A Mylot dr e am ?
@Hatley (163773)
Garden Grove, California
November 10, 2012 10:18pm CST
I woke the other night after dreaming I was in Anaheim and very tired as I had ridden the bus from some far off place..All of a sudden I came u on a large sort of park like setting with cottages and a group of people all standing there
listening to this one person who looked just like Lambie. Then several
stepped forward to hug me. One old me I am garden Gerty and so on
for about fifteen people cam e to hug me.the dream of course seemed so real.
A large banner hung above our heads stating that this was Mylot
Campgrounds free to all who had at least 20 000 points after their
name. But I heard that Lambie was a special guest as he had over
all the years of different account wracked up a lot of points which
of course were lost when he closed one account then opened another
one. Your take am I just going nutso here or was it just a pleasant'
odd little dream.
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27 responses
@louievill (28851)
• Philippines
11 Nov 12
hello, perhaps it's a premonition Mylot will have a great coming year and would give all of as some kind of a treat

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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
11 Nov 12
hi lou ievill yes maybe so.like most dreams it all seemed real and of
course made perfect sense in the d ream . only when waking up then I am going thats one weird dream.I kept thinking that w would take a lot of money to make anything like that and with the cost of land here and building also it would be totally out of the questionl but it was a pleasnat dream any way.
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@louievill (28851)
• Philippines
11 Nov 12
free for guys with 20,000 plus? Didn't your dream say anything about 3,321? 3,322 now after I made this post?
Maybe a free drink or something? Won't be able to afford air fare and accomodations to Anaheim right now
but that's fine, Mylot camp, Woodstock style if I were the one dreaming LOL, so you guys have a nice time me too at least in our dreams!

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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
11 Nov 12
he he woodstock style oh lord that brings back memories of Kent state and shooting of students, what an aw f ul thing.glad my dream was a happy one
adn i woke up thikng wow that would cost millions for my lot to build something lke that as the cost of land here in
California is just sky high like e very thing else here r ents food utilities name it high high and higher lol. so oncein a while to have a warm f uxxy dream is
really welcome loll.tell you what next time I have that dream I will be sure to see if you cannot at least get free drinks okay?

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@celticeagle (172519)
• Boise, Idaho
11 Nov 12
I think it's both, Hatley. Alot of the oddest of little dreams turn out to be very weird stories when retold. Like Alice in Wonderland and all that. Sounds like a nice time though. WOuld love to actually do something like this and meet some of these folks.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
11 Nov 12
hi celticEagle hi yes me too as I was thinking it would be nice if somehow
you cou d at least meet some of our fellow mylotters in our state at some
central place as California is a large state.I was doing this thinking when trying to go to sleep. my roomie had gone downstairs on a
fruitless trip to get her pain medication. it was not due until
11.30pm and it was just ten p.m. So I was l ying there trying
to fall asleep and thinking about meeting other mylotters.

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@celticeagle (172519)
• Boise, Idaho
11 Nov 12
Funny the stuff we think of before we go to sleep at night.
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@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
11 Nov 12
yikes. not sure if id concider it a dream or nightmare
with my luck id be naked and everyone would be laughing at me.
just kidding. i thought my only life was the internet and mylot and pogo some tv also. obviously yours is pretty much mylot girl.
you need to get out more. like myself, only friends is here and some on FB. kudos to you and all your friends with so many posts

@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
18 Nov 12
ha ha oh m y Deazil how funny and nobody even notices and
I bet you were really glad to wake up and know it was only a dream,
I had one once and woke up furious and snarled and snapped at my poor
husband. I had dreamed I came home late from work and stopped in our
bedroom to leave off my jacket. To my horror there was this
strange girl in bed with my own husband. It seemed so real and I never
stopped to realize he would never have done that.All I thought '
about was how I wanted to boot her out an whack him a good one.
My husband kept asking honey whats wrong, what did I do?" Finally I
told him and he said" that was just a nightmare honeyit never
happened. You know I would never do that." so we soon were laughing
about the dream as we both were one man one woman people , we did not
cheat as we loved each other only .But for a short time I acted like
a shrew.

@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
11 Nov 12
Were there any non-Yanks in it? Oh, I do hope so as I'd love to give you a hug in real life.
When tapped on the bedroom door earlier, then I woke up (with a start) and he carried on tapping on the door. All a bit surreal as I had been dreaming just before I 'heard' the tapping. He told me that last time he sat on the bed to wake me up I practically screamed in terror lol.
As for you..no, you're not a nutter..you're perfectly normal and the dream sounds quite nice actually.

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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
12 Nov 12
hi I w anted to c hange my avatar and look what happened I did not
want t o go back to t he generic little white man on the sick
green backgrou nd. yes I am you would have liked him too.

@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
11 Nov 12
hi Janey I just remembered waking up from a dream and being so angry at my husband and he was floored but I had had the most awful dream that I walked in on h him making out with another woman.oh it seemed so read yet that was not som ething he would ever have d one. so when I finally told him about t he dream he
laughed and assured me that would never happened. but I sure was mean to him for a little while.Yes I am sure there were others from all over as there was a large c crowd there. ol

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@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
12 Nov 12
Awww, your husband was such a kind soul, I think I would've liked him as much as you if I'd ever met him.
Glad to know we're all in the dream lol.

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@inertia4 (27979)
• United States
12 Nov 12
Well, I would say you are in love with MyLot. Nothing wrong with that. I think it was just a nice pleasant dream. You are not nuts. This is on your mind obviously and you went to bed thinking about MyLot and the friends you have here. So thats where the dream came from. Enjoy it. I wish there was a MyLot camp ground, or a MyLot place. It would be nice to visit.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
12 Nov 12
hi inertia yes I woujld like that really well.in the dream I now remembered I had no brace on my leg and was not using the walker. oh that was a nice time in the dream.I was thinking about how much fun it would be to meet some of my mylot friends when I was trying to fall asleep. So I guess that really set off my dreaming. I had not thought about the fact that I had no brace on m ylef in the dream.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
15 Nov 12
hi inertia if I was to go back it would be 53 years back when myson was born those days w ere somme of the happiest of my life in fact 55 ears back would be great too with two little tots and my loving husband. A ter having had to have a hysterectomyt I dreamed a lot about being pregnant ,.we had wanted three children but the emergency hysterectomy ended all our dream.
@inertia4 (27979)
• United States
14 Nov 12
Well, I guess in our dreams we can do and be whatever we want to. It is a free world in our dreams. I would love to fall asleep and wake up back in 1982, but keeping the knowledge I have now about how it all turned out. Maybe one day that will come true for me. LOL.
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@Kalyni2011 (3496)
• India
18 Nov 12
Mom Hatley
All know you are the senior most member here
Because you are in mylot, guess most of the time when awake
You have this dream lol.
Wish i could hug you in dream too

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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
18 Nov 12
hi oh Kayni I would so love to meet you and the Professor and huig yuo
both. it w as a pleasant dream and as I went to sleep finallythinkingabou how I would love t o meet so many of mymylot firnes I guess this triggered the dream.
wow that kind of a place in Anaheim would cost millions of dollars for the land and then for buildings too.Land here in Orange county is so expernsive and the cost of livingis outrageous rents on crummy two bedrooms apartment that were 700 are now1300 and on up.And they are not even really nice either.There were a lot
of people in the crowd in my dream. so I did not even get to meet them all. my it seemed so real.

@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
11 Nov 12
hi ambiepam I know and I think I have lost track as he was
mykl or something like that when I first joined mylot. I guess I was thinking
before I fell asleep about how m uch f u n it would be to have some
sort of meeting where a lot of us mylotters could meet each other.then I had
responded to something GardenGerty had written just before I shut down
my computer. Odd how dreams seem so real yet when I wake I realize that they do
not make a whole lot of sense.

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@carmelanirel (20942)
• United States
11 Nov 12
Hi Hatley, oh no, where is your colorful avatar?
I think that is a very interesting and intelligent dream since you included Lambie due to him being here for so many years, though his numbers don't show it..
Maybe there will come a time when we will be able to get together..;)
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@carmelanirel (20942)
• United States
12 Nov 12
Ah, but you got it back now and I love the butterfly, beautiful...
Brace on the left leg, eh? Interesting...

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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
18 Nov 12
yes I got the darned thing back in my fifties. I was running in place trying to lose some weight. I somehow twisted my foot.oh the pain was awful and I went to this osteopath doctor and he said oh tha's just a sprain get back to experiencing
'But It was worse so I was referred to a foot doctor. He told me I had ruptured a
tendon and it was way too late to operate on it,.I would have to have a brace on my leg just to walk and keep keep my foot from turning over on the inside.So I have
a clumsy looking brace of metal
on an ugly looking boot.orthopedic shoes they are called., worlds ugliest shoes I call them

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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
12 Nov 12
wah wah boohoo 

I went to change my avatar to something different and wah sob I got something different the darned generic
little man on the dirty green back ground.I c ontacted mylot twice an p med Alex too as the avatar changer is not changing. sob.Yes ut was a fun dream and in the dream I was walking without the brace on my left let. how abou that?

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@lovinangelsinstead21 (36850)
• Pamplona, Spain
16 Nov 12
Hiya Hatley,
Never had a dream like that about mylot. Had premonitions during the day about certain people on mylot but being asleep I never dream about anything like that.
Now what a nice dream to have.
Oh well I cannot be invited then as I do not have that many points sob boo hoo. Another time perhaps when I rack up say another sixteen thousand points?
You have some really different dreams to me lucky you.xxx

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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
17 Nov 12
h i lovingangelsinstead21 love your flower wow. that was a n ice but really weird dream but in the dream it alway makes more sense than when you wake up.
Much better than a nightmare I have had off and on where I am in a cafe with friends and I want to go shop at JC Pennys. they wish to sit for awhile over their coffee. so we agree to meet at a certain time at J.c pennys womens dress dept.So I start off and suddenly no streets look like the one I needed. I walk and walk stop and ask people where JcPennys on Main street is. nobody will tell me anything.I come to a place where huge earth moving machinery is building foundations for some sort of mall.. I find a business office and walk in to ask if I can use their phone.the man at the desk says go ahead. So I dial up yellow cab and ask to be taken to JC Pennys.the woman asks"in Tempe,or Mesa or in Phoenix?" I scream"no no in Rapid city my friends are waiting ror me" then I wake up still scared and my hubby says "are you alright?" I tell him about the dream and he says its because of all the strain with my dad being so angry that I married him.I have not had that one in over a year. it only happends when I was not feeling well or very very tired.Oh and when I first had that I was in Tempe Arizona so never understood why I insisted it was in
Rapid CityS.D. in the nightmare.
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@lovinangelsinstead21 (36850)
• Pamplona, Spain
11 Apr 13
Hello Hatley,
You mean the wild poppy I had in the avatar. I will put it in my photos if you like that way you can see it when you want to.
There are no poppies growing at the moment its quite strange as they are usually starting to peep through right now.
Those are some awesome dreams that you have I only ever seem to have dreams where I am flying all day long lol and I never get past that or at least I cannot remember any other.
I have had dreams about being in the company of famous people but other than that nothing out of the ordinary.
Cannot remember which Airlines I fly with either but I fly every night with one its a fantastic plane as well that is all I can remember every night getting on a plane. Iberian Airways or British Airways I liked the two of them before as they were excellent.
Happy dreams hatley hugs t´ya.xxx

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@lovinangelsinstead21 (36850)
• Pamplona, Spain
11 Apr 13
Hiya Hatley,
Is this the flower you were talking about? There were loads of these last year they are sure to flower soon as I have seen the same leaves and stems around but with no flower buds as yet.
Once they do bloom they are like the California wild poppy.
Here she is tell me if that is the one. Took me a while to find it as well.xxx

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@much2say (57365)
• Los Angeles, California
11 Nov 12
Awwwww, what a nice dream! Seems you feel so positive about myLot and the myLot friends you've gotten to know throughout the years. That's too funny Lamb was a special guest . . . of course everyone was listening to him (even in a dream he is the outspoken one - ha ha!!). I have yet to go to reach those numbers . . . did you happen to catch what the admission price would be for the rest of us? Hee hee. No, you're not going nutso . . . you just feel warm and fuzzy about this special e-place of ours!
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
11 Nov 12
hi much2say no I did not catch what the other charges were, as even
io the dream I was amazed that such a place existed.of course it
all seemed to make sense in the dream but when I woke I thought
with the price of available land as it is here in California
that would be really expensive
for mylot t o build such a
thing. ah the c old voice of reason but it was a warm
fuzzy feeling., wow.nice thought much.

@namiya (1718)
• Philippines
11 Nov 12
They say we normally dream of persons, places and things that are important to us. Maybe this means then that Mylot is one of the activities that you really treasure and already a vital part of your life. The number after your name attest to this. A feat too hard to accomplish


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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
11 Nov 12
hi namiya Yes it really has become part of my life as I found mylot after I had
been forced to retire. It gave me something worthwhile to do. so many people do not realize that older people do not like to just sit around and they want to be needed again amd to have something worthwhile to do, to make a difference in others lives. so mylot filled a lot of needs f
or me. so the dream was really pleasant f or me as I do wish often that I could meet some of my mylot friends lol lol.

@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
15 Nov 12
hi j ohn yep they would either be fascinated or have nervous break downs.
and the nigtmare I sometimes still have if I am overly tired. It starts ou very
happily with my friend and i at our favorite restaurant but then they wan to sit for awhile over coffee. I tell them I am going ahead to JC Pennys where we will meet in the dress dept.well Ii never got t here. I came out and could not find the streets I needed and walked til I was out of the city and there were huge earth
moving machines digging foundations for some sort of buildings. I spotted a lone one story brick building and an office. so I went in and asked to use their phone. Tte man at the desk told m e sure. So I call a cab and tell them I want to be taken to J.C.Pennys store. then she asks" in Tempe or in Phoenix maam?" I scream "no no you are lying its in Rapid city my friends are waiting for me"and I wake up in bed in 'Tempe Arizona. I had phoned my folks back in South Dakota earlier that evening so maybe thats where I got things all mixed up in that scary dream. I am sure a head shrink would have a ball with that one. lol. Also ther was always some tension as my father tried to stop me from marrying t he man I loved I was 31 so felt that he had no right to try to interfere with my life. Odd though as I loved Tempe adn was not about to go
back to Rapid city South Dakota

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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
11 Nov 12
hi pahak yes indeed that would be something if it came
true. but it was a really pleasant warming dream but when I woke u p
the room was like ice. 43 outside and this is sunny Southern California
where it is supposed to be warm ? lo.brrrrrrr. we are never pleaseds I guees[we wanat it cold when its too hot and warm when its too c old.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
12 Nov 12
I dd ha ve one savak and I wanted to put up a new one and wham I did not get the new one but the d
arned old little white man on the yucky green back ground I contacted my lot twice and even private messagedl GoASk A lice so am waiting for some response. sad

@PointlessQuestions (15397)
• United States
11 Nov 12
Oh wow! I would love to have a dream like that Aunt Hatley! No, you are not nutso. You spend a lot of time here, so it's not so hard to think a dream like that is possible. I used to be Oreo. I had 20 plus thousand points before I changed accounts. I miss the old me now, but I still like the me now as PQ.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
11 Nov 12
hi pintlessquestions I remember when you were Oreo and someone else had the same user name but with a number after it.. you know thats something I had to work on when I first was married.thanks to my hubby I learned to like the me I was then, so many people never quite achieve them. so good for you too.yes it was a very' pleasant dream and I think I had been thinking when I could not fall asleep about wishing I could meet so many of you and how nice it would be.Didn't we both start in mylot about the same time? anyway it was just a nice dream and I am still me
and yeah I do like the me I am now had to think about it a bit. For a long time after I lost m y hubby I was so mixed up as intellectually I knew he was going to die, in my heart I thought he woul d recover. well anyway I finally realized that not taking care of my diabetes was not going to bring him back and was certainly something he would have disapproved of so I came to my senses and began b
eing good to myself then I did like myself again.

@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
16 Nov 12
This must have been a really Good dream, and would be an awesome reality as well. There are so many of us here who feel like we really know each other, and have been here for yrs. I am sure this left you feeling really good, but at the same time wishing you could meet some of us as well.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
16 Nov 12
hi tina I was thinking when I was trying to get t o sleep how
awesome it would be to meet all you whom I have responded to through
th years then fell asleep and had such a pleasant dream .I wokeup and one of the staff was calling us for wakeup at s ix. lo what a sad ending.lol

@GardenGerty (162783)
• United States
12 Nov 12
It was a very pleasant dream indeed. It kind of reveals how you feel about all of your old friends here on MyLot. I think it is special how close we grow in this social setting, even if we never meet each other. I am telling you, though, that I need to book my next vacation for the MyLot campground.
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@GardenGerty (162783)
• United States
13 Nov 12
Hi, Hatley. I love your new avatar. I hate to tell you this, but that barbecue sauce is going to spike your sugars as well. You should have some say so in the dressing on your salad and the sauces on your food. Maybe next time you should just discard half the bun and eat the "sandwich" open faced to save on the carbs.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
12 Nov 12
hi GardenGerty lol That would be wonderful too and I would book a vacation there and get there some how.lol Yes I really appreciate my old friends here in mylot.
And I would love to meet all of you someday but time and money are too big considerations lol
I am sitting here wondering how the sloppy joe filling that I did not like as it had t o much barbeque sauce on it will combine in my
tummy with the salad with too much ranch dressing on its.Since the huge bun I knew would shoot my blood glucose up too high ,I scraped off the filling and mixed it with the salad.It looked gross. Now I have a feeling from the odd sensation in my tummy that it was a gross thing for my tummy too. I have no idea why the kitchen crew think older people want more barbeque sauce and more dressing on our salads when the opposite is true of most of us. If only they would ask us instead of dumping the stuff on. I do not feel like I will upchuck just have a queasy feeling. Yesterday we had two g reat meals in one day. so I guess it was not possible to have two good meals in another day,I have never quite got use to not having any sayso into what I eat. lol

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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
15 Nov 12
hi gardengerty oddly I discarded both sides of the bun and scraped a lot of sauce of the meat. I dislike that strong struff and they were so liberal with it. I know it has a lot of sugar in it. It took about two hours for that yucky feeling to leave.sometimes they will ask if I want dressin on my salad and I either say no or just a little. I am sure the real recipe for sloppy joes does not include barbeque sauce.lately I have been acing my blood sugar levels so am reallyhappy about that.

@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
12 Nov 12
yes I think I was still sort of mylotting with actuallydoing it anyway it was a nice pleasant d ream not a bad one.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
11 Nov 12
hi choybel it was a really pleasant dream and i think it happened 'because I had mylotted up til 9 pm.then went to bed and could not fall asleep.so started 'thinking how neat it would be to meet some of my mylot friends'then I
finally did fall asleep and dreamed. woke up and thogh
ut wow what a
wild dream but it was a n ice one.lol

@surekharathi (14146)
• India
16 Nov 12
Wow!!! Grand ma you see the dream of mylot but I always see the horror dream. Even full day think about mylot but not see the dream about mylot.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
16 Nov 12
hi s rekharathi oh I am sorry for ream happy dreams where people
have fun and laugh and are happy.I know you often think about
mylotand you make discussions that make me feel good inside tool'
Smile and have some fun, do not get those darned horror dreams.
we need tyour smiles and lau ghs here on mylot.

@changjiangzhibin89 (16887)
• China
15 Nov 12
What a fun ! One tends to dream of what he does in the daytime.Myloting engages a lot of your time,so you dreamed of the mylot campgrounds and meeting so many mylot friends.If I dreamed of it,I would feel rather out of it,because I haven't yet made 20000 points.

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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
16 Nov 12
hi chang sometimes a dream is just a dream but if was a nice dream and i enjoyed myself only to wake up and find I was in bed and a staff member
was calling me to wake up;some times reality is less enchanting then
a nice dream. lol lol


@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
14 Apr 13
hbi chang bt as you say reality is not a dream so we must face our day to day challenges and also greet each day with a smile as its a free day a gift from God so to speak. Right now its pretty depressing looking outside here as its all overcast and dull grey clouds but not raining
though it is in the forecast. lol

@changjiangzhibin89 (16887)
• China
20 Nov 12
Sorry,you woke up in the middle of a nice dream.Sometimes dream may come true,sometimes reality is better than dream .Just as you said,a dream is just a dream.We can't live in a dream.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
11 Nov 12
hi 5mahi yes I agree I am to tally addicted to myl ot which is one
of the only good addictions. It would be nice to have something
like that I agree. but posting another discussion on this same topic
wou ld be duplicating so cann
ot do that lol lol.,

@5mahi05 (666)
• India
13 Nov 12
hehe, yeah, duplicating is sort of violating the terms of mylot. But you know, since you have been a long time loyal member of Mylot, I am sure some day admin would consider your dream and let it come true, you know just like some miracle, you never know!
It will happen or not is secondary, but just having a thought of it brings some cheers! 

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