Was Obama elected?

@Rollo1 (16679)
Boston, Massachusetts
November 10, 2012 9:16pm CST
I expected some stories of voter fraud to come out following the election, well any election has someone committing some type of fraud, right? But the fraud in this election is of proportions never before seen. In fact, in trying to pad the vote by enough to make up for the gap in the polls, it seems they went a little overboard. In Saint Lucie county, Florida, every precinct had more ballots cast than the number of registered voters. In some precincts, this was as high as 158% of registered voters. This also happened in Colorado, in Ohio, and elsewhere. In Ohio, Democratic poll supervisors illegally ejected GOP poll monitors. It took a judge to order them reinstated. In those polling places where the poll watchers were removed, Obama got 99% and 100% of the votes cast. There were polling places where there were Obama posters (illegal). My niece's husband owns convenience stores in PA. He said that operatives of the campaign came in and bought dozens of cartons of cigarettes. They use these as rewards to get people on buses and take them to the polls and they don't get the carton until they have voted the way they're told to vote. A man in North Carolina boasted on his daughter's Facebook that he had already voted 5 times and was going to vote a 6th time in his own precinct. As he was heavily involved in voter registration in his state, it is highly likely he did register himself in several places. There are so many stories and reports of violence, threats, people voting more than once, non-citizens voting and just the number of places where the votes outnumber the people who live there, that there is no way to list them all or even digest the scope of the fraud. I am beginning to feel truly ill at the way our democratic process has been perverted and I have absolutely no confidence in the results of this election. This president was not going to be allowed to lose, this much is clear. What I want to know is: What are we going to do about it?
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9 responses
@peavey (16936)
• United States
11 Nov 12
That's my question, too. What are we going to do about it? There are many questions about Obama and the things he does as well as the people he has hired and appointed to his administration. If even part of these were true, any other president would have been impeached long ago. What's going on?
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@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
11 Nov 12
I think it is really the media. The media has protected Obama from negative press and in fact, offered excuses for him, making them up themselves. It's one thing to report the White House excuse, but they actually go out of their way to excuse his actions and to vilify anyone who opposes him. None of the stories that I listed below can be found on CNN, for instance. There are so many things that the majority of the public simply are not aware of. For this reason, they won't be up in arms or demanding answers and they will think you're crazy if you do.
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@peavey (16936)
• United States
12 Nov 12
You may very well be right. And if people don't hear it on CNN and ABC and so on, they think when we speak up about it, we're "conspiracy nuts." I don't know what is to be done.
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
11 Nov 12
Every election has things like this but I don't understand how it happens. When I vote I have to give my ID and my name is checked off on a printed roster of voters. If I were to go back and try to vote again they would tell me I was not allowed to as I already voted. How do people vote twice? I know they must as there was a big stink about it in the Bush/Gore election but I just don't understand how it can be done. Also, you must be registered to vote. How can they pull people off the street and bribe them to vote or bus them in when they aren't registered at the precinct? I'm asking these questions because I truly don't understand how and why these things can happen or are allowed to go on. If poll workers do their jobs there should not be any illegal voting. I don't understand how the GOP let themselves be kicked out of polling places. Isn't that illegal, couldn't they call the sheriff?
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• United States
11 Nov 12
"When I vote I have to give my ID and my name is checked off on a printed roster of voters." I was going to pull a Sir Rant-a-Lot in my own post here, saying the same thing about ID, but I'll piggyback (read: troll ) yours. I walked into the high school where the took care of the nonsense this year, and it was like walking into DMV hell squared. But the lines and waiting times weren't long because it was dysfunctional. They had their stuff together. Single file, be quiet, have your ID ready, step to the front of one of two lines, let them make sure you're good to go, get your ballot, handle your biz, GTFO. If they can do that here, why not everywhere? My town is fairly mixed. There were more black folks there than white folks or Latinos. But there weren't any special interest groups holding the place hostage or moaning about fairness or anything. They were just running a tight ship. And as far as I know, there weren't any Republicans in high places trying to keep Dems out, or Dems in high places trying to throat-stomp Reps.
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
11 Nov 12
Matersfish, I just assume, perhaps wrongly, that your polling place and mine are the norm. If that's not true, there should be legal action taken. I have never voted anyplace--and I've voted in 3 states in my life--where my ID wasn't checked and it would be impossible to vote more than once. For voting fraud to happen it would have to be in collusion with state and federal government agencies, wouldn't it? And wouldn't there be a paper trail and ample proof of the crime? I'm not doubting that voter fraud takes place, anything is possible with this corrupt system we have (still the best in the world and that's a sad statement). I have just never been anywhere that made it possible and I wonder how it is done.
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• United States
11 Nov 12
I suppose rogue outfits could attempt--do attempt, rather--to hijack elections without higher approval or collusion. And I also suppose that it's often attempted for any election. Personally, I think it comes down more to who wants to be the person telling the NAACP that they can't be inside a polling outfit. Who wants to be the person crying foul when they know their name will be mud after? Maybe the scum who want to cheat realize this. If it's anything done under Obama or Obama's name, even if it's in no way tied to Obama himself, it's going to be either ignored or widely discredited and contested. The person making the accusations is instantly labeled as, well, I've already read what Rollo was called. That's what people have to deal with when attempting to shine light on these matters. But all of that is under the assumption that we're dealing with some Obama-nuts-gone-rogue election tamperers. If it were sanctioned by anyone higher up, be it counties or states, I think there would definitely be some type of paper trail: email correspondence, someone with audio/video for extorting purposes captured via phone call or eating, etc, or memos coming from higher places. It's not like anyone would ever investigate it though. It would just go away like 2008's voter intimidation thing. I do think the voting experiences we had are the norm. I'm not sure if there's enough tampering to actually change the Presidential vote from Romney to Obama. Even still, the people tampering need to face the music.
@owlwings (43907)
• Cambridge, England
11 Nov 12
Two of the incidents you quote are completely false. In Saint Lucie county, FA, there seem to have been two cards cast (legally) per voter and it is the 'cards cast' figures which are over 100%. The actual provisional figures are shown here: http://www.slcelections.com/Pdf%20Docs/2012%20General/GEMS%20SOVC%20REPORT.pdf and if you scroll to page 3, you will see that the VOTES cast for President and Vice President are 123,591 out of 175,554 registered voters. The number of blank votes and 'over votes' is well within reasonable limits for such a number of voters. There certainly appears to have been some problems and irregularities at some of the polling stations and it is not explained why there should have been two cards per voter (usually this is because there are two elections - one local and one national). The incident of the man in North Carolina was a 'joke' that went too far, as explained here: http://www.wral.com/facebook-joke-brings-allegations-of-voter-fraud/11739406/ Your other allegations were too vague and unsupported to check and your errors in the stories which I was able to verify tend to discredit your whole post. While I do no doubt that there may have been attempts at fraud, your post is inflammatory and libellous. It is people like you who deliberately lie and post false information who are the REAL 'terrorist' threat to your country.
@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
11 Nov 12
It is not a surprise that some of Obama's most vocal supporters are from other countries. And it doesn't surprise me that following something like the events of September 11, 2012, that I would be called a greater terrorist threat. In fact, I expect that sort of thing from liberals in the UK. However, supported statements (and there is much more): http://colorado.mediatrackers.org/2012/09/04/colorado-counties-have-more-voters-than-people/ So far this morning, Democratic operatives prohibited 75 legally credentialed Republican election workers from accessing polling places in heavily Democratic areas in Philadelphia. Incidents ranged from judges of elections refusing to seat Republican Minority Inspectors and Clerks, to reports of Democratic election operatives announcing that “No Republicans will be allowed in the polling place.” As a result, the Republican Party of Pennsylvania petitioned the Court to issue formal orders to force Democratic judges of elections to seat Republican minority inspectors and clerks. The Court said that they will issue around 6-12 Orders with approximately 6 – 10 names per Order. http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2012/11/06/judge-issuing-order-to-reinstate-booted-philadelphia-election-officials/ Gertrude Walker, Supervisor of Elections for St. Lucie County, said she is not sure why the Election Summary Report lists "Cards Cast" as 141%. "They may have had something like that in Palm Beach County, but we've never seen that here," she said. http://www.wptv.com/dpp/news/region_st_lucie_county/st-lucie-county-election-results-posted-after-hours-of-delay#ixzz2BuzknHPk At a Houston polling place, the NAACP showed up and took over, handing out bottles of water, wearing NAACP labeled clothing and actually moving certain people from the back of the line to the front of the line. A poll worker who reported this was told to "stand down" and even though campaigning within 100 feet is illegal, they were allowed to campaign inside the polling place. http://townhall.com/tipsheet/katiepavlich/2012/11/03/breaking_naacp_takes_over_polling_station_advocates_for_president_obama_at_houston_polling_location While completely expected, your comment is uninformed and springs from the general worship of Obama by foreigners who ought to be more concerned with the near-collapse of their own government instead of trying to spread the disease of socialism.
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@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
11 Nov 12
Oh and one more thing: http://www.truethevote.org/news/how-widespread-is-voter-fraud-2012-facts-figures The true figures on voter fraud.
@lacieice (2060)
• United States
11 Nov 12
You missed the point that in Pittsburgh, several Republicans were ordered by a judge to be removed from the front of a polling place where they were trying to stop democrats from voting by questioning voters in line.
@urbandekay (18278)
12 Nov 12
Well you did nothing about it when Bush rigged the election so why bother now? all the best, urban
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@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
11 Nov 12
Probably since Obama was re-elected, actually nothing. Sure, many will try, but will the ones in charge listen and do anything? You see they wanted a far left president who could do no wrong and since the 1980s, the media has, prompted by many blacks, to not put them in a bad light. And if you watched all those tv shows, you can see a progression where blacks are portrayed as the leaders because they did not get that in slavery times, now they want it all. The Democratic party also sees blacks as victims, that is American blacks. That means they will give them more chances then other ethnic groups. We have the same problem,only it is with the Native Canadians. When they commit a crime it is because they live on the reserves and are poor. If we commit a serious crime, we go to the pen for a long time, but all they have to do is sit in a sweat lodge. Oh and in order to get Obama a chance they used every trick in the book. And because most blacks have powerful voices, people believe that their voice represent their integrity and they must be obeyed. Until we get over the idea that being of a certain ethnic group makes you more noble, we will still have this problem.
@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
12 Nov 12
I think that a lot of people wanted him to be a good president, wanted us to have proof that we were right to choose him. It's a very depressing thing for our first black president to have failed. But he didn't fail because he is black, he failed because he is a radical socialist progressive with no qualifications to be president and policies that are not good for America. For some, it is impossible for them to let go of that dream that they envisioned, and so they re-elected him in order to validate their first vote.
• United States
11 Nov 12
WOW, I haven't head ANY of this. I find it IMPOSSIBLE to have voter fraud in Ohio when republicans have gone to great lengths to suppress democratic voters. Is reminds me so much of that commercial where the women says that they can't put anything wrong on the internet. I am sure that you think that everything you read on the internet is TRUE, but I can tell you that it isn't. Apparently you are listen to the same information that Romney was using when he thought there was no chance he would lose.
@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
11 Nov 12
If you added some real news sources to your bookmarks and delete the HuffPo and the Daily Kos, you might start to hear some of what is really going on in the world. It might cause you great distress though, after living in a liberally-induced progressive hallucination.
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@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
11 Nov 12
First, he received over 99% of the vote in districts where GOP inspectors were illegally removed. Next, he won 100% of the vote in 21 districts in Cleveland. Well, he's gotten another lucky break! Mr. Obama won Wood County in Ohio this year. That's right, Mr. Obama won the majority of Wood County's 108% of registered voters. That's not a typo. In 2012, 106,258 people in Wood County are registered to vote out of an eligible 98,213. Secretary of College Democrats Morgan Holliger chimed in, "We won Wood County, we won Ohio." Mr. Obama did indeed win Wood County, along with its 108% of voters. Read more: Family Security Matters http://www.familysecuritymatters.org/publications/detail/voter-fraud-obama-won-108-of-registered-voters-in-ohio-county?f=must_reads#ixzz2Bx5skbV9 Under Creative Commons License: Attribution COLUMBUS, Ohio — Two volunteer poll workers at an Ohio voting station told Human Events that they observed van loads of Ohio residents born in Somalia — the state is home to the second-largest Somali population in the United States — being driven to the voting station and guided by Democratic interpreters on the voting process. No Republican interpreters were present, according to these volunteers. http://theulstermanreport.com/2012/10/27/ohio-voter-fraud-reports-now-circulating/
• United States
12 Nov 12
According to the census bureau, in 2011 there were 110560 voters eligible for registration in Wood County, Ohio -- 126,355 residents total, of whom 12.5% are under age 18. That's 87.5% of the eligible population registered.(http://quickfacts.census.gov/qfd/states/39/39173.html) In the 2012 election, 62,338 votes were cast in Wood County, Ohio -- 57.7% of the registered population. (http://www.co.wood.oh.us/boe/Election%20Results%20Final%20Unofficial.htm) Of those votes, 31,596 were cast to reelect President Obama. Where do you, or rather where does familysecuritymatters.org get the 98213 figure? The link you cite gives no sources.
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@flowerchilde (12529)
• United States
12 Nov 12
I think this reaches pretty far up.. I thought it might be so (might happen that way) when I heard how very positive Valerie Jarrett was over the election beforehand.
@irisheyes (4370)
• United States
16 Nov 12
The first thing you Republicans should do is learn how to run a campaign. You're big on statistics and voter registration so how about this: Your candidate spent 10s of millions of dollars in the last week trying to turn Pennsylvania, a state with 2 to 1 Democratic registration that has gone Democrat every election since Clinton's first term. A state that was never in play in this election. Every pollster in the country knew that Romney could not win here but he was visiting and running 5-6 dds every hour on local TV while the Dems pushed hard in Wisconsin, Florida, Virginia & Ohio where the election was won. The guy who was going to save the American economy just spent a fortune doing everything possible to lose an election and now you are all bellyaching about voter fraud. You didn't lose to voter fraud. You los because you never bothered to put together a ground game. Yes, Obama won the election and the DNC should be congratulated for running a smart campaign while the Republicans talked big and floundered. Unfortunately, the Republicans are still talking big and the talk is all about alleged voter fraud.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
11 Nov 12
http://www.petition2congress.com/8222/petition-recount-on-2012-presidential-election/?m=3763398 The ACLJ is another good source for finding out what can be done.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
11 Nov 12
http://washingtonexaminer.com/eric-holders-uphill-battle-huge-public-support-for-voter-id/article/2504969#.UJmkmoWcSKw Clearly 75% of America wants voter ID laws. And UN workers observing election were amazed we don't have ID laws. http://townhall.com/tipsheet/katiepavlich/2012/11/06/un_poll_watchers_baffled_us_doesnt_require_id_to_vote