Flossing with string!

United States
November 3, 2012 9:17pm CST
My child is two years old. She has been mimicking every single thing we adults have been doing around her. Today I spotted her with a piece of string that was unraveling from her blanket in her mouth like she was flossing! Too cute she said, "wash my mouth" Then she started to wrap herself around in it so the game was over and I had to cut and throw out the string. But it was adorable that she can spot these simple things we do everyday and mimic! What has your child surprised you with lately?
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2 responses
@iamm12 (68)
8 Nov 12
Hi, nice to hear that child floss herself. very nice kid. I never come across such nice surprise with my kid. But he is very naughty fellow. Good luck to your kid.
1 person likes this
• United States
9 Nov 12
Thank you for commenting. I really do think children are amazing. I am sure the naughty things make you grin a little sometimes. The reasoning they come up with and the opinionated selves they become. Happy mylotting! Good luck with your child too.
@riyauro (6421)
• India
4 Nov 12
Oh my she is so cute. .. I have seen kids mimic elders but not flossing till now..haha.. I do not have a child as yet but planning to have soon. keep updated with what else she does. Thanks for sharing and have a wonderful day ahead..
1 person likes this
• United States
8 Nov 12
thank you for responding. Good luck on your future children. I hope you the best of luck. Children are adorable and surprise you everyday. Thank you and happy mylotting.