It was immigration, stupid!!!
@thegreatdebater (7316)
United States
November 7, 2012 6:49pm CST
Who really saw this coming? I didn't. But, exist polls showed that 71% of Latinos voted for Obama. Today many republicans are saying that they need to open up on immigration, which is what Bush tried to do in 2001 before 9/11. However, this is a non starter for many on the far right including the tea party groups. The Latino voting block is getting larger, and many on the right agree that parts of their party are NOT accepting them. Do you think that republicans will win another presidential election while ignoring the Latino vote?
11 responses
@lilwonders456 (8214)
• United States
8 Nov 12
Obama better deliver on immigration reform or the Latino community will take it out on the democrats in the next presidential election. With the way the house and senate are right now it will be very hard for him to get it done. The GOP will fight him on giving a path to citizenship for the illegals. It will be interesting to see what happens. There was talk in this election from the Latino community about sitting out the election because Obama had not gotten immigration reform done in his first term. Obama promised them he would get it done in his second term. Their patience won't last much longer.
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@thegreatdebater (7316)
• United States
9 Nov 12
It actually has more to do with the party seeing how Obama doesn't have to run again. The alternative for many isn't any option. Republicans do not want minorities in their party, look at their leadership, and you see the country club mentality.
@thegreatdebater (7316)
• United States
13 Nov 12
Deb, what do you consider "minority"? Middle income? Low income? Rich, Women?
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
9 Nov 12
Large large group of minority republicans would disagree with you.

@Netsbridge (3253)
• United States
8 Nov 12
Dont care. My most glorious moment of Decision 2012 was seeing rapists and pro-rapists Todd Akin and Richard Mourdock ousted -
Thank you, you and you, for seeing and understanding that men who believe rape is OK and that women should reward rapists with offspring are not friends to humans.
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@thegreatdebater (7316)
• United States
13 Nov 12
Deb, If Paula Jones accusations had ANY credibility there would have been thousands of republicans who would have financed her lawsuits against Bill. So why didn't they? They sure didn't mind spending money on Monika?

@irishidid (8687)
• United States
9 Nov 12
More people would have certainly been able to afford them and the gas to put into them. But you all wanted Santa Claus.
@thegreatdebater (7316)
• United States
9 Nov 12
Wasn't Romney promising a Bentely in every large donors garage?
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
8 Nov 12
And that precisely is what put us on the road to every American with their hand out.
What ever happened to the party of JFK who said, ask not what your country can do for you, but what can you do for your country?

@matersfish (6306)
• United States
8 Nov 12
For Latinos who are American, and those who are here legally, meaning those able to vote, I don't think immigration is their biggest issue per se. It probably makes the list, but I doubt that's the big issue that makes people vote.
I think things are a whole lot simpler than that.
If you want to be treated favorably because you're a Latino, voting for a Democrat is the best way to go.
That has been the case with most minority groups for a few decades now.
Those under the Democratic banner are more likely to pass special interest measures like college funding specifically for Latinos, special tax breaks specifically for Latinos, employment regulations specifically benefiting Latinos, etc. Democrats are the party that plays specifically to race in America, setting up different platforms to do things specifically for communities for no other reason than skin tone.
Republicans don't cater to race. I see them mostly catering to religion.
That's two trends the Republicans are well behind on. One, they're not offering special favors for people due to happenstance of birth. Two, they're still acting as if every man, woman and child in America is religious, while agnosticism and atheism are trending up.
Yeah. I agree with you about Latinos playing such a huge role. But I don't agree that immigration had much to do with it.
Republicans can't reclaim the minority vote while still claiming to be Republicans. And even though there's a very wide set of principles and standards under that R, playing specifically to an ethnicity isn't on the list.
@thegreatdebater (7316)
• United States
9 Nov 12
"Republicans don't cater to race. I see them mostly catering to religion."
Look at the top of the RNC, it is REALLY WHITE!!!!
"One, they're not offering special favors for people due to happenstance of birth."
Really, so republicans are fighting against legacy's at Harvard and Yale?
Two, they're still acting as if every man, woman and child in America is religious, while agnosticism and atheism are trending up.
I personally think it has more to do with them claiming to support religious people, but don't carry out those ideals. Look at all of the members of the party who are divorced, closet homosexuals, or are cheating on their wives. I think the hypocrisy plays a role in it as well.
Mark my words, what republicans will do is try at the state level, to suppress the Latino vote in the future. Like you said, they are not going to bow to them, or open up to them like democrats do. The only way they are going to change this is to get more minorities at the top of tickets, and show that they are more understand of their needs (which will PISS OFF their base, and would be almost impossible to do). But, there base is dying off, and the new voters are NOT in their demographic.
@matersfish (6306)
• United States
9 Nov 12
Even when I leave a post that basically agrees with you, you still manage to twist what I say.
Holy phuckballs, Batman. You know that "happenstance of birth" meant skin color in the arc of what I was writing. C'mon, man.
But that the Republican party is mostly white is whose fault?
They holding some secret Klan rallies or something? Or does it make more sense that more minorities simply join the Democratic party due to the Democratic race-based leanings?
There doesn't have to be a conspiracy out there about it. It's wide open, front and center. Leaders of minority communities say word for word, "What are you going to do for the insert race here people?" And since Republicans don't play ball that way, and the Democrats do, guess whose homes display whose yard signs?
Besides, fewer and fewer white people are voting Republican as well, so there's another place where Republicans-are-whitey's-friend falls out.
As far as carrying out religious ideals, that's something I have no idea about. I'm not religious. In my estimation, every person out there claiming to be religious picks and chooses what it means to them. Johnny's way of worship isn't the same as Jimmy's, even though they might worship from the same book.
I just know that I've never in my life met a person who was anti-abortion and an agnostic/atheist. I'm not saying they're not out there, but those types of things seem to be strictly religious-driven. And not that the Dems aren't chock full O'Christians too, but they come across as the secular party on social issues.
As far minorities at the top of Republican tickets angering the base, we'll just have to wait and see. Republicans don't have as many minorities as Democrats, obviously, but the minorities they do have seem to be rather popular.
Obama is the outlier in any situation. There's not another Obama in the Democratic party either.

@thegreatdebater (7316)
• United States
13 Nov 12
"You know that "happenstance of birth" meant skin color in the arc of what I was writing. C'mon, man."
My point was that you didn't decide what color, or tax bracket you were born into.
"But that the Republican party is mostly white is whose fault? "
Theirs!!! When all your friends are White, all of your institutions are White, and all of your neighborhoods are White it says something doesn't it? Look at the break down of the party, how many minorities are there?
"And since Republicans don't play ball that way, and the Democrats do, guess whose homes display whose yard signs? "
Read Jack Abramoff's book sometime and see how Republicans play ball!!!!

@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
8 Nov 12
Oh, sorry...
I thought you meant all those ILLEGALS who were granted amnesty voted for him.

@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
9 Nov 12
Lot's of Somalis in the swing states, needing someone to read the ballot to them cause they didn't know English.
YOU tell me.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
9 Nov 12
and rumor has it Colorado has a high immigrant population, so much so that more voted than actually live there.
but of course, YOU won't believe it.

@crossbones27 (50299)
• Mojave, California
8 Nov 12
That is what I have been noticing too. Did you ever think most blacks are religious and conservative too. That tells you the problem lies with your parties view point. not them. You guys have always used the blacks are lazy and just want to collect welfare stereo type, and that may be the case for a select few but not most of them. You definitely can't say that about Latino's. So again the problem lies with parties view points and it has seem to have gotten worse over the last 10 plus years. You guys could of easily won this election if your party would wake up.
@crossbones27 (50299)
• Mojave, California
8 Nov 12
Actually you are kind of right and kind of wrong. Many come over here and that is all they end up with. Some actually make it though, why do you think we have such a problem with immigration from mexico? Maybe not now as it once was, but there obviously was many that succeeded because Latino's are now going to be the majority population in the near future. Plus many except their fate that they will never become totally successful, but they work so hard for their kids. That way their kids can get educated and become successful. So again you are kind of looking at the big picture wrong. It takes generations to become truly successful unless you get lucky are have some special genes.
You solve the problem, how you solve any problem with people that need help. You get to know them, look at them as people, as equal as you. You can't help people when you consider yourself better than them. You have to look at it from their point of view. What would you do in that situation when the cards are stacked against you? Its actually all very logical if you think about it.
If you are talking about the immigration problem and why they keep coming over here. Its because we keep hiring them for cheap labor. We made are own problem and then we look at them as the bad guys for wanting a better life. Sometimes people really need to take some time and self reflect because most of the time the reasons their problems are so bad is because of things they created themselves. Unless you are purposely being held down by someone else.

@stealthy (8181)
• United States
8 Nov 12
One thing I have never been able to understand is the Latinos who are citizens and those who are legal immigrants being for illegal immigration. This is especially true with the job market the way it is. Illegal immigrants, of all ethnicity, are draining the countries resources in education, health care, jobs and many other areas. Not to mention the terrorist and crime threat that some of them are; yes this is a very small percentage of them, but that small percentage does a lot of damage.
@thegreatdebater (7316)
• United States
9 Nov 12
And people wonder why Latino's don't vote republican? The ironic part of your post is that most illegals are employed, and many of the employers are republicans. You are correct that they do drain resources, resources that their employers should be forced to pay for. But, it isn't illegal to HIRE an illegal in this country, and that should be where you start. I have tried to explain this to republicans, but they don't care. The easiest way for me to explain this is to use a simple analogy: If you drop a piece of candy on the ground and ants attack it, do you put a cup of the candy, or do you pick up the candy? If the jobs aren't here they won't come, but we don't want to punish the employers because they own the lawmakers. So we punish the people who try to come here for a better life.
Makes no sense at all!!!!
How many terrorist have been Latino?

@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
8 Nov 12
I just came across this on Yahoo! News....
Latinos are saying to Obama...we won the election for you owe us!!!
Sadly...that is true..they did play a huge part in his winning...and do apparently expect repayment.

@thegreatdebater (7316)
• United States
9 Nov 12
Coffee, Do you think all of the ultra wealthy would have done the same if Romney won? Remember the "faith based initiative" that Bush started? Do you think that had anything to do with the religious voter turn out? Wasn't that US Tax payer money going to churches, many of which encouraged their members to vote for Bush? Would you like to explain to me the difference here?
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
9 Nov 12
Who knows and who cares. All I wanted was a job. Don't look like that will happen anytime soon. Cause all the rich folks Obama and his supporters don't like (the ones HE went to for cash JUST LIKE ROMNEY) are laying off workers and some closing up shop. And IF they do stay in business, they won't hire cause of Obamacare.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
8 Nov 12
Goes right along with voting for who can GIVE you something instead of what is good for the country. Special interest groups still rule America. What's going to happen when we cannot continue to GIVE and we fail financially? Greece and Spain found out, riots and NOTHING left to give the to those with their hands out.

@evanslf (484)
9 Nov 12
The Republicans can win another election whilst ignoring the latino vote, except that by doing so, they simply make it harder for themselves. However, they won't be able to win another election if they keep on upsetting numerous constituencies in addition to the latinos, be it women by saying that they will ban abortions, be it gay people by saying that they cannot marry, etc. If the GOP wants to stay tough on immigration control, then it should decide to get out of people's bedrooms to appeal more to women and yes gay voters. I understand why Republicans would find this difficult though, many are deeply religious and believe passionately against gay marriage and against abortion. However, they should recognise that other people resent Government telling them what to do with their lives. I think the GOP should recognise the division between church and state, then they would be onto a winner. Ignoring the latinos though would mean they would be giving up on the nevadas, new mexicos and colorados of this world, but I suppose they could easily win back Florida and Ohio, by concentrating on a small government message.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
9 Nov 12
What republicans will have to do is give in and start making the same promises the democrats make to buy votes.
@natliegleb (5173)
• India
8 Nov 12
wow that is immensely popular and new to hear about and its a kind of way of winning for the democrats like barack obama i believe
@habibti320 (925)
• United States
8 Nov 12
I've heard it said that the Republican party is focusing on building its Latino/a candidates for 2016. Several within the party want to tap into the Latino electorate and also change the party's image from being all white. But then again, lots of people doubted that the first black president would come from the Democrat party...and we see how that went. I think it's because they are trying to compensate for their weaknesses. Most black people voted Democratic before Obama was a candidate, so it's not like he carried them because of that. He was also a social organizer and belonged to a party that has acknowledged racial and gender inequalities.