He is no gentleman

November 8, 2012 6:24pm CST
It was Monday when my colleague and I had a short exchange of words when he told me to eliminate dusts and clean a certain area because we have visitors coming. I was offended to hear that from a man, and told him 'Am I a janitress here?' Even though I was hurt, I still took some rugs and clean the area myself. But did not talk to him after that. I still have not talked to him until this morning when I arrived and learned that they are actually talking about me. He was saying that my position is lower than him and so who do I think he will ask to clean that area. I find it annoying as we have a janitor and he should look for him if he wants a certain area to be cleaned. Why me? I returned and told both of them that this is the first time I have actually experience a young and healthy man to behave that way and in my opinion, he is no gentleman. Was he unhappy that I still cleaned the area even though that is not part of my job? He even have the courage to tell others about it and justify his behavior. Please tell me, am I really wrong again? Thank you.
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12 responses
@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
9 Nov 12
Hi! You obeyed his orders when you were asked to do so and you showed your displeasure at an appropriate moment. I feel it was the correct behavior on your part. He should have realized before asking you that it was not your duty to clean the area, if he was so concerned about dust etc., he could have cleaned himself.
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@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
12 Nov 12
Yes, he might have felt guilty conscious after asking you to go for cleaning.
• Philippines
10 Nov 12
Thank you for your response. Yes, that is one of the few things I have said when I talked to them. I was actually talking to the other person and not directly to him. I said that if he really thinks that it was urgent, he should have done the cleaning himself and said that I think that he is no gentleman. It was really my first time to experience a guy asking me to clean something. Normally, they would even volunteer to do the cleaning if they see you cleaning something. I did not look at him but he did not say anything. I should have kept everything in me if I did not caught him discussing about it to other people. What is his purpose for doing so? Was his conscience telling him that he did something wrong and so he needed other people to explain and justify his behavior?
@sjvenden27 (1840)
• United States
9 Nov 12
I would have reacted the same way.. Especially if there is someone else there that has that speicific job.. I do not think it was right for him to assert his authority over you just to boost his ego and his place within the work place.. You did a good job dealing with this guy.. If this continues I would go above his head and talk to his boss.. Its not right to have to sit there and put up with that; espeically in the workplace!
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• Philippines
9 Nov 12
Thanks for your response. I really learned here at mylot and they are correct that it isn't right to let those kind of people take advantage of you. They won't stop until you tell them to. I just really felt that I needed to depend myself as I have done anything wrong. I told our janitor to go to this man every now and then to check if he needs something to be cleaned or done. I will never ever talk to him unless he ask for an apology. He is not even a senior employee and he behave like that. I wonder how he will behave if he got promoted in the future.
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• United States
9 Nov 12
You did good though.. Even though he was being mean.. You followed through did what he asked and was a "team player". Not sure if you are going to say anything or not, but at least if the higher ups find out about what happened they can see that even though he was acting that way you still did the job regardless.. If this guy was being promoted or will be I would mention something before that happened.. Why?? Higher up the chain the more responiblities and in some possible situations this guy may be representing the company as a whole.. Would hate for something to happen while he was dealing with a major customer or client.. And if his not so nice personality comes out your company could lose out big time.. Thus less likely to get a raise, the extra hours you might of wanted, etc etc... Its not just looking out for your best interests you are also looking out for your company too.. I would mention or say something like that.. So it doesnt look like some grade school fight that should of been resolved between the two of you.. Dont get me wrong what he did was uncalled for.. But the higher up the ladder you go the more a person is focused on the business aspect..
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@riyauro (6421)
• India
9 Nov 12
yeah we have to stand for ourselves otherwise people take advantage. Good you stood for yourself. Proud of you. If he has little shame in him he will say sorry. Otherwise he is regarded as an animal..,
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@wolfie34 (26770)
• United Kingdom
9 Nov 12
I would be upset too, I find his behaviour patronizing and vindictive, if he was so concerned about cleaning a certain area, why couldn't he of done it himself? Is he incapable, lazy? You are certainly not wrong to feel how you did, I wonder if it's worth having a quiet word with your manager or his manager, because if you don't say anything you will stay angry and resentful inside, at least by speaking your mind in a polite way you will have got your point across that you weren't happy the way you were spoken to by your colleague. Otherwise if you don't say anything he is likely to do it to you again, some people need putting in their place, they are not special and even if you are under him, there is absolutely no need for his attitude, quite frankly it stinks.
• Philippines
10 Nov 12
Thank you so much wolfie. I did not talked to him directly but he was actually there when I said what I needed to say. He was listening. I talked to the girl he was talking to that time but I said it in a manner that he would hear and understand my words. Yes, it is in a polite manner and I feel very happy that I did that without really raising my voice. He was there and listening when I said I think he was the first man, healthy and young, that asked me to clean a certain area because normally, they would even volunteer to do it and won't let you do the cleaning. I was just shocked on how he behaved and I think he is no gentleman. He heard all my words but I really do not know how he reacted because I won't look at him. I said that that's how I really feel about what has happened and then returned to my desk. I really hope that he would realized by now that what he has done is inappropriate. The reason I tried my best to say my feelings about what happened is, like you said, I really do not want that to happen again. They are thinking that they can do anything to me and I won't speak at all. But this time, I managed to tell how I feel and I feel great. Thank you so much for sharing. I really appreciate your words.
@uchelink (200)
• Nigeria
9 Nov 12
Dear you did perfect well.... Is just that am so ashamed of some people trying to feel superior why they're not. Even to the extend of discussing you wit ur other colleague too bad of him don't mind him just do what is right and leave the rest to God ok...
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• Philippines
10 Nov 12
Thanks for your response uchelink. Yes, our supervisor would normally call our janitors to do the cleaning. I don't know what's with this guy to tell me do the cleaning and even have the guts to talk to other people about it. Was he really thinking he has done anything wrong? Some people are really blinded.
@lacieice (2060)
• United States
9 Nov 12
Unless he is your boss, he has no right to assign a job to you. If he sees work that needs to be done, he should do it himself. As for his other remarks, he is, apparently, an arrogant jerk who doesn't value the people around him.
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• Philippines
10 Nov 12
Thanks for your response. Yes, normally, if it is really urgent and something needs to be cleaned, I will do the cleaning myself and would not really call our janitor. Well, I think that if you are really concern about your work, you'll do the same. But what he has done seems really inappropriate for me. He could have done the cleaning himself. He was there and he is capable of doing that. I really have no intention of making a big issue out of it, I am just uncomfortable talking to him after the incident. He may have noticed that but won't admit to himself he has done a mistake so he needed to justify himself which really made me upset so I needed to talk to say my opinion about what happened.
@zeedo666 (150)
• Poland
9 Nov 12
You are right, cleaning is no a part of your job so chin up and be proud of yourself. I am proud of you that you opposed your boss so bravely. Remember that once you let people exploit you they will want to do that all the time.
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• Philippines
10 Nov 12
Thank you zeedo, what really annoys me is he is not even my boss. He is one of our engineers but is not on the supervisory level. Yes, I learned here that I should not really let others to exploit me because they will repeat that every time they have the chance. So from now on, they can no longer do that to me. I would really speak if I think I am in the right position to say how I feel.
@cutepenguin (6431)
• Canada
9 Nov 12
I think he was quite rude. if he thought it was important to be done, he could have done it himself. If it wasn't part of your job, it isn't your responsibility, and you are a good employee so obviously you do work if it needs to be done, but he should be willing to do it too.
• Philippines
10 Nov 12
Thank you cutie, that is why I was really offended when he asked me to do the cleaning. He could in fact call our janitor if he did not want to do it, but instead call my intention and asked me to do it. He is really no gentleman.
@riyauro (6421)
• India
9 Nov 12
oh well you have done the right thing telling him off because if there is a cleaner in the office then as boss he should tell the cleaner to do his work and not to you. That was rude and I would react the same way you did. Thanks for sharing and have a wonderful day ahead.
• Philippines
10 Nov 12
Thank you. Yes riyauro, we do have janitors at work. My boss was not around that time because he was with our visitors showing them our facilities. I won't feel this way if he just asked me to call for our janitor to clean the area instead of telling me to do the cleaning. And I won't be hurt so much if I did not hear him talking about the incident to other people as if I was the one who did something wrong.
@mariaperalta (19073)
• Mexico
9 Nov 12
Good that you spoke up. No one deserves that. Im proud of you. How has he been since then? Better?
• Philippines
10 Nov 12
Thank you maria, I do feel great about what happened. This is actually the first time I've done something like that and I feel happy. Normally, I would just keep my silence and let everything passed. But I do not know if my words have made him realized his inappropriate behavior. He still id not asked for apology.
• Philippines
9 Nov 12
Honestly, I doubt his sexuality. I mean, seriously, how can a guy gossip such a petty thing? I don't really see a reason for a guy to justify his behavior over a woman. Anyway, is he in the managerial position or what? It won't hurt if he only asked you to tell the janitor to fix the mess. Some people just can't earned respect 'coz they don't know how to respect others.
• Philippines
10 Nov 12
No, he is an engineer but he is not even in supervisory level. He did not asked me to call the janitor to clean the area, he directly asked me to remove the dust and clean the area that is why I asked him if he thinks I am a janitor. I did not talked to him after the incident so maybe, he is feeling guilty about it so he needed to talk to this other girl in the office to explain himself. What annoys me more is the way he explained himself. He said I have lower position and so who do I think he would ask to clean the area, our supervisor? I don't see any logic in that. We have janitors, he should have called one. Instead of saying sorry, he would tell others I got mad at him for doing the cleaning. I think he is being unfair.
@Aitul13 (43)
• Romania
9 Nov 12
I think that you behaved very ok! Congratulation!
• Philippines
10 Nov 12
Thanks Aitul, I was actually very nervous when I did that but now, I feel happy that I did the right thing. Thank you.
@lizlee (208)
• Philippines
9 Nov 12
No, your not wrong. He's just so rude! Who gave him the right to talk about others behind their backs? I mean, yeah probably he's level is higher than yours but he's attitude is way below sea level! Just so arrogant! This guy must've inferiority issues that's why he wants to boss around.
• Philippines
10 Nov 12
Thanks lizlee. I think he did that because I won't really talk to him after the incident. He is feeling guilty so he needed to explain himself to one of our colleagues. But even the way he explained himself, I find very inappropriate. One of our client did a comment about him in the past, our client wrote a comment that he was sarcastic. But I won't really mind because I have never experienced the same in the past, until last Monday.