Socialist or Capitalist!

November 9, 2012 10:43am CST
I am noticing especially in this recent US election, that these two terms have been thrown about,with the general public seeming to think that socalism is this horrible state of affairs while capitalism is the answer to all our prayers. The fact is socialism allows for the sharing of wealth where as capitalism allows for the rich to feed of the middle class and poor.How can this be what we want? Is it better to have the wealthty being able to have all resources while the everday working man be satisfied with society's crumbs. I know that socialism is conspired with other countries where it has failed. But it has failed as a result of the people getting greedy and wanting to be above other people. I am Glad Obama won,I can just see if Romeny had won the middle class being taxed in the name of econmic growth. I know there's more to it than just what i've said but the concept is there, its just taht people are brainwashed to believe either with the republican school of thought or the democratic. To me the most intellegent of the american population is the undecided. Voting for whom can give them the most !!!!!
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7 responses
@WakeUpKitty (8692)
• Netherlands
9 Nov 12
I think if it comes to socialism or captitalism there is no difference nowadays. Politicians lie and no matter what they are or stand for there is only one thing for sure: they will never pay or give away a part of their income. They will always choose what is not harming themselves. I wonder why you think Obama is better as Romeny. All presidents are exactly the same as soon as they won. They are the greedy ones. They don't care about the poor people or the middle class who is working day and night and who is paying most of the bills. I agree that people are brainwashed. Also I find it far of intelligent if you just decide to vote for one (or the other) because someone is calling you (and knows everybody about your life! Where is your privacy if it comes to that and why don't you see that they are manipulating you?).
@shilran (178)
9 Nov 12
But western political culture better than the Asia. Specially Europe. South Asia specially much corrupted. Yes but in the end, politicians are politicians. they are in power hungry. They will do anything to maintain power with them.
10 Nov 12
People are brainwashed to believe that we must conform to the status quo. Obama is trying something a bit different.But economic gurus are in opposition to the things he is trying to accomplish.
@_sketch_ (5742)
• United States
10 Nov 12
Well, there has been a lot of anti-socialist propaganda drilled into the American brain for quite some time now. It didn't help that a bunch of selfish dictators misused the label and attached it to what they were doing in their countries. I imagine that many countries have the same ideas toward democracy, seeing how we incorrectly label this country as such. There's a lot of competition in this world and everyone is taught that the other guy is the enemy. Back in elementary, it was the other class. In highschool, the other football team. That sticks with us when we grow up and the consequence doesn't serve us. I agree with what you said, except for the bit about being the "undecided." I'd use the term, "independent" for we need to be independent in our thinking and beliefs, not undecided about them. Also, with this, you seem to imply that we are undecided about whether we are going to vote for Republican or Democrat. Neither of these are going to help us. We need to break free and become independent of either of these parties- or parties at all, really.
10 Nov 12
I used the word undecided since in my country the marginal seats which can lean to either of the political party's way usually gets all the attention and goodies in time for elections. Lets make puppets out of the government they say!
@MoonGypsy (4605)
• United States
10 Nov 12
well, the u.s. is a capitalist country. socialism isn't popular here. if one were for socialism in this country, they wouldn't be able to say it out loud, no matter what the 1st amendment says. capitalism rules here, it IS america and that will not change. the rich will always feed off the poor. that's what the system was designed to do. nothing else.
10 Nov 12
The rich living of the poor is an international thing. It is just in the western world they took it to the next level and brain washed everyone into thinking this is how we are to live.
@beenice2 (2967)
• Sackville, New Brunswick
9 Nov 12
I don't think that you have it all cooked up well there.I think your up for a bad 4 years ahead, I don't want to ruffle your feather on the wrong side, I'm not from U.S,for all I have seen. If you looking well at Obama background you'll notice that his religion is " Muslim" and his intention are not pure. Whatch my word if Obama could bring the debt of your country another $ 5,000,000,( trillion) more in what you guys own don't think he can manage well the finance. With a man on top of a Nation the is part of the " wicah " group, it is witchcraft that will bring a lot of grief on top of everything else. Hopefully with everything that I told you, that you bring my rate down, because I 'll know it.Thank you.
10 Nov 12
First off,President Obama is NOT muslim.He's mom was white and his dad was from Kenya.If people would stop being so negative and give this man a chance to straighten out the U.S., everything will be fine.The U.S. is in debt for the simple fact our country had to participate in a war that was unnecessary and all the economical problems were caused by former Pres. George W. Bush.Let's get our facts straight before we judge please!!!!!!!!!
@robspeakman (1700)
9 Nov 12
I like to think of myself as a theorectical communist. This being because in theory communism is the ideal solution for society. However because people get involvedit tends to ruin it
10 Nov 12
A true Marxist. Ideal communism is more equatable for every one. But giving factors such as greed ,envy,the need to achieve high status it is difficult to achieve. We have been brainwashed.
10 Nov 12
I agree with you Gamaplus.I'm glad President Obama was re-elected too because the miccle and lower class would be in trouble.I felt Mitt Romney was all for the rich and didn't care how the middle and lower class' future was going to turn out!
10 Nov 12
Romney was just in it for the money. Help out his friends and squeeze the workers for every last drop of life.
@shilran (178)
9 Nov 12
Capitalism has no solution for the burning questions of the man kind now. It has come to the end. And it has been destroying the earth as well if this system going on we don't know whether human kind can live longer on this planet. Limited resources will never be able to full fill unlimited desires of human beings.So where is the solution . people must reduce their desires which never can be satisfied. New socialism has been required to the world. It may not be Marxism. Marxism is not the only way to Socialism. There are so many seeds in Asian ancient seeds for it. specially from Buddhism we can gain more for it. However we have wanted new economy system for the world soon.
10 Nov 12
I am sensing a new paradigm in the near future. We cannot keep on existing in this way were the rich live of the working class and poor benefits from the sympathy of governments with programs such as food stamps,welfare,and cheap housing.