I wonder how long it will be after polls close that we know the results

@stary1 (6611)
United States
November 4, 2012 11:11am CST
I plan to stay up and watch the results until I hear/see "Fox predicts @@@@@@ the winner" or CNN does. I switch between the 2 to see who is saying what. I do hear some say it will be the 'wee hours of the morning' before we know. Others say it will be days before we know who the Pres elect is.. I stayed up for Bush v Gore..and we all remember what a mess that turned out to be and the reprocussions..Some STILL to this day deny Bush won. Then I think of those saying they will riot if Obama does not win and I hope that is all just talk.
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13 responses
@andy77e (5156)
• United States
4 Nov 12
Well given how 2000 went, there's an even chance that they'll predict the winner even before the polls close.
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@stary1 (6611)
• United States
6 Nov 12
andy77e (2827 They always used to predict before the polls close and of course some still do in trying to push their own candidates. However, most major networks now have become more cautious after the Gore/Bush fiasco
@andy77e (5156)
• United States
6 Nov 12
Well of course. The problem was that they didn't predict in 2000. They called Florida for Al Gore one full hour before the polls closed. The hour most people vote. Ooops?
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@lacieice (2060)
• United States
6 Nov 12
Just two points I want to make. Obama won in New Hampshire, who voted at midnight. Historically, the nations voting seems to follow what New Hampshire does. Just sayin' Also, Ryan was on one of the late night talk shows last night, and, not knowing his mike was still on, made a comment about American people being stupid and not having any common sense. Is this who you would want to be your president if the elected man could not complete his term?
• United States
7 Nov 12
lacieice, I know that in the past it has been New Hampshire who's determined the President, but the last few elections, hasn't it been Ohio? I know that was a major battleground during the election. I, for one, am just glad that the election is over and perhaps we can get back to the business of making this country great! I know that I'm better off than I was four years ago; there ARE signs of improvement, but it'll be a slow, uphill climb. Perhaps Americans aren't stupid, they're IMPATIENT. And I'm of the opinion that if someone thinks I'm stupid, that even if that were true, perhaps they're foolish.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
6 Nov 12
Most Americans ARE stupid. And I'm more concerned with Obama's open mike incident; telling Medvedev that he'd have more flexibility after the election. For those of you who do not realize who Medvedev is, he is the guy who reports back to Putin, the guy who recently said RUSSIA is not going to abide by the treaty with us to disarm.
@lacieice (2060)
• United States
6 Nov 12
It's really nice to know exactly what you think of your fellow Americans. Who are you to judge the entire populace of the United States? Do you think you're the only one who has a brain? I have no time for those who think they are better than others.
@carolbee (16230)
• United States
5 Nov 12
According to what the news is reporting, the race is close. May the best man win! Want to see a president in there that will stop all war, help the homeless and simply take care of everyone's needs and well being. A riot proves nothing. Once the final tally is in, it's done. I'm so discouraged with the election and candidates, I am half tempted not to vote. I realize that's not the American way and it's wrong so I'll take my happy behind to the voting polls tomorrow. However I will be very happy when all the political calls stop calling our house and annoying me from early in the morning until bedtime.
@carolbee (16230)
• United States
11 Nov 12
Thank you. I've had the same avatar since I joined myLot which was about 6 yrs. ago. My phone and ear are getting a much needed rest since the political calls stopped.
@stary1 (6611)
• United States
10 Nov 12
carolbee First I want to say I love your avatar.it's really cute... I think your feelings are shared by so many..and now we are all happy it is behind us even if some of us are not too happy about the results...
@stary1 (6611)
• United States
11 Nov 12
carolbee I love pictures of kittens and puppies..I guess we all do especially after we have had them as pets...
@GardenGerty (162496)
• United States
4 Nov 12
I do expect it to take days to decide the final outcome. I certainly hope there are no riots.It would make a lie of our democratic processes if people started behaving that way.
• United States
4 Nov 12
It took a judge to get Rick Scott to extend the early voting considering the long lines. A judge had to force a governor to allow people to vote. That is a big lie of our democratic process.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
4 Nov 12
but Obama refused to allow the Military (who do not support him in large numbers) to have THEIR voting period extended, and he did nothing to ensure the law giving them access to absentee ballots was enforced.
@stary1 (6611)
• United States
10 Nov 12
GardenGerty I think many of us were surprised by the early results..not to mention the results, period
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@sylvia13 (1850)
• Nelson Bay, Australia
4 Nov 12
I am wondering exactly the same thing, but I am not in the USA now, but in Australia and a few hours ahead of schedule! Maybe my brother, who lives in NYC and is only a few hours behind, will send us an email to let us know!
@sylvia13 (1850)
• Nelson Bay, Australia
10 Nov 12
Well, I lived in Austria for 19 years and my husband is Austrian, but we have now moved back to Australia, where we both used to live before for many years. I was pleased with Obama winning, as I was not too convinced about the other candidate at all!
@stary1 (6611)
• United States
10 Nov 12
sylvia13 AHA..so you live in Australia not Austria...how do you feel about Obama winning?
@stary1 (6611)
• United States
11 Nov 12
sylvia13 .. You have a lot of company in people inside and outside the US being happy with the Obama win. Romney was not a very exciting candidate but I admired his knowledge on economics and I thought his wife Ann would be a fabulous first lady
• United States
7 Nov 12
I stayed up pretty late-CNN had already declared Obama the winner, yet Romney refused to concede. Of course, Florida STILL hasn't finished counting (they really should hire people who can count beyond ten!), but I expected that. I will say I was surprised by the early results, and was scared for a very long time. As for the Bush v Gore, didn't Gore win the popular vote by about 500,000 votes, but Bush won the all-important electoral college votes? Just like in 60-I believe that Nixon won the popular vote but not the electoral votes. To riot and destroy your own personal space, as well as someone else's is shallow and a demonstration of how this country has NOT grown. Surely you (the potential rioters) have learned more effective ways to voice your displeasure....but now is a time for the country to come together and make us the top country in the world again!
• United States
10 Nov 12
stary-how many Presidential elections have been held up by Florida's inability to count their votes in their allotted time? It's almost as if they are still manually tabulating the votes by counting on their fingers or something! I remember that election...didn't Gore lose again Tuesday night? I seem to recall hearing his name...and that he had lost. I'm SO glad this election is done-and we've got two or three years until it starts again!
@stary1 (6611)
• United States
10 Nov 12
scorpiobabes I think Rove questioning the votes in Ohio before they were all counted had a lot to do with Romney waiting..lol who can forget Gore conceding then taking it back...
@stary1 (6611)
• United States
10 Nov 12
AidaLily ..What did you think of Romney's speech?? I thought is was classy and dignified and I felt the same about Obama's victory speech..
@irisheyes (4370)
• United States
6 Nov 12
You can probably tell what will happen by a few key states and three of them (Ohio, Pennsylvania & Florida) should have an early vote tally.
@stary1 (6611)
• United States
10 Nov 12
irisheyes True enough..the call was made after Ohio was decided...and as I just said, I don't know even today if Florida went for Obama..but I am thinking it did..
@sierras236 (2739)
• United States
4 Nov 12
You won't get the results Tuesday night. It probably won't be until sometime next week or the week after. Yeah, election day has run into a teeny-tiny little problem called Sandy. The Northern States such as New York are having problems with the polls. Apparently, the disaster has closed polling places. Some may not reopen. Expect to see, some delays in the report of these states.
@stary1 (6611)
• United States
10 Nov 12
sierras236 Sandy did play a role in my opinion for the elections..it gave Obama a chance to appear very caring and Presidential..it's too bad Chris Mattews put his foot in his mouth and said it was a lucky event..then later apologized of course...
@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
5 Nov 12
Depending on how close it is..there are all kinds of ways one or the other can call for recounts etc. Hurricane Sandy is the biggest...the ones supporting the looser will say they didn't get to vote. 1% winnings might do same...like what happened in Florida with Bush and Gore. I thin the "hanging chad" and the "pregnant chad" are going to be blantantly heaved out for the Hurricane Sandy problems. And granted...could be. Obama and the governor don't seem to concerned about getting power to the city...could be they are manipulating the voting... However, if all goes well... the time zone diff is a major factor...polls close at 9pm...9pm on the east coast is only 6pm on the west coast. So polls close at 9pm on the west coast...that'd be midnight east coast...so unless a major land slide victory one way or the other..odds are it could be midnight Pacific Coast time before a winner is announced.
@stary1 (6611)
• United States
10 Nov 12
coffeebreak Interesting..I don't think I heard anyone use the Sandy defense for not being able to vote and therefore blaming that for Romney losing..but I do think Sandy helped Obama's image and may have given him a few votes..
• United States
5 Nov 12
It will depend on a few swing states barring a surprise in other states. Romney has a much narrower path to the magic number of electoral votes than Obama. So if NV, OH, NH, PA, NC, or the other swing states don't fall his way than they may be able to call it earlier than having to wait for all the states to post results.
@stary1 (6611)
• United States
10 Nov 12
lilwonders456 Ohio made the difference..lol I don't even know ow if Florida went for Romney or not...I think not...
@jambi462 (4576)
• United States
5 Nov 12
That's an interesting thought I also wonder how long it will take for us to find out who won the election. Technology has been getting quicker and quicker and I think we should probably be able to find out within an hour or so after the polls have closed. I also remember the controversy over the Bush and Gore election and I recently heard that was something that happened pretty similar recently. They switched over to having I-pads for voters to use and there was a technical error where all of the votes were automatically selecting Barack Obama because his name came first alphabetically. Somebody also told me that is what happened with the Bush and Gore thing.
@stary1 (6611)
• United States
10 Nov 12
jambi462 Your guess was correct...I think it was a little over an hour when results were in though Rove delayed the final acceptance of the vote for awhile...
@aabuda (1722)
• Philippines
4 Nov 12
When will be your election? I think with the advance technology that the US have, it won't take much time for you to know who will be your new president will be...or if Obama will be retained from his post.... Unlike for us, in our country, we are going to know our new president after weeks....so depressing.
@stary1 (6611)
• United States
6 Nov 12
aabuda The election is Nov 6...the problem is the race is so close there may be some who dispute the results...both sides have a ton of attornies lined up
• United States
4 Nov 12
I wonder if Mitt Romney's cousin works for any news stations and can falsely call a state for him. Well - his son owns some voting machines in Ohio, the most important state. I suppose that helps his chances. And so do the record attempts at voter suppression and misinformation. If Romney wins by cheating and stealing the election, it should be no wonder that people are rioting. He should have played a fair election, but the GOP doesn't play fair. The rig things. It's just what they do. I don't want to see riots happen, but I also don't want this liar Romney and his lying VP in office. NJ is allowed to vote by email and fax, and I read that NY may be able to extend the election day to another day. It's up to the state. It may be a week before we know. No one on earth with any integrity would vote republican.
@sirnose (2436)
• United States
4 Nov 12
Romney don't need no cousin who works for any news station, he has his son Tagg, who owns the voting machines in Ohio. I smell election 2002 all over again.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
4 Nov 12
You both ARE WRONG. Tagg Romney owns STOCK in a company that makes voting machines. Last time I checked, stockholders had no say in what the company does or doesn't do. btw...neither one of you seemed concerned that Geo. Soros owns stock in a vote counting company. by your logic, IF stockholders do have an influence, I'd be more worried about Mr. Soros and his BILLIONS than Tagg Romney's measly millions. LOL It would take an act of Congress to extend the voting time period. As for rigging the election, I've posted over and over to your discussions ladybug, citing all of the Democrats underhanded sh!t trying to steal this election; NOW EITHER PUT UP SOME PROOF THE REPUBLICANS ARE SUPPRESSING THE VOTE OR SHUT UP! Billboards telling folks that voter fraud is illegal do not count. Cause any moron knows that only law breakers feel bullied by warnings to not break the law. Law abiding citizens do not fear the laws of the land.
@stary1 (6611)
• United States
10 Nov 12
ladybugmagic Well no need to call anyone cheaters since yur candidate won...congrats to you