This Goes To All Haters
By Bluebell18
@Bluebell18 (636)
United States
November 7, 2012 10:22am CST
This is dedicated to all of the naysayers that don't believe in change. Everyone has a right to feel how they feel when it comes to politics. With our re-elected president, he clearly shows admiration that it's not about red or blue states. It's not about democrats or republicans. It's about America. It's about us as a country. We are a team. We re-elected a team leader that wants to help us. What's wrong with that?
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11 responses
@OpinionatedLady (5965)
• United States
8 Nov 12
His track record is what's wrong with that! Our country is no better off from having him in office in fact it is in worse condition then ever. Twisting numbers to fit your purpose doesn't make you a good president.
I am sorry but making it so that the jobless numbers do not show those who are on Federal benefits and NOT looking for a job doesn't mean the jobless rate got better it means they are twisting the numbers to lye for them. Keeping the same failure in office is not change it is keeping the same failures in office!

@connierebel (1557)
• United States
8 Nov 12
Last I knew, it was the Navy Seals who captured and killed Bin Laden. Obama did not create private sector jobs, at least not many, and he blocked the Keystone pipeline which would have made a lot more jobs. Obamacare does not let everyone have affordable healthcare; instead it fines those who don't have healthcare, making it even less like that they will be able afford healthcare, as well as raises the rates for those of us who pay for our insurance. In the long term, it will remove even more jobs from this country, since employers wil find it much cheaper to go overseas than pay all the extra insurance costs.
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@OpinionatedLady (5965)
• United States
8 Nov 12
Navy Seals killed Osama! Bush sent the Military to get him Obama was just there when it was finished. Obamacare takes away medications to people who have long term medical needs such as diabetes making them pay out of pocket for them because they have been deemed incurable, no kidding diabetes is incurable? No not everyone has better health care and if it is so wonderful why did he make himself and other Government officials exempt from having them? He didn't end the Wars he moved them to different areas and then ignored the threats his military gave him leaving Hillary to take the fall. As for the jobs his numbers are all lies. Twisted numbers and his rates are not better then when he took office. He did not save the union jobs in Detroit he handed the companies absurd amounts of money and then the companies still used it for spoils and fired good people.
Private jobs have fallen since Obama took office. Just take a look around how many privately owned businesses do you see? Really look, how many non corporate restaurants are there? How many small businesses? Not many they have all been killed by this presidency and the idiots in Congress and the Senate.
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@Bluebell18 (636)
• United States
8 Nov 12
Let's check track records;
Ended both wars. Captured and killed Bin Ladin. Created jobs in the private sector. Started Obamacare that can have EVERYONE able to receive affordable health care.
And, he hasn't done anything? Wow. Smart.
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@sid556 (30953)
• United States
8 Nov 12
Lamb made a great point. I read this discussion with interest and a bit of disgust. This hateful arguing would happen among ya all here and all over despite who won. That seems to be one thing that never changes no matter who is in office.
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@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
8 Nov 12
it is not hate to disagree, and to imply it is is just a slick way of censoring the voices of those who disagree.
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@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
8 Nov 12
Do you know WHY we were given the right to free speech? It was not to protect those who go along with the status quo, it was to protect those who DISAGREED with the status quo.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
9 Nov 12
when you belittle those who have different opinions than yours yes it does
become hate. calling names is flaming and disrespecting u s democrats
is hate filled.

@matersfish (6306)
• United States
7 Nov 12
Bluebell18: In all honesty, in 2008, I would say that nothing's wrong with that. Nothing at all.
But isn't this the same stuff Obama claimed in 2008? Does pointing that out make me a "hater"?
Sen. Barack Obama's platform while running against Clinton and then McCain was that it wasn't about red or blue states, black or white, yada blah -- it was about America and Americans.
But during a four-year term as President of the United States of America, he did very little to bring anyone together. Referring to the opposite party as people's "enemies" and claiming that voting is the best revenge isn't a move to unite people.
Damn. If we're only going by what people say and not what they do, I think 99.9999% of the prison population needs to be set free immediately.
And on that front, I'm not going to rant on and on. It's all been said.
I'll just ask if you're just now becoming familiar with Obama. Because, seriously, it's the same stuff from 2008.
Is it everyone's fault but his that it's not realized? Or could it possibly be that he talks one way and then acts another?
It has to be one, doesn't it?
So, again, nothing's wrong with that per se. At least when I heard it the first time.
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@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
8 Nov 12
But things are no different today than they were yesterday... oh wait..the stock market took a dive. But in four years...can you honestly say you or the country is better off? Forget who is in your life better today than it was four years ago? If not..why would anyone vote for more of "that" same thing? Unemployment is higher today than it was when he took office. The jobs he "created" were only holiday and part time and temporary employment. More people are on food stamps now than EVER before...why would you want more of that? Forget hate...look at the simple facts. 4 years and here we you want to stay here...or do better!
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@connierebel (1557)
• United States
7 Nov 12
Obama is trying to change things - for example, the Constitution. No matter how the Congress acts, the president was given limited powers by the Constitution for a reason - to prevent him from becoming a dictator. Obama has already publicly admitted that he will act without Congress, and he has already given himself dictatorial powers. And he also said that now he can do anything he wants, because he's no longer accountable to the American people. Is that really the kind of change you're pushing?
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@Bluebell18 (636)
• United States
7 Nov 12
matersfish: in all fairness, the game of politics is completely flawed. One party says and does one thing and vice versa. You're right about one thing, McCain did say that it's not about red or blue, black or white. It's about America and Americans. In fact, I have much respect for McCain than I do Romney. In 08, he put a halt to a spectator during a rally by stating that Obama is not a terrorist (as many people still think that way as well as him not being a US citizen)
Campaigning is one thing. It's a whole new ball game when you actually win. Obama is trying to change things, but the House (that's indeed divided) won't give him the opportunity to & when things fall apart, it's his fault.
And to answer your question, no. I didn't just happen to get familiar with Obama. I've been following this entire election from the beginning.
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@stary1 (6611)
• United States
7 Nov 12
While there are some who hate Obama, just as there are some who hate Romney, most who voted against my opinion just disagree with him and it has nothing to do with is as Romney said, love of contry that drove many to vote for Romney. The differences is always in what one thinks is best for the country,
Obama has a chance to move to the middle now that he doesn't have to appease his extremists..I hope he does and that will also build a legacy for him...
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@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
8 Nov 12
Obama supports abortion and free birth control...what ever happened to s;e;x being something special and just not what everyone does and something you take responsibility for? Now...women of all ages, can just do it whenever they want to and not be concerned about conceiving as they can either get free pills or free responsibility whatsoever on their part!!! Where does it end? Why is s'e'x such a major issue with this administration? It is just one more thing that people are "given' so that they don't have to take responsibility for anyting they do wrong.
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@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
8 Nov 12
So what really is your beef with Romney? Obama says at some point you've made enough, but hey...he's got his. And he goes to the uber rich to get himself four more years, you really think he's now suddenly going to make the rich give up their money? only if it means driving them out of the country to escape his grab for their money, or merely close down some more job producing businesses to keep from going bankrupt.
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@Bluebell18 (636)
• United States
7 Nov 12
Maybe I used 'hate' too harshly. But let's be real, stary1, Romney has his views of the country. Me personally, I didn't believe him when he said 'love of country' if he thinks that shipping jobs overseas and getting rid of Planned Parenthood is love.
I agree that Obama has the chance to move to the middle.
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@Angelpink (4031)
• Philippines
8 Nov 12
Exactly ! Obama deserves that seat and no other than. He is for humanity and not because of ones tribe or color. We is firm , a very good , decent leader. Intellectually . morally and emotionally , he is perfect ! Also what i like in him , he is a family oriented man.
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@leeandrew (1225)
• Philippines
8 Nov 12
No one pleases everyone, and no matter how good or sincere are your motives people will always say something negative. So I suggest that we too, just say the positive and support our leaders. I just hope that president Obama would walk righteously and do things accordingly.
@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
8 Nov 12's whats wrong with that...
to apparently isn't about a strong is about them...and only them. I have no problem with any race...but this..this is disgusting.
@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
7 Nov 12
I don't hate Mr. Obama. I just don't think he's the right person to lead this country. He has divided the country, despite the rhetoric of 2008 that we were all one nation. He's pitted the poor against the rich and created resentment instead of ambition. He's divided repubs and dems by blaming his predecessor for everything that has gone wrong--even if it's true, it's certainly not presidential or even decent to blame your own shortcomings on someone else. The debt, the deficit, the real unemployment rate of around 14%--then Benghazi on top of everything else.
I don't hate him, not one bit. I don't hate anyone. And I hope his second term is a success in making the country prosper. But based on his past performance I'm very doubtful that we will be better off in four years.
@Bluebell18 (636)
• United States
7 Nov 12
What do you think would've happened if Romney took office? Is it safe to say that he would've fixed everything that's wrong? The division between dems & repubs started way before Obama was elected the first time.
@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
7 Nov 12
Romney could not have fixed everything that is wrong, certainly. I don't think anyone could. But he is a businessman that knows how to generate income and cut down debt. At the end of the next four years our debt will probably be over $20 trillion if Obama continues his current course. He just doesn't understand how business is done or how to run a country. He has a idealistic vision for this country but the more he tries to move toward it, the broker we will be and the closer we will be to Fascism.
With the taxes that we will be subjected to next year I will probably lose my home and I'm not even a member of the despised "rich" category.
The mess started with 9/11, as far as I can tell. And no one since them has used any common sense about security, the economy or business. Not either president, not Congress--especially not Congress.
No, a single person can't fix it but I wish the president would embrace capitalism and help the country get on a better financial footing.
@Bluebell18 (636)
• United States
7 Nov 12
And a businessman like Romney could embrace capitalism? When you have boat loads of cash stacked away in the Cayman Islands & Switzerland, the best thing for you to do is run for president. You have money. Now you want more power. This comes from a man that loves to 'fire' people. It's not an easy job to be president.
Romney does know how to generate income...his own income and the many streamlines of cash he has. And he does create jobs...that he and his cronies later ship over to China and India while they continue to line their own pockets and take what's left of our small paychecks. (Lack thereof, rather)
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@lilwonders456 (8214)
• United States
8 Nov 12
I don't hate Obama. I don't hate anyone. But the issue I have is I strongly do not agree with his platform or his agenda for this country. So I won't sling mud at him or anyone else. But I will put pressure on my elected officials to not vote for bills I don't agree with. I will continue to grow the liberty movement and I will stay active in my local, state and federal government. I won't stop being politically active just because the election is over. I know a few million that will join me in making our voice heard. Sorry, we are not the " fall in line" kinda people, just ask the GOP.

@lilwonders456 (8214)
• United States
8 Nov 12
I agree. Speaking the truth is not mud slinging. Going to be an interesting 4 years.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
8 Nov 12
I will agree, but will add; it is not 'slinging mud' to speak the truth. To speak of what has been done that is wrong, or to defend that which is right.

@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
8 Nov 12
DISAGREEMENT does not equal hate.
I'm not in a hurry to be on the team that throws our Cosntitution out the window and brings America to its financial knees is all.
YOU labeling that hate is part of the problem, part of the reason I cannot be part of that team. Do you really think THAT attitude, that anyone who disagrees is automatically a hater is what TEAMWORK is all about?
@bloggeroo (2167)
• Philippines
8 Nov 12
Nothing wrong with that. Frankly, it was quite an accomplishment to win re-election inspite of all the opposition--a bad economy, a Republican who can morph into anything, all the name calling. Obama was really prepared to win and he deserved it.
If anything, the blame should be on the Republicans for losing. They should change their game.