Have you ever had to re-evaluate your current life to make major changes?

@mentalward (14690)
United States
November 4, 2012 8:56pm CST
I am. I have no choice. Okay, Thursday I took a nap since I've been suffering from the WORST cold I've ever had. I felt fine other than the cold. I woke up, still fine. I sat up, the world began to end! My room was spinning violently, even when I closed my eyes. I laid back down but everything was still spinning. It wasn't long before I was unable to move my legs or arms or anything. I was taken to the hospital in an ambulance. While in the ER, they did an MRI which ruled out a stroke but showed a massive infection in my sinuses and, most likely, also in my middle and inner ears which could be making the situation worse. However, the main issue was diagnosed as "benign paroxysmal positional vertigo". After doing my own research, I found it could be "Labrynthitis" which is very similar to BPPV but the episodes can last longer. I was told this could last from a few minutes to a few weeks or never resolve but I'd have it forever, no matter how long the episodes last and it could happen again at any time. So, since I can have violent vertigo at any moment from now on, I have to seriously think about giving up driving and shopping alone. I have to be extremely careful doing anything that could hurt me if I became suddenly and violently dizzy again. This REALLY hurts since I just applied for a proofreading job that I thought I might be able to handle (even with my fibromyalgia and arthritis) because of the salary offered of $35.73 PER HOUR!!! (This is with the Government Printing Office in Washington, D.C.) But, I can't accept that job now because of the amount of driving I'd have to do in order to get to and from work (which is around 75 miles one way). Have you ever experienced this problem with the middle ear? If you do, how do you handle it? I'm very new to this and, aside from using a walker now to get around (the dizziness still has not gone away but is much better than when I first went into the hospital), I don't know what other changes to make to keep me safe when this happens again.
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17 responses
@marsha32 (6631)
• United States
5 Nov 12
Oh gosh, this sounds terrible! I'm sorry you are having to go through this and especially that they are telling you that you will have it from now on. Sounds like you have a plan with the not driving or shopping alone. I'm glad you know you will have to make these changes. When I read your title it made me think of changes that I need to make in my life, but for me it's totally different. I've just allowed myself to get involved in so many things, that those, along with what others expect me to do for them, I can't keep up. I'm having a true feeling of going insane so must take it slow and easy. Marsha
@mentalward (14690)
• United States
5 Nov 12
You sound a lot like I used to be. I was forever over-extending myself. You're on the right track, though. You MUST take care of yourself first! I've learned that whatever we may think others need of us, they can usually handle themselves when they have to. Good luck!
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@jdalaqui (1073)
• Philippines
5 Nov 12
Hi mentalward, why such a username anyway? I can only hope that you can find the best thing to do when the thing happens again. Thanks by the way for posting this, may your evaluation be great.
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@mentalward (14690)
• United States
5 Nov 12
Thank you, jdalaqui. My username is actually a combination of my maiden name, which is Ward, and a sign I saw in a joke shop once that said "Mental Ward". "M" is the first letter of my name so mentalward kind of fit, especially if you knew what my entire life has been like.
@Thoroughrob (11742)
• United States
5 Nov 12
I have but not because of my health. It was because of my son. I hope it doesn't happen too often. I worked with a girl that had that. She was off work for a couple of weeks for it, and when she finally came back she would not have any problems until she would catch a cold. I hope it is the same for you or better. Good luck to you.
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@GardenGerty (162762)
• United States
5 Nov 12
Before you decide it is permanent, get those infections cleared up. I have had vertigo in the past that lasted about two weeks. I am pretty sure I took an antibiotic, and also meclizine and it eventually cleared up. I have known people who have had this and treated it with physical therapy. I have had some vertigo this week and cannot decide if it is from sinuses or from a pinched nerve in my spine. I know that taking an anti inflammatory and mucinex seems to have helped me. Like you, after a sleep, I woke up to spinning. I may be oversimplifying. I re read and you say they told you that this can come on at any time for the rest of your life, so I would ask if you could possibly find someone to ride into DC with, cause that sounds like an awesome opportunity.
@mentalward (14690)
• United States
5 Nov 12
I'd love to be able to chalk this all up to the sinus infection but I'm pretty sure that is only part of the problem. I was seen by a neurologist who did a bunch of "neuro tests" on me. I had what they called "nystagmus", where the eyes jerk while looking side-to-side or up/down. That is one definite sign of this BPPV diagnosis. I've been light-headed with sinus infections before (I've had so many of them I couldn't count them all) but never experienced dizziness with them. They did put me on an antibiotic and also meclizine and my infection seems to be clearing up very fast. They started with IV antibiotics but prescribed these massive horse pills (amoxicillin) when I was discharged yesterday. I was also told that I need to schedule an appointment with a physical therapist because they do have specific movements that can help to make these crystals that have gotten dislodged from the middle ear to the inner ear go back where they belong. So, hopefully, I can get there this week. My husband is going back to work tomorrow for the first time (he's been arguing with me about the bills and his need to work, never mind that he can work from home) since his surgery and my son has also been called back to work after being laid off for 3 weeks so I'll be alone and will most likely have to call a cab to get to and from the physical therapy and also the doctors I'll have to see. I guess this worked out well. I brought my husband home from the hospital Wednesday and this happened to me on Thursday. Of course, aside from being slightly attentive (my son has been much more attentive to my needs than my husband has), he's back to his old self, smoking, drinking, just lying around although there is a brand new treadmill in the living room now. I wonder how long he'll use it before it gets to be too much for his lazy butt.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
5 Nov 12
p;lease do not hatee me but stress cause my hubbyh'ss problem plus sinus infection and your husband is a huge stressor. is there anyway you can get to him stop the drinking and smoking outside of separating from him. he is a huge stressor. I know y ou do not want to leave him because of his health yet now its taking a toll on your own health.maybe a marriage counselor that might get him to see what he is putting you through?
@mentalward (14690)
• United States
5 Nov 12
Oh, I forgot about the job. I do have a neighbor who works in DC so I could talk with her about a ride. She'd probably appreciate sharing the expenses of that drive. I'll have to wait until this dizziness goes away before I could even think about the possibility of working there, though. Right now, I just keep thinking how incapacitating this is.
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@ElicBxn (63832)
• United States
5 Nov 12
oh my - if it isn't one thing its another! Since I haven't seen a post on you... hummmm... martial status... I'm guessing that is still going on too... like you need more stress in your life! I've had a couple of ear infections, including one that caused dizziness, that passed pretty quickly - but I was also pretty young then too. Maybe move closer to the job if you get it?
1 person likes this
• United States
5 Nov 12
Hi Mentalward. I'm sorry you have been dealt this deck of cards. My thought is since you haven't had this before it might have been brought on by the infection. Maybe it won't come back. I hope not. It's just awful that you have to turn down a job that could make a huge difference in your life. I can't be of help here with any medical advice. My thoughts are to take one day at a time and recover from the sinus infection. The dizziness may not come back. I would work closely with your doctor and prepare for the worst while you hope for the best.
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@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
10 Nov 12
Sorry to hear about this my friend. I know many times just when you think your life might be getting in order, and some Good things happening, wham something else comes along and knocks you down. I have seen it in my own life many times as well, especially concerning my leg and the Chronic wound. Have you checked to see what they have out there to help with this, and get other opinions? I know if it was me with something like this, I would be asking a lot of questions and seeing what help there is from here. I will be keeping you lifted up in Prayer, and wishing you the Best.
@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
5 Nov 12
Apply for disability and ask your employers to allow you to telecommute--work at home with files sent to you via email. Is that possible? Once you apply for disability, if they refuse to do so you could possibly have a bargaining chip by the implied threat of a lawsuit backed by the Americans with Disabilities Act. With all your troubles, I'm really sorry this happened. Losing your mobility is a major change and means you're stuck at home unless someone can help you or you can afford a taxi. See if there is something like dial-a-ride there where you call and they'll pick up up and take you home when you do errands for a modest price. I have restricted my own driving due to limitations but I can't imagine not being able to drive. Kudos to you for being unselfish and thinking of others!
@freedomg (1684)
• United States
16 Nov 12
I am so sorry to hear that you are going through this. I wish I had some advice for you but unfortunately all I can offer is to keep you in my prayers. I truly hope things get better for you.
@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
6 Nov 12
as i said, i really feel for you. you are to young to have to be total dependent on others. its not fair as you have taken care of yourself and tried to eat and live right. thats why i say, whats the point of people telling us this is good for us and thats not when it really doesnt seem to help in the end. i have had similar dizzy, confusion, etc. for 5 yrs or so and its terrible to have to give up your mobility. so, all i can do is pray that this is not permenent for you. and hopefully the doctor is wrong.
@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
7 Nov 12
Hi mentalward! I have never experienced anything near as severe as what you are. That is certainly a situation where things like driving and even being alone should definitely be considered. Now there are medicines for vertigo now but I don't know anything about them. I know a lady at work that struggled with it for a while until they found a medicine that was right for her issue. I did have an ear infection years ago that caused me to be off balance or dizzy feeling but that passed when I took the antibiotics and got rid of the infection. Is there any chance that it will pass after you get rid of that infection? I hope so. Take care and keep us updated.
@mentalward (14690)
• United States
8 Nov 12
Hi Jen. It has gotten better as my sinus infection is getting better but I am still dizzy. This is definitely BPPV because of one specific test they did (numerous times) on my eyes. I have nystagmus which is a jerking of the eyes and is also a positive sign of BPPV. I've been reading all I can about this and learned that I could have some dizziness for weeks but it should resolve on it's own (although it can recur at any time). I can go to physical therapy or what they're calling "vestibular rehab" for specific quick movements that have helped in 80% of cases to move the displaced crystals back into place. But, since this can recur again at any time, and also with everything I've read about the physical therapy, I think I'll just wait it out. It's not too bad right now. I only have fleeting moments of slight dizziness now when I move my head in certain ways. To stop the dizziness, I just move my head back out of the position that creates it. I also spoke to a friend of mine who said he's been diagnosed with the same thing and told me that the first episode is the worst and those that follow should be much milder. I certainly HOPE so! I wouldn't wish this on anyone! Anyway, thanks for responding and I'll keep you updated if anything weird happens from this point on.
@bingskee (5234)
• Philippines
5 Nov 12
i have constant ringing in my ear and had experienced dizziness once in a while though not one that can be categorized as violent. this made me think of visiting the ear doctor again. it is understandable not to accept the job even if it is as promising. your safety is at risk with the condition you are in now. i have a male co-employee who took a leave for six months because of BPPV. he told me that during those times, he cannot go to sleep lying on the bed because the world will keep on spinning, and so he had slept sitting for almost 6 months! that must be very hard.
@Rick1950 (1575)
• Lima, Peru
8 Nov 12
Hi Ward! I'm sorry to hear that from you. I see that you have got properly treatment with the doctors and I hope you will be fine again. I think you should ask your physician if you can still drive, so that you don't lost the chance to have that good job. I myself had a chronic infection in the outer ear and had to go to the otolaryngologist periodically, but I'm over it happily. I think your case is more delicate because it is the middle ear. But I wish you recover from this. Take care.
@leeandrew (1225)
• Philippines
7 Nov 12
Ooh that's bad. I'm sorry for you. Well, let's just hope that it won't take that long and meds could ease your pain. I know someone in my church too who has the same illness with you. She's been hospitalized several times and is now has a pill maintenance. She needs to take her her pill everyday. Since she's widow and work for the church hubby and I sometimes gives her money for her medications. Too bad if you can't get the job, with that salary I think it's hard to let go of it. Anyways, hope all things gets well soon. God bless!
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
5 Nov 12
hi mentalward oh my that so unds awful but s tick to what your doctors tell youj as that stuff on the net can scare you silly as you mi ght not and probably will not be as bad as all that., my husband had that and they gave him medication and after several months it never came back again. I would keep to the walker and keep checking with your doctors and get a second opinion if needed.my husband never had another episode so I know a lot of people go through it and never have it again at all. I hope yours is mild and might leave you and never return to you.
@cerebellum (3863)
• United States
5 Nov 12
I'm sorry this has happened to you. Do they know what causes it? I am dizzy all of the time, but not as bad as you. The doctors first thought I had some inner ear damage, but it turns out I have something wrong with my cerebellum (part of the brain). I took a pill that was for glacoma (which I didn't have at the time) and for some reason that helped a little with the dizziness. As hard as it will be, at least till you get used to it, giving up driving is probably best. Even though that means giving up a GREAT pay, it would be worse if you were driving and had a spell. Is there any other way you could get there?
@Dominique25 (9464)
• United States
5 Nov 12
I'm sorry to hear that you are having these problems. It would be extremely hard to have to make such big life altering decisions when we find out we have more health problems. Especially with you trying to get that job. That would have been a lot of driving. I hope that you will be able to find more ways to help you cope with these problems and a way to work that will not put you in harms way either.