Political Gain
By STOUTjodee
@STOUTjodee (3594)
United States
November 4, 2012 2:35pm CST
Let me start out by saying, I feel sorry for those that are in the path of destruction caused by Hurricane Sandy!
Now that I have made that point, I think Obama is using this for his political agenda. By this I mean, he doesn't want other states to go and help these people. Now, we all know it's re-election time, wouldn't you think he would want to help for his career? What are your thoughts.

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9 responses
@ladybugmagic (3978)
• United States
4 Nov 12
Considering in his very first statement he was asked what kind of effect the storm will have on this election and he answered, (paraphrased), "I don't care about that. My priority is to get help to those who need it, and the election will work itself out next week.", that pretty much shows he did NOT use this storm for political gain.
Politics were placed aside, and Chris Christie worked with Obama, together, and had glowing things to say about him and Fema. It may come is a surprise, considering no republican in congress will ever work with Obama, so when you see all the things he does where he doesn't need to consult with the obstructionist GOP, and process and progress actually occur and that earns him praise, I can see where you would be confused.
He prepared for the storm, handled it swiftly, as any commander in chief would. Mitt Romney had said to dismantle Fema and held a fake canned food drive. The way that Mitt Romney does not know how to lead is helping Obama gain politically, and this storm was an unfortunate way of very literally showing the contrast between the two candidates.
Obama has made it so many other states are helping on the east coast. You are being given some wrong information.
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@ladybugmagic (3978)
• United States
4 Nov 12
Where is your outrage about Bush? He had 12 attacks with multiple fatalities in our embassies. Don't fake outrage because it makes you look as fake as Ryan helping out at a food shelter.
I know its the coolest talking point your side has, considering the majority of the country wants Obamacare and taxes raised on the wealthy. It's all Fox News feeds you to say. It's all you almost have, but its bull, and you know it.
Obama is overcompensating for all the things he can't do when he is obstructed by the GOP in congress. Considering their unprecedented use of filibusters, he has accomplished a tremendous amount. If the GOP would actually work with him instead of against him, you would see much more change.
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@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
5 Nov 12
Ladybug, I don't believe people are upset that someone attacked an CONSULATE, it is the lack of PRESIDENTIAL response except to lie.
As for embassy attacks: The Arab Spring President Barack Hussein Obama built, failed in a wave of riots and violence spanning 20+ countries throughout the Middle East and North Africa on 9/11/2012. http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/2933210/posts take a look at the friggin map, all over the WORLD in a matter of days. And what WAS Obama's reaction, he freed MORE al qaeda terrorist from Gitmo and rumors were he was even negotiating with Morsi of the Muslim Brotherhood for release of the Blind Sheikh. Appeaser in chief.
As for your assumption of the majority want obamacare; FALSE
Date: Oct 27-28 Favor Repeal 54% Oppose Repeal 39%
As for obstructing by Republicans, the Republican controled house passed no less than 3 budgets, Harry Reid tabled them all and would NOT even allow them on the floor for debate, you will remember it was THIS ISSUE that lead to America being down graded in credit rating for the first time in history, we've since been down graded again. And by the way; Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid is already saying that he will refuse to work with Mitt Romney if he is elected president, the Washington Times reported.
@STOUTjodee (3594)
• United States
4 Nov 12
What about when he took office and his "Hope and Change" slogan. He says things to get people to think that he is on their side and then changes things. Maybe he's overcompensating for the Hurricane Sandy victims because he failed to be a leader when it came to Benghazi. Thanks for joining in this discussion even though you think I haven't been informed as you have!

@burrito88 (2774)
• United States
5 Nov 12
What do you mean he doesn't want other states to help? Romney is the one who wants to dismantle FEMA. He feel states should handle things themselves. How was the south supposed to recover after Katrina and how is the Northeast supposed to recover after Sandy. Gov. Christie of New Jersey, a Republican, actually praised Obama's response to allowing the states to be declared disaster areas before Sandy hit. I suppose you feel that Obama should have done nothing.
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@scorpiobabes (7225)
• United States
5 Nov 12
Ok, I think you may have things misinterpreted here.
I'm a native of Jersey, and trying to fit in all of the utility crews, first responders, and construction workers has been a logistical nightmare in and around the affected areas. Geographically, they couldn't fit everyone into the state, and especially NOT onto the islands (or what's left). Where did you see that he specifically stated that no one from other states are not allowed to help?
I don't think that Obama nor Christie is really worried about the election at this point-there are billions of dollars of destruction just in Jersey alone; New York will also be very costly. It will take years to rebuild. But there needs to be a system, and that is what Christie, as governor, is trying to do, NOT Obama. If anything, I think that the President has stepped aside to let Christie handle the situation because he (Christie) will know how best to deploy aid. It isn't too different from the time immediately following 9/11 and Guiliani and other aid workers specifically requested certain items in aid boxes.
Right now, if anyone is looking to boost his political career, it is Romney. As I said, I'm a native of Jersey; the last time I checked, I can tell you the last time a "businessman" ran for political office and failed his constituents miserably was Jon Corzine. Oh, and didn't he further cheat his customers by being responsible for the failure of his Wall Street investing firm by losing millions of dollars? He was a Democrat.
I happen to be a Democrat, but I like the President for many of the same reasons that Colin Powell likes him, but I ALSO like what Chris Christie's doing in Jersey and would vote for him if I moved back. What the President and Governor did was demonstrate the power of bipartisanship, something sorely lacking in Washington these days...

@scorpiobabes (7225)
• United States
6 Nov 12
Oh Hatley, I hope you don't mean me? I try so hard to NOT insult people-it ends up leading to a fight and I really don't relish confrontation. But sometimes, folks just step in it and start spouting off at the mouth, they've basically begged to be taken down a peg or too.
Now I'm off to vote and get to work. See you later!
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
6 Nov 12
I do too and I am also a scorpio too,. I voted for him and i'
am also a democrat and if I get insu lted by anyone now I will report
you as thats agains mylot r ules.

@irishidid (8687)
• United States
4 Nov 12
They knew it was coming and that it was going to be bad. B.O. could have had things at the ready and possibly gained some votes from those who didn't pay attention for the last four years.
B.O. is nothing but lip service.
@STOUTjodee (3594)
• United States
4 Nov 12
Totally, agree with you! Just like his "Hope and Change" slogan, now that's not the HOPE and Change we were looking for! Thanks for joining in on this discussion!

@ladybugmagic (3978)
• United States
4 Nov 12
The Hope and Change has been halted by the party of no.
People who have been paying attention for the last four years would know that.
@irishidid (8687)
• United States
4 Nov 12
People who have been paying attention wouldn't be voting to re-elect a failure. Let's be honest here. 99% voting for B.O. are voting for selfish reasons. Vote for the country-not your own "I want".

@aabuda (1722)
• Philippines
4 Nov 12
I think when a catastrophe strikes, the number one who will be in the hot seat is the leader himself.
He will be judged on what, when and how he will solve the problems affecting his constituents...
Too bad for Obama that the hurricane strikes amidst election time...
When will be your election?

@ladybugmagic (3978)
• United States
4 Nov 12
He ended one war and has an exit strategy for another.
He saved the auto industry.
He passed the Lilly Ledbetter Act.
He insured millions and made insurance companies accountable.
He passed bills to help Native Americans.
He repealed DADT.
He got Osama Bin Laden and Gadaffi.
He passed hate crime laws.
Doma has been declared unconstitutional.
He kept us from falling into a great depression.
He has head an increase of jobs every consistent month.
He has created more jobs in the private sector in his term than Bush ever created.
He sent swift and effective help to those affected by Sandy.
Now Romney on the other hand. He held a fake canned food drive for the Sandy victims. Is trailing by double digits in his own state. Was 47th in the country in job creation in his own state, even though he claims he can create jobs.
He invests in other currencies hedging against the American dollar. He shipped jobs to China.
And you think he is a leader? 

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@STOUTjodee (3594)
• United States
5 Nov 12
Thanks for joining in on this discussion,debrakcarey! I also have a link that might help the misinformed ladybugmagic about Obamahttp://www.citizens-news.com/2012/11/03/complete-list-of-obamas-scandals-blunders-flip-flops-and-misdeeds/
@STOUTjodee (3594)
• United States
4 Nov 12
Election day here is November 6th. Hopefully people will definitely judge him as a leader, which he is NOT! Thanks for joining in on this discussion!

@sjvenden27 (1840)
• United States
5 Nov 12
My thoughts and prays are with everyone that has been affected by hurricane Sandy..
I will say it flat out I do not like Obama because of several desicions he has made throughout the last four years in office! This is more evidence that shows he is not the right person leading this country.. There are many many people out there that need help.. Other states are willing to give it.. Not allowing it makes me wonder what his true agenda is here?? We are suppose to be a country; United States, United we stand, United we fall..
I really do not like when politics get in the way of doing the right thing.. Helping our fellow citizens.. Please dont take this the wrong way.. But if we can sit there and help other countries.. WHY cant we stop for a MOMENT and HELP ourselves??? I have not heard of any other country stopping everything they are doing to help another country in the world.. As much as we do.. Pride or what ever may be the case; Obama should get his head out of the clouds and down here in the real world.. Lifes are at stake here... Obama states he for the people... Actions speak louder then words.. I just hope someone else becomes president...

@sjvenden27 (1840)
• United States
6 Nov 12
I agree actions do speak louder then words.. I agree that there are things about Romney that I do not agree with.. But I still have my opinions on Obama that I can not just let go..
Yes there is a lot of problems within the government.. I understand that the president is only one person, their are other people that also make decisions that in packed our daily lifes.. Many of those soical problems that need to be addressed and fixed by everyone one..
My problem is the fact that every four years two major candiates say they are going to do this and that.. Make things better over then next four years.. How many of those promises are never even thought of within those four years.. Why say your going to do something then side set it for four years?? I understand the problems we have can not be completely solved in four years; it took time to get to where we are at; so it will take as much time if not more to fix it.. Lots of talk from all sides and not a whole lot of action.. And yes I went out and voted today.. I do what I can to be actively part of the solution... In the beginning of 2013 we are going to either welcome Obama back or have Romney settle in.. This country needs to stay united or we are going to fall apart within ourselves...
@thistangent (35)
• United States
5 Nov 12
Actions do speak much louder than words... and Romney has much more political and business experiences that show he is a fan of outsourcing, pushing jobs into other countries, putting men far above women, putting the rich even farther above the middle and lower classes... You are focusing on one man, and only the actions you disagree with. Consider not only all actions by this man as a whole, but the government as a whole, and the nation as a whole. If we all worked together, voted together, had civil discussions and fact checked together... we would have much less problem finding the truth about who needs what and how to get it to them.
I'm not talking only about this very terrible disaster, but also about daily lives... children starving, teens dropping out of school in order to work to support their family, young adults who can't go to college because of all the road blocks financially, children without loving parents yet parents looking for children to love and hitting road block after road block... these are not issues of the last four years... these are daily issues in our country for decades upon decades. This is not a presidency issue, but a society issue in regard to lack of knowledge, motivation, selflessness, and truth.
I'm not saying Obama is the best person for the presidency, but I am saying he is a better choice than Romney. I do not agree with all of Obama's choices, but I also recognize that not every single thing that has happened to this country in the last 4 years is the cause of the president. Between just these two men, I have no problem choosing who to vote for.
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@jillhill (37354)
• United States
5 Nov 12
I didn't know he didn't want other states to help. I know that people from all over are coming in to help....like all the runners from the marathon that didn't happen...a gas company from California came with a whole truck of gas....and red cross workers from all over.....I do think in some ways he is using it...very visible.
@mariaperalta (19073)
• Mexico
4 Nov 12
Yes just like a good politician. They all take advantage of these things. its a shame.
@thistangent (35)
• United States
5 Nov 12
Of course Obama is at least in part using this in his political agenda. However, he is mainly doing his job as president: absorb facts, direct, press releases, etc.
In my opinion, Romney is using this entirely for his public image. Check out which effected areas he is helping and which effected areas he is ignoring. Romney is directing all of his efforts toward the areas that can help him win the election, and ignoring the states that he does not feel helping with push up his numbers. In contrast, Obama is touring based on facts, damage reports, etc and sending help based on need... and not politics.
Christi is very well known for speaking his mind, and has thanked, repeatedly, Obama for his efforts, encouragement, and fairness.