Sick of Idiots
By debrakcarey
@debrakcarey (19887)
United States
November 4, 2012 10:15am CST
I've not posted many political discussions the last few weeks. Honestly, I'm sick of trying to convince the leftist progressive idiots that their way doesn't work. I'm REALLY sick of the idiots who continue to support a traitor for president. I'm sick to death of spending hours on research to have some idiot with an opinion say I am wrong, when I've provided the research it took hours to compile.
And most of all, I am sickened that almost half of this country is brainwashed by our public schools, our mainstream media and our traitorous commander in chief's lies.
I'm appalled that there are people out there and on here that support a man who sends weapons to al qaeda, lies about what caused the death of four Americans at the hands of those he gave the weapons to and who dishonors their memory by calling their deaths 'not optimal' and 'bumps in the road'.
I'm sick of those who prefer loss of freedom and liberty to safety and entitlements. Who would rather depend on government to take care of people, than getting up off their butts and doing something for others, who will critisize a man for spending his own money to aid those who are cold and hungry but turn a blind eye to the uncaring president who uses their plight to look 'presidential' by spending 90 minutes glad handing, a president who released pictures of himself in the situation room signing a check (that is merely his job to do) but won't release documents on gun running to Mexico or pics and documents on what REALLY happened in Benghazi.
I'm sick of liberals, I'm sick of lies, twisted half truths and sick of idiots who spout them.
And that is why I've not been real active here on myLot the last few weeks.
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19 responses
@p1kef1sh (45681)
5 Nov 12
You have taken a long time to realise that If you continue to peddle your biased right wing views and opinions that are 'evidenced' by right wing think tanks and pollsters, people will continue to think of you as a jerk. Frankly your brand of hate has no place here and if you stop preaching then the only people that will miss you are those of a similar closed mind. I pity you because you are as closed minded and conditioned as those that you detest. America is not helped by people such as yourself with your small town intolerant views. Even this post is not balanced. Just a rant against Obama and a sycophantic hero worship of Romney. Now go get a life.
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@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
5 Nov 12
Feel better now? I sure did when I got it off my chest, the frustration of dealing with those who think they are so correct and proper but are nothing but hypocrites who hate and label and stereotype others all the while professing to be tolerant and inclusive. Hate? I've experienced being on the recieving end of that liberal trait on here, on FB and twitter. As for what people such as yourself think about me, oh well! Don't give a rip and never will.

@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
4 Nov 12

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@stealthy (8181)
• United States
4 Nov 12
Glad you have returned. Yout posts have been very informative and well done. Some of us appreciate the information you research and share with us. I am often perplexed when some supposedly well educated people I know fall for the lies of the liberals and the bias of most of the main stream media. Talking with them and trying to get them to understand and see the truth has cost me friends in past. Because of that I don't often talk politics with some friends because I know it is useless. Some people just refuse to see the truth and to listen to reason. Hopefully your posts have helped some make themselves better educated on the facts and to learn to recognize liars when they hear. Thank for all your work.
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@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
4 Nov 12

@sid556 (30953)
• United States
5 Nov 12
gotta be honest with you. I think you are great but the tone of this discussion is pretty mean-spirited. I think it is great to hear from all sides. In doing so, we can make our own conclusions. As passionate as you are about YOUR truth, others are as passionate about theirs. You are not an idiot and neither are those with opposing views and thoughts. Truth be known....none of us really knows who or who is not telling us the truth or if any of them are. You believe Romney and others believe Obama and there are a whole bunch that don't believe any of them. There is no need to call people that don't agree with you idiots, Deb. I'm surprised as I really thought you were above that. 

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@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
6 Nov 12
That's all I ask for Sid, I know this discussion sounds rather mean. I'm not a hateful person until you back me in a corner. I don't think it is wrong or evil to say what you feel. I'm just tired of one side thinking they can do and say and act the way they want, then hold others to a higher standard.
Thanks my friend. Like I said, you are a strong person and a national treasure.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
5 Nov 12
Thank you Sid for your honesty.
but I do want you to realize, that for truth to actually BE true, there cannot be TWO truths.
More correctly, there are differing worldviews. And yes, everyone is entitled to theirs.
My passion is this: I've experienced the 'tolerance' of the opposing worldview and seen the hypocrisy of most of it. I've experienced the politically correct censorship that demand I USE only proscribed words and hold only proscribed views, or suffer being called racist, hater and yes...even mean spirited. While all the while those who hold the opposing world view can do their utmost best to make me feel small and question my intelligence. Call me names and accuse me of vile intentions. But dare I DO THAT, and look what happens. The finger is pointed at me, for doing what they've done to me and others all along. I gave out here, what I've gotten for the last four years for questioning the president.
The American people are waking up to the hypocrisy of the left. They are sick of every bit as much as I am. Still, there are those of the opposing worldview, that cling to THIER intolerance of conservatives and think they are justified. They really believe that big government is the answer. More power to them. I will fight them (figuratively) until my last dying breath. And I am done letting them dictate to me, how to think, act and believe.

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@trruk1 (1028)
• United States
5 Nov 12
The people who think it would be a bad idea to return to the policies of George W. Bush are "idiots"? Really? We should take our time machine into the past and repeat the stuff advocated by a president who had a 25% approval rating by the time he left office? We tried a lot of Romney's ideas and they turned out very badly. I do not think it makes someone an "idiot" to say we should not do those same things again. You are the voice of the poorly educated followers of Faux News. There are not as many as there used to be, and that is a good thing.
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@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
5 Nov 12
so you are a psychiatrist then?
The reality of it is trruk1, is it is plain old fashioned not in the diagnostic manual - p!ssed.
Speaking of reality, did you take a look at the link? It is an economic piece on the Reagan years. Here, I'll post it for you again.
And THAT my fellow is why I am p!ssed, because you claim to be so open minded, yet you do not want to hear what may upset your worldview. As for you being open minded and then accusing those of us who watch FOX news as being closed minded- yet you do not consider FOXs reporting to be real news even though the were determined to be the most balanced in reporting on the last election. I seem to remember Chris Matthews tingle, and MSNBC, NBC doctoring video and tape. And I have read Amber Lyon, formally of CNN charging the network with broadcasting 'news' directly written by dictators and terror supporters in the mideast. Oh, and there is awrd winning investigative journalist Laura Logan testifying that we are being LIED to, that al qaeda is stronger than ever and out to destroy America and Israel, she should know...she was brave enough to interview an al qaeda operative herself.
And it is NOT hate, to be frustrated by idiots.
I do appreciate your concern that I live long and prosper though I don't really think you mean it. 

@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
5 Nov 12
I won't even give you the satisfaction of responding to the rest of your liberal BS.
As for my education, don't concern yourself with my level of education, rather look in the mirror and realize there is book smarts, and there is common sense. YOU have neither as far as I'm concerned.
@trruk1 (1028)
• United States
5 Nov 12
It is too bad you so angry and unhappy. Mostly it is due to a very deep-seated fear of reality. I do have book smarts, and I have the credentials to prove it. Mine came long before colleges gave degrees just for showing up. I had to earn mine. I have survived a lot of stuff pretty well, so I reckon I have a more than normal dose of common sense, too. Personal abuse directed at those who disagree is a clear sign of fear that you might be wrong. Lighten up a bit. Face reality. Stop hating everybody. You'll be happier and live longer.

@stary1 (6611)
• United States
4 Nov 12
I completely understand your I have been there myself. I have over the years joined various discussion boards which I assume so have you. I used tyo write long replies trying to persuade...I found often the facts were ignored.
In the beginning I used to get very upset and especially when the name calling began I would become emotionally involved and annoyed to the point I would have to take a rest from the board.
Over the years I decided it was a wonderful opportunity to practice doesn't always work perfectly, but I see a tremendous difference in myself. I now look at differences as a way to double check my own beliefs, and then try to figure out why someone thinks the way they do. Often I just have to shrug it off and realize they can't figure out why I think as I do either...
I decided I can't change very many minds..the best I can do it offer facts I know and maybe somewhere someone will learn something, just as I learn when I read things with which I disagree.
Your research probaly benefits far more than you know and certainly makes you a better informed person. I would say take a rest if needed but never give up. We need your voice.

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@STOUTjodee (3598)
• United States
4 Nov 12
Totally agree with you stary!
As long as "WE" know the truth we must continue educating people!

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@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
4 Nov 12
Thank you my friends. I'm not leaving myLot even though I see 3honor woud love it if I did.
I'm just letting others know why I've not been posting in politics as we come up to the final days of the election.
As a matter of fact, I'm very active on FB in many groups doing just that, educating those who care to listen. I've given up on the idiots who have sold their soul to the Democrat socialists is all. I am a very compassionate person by nature, but the willfull ignorance of those helping destroy my country has finally convinced me I am wasting my time and energy trying to save them. It is do or die now, no matter who wins, our country faces insurmountable odds on surviving. That makes me rather pissy if you know what I mean. 

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@peavey (16936)
• United States
5 Nov 12
I've certainly missed your posts here and I'm glad you're back, ranting or not.
Too many people are willing to believe whatever they're told and not take the time or effort to find out for themselves. I still think this starts in school any more.
I agree that we are at a crossroads. It's much more than it looks like on the surface and the surface shows a sharp enough contrast. It's been a long time coming, though, and many have been deceived over the years, so it's no wonder that they cannot see what is really happening.
I know it's easy to get to the "don't give a hoot" point when talking to brick walls. Do what you can and what you can't, leave to God.

@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
4 Nov 12
Don't hold back. Tell us how you really feel.
IT is very disheartening to post the truth and have it dismissed by those who believe a lie. There is much more going on than even we can see or know about but it is very hard to see the glimpses of truth that we can perceive covered in a barrage of lies.
Remember that it's a fallen world and who the father of lies is.
Then remember how that story ends.
I would prefer to see America come back strong, to see people who still remember what we stand for, to see our conscience and our liberty restored. I hope that happens and I will fight to tel the truth.
But even the fiercest warrior gets battle-weary. So, I understand.
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@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
4 Nov 12

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@grandpa_lash (5225)
• Australia
5 Nov 12
In this country we can bet on anything, so I just this morning put $1000 at $1.25 on Obama. I've already committed the $250 profit. But the greater profit comes with my satisfaction that at least one right wing barbarian in the world is not going to get a chance to kick the unfortunates of this world in the teeth for the next 4 years, and with an ounce of luck Clinton will keep the next two barbarians out after that.
Hopefully some sanity will rub off on our electorate next year.
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@grandpa_lash (5225)
• Australia
7 Nov 12
I'll enjoy that $250. And as the prices suggested, a bit of a walk-over.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
5 Nov 12
Hope you can cover your losses.
And IF obama wins hope you can cover your a$$. 

@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
8 Nov 12
Like I said, now you better hope you can cover your A$$
Cause now the world knows America will NOT BE THERE to pick them up or preserve their safety.

@lawdude (237)
• United States
5 Nov 12
So people who might hold different opinions from yours are either idiots or think they're smarter than you. You should resume your education. . .take courses in the humanities as well as Aristotelian/Thomistic logic because you are one confused and hysterical lady. I may disagree with the viewpoint of others, but I don't disparage those people or call them names. That type behavior seems reserved to persons of your ilk.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
5 Nov 12
I've spent the last four years discussing on here, on FB, on Twitter and other social sites, the issues facing our country. I started out being PC and using all the 'proper' terminology forced on us by the liberals, and I basically tried to see it both ways as I was taught by my father to do. I really believed that I could learn from, and possible convey some of what I knew in these disussions. What I found was liberals had given themselves permission to look down on and hate, me. In short, my compassionate and open minded self has had enough of getting kicked around. For my efforts, I've been called a racist, a hater all manner of evil names merely because I DID HOLD A DIFFERING VIEW.
As I said; I'm sick of it. Sick of the intolerance of those who demand tolerance from me. Sick of the hate from folks who hate me because I am a conservative. Sick of the hypocricy of those who demand perfection from Republicans but sweep lies and failed policies of Democrats under the rug. Sick of being called a racist for using those dreaded 'code words', the creation of which is designed to make me feel guilty for something I didn't do so as to have power over me. I am no longer intimidated.
So, while the compassion is there for fools like you, I no longer feel the need to be shackled by YOUR worldview and you can take the politically correct BS and sit on it. 

@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
5 Nov 12
No lawdude, I just realized that people like yourself don't have the monopoly on it either. And I'm sick of you all thinking you do. 

@mythociate (21432)
• Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
5 Nov 12
That's why I get my news in two-part bites: first, the comedy bite (Saturday Night Live's "Weekend Update," The Daily Show with Jon Stewart, The Colbert Report ... though COX Communications won't give me COMEDY CENTRAL anymore, so those last two are just fond memories from back when I thought I had bookoo-dollars coming in
And second, checking it here on the Internet (mostly here on myLot, through a myLot-search which leads me to whichever news-site our sponsors choose ... I have a HuffPost account, but HuffingtonPost takes a LONG TIME to load on my computer!)

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@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
5 Nov 12
I too resort to comedy when the reality of our current situation becomes much to hard to bear.
Sorry about your loosing access to high dollar cable. Perhaps Romney can remedy your financial situation in the next four years. 

@mythociate (21432)
• Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
6 Nov 12
Yeah, maybe Obama can appoint him Secretary of the Treasury, the most-powerful position in Washington, D.C.!
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
8 Nov 12
He did say in his acceptance speech he'd be calling him.
@PointlessQuestions (15397)
• United States
4 Nov 12
I don't understand it either. How could anyone who has a mind between their ears defend him when he committed an act of TREASON. He purposely let our men die by telling them to stand down.
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@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
4 Nov 12
Because they are afraid of freedom. They've been told they cannot handle it, and don't deserve it.

@franseman (516)
• Philippines
5 Nov 12
And I'm sick of being called an idiot! By someone who doen't see how the conservatives lead and left the USA in crisis. Go vote for the man that cheats for millions!
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@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
5 Nov 12
btw... inheritane 

@franseman (516)
• Philippines
5 Nov 12
Oh sure, you can laugh because of a slop ot the finger from someone who has NOT English as the first language. That proves I'm right about the brain drain. And who, missy, are YOU to call others idiots? THAT'S the repukeblican attitude. Thanks again for proving how dumb the conservatives are!!!!!
@franseman (516)
• Philippines
5 Nov 12
You can rant whatever you want. P. gave his inheritane to charity eh? Can he even spell the word right? But sure, he can do that easily while he steals amountd of money from other taxpayers like you. I don't vote because I'm NOT an American! How blessed am I !!!! PFFFFFFFFFFF. But ok, I know common sense is leaving America. BRAIN drain they call it. The lesser brains stay behind. :)
Happy mylotting (and mysharing with R. your taxes that is!)

@flowerchilde (12529)
• United States
14 Nov 12
Yes me too! As you said - "And most of all, I am sickened that almost half of this country is brainwashed by our public schools, our mainstream media"
I'm sick of the decades of condescension from the left.. but now! the condescension is turning into hate your guts hatred! And this is all seen as the right way..

@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
16 Nov 12
and they attempt to SHAME us into shutting up by implying we are, and outright labeling us as racists, haters and uncompassionate.
I'm done with it. I've witnessed 'liberal love' and I'm merely saying here that I no longer CARE what THEY think about me.
@carmelanirel (20942)
• United States
4 Nov 12
I hear you. I saw Romney posting about donating to the Red Cross what Sandy came through, but all the posts I saw with Michelle and Obama were about voting..SMH

@carmelanirel (20942)
• United States
4 Nov 12
Me too, though I am careful where I get my info from, there is so much deception going on, both in the natural and super natural, it's unreal...
Though I have something you might be interested in, I will PM you...

@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
4 Nov 12
It struck me hard, Obama's vote for revenge, and Romney's vote for America.
I'm not hiding the fact I'm p!ssed. I'm sick of PC crap and the haters telling me I'm the one who's hating. I've taken to telling them YES, I HATE LIES. lol
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@lampar (7584)
• United States
4 Nov 12
I am sure you are very sick and tired of all these recent events and all these idiots that refuse to accept your views on all the political issues affecting your country, i can't blame you at all. May be you need to get some rest and stop working for a while, take some time off from works, go some where else for a week long vacation. Then thing will become better for you after you come back. We don't want to see you getting sick and rant overboard, we still need you around here in Mylot as friend. 

@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
4 Nov 12

@aabuda (1722)
• Philippines
4 Nov 12
Well, reading between your lines proved that you are against a particular candidate....
I have been a youth leader before here in my country...and believe me, a leader is always in the limelight....always in the limelight to receive comments and criticism....but that is life...people cannot understand what it is of being a leader....critics only understand when they are already in that position. And the next time, they will be the one to be judged.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
4 Nov 12
I don't consider myself a leader. I'm just a citizen with the right to express my thoughts.
And who is fed up with ignorance and lies.
And lastly, I reject the notion that I must bow to the politically correct and then stand by and let others dictate to me how I must think and believe and express my views.
Thanks for the input. 

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@sjvenden27 (1840)
• United States
6 Nov 12
Yes there is a lot of people that are not willing to hear the truth.. It is not always what you want to hear; especially when there are facts to with what you believe.. People that do not agree with your opinion and may not like the fact should just keep their negative comments to themselves. I have not read your other discussions; but I thank you for keep this debate more on facts; and not drama... I hope you are more active after the election.. You are a great writer

@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
6 Nov 12
I took debate in high school. I've taken public speaking and creative writing in college. Not that that makes me any better than anyone, but I've been very active online in discussion groups and FB groups and I can say honestly, conservatives disagree much more politely than liberals. I posted this because I'm sick of the national debate being so one sided. The narrative always is shoved to the left, conservatives are sick of it. They're sick of their words being twisted, they're sick of being called nasty names and lied about.
I've never told anyone that they do not have the right to disagree. But neither do they have the right to lie or twist words and meanings. Most certainly, if they're going to hold me to a certain standard, they better be prepared to abide by that standard.
Thanks for the input sjvenden. 

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