can you help?
November 5, 2012 9:09am CST
hello friends, i want to share something with you all and i hope you will help me. i need to know how i can make my concentration again good in my studies as from some days i am not gaining interest or i can't concentrate in my studies, can you give me any tips or ideas to improve my concentration please.
please help me friends.
10 responses
@nitinnair89 (2899)
• India
6 Nov 12
when i feel like i am not interested in stuffs or i lose confidence and interest in studies, i try to meditate and compose myself.
my teacher always used to tell me 'Nitin, don't stress out. Just compose'...this rings in my ear everytime i feel like what u feel...and after sometime again i am back on track ;)

• India
6 Nov 12
oh i see! sorry for misunderstanding, i thought you use music for removing stress. but i got one idea from your sentence and thanks for giving me guidance also sharing with me.
have a nice day and may god bless us.
• India
6 Nov 12
hello friend and thanks for reply. so, you use music to remove your stress? this is interesting, you given me one more idea, thanks.
have a nice day and may god bless us.
@nitinnair89 (2899)
• India
6 Nov 12
Um, i never said i use music to remove my stress my friend :)
but still that's a good idea too.
I just meditate for sometime by sitting with my eyes closed and thinking 'Nothing'. I try to keep my mind black and visualize a black board.
i hope u manage to overcome this problem.

@habibti320 (925)
• United States
7 Nov 12
Do you enjoy intense discussions? I would recommend trying to find other civil engineers or experts in this field (in person or online) and find out what the "hot topics" are and why they are important. Sometimes academics can seem far removed from the "reality" and it helps to get a grounding in the reality of that field. It can also motivate you to become more of an expert so that you can participate in these types of discussions.
This approach might not work for everyone, but I am assuming that if you are on a site like this, you might enjoy online discussions. This might be an indicator that it can help you in your studies.
It sounds like your other issue is it possible to get some sort of internship or entry-level job in this field? Working while studying can be difficult when the worlds are so far apart, but if you can get paid for a part-time job that is related to your studies, it can help with your motivation (and maybe even enhance your education!).
All the best!
• India
7 Nov 12
Hello friend and thanks for your reply. i agree you, i need some guidance of someone who is belongs to my field so that i can understand it correctly. yes i also need some part time work so that i can manage some money for my need for more studies also to support my you know any real paying site apart of my lot so i can work on that. it will be a great help.
thanks again, have a nice day and may god bless us.
@habibti320 (925)
• United States
7 Nov 12
I would think that for civil engineering, trying to find a job in-person would be the best option. This way you can gain experience and have mentors who might be good references for you in the future. But sadly, jobs are hard to come by these days! Also, I'm not sure of your location and what the job prospects are. When I was in university, I was able to work at a local catering company. It was great because I could set my own hours (didn't work at all during exam/paper time!) but I made good money throughout the year. I also set up a peer tutoring business. You could contact teachers/counselors at your school to see if there is any need for tutoring. Usually, if you offer something that not many other people think of, you will be successful. For me, I was friends with a lot of international students and many people came to me for help with English. I went through the school's peer tutoring program and the school paid me for the hours I spent editing their papers and helping them with grammar/pronunciation. It was great! You might be able to do this for secondary students, freshmen, etc. depending on your region and expertise.
As far as sites, I am looking into it and will share more when I find something profitable! What are your interests and fields of expertise?
• India
8 Nov 12
hello friend and thanks for reply. i will follow your advise also i want to tell you that my interest is helping others, translating if possible, writing,reading,etc.
thanks again, have a nice day and may god bless us.
@kevin90az (143)
• United States
6 Nov 12
I'm also a student and I have the same problems. I think it's important to be focused in your studies because it's important to do well in school. I know how you feel though. There are things that I want to do with my time other than study and I have a lot of interests outside of school itself. Sometimes that makes it hard to really focus. I would suggest that you find something you're passionate about and dedicate some of your time pursuing your interest. That usually helps you unwind a little bit and releases some tension. Just remember to approach your studies as an opportunity to learn something. Don't just read your book and study to do well on the test, look for interesting aspects of the material and gain some knowledge in the process. I hope you can find your focus and do well! Just know that most students are probably going through the same thing you are.
• India
6 Nov 12
Hello friend and thanks for reply. yes, you are right that we should find way in which we find passion or our interest. but problem is field of engineering in civil as i am not getting a right guidance and practical to gain knowledge of this field.
thanks for reply, have a nice day and may god bless us.
@jenny1015 (13359)
• Philippines
6 Nov 12
If you need to concentrate with your studies, then you need to stay focus on the important things that you need to do. Just think of what you need to do and make use of your time wisely. It would also be a help if you stay out from any noise if you are studying to avoid distractions.
• India
6 Nov 12
hello dear and thanks for reply. i would be glad to use your help but can you explain your sentence in simple words please. the last line you said" i would also be a help if you stay out from any noise if you are studying to avoid distraction".
thanks, have a nice day and may god bless us.
@jenny1015 (13359)
• Philippines
6 Nov 12
Hi, Khanrabiullah! What I meant was, try to be in a quiet place if you want full concentration on studying. It is my way of focusing on whatever I was reading when I was still in College. I really want complete silence every time I study.
• India
6 Nov 12
oh i see! yes may be this will help me, thanks i will keep this in my mind. what you will do when you will have no choice to have privacy for more time?
@DrGuruindia (83)
• India
6 Nov 12
Goal setting is most important. Your aim should be strong, first you should know for what you are studing, tell your mind this is my plan, this is my way to success. also you should avoid all other bad activities, you spend some time in other activies for diversion and relaxation. I also recomment you learn some meditation and do it regularly, where you can get possitive approah with good mind and good health.
• India
6 Nov 12
hello friend and thanks for reply. yes you are right we should have some aim to complete task also one plan with discipline so that we can achieve goal with great effort. i will take your advise seriously in my life and i will avoid bad things for diversion and relaxation. thanks for your advise friend also i want to know that are you a real doctor?
have a nice day and may god bless us.
@edvc77 (2140)
• Philippines
6 Nov 12
I suggest that you wake up at around 4:00 in the morning, and study. You will focus on what you are studying because your mind is still fresh from sleep, and besides that everybody is asleep, it means it is quiet and cool. You can study conducively. I did that before in highschool and college years especially when I had exam. As a result, I got high remarks and high score. Try it.
Have a nice day!
• India
6 Nov 12
hello friend and thanks for reply. yes i agree, i will try it, actually i wake up at 5.00 AM in morning, i will try to wake up 1 hour early, no problem i will try your advise, thanks again.
have a nice day and may god bless us.
@jambi462 (4576)
• United States
5 Nov 12
I am also a student and I definitely know the feeling you are dealing with. The amount of work in college can be overwhelming sometimes and a lot of the time it feels like you are working for nothing but the truth is that we have to keep going because our lives wouldn't be better off without going to school.
My best advice for keeping yourself motivated about your schoolwork is to give yourself something to look forward to after you are done with your homework. Reward yourself after you have done good work and made yourself proud. We need things to give us motivation and by rewarding ourselves after we have worked hard is a great way to keep ourselves going in things that sometimes frustrate us.
• India
5 Nov 12
hello friend and thanks for reply. yes, i think you may be right but even though i need some guidance but because of my economical condition i can't effort coaching classes, do you know any best thing on web which can help me in engineering in civil.
thanks, have a nice day and may god bless us.
• India
5 Nov 12
Hello friend thanks for reply. i think you me be right because i am studying in BE(civil) and i am getting very much problems while studying it. i am facing lot of problems. do you know anything so i can start from anywhere.....thanks friend.
have a nice day, may god bless us.
@ungu89 (1999)
• Malaysia
5 Nov 12
im also a student,yes, sometime there will be a subject that u find it really difficult and so hard to understand.sometime make u feel that is just a waste of time u go to that class.i already feel that..hehe
it just u need to put the interest towards that subject
for me, even i hate certain subject so much, i still go that class,even sometime i just feel like my body was there but my mine is everywhere
for me,just being in that room feel much safer.
eventually when i force to make revision i can imagine the situation in that class during that particular subject.
• India
6 Nov 12
hello dear and thanks for reply. i agree with you and i am thankful to you to share your views with me. yes, we need to make interest in that particular subject. i forgot to mention that i am studying in engineering in civil. this field i completely new for me and i need to understand it before it becomes too late. so i am trying to get new ideas of some people and i am thankful to you to be one to share with me, thanks.
have a nice day and may god bless us.