him.
I really do not know who had this phone before but it seems like they had something against them or it does seem that way to me.
Person they were asking for was a lady called Julia so I kept saying no she has gone out or something silly like that.
In the other place they were forever trying to sell us deals with the Electric Companies and you could not say no thank you politely they wanted to make a big fuss about you saying no.
They were round my house most days and I flatly refused to even entertain them.
Hope you are much better as I don´t know what´s wrong but as someone says it will be over soon.
We are being plagued by lightning strikes all over the place and we live quite far out from anywhere.
Good for you to put a Notice on the Door that´s telling them. For sure they would not want to be bothered every five minutes of the day themselves would they? Take care now.xxx

@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
4 Nov 12
That's funny about the Vatican, you're the first one to make me laugh today! 

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@lovinangelsinstead21 (36850)
• Pamplona, Spain
4 Nov 12
Hiya dragon,
If I have made you laugh then that makes me happy because as I can see in the States at the moment you are all suffering a lot from lack of power lines and all sorts of things.
I did not for one minute believe that he was from the Vatican, I though who is he kidding calling all the way from there to a place like this as this is a very small place you see.
So I said "Amen" without any bad intention and put the phone down on him also thought so be it.
Pretty sure that the Vatican would not be very interested in me and how I live at all but I knew he was not from there anyway because the phone number was one of those that you can use instead of your own you know like a hidden number.
Glad I made you laugh dragon I hope you are feeling much better too.xxx

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@Cricket127 (548)
• United States
4 Nov 12
Hi! I can empathize as I too am tired of all the political calls. If I had one wish, it'd be when I finished voting, the calls would stop coming...if there would be an electronic signal sent to the dialer to get it to stop.
It's as bad as debt collections; as though you can barely think before they call again.
Just hang in there and be glad you're not on the other end!
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
4 Nov 12
Yeah, I'm glad I'm not on the other end!
I wonder often how it came to all this, all the harassment and haranguing, the bullying online and off, the disdain and even hatred for the other side. It's insane. Voting should be a happy privilege, not the miserable experience it is now.
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
4 Nov 12
You know, that's a very good idea! I think I will start thinking about how to present that to my congressman, how to make a brief, clear and concise case for protecting our citizens from phone and in-person harassment. I doubt it will go far but if the rest of the nation hears about it I'm sure there will be immense support from the average person who resents all the harassment. Thanks for the suggestion! 

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@Cricket127 (548)
• United States
4 Nov 12
I too have noticed that it's been changing over the years and wish that it hasn't become the way it has. I think a lot of it has to do with some reaching for the extremes and sadly, that has become tolerated in society until people stand up and say "ENOUGH!"
Do a few people like you nearby feel the same as you do? Perhaps after the election, go to your representatives (hopefully they will actually listen instead of the look that says, "Oh great...here we go again!") and see what if anything can be done so we can actually breathe during the next campaign season. This idea may sound too optimistic but I'd hate to see the next political season get worse than it already is.
Good luck!
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@bagarad (14283)
• Paso Robles, California
4 Nov 12
I look at this in two different ways. The first is as the victim. I get at least 15 political fund raising emails a day. At least. Almost all our mail is from policitcal fundraisers. I can handle those. It's the calls that get me down. We get at least five calls from PACs raising funds a day. If I weren't running a business from the same number, I'd let the machine get it. We don't have caller ID on that line. Most are from phone banks or are robocalls, so if you wait until after the second ring to answer, there's noone there. That's good, unless you ran into another room to answer the phone and you had your hands in the dish water. At least our second line (my modem and calling out line) only rings upstairs and I leave the ringer off. It does have caller ID, so I don't answer unless I know its ringing or see the caller ID and want to talk to that person. I hardly ever do. It's been mostly ATT this past few weeks. Probably with an offer they think I can't refuse. I truly do hate these calls.
The other way I look at this is as an activist. I have knocked on door of registered voters for a city council candidate. I hate doing it, but some people seem to actually appreciate having someone talk to them and answer their questions about candidates they don't know much about. If people have signs "no solicitors," or aren't home or don't answer, I leave the literature under the mat as instructed. They wanted me to work a phone bank Thursday, but I refused. I told them I hate getting political calls so much that I don't want to inflict them on anyone else. By now half the people I talk to have already voted anyway. I also told the people at headquarters that these calls, and the fundraising calls are turning people off and aren't scoring them any points.
On Tuesday I will be poll watching. that means I take a list of voters to the polls and cross off the ones who have already voted. Then I'm supposed to call the ones who are left to remind them to vote, just in case it might have slipped their minds, or to offer help to get them to the polls if they are having a problem with it. I won't like doing this, but I know the other party will also be doing it.
I will be glad as anyone else when the election is over -- if it ever really is. Getting the results may be delayed by Sandy, lawsuits, and who-know-what-else. Maybe after the election we should each write to the heads of the organizations that harrass us and tell them that each phone call makes us less likely to contribute or support them. I don't mind the mail so much, but the calls drive me crazy. Part of the problem is that once you make a contribution, every similar PAC or campaign gets your information. We should be able to specify a preferred method for getting the information they want us to have. Information is important for making intelligent decisions. I would never want to rely on commericials or the media for that.
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
4 Nov 12
Thank you for being so involved! My eldest son, an indifferent non-voter up till this year, wishes he'd done more to promote his preference for president.
I do wish everyone was as involved. Unfortunately, so many people base their votes on what a candidate promises to do for them, how he dresses, how much he's able to move them with a speech. They don't look at much else. They also don't look at the broken promises down through the years or they'd realize only a small percentage of what a candidate promises is actually done, and only if it benefits someone or something that supports that candidate.
I've never contributed to a campaign so thank God I don't have to put up with those types of calls and emails!
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
4 Nov 12
hi dragon so many just do not vote at all but complain no matter who wins and as for all the ugly anti obama crap I hope this comes to an end on tuesday but
doubt it well end soon. my childhood best friend has given me up as I voted wrong and belong to the wrong party.my g she went to a lot of trouble t
o find me and comminicate with me we are both elderly and were best friends all through
grade and high schoool.She is in South Dakota completely Republican and I am a democrat,should not even say that here, anyone dissing me will g t reported.'
and now she does not like me anymore. this hurts a lot.I am still a good person so why this hatred I just hate what this political crap is doing to'American people.

@bagarad (14283)
• Paso Robles, California
6 Nov 12
I, too, am tired of the polarization. It did not used to be this way because the parties weren't as far apart as they are today. The democrats are no longer the party of JFK. Today, he'd probably be closer to what the Republicans are now. Republicans today often quote him. Democrats in leadership now are moving the country more toward socialism with less personal liberties, more regulations and fees that raise the cost of living for everyone. It is because of this that the Tea Party movement started. We saw that the extremists on the other side were wanting to control every aspect of our lives. If you were a small farmer trying to make a living, new regulations could easily put you out of business. Same is happening to small businesses like mine. If you don't own a small business, you'd have no idea how bad this is.
On the other hand, people are being told that the Republicans will ban birth control and abortions, something a President has no power to do. They are trying to frighten women. They are trying to frighten seniors into thinking they will lose their Medicare, when, in fact, Obamacare is taking billions from Medicare to support Obamacare. The Republicans, meanwhile, hear their doctors saying they will have to either stop practicing medicine or stop taking new Medicare patients if Obamacare is not repealed. Just today I heard a lot of nurses will also leave the profession because they will not longer have the power to make medical decisions on the spot but will have a lot of red tape before they can get permission to do what needs to be done for a patient. These are some of the reasons people are polarized. The vast majority of people have only as much information as they get from a biased media and campaign commercials. Most of that is not reliable.
In any case, for better or worse, the campaign should be over tomorrow, unless the voting period is extended in the area of Hurricaine Sandy. Who knows how long the recounts will go on.
@STOUTjodee (3595)
• United States
3 Nov 12
Oh, I know what you mean! I can do research on my own to decide who I want to vote for or who not to vote for.
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
3 Nov 12
They think we are stupid, and I resent it. Unfortunately, many people vote on who speaks best, who looks the best and who promises them more stuff even though promises are rarely fulfilled. 

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@STOUTjodee (3595)
• United States
3 Nov 12
Exactly! In politics promises are made to be broken! Every candidate says what the people want to hear, but yet when they get elected suddenly things change!

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@GardenGerty (162497)
• United States
3 Nov 12
I feel for you over the sleep issues. If you have pain, missing sleep makes it even worse. I think it creates pain if you did not have it already. I do not answer my door unless I want to, as usually if nothing else it is a package. I do not answer the phone for numbers I do not know, but I can hear it ring and it does wake me. It is usually telemarketers, scams or politicians, though and that makes me both sad and mad. I have a hard time sleeping in the day time, but must nap sometimes when I am doubling up on shifts at work. I so agree with you on it being time for the campaigns to end.
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
4 Nov 12
I used to unplug my phone when I was single but after I was married with kids I didn't dare. I wish there was some way to program our phone to let only certain numbers through--with all the technology we have today, you'd think that would be possible!
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@Fishmomma (11376)
• United States
3 Nov 12
Right now, my biggest gripe is all the stuff in the mail box, as its stuffed each day and somebody is paying that postage bill and we all know its us the taxpayers who will feel the burden of a few people.
The calls have been going on all day and I think people should not call me before 10:00 am or after 9:00 pm unless I called them, so they are returning my call. They don't seem to realize I'm more likely to not vote for them when they get me out of bed.
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
3 Nov 12
Me, too. If it wasn't so important to vote this year I'd take my name off the voter rolls and tell them all to go the Hades.
At least the stuff in the mailbox is helping to support the postal service but don't they realize that voters like us just automatically chuck them into the trash or recycle bin?!
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@ShepherdSpy (8544)
• Omagh, Northern Ireland
5 Nov 12
It sounds as though you're at the end of your tether,when these people can cause you to break down on your own doorstep..My sympathies.I think We here in the UK can hang out a "No Soliciting" sign and have it enforced by law if people continue to bother you..I was wondering what the situation was with you in the US,and looked it up,and found this article..
Looks like you get the free speech delivered whether you want it or not....
Me,I find an answering machine on the phone useful,as nobody wants to leave a message on it!

@ShepherdSpy (8544)
• Omagh, Northern Ireland
6 Nov 12
PerMaybeHaps it's just wishful thinking on my part,but don't some phones have the option to block calls that are not already on your contacts list? I'll split that 50k with You :)
I think It's sad when someone's right to free speech can override your desire for Privacy..
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
20 Nov 12
SheperdSpy, that's a great feature but what if a hospital or doctor was calling about one of my children and I did not have their contact number? What if a relative of my stepmother was calling to ask for my help with her (I don't have but a couple of their numbers)? We should not have to inconvenience ourselves in order to live in peace and privacy. 

@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
5 Nov 12
I do have an answering machine but my children, like me, have an aversion to leaving messages. Thank you for the link--it's appalling to me that no one will take the rights of an individual to privacy into account. We know we don't have to answer the doorbell but the canvassers are counting on us thinking it might be something important.
On the bright side I just heard this morning that a government agency is offering $50,000 to anyone who can come up with technology to protect cell phone users from "junk" calls. I hope they do, then I'll switch exclusively to cell usage.
I might un-register as a voter then register again as close to the election as possible. Nearly 2 years of harassment is way too much. Thanks for the reply and the link! 

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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
4 Nov 12

dragon54u lost my response number 2 I too have had it with folders in the
mail that filled our postbox here at Gold cres, phone calls telling me how to vote blah blah , then Republicans dissing me for being a loly Democrat. I hatt e this battle filled political situation. vote e lect and then all shut the
hell up. too much already.

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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
4 Nov 12
I find it very, very offensive that they think I am soooo stupid that I need constant reminders of what to think. Maybe that's the problem--we've let them think we are stupid and now they treat us that way. Eventually there will be an uprising, either peaceful or violent, and things might change and politicians work for us instead of the other way around. It can't happen soon enough for me. 

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@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
4 Nov 12
Everyone is pretty sick of all this. they are plagueing everyone.
here we live with people from 3 states in this house. all of us originate from ohio but my daughter lived in florida for 16 yrs. so most days for the past 2 months we been getting calls like that 5 or 6 times a day from here and ohio and florida!
no idea how they have tracked us all down nor how to get rid of it even tho we are on a no call list, plus have private /restricted on our phone.
its rediculous!

@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
4 Nov 12
What is private/restricted? Can you choose the numbers that are allowed through? I would love that option!
The elections boards are like the Terminator and just as scary, they will track you down and harass you no matter how you try to hide. 

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@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
4 Nov 12
we have like a cox cable bundle they call it. my son told them to take his name from the caller id thing because so many live here with different callers and if one of us calls someone it comes up with his name. he doesnt like the fact that the others guys here can show his name on strangers phone ids. if that makes any sense. not sure ive explained it right.
so some how he told cox to remove his name from the caller id. 

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@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
4 Nov 12
so now if we call someone it says restricted or private on their caller id. only problem with that is if someone has the same, we have to dial * 82 before their number if we want to call them. its confusing

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@onlydia (2808)
• United States
4 Nov 12
Oh I do hate them calls. My old Union called to tell me whom they think I should vote for. I flat out told them well, now I'm voting for the other guy. LOL I tell the other people the same thing. Then I tell them Oh well, I'm doing a write in Vote. I'm voting for Ron Paul. LOL you should here them. To funny. Then I hang up. Well, hang in there it is all over Tuesday and hopefully the will go away.... Have a great day. And do as my Mother does. She tells them it is Sunday a day of rest goodbye.
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
4 Nov 12
Your mom is a smart lady! Unfortunately, that doesn't stop these zealots, they are really off the wall. Have a great day!
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@sulynsi (2671)
• Canada
3 Nov 12
Sorry to hear you are feeling so poorly, dragon.
Poor sleep and pain are bound to put you at a disadvantage.
I am very tired of hearing about the American presidential race. Or any political wrangling, for that matter. It's constantly in the news. All the propaganda on both sides. I recently had to turn off my radio because an "interview" turned into a slinging match, one party against the other. And I'm not even in the States!
I'm amazed people fall for any of it. How many times do people have to be fooled before they see its all a lot of nonsense, jockeying for power and control? None of them care about the people. Even if they did, they CANNOT fulfill their promises. It is beyond them.
Its unfortunate you've been troubled to no purpose. 

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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
4 Nov 12
I do not understand it, Sulynsi. Every election, whether presidential or congressional, people hear all those promises and they are rarely fulfilled. They promise the moon and deliver more taxes, less prosperity and more regulations and oppression. When will people wake up?! In every country, politicians are only for themselves. I'm beginning to lose hope that people will wake up and challenge those crooks. It only takes one country to demand more of their elected officials and if not, throw them into jail for fraud. Others would be encouraged and follow. That is my fondest hope right now!
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@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
20 Nov 12
I am so glad that the elections are over and we do not have to deal with the emails calls mail etc all the time. It was getting old on Facebook as well. Personally it should be up to us who we will or will not vote for.
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@changjiangzhibin89 (16877)
• China
21 Nov 12
It did get on people's nerves.The presidential campaign is sort of like a farce where two candidates seem to stop at nothing in vilifying each other and the media keep dragging up candidate's mistakes.Maybe People can't help asking" how can they two assume the office of the president, now that they are described as a man without a single merit?" Fortunately,all was over, you can sleep peacefully.Wish you good health!
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
21 Nov 12
Thank you, but no peaceful sleep. Political strife continues with one party trying to destroy the other, no one cooperating for the good of the country and taxes headed way up for everyone except the ones with no money at all. Sometimes the strife after the election can be worse than that leading up to it.
@changjiangzhibin89 (16877)
• China
22 Nov 12
It sounds as if many are in a sorry plight there.No matter who assumes the office of the president,he is merely a puppet in the hands of the financial groups or magnates-it makes no change in substance.