how many hours of "me time"?

@salma07 (639)
November 5, 2012 8:22pm CST
Hi everyone, My mom and I have this issue about me spending my time, i am a slow and steady person. I like things to be done properly and there is no hurrying around with me which is to say that i am considered lazy but i dont think so . Anyway this led me to analyze the way i spend my time in a day. There is of course 8 hours of sleep and another 6 hours of school, which leaves with only another 10 hours at hand. I surf the net and read books and talk to my friends which takes of 4 to 6 hours. The remaining 4 to 6 hours just flew out of the window i swear i dont have any idea about them. must be traveling or something but that doesnt make sense because my school is fairly close by. So i decided to label those missing hours as "me time". This the time you spend for yourself, nothing but yourself, no interaction with other object, no television, books or anything. do you have such a thing in your schedule or something. of course, this doesnot apply for busy people. Only lazy peoples are allowed to answer this.
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4 responses
@arielfu (58)
• China
6 Nov 12
I think "me time" is doing nothing, not the time you playing, not the time you reading, not the time you doing something for youreself your something you like. "me time" is a action which one person dont do anything, dont think of anything, just let the mind being blank and relax enough.
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@salma07 (639)
• India
6 Nov 12
my thoughts exactly ariel,
@silverfox09 (4708)
• United States
6 Nov 12
I have my me time , always will. I spend my "me time" playing game are just day dreaming about when I am a billionaire . I dont like anyone to interrupt me when I want to spend time thinking and relaxing . I dont think its being lazy , its just taking care of yourself . I should always come first in my life .
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@salma07 (639)
• India
6 Nov 12
Good for you ...ya i totally agree spending sometime doing nothing is not lazy i should tell that to my mother
@doroffee (4222)
• Hungary
6 Nov 12
It doesn't mean you're lazy... just because someone's not busy, it doesn't mean that they are lazy... they might have just less duties. lazy is the person who doesn't do duties. I think I have about 2-3 hours of me time each day (that means, when I'm just by myselof, daydreaming, thinking, meditating - it means no TV, no radio, no Net, no friend time, no boyfriend time, no duties :D)... I need this kind of creative solitude. It makes me relaxed.
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• United States
6 Nov 12
Haha! I think the "me time" is showering, getting ready, eating, getting dressed, waking up, walking from here to there, getting your stuff, etc. For a person who is not pressed with time, that "me time" sure takes up a lot of time! And there is absolutely nothing wrong with that! If you are not pressed with time, you do not need to stress yourself over nothing. You probably have lower levels of stress and ultimately better health because of it. Yay you! :)
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@salma07 (639)
• India
6 Nov 12
Yep but the actual me time is doing nothing just relaxing, its just about yourself and nothing more than that. not the hectic life and girl when is getting ready come into me time i for one vehemently disagree getting ready is the most stressful part of a girl's life and getting stress is not the concept of me time, but ya you can include looking our masterpiece AFTER you finish getting dressed. What you said is true if a person is not pressed with time, but i insist the person who is pressed with time should also have a me time as well, that why they could destress themselves and relax for a brief moment in their otherwise stressful and hectic life. Me time for me probably is the time when i do my beauty regime and just relax