The RICH gets richer, the POOR gets poorer.

@iMamom (321)
November 11, 2012 11:07am CST
I often hear that anywhere, That rich people are getting richer and the poor becomes poor. I can say that financially my family is not poor or rich, we just have enough so I have many assumptions why and why this rich and poor thing becomes an issue. 1. Rich invest more and make more money. 2. Rich are risk take care. 3. Rich spends money wisely. 1. Poor One day millionaire. 2. Poor uneducated 3. Poor just cant afford to have business There are so many ideas comes in my mind. I do hope too that i will be rich so I can give some to my family and send my child to the best school.
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27 responses
@lampar (7584)
• United States
12 Nov 12
Yes , it seem like it is going to be the trend of today world, the rich have more money to invest in their children education and businesses, their children can afford to go to a pretigious institution of higher learning and become smarter, they tend to control all the means of production in an economy that generate more income for them, and they have better political connection compare to the poor that facilitate them in whatever venture they plan to go into in the future, this and that. The extra $$$$$$ they have do place them in an advantage position and help a lot to make them richer rather than poorer, while the poor are not that fortunate comparatively, most of them will mainly remain poor or poorer.
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@iMamom (321)
• Philippines
12 Nov 12
I cannot argue more on that one. That's exactly whats happening.
@allknowing (142658)
• India
26 Nov 12
I know why the poor remain poor and that is because they do not want to equip themselves with qualifications that will take them out of the rut they are in. I have opportunities to deal with this class and I see they will not give up their fun time for pursuing that which will take them places.
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11 Nov 12
Generally speaking, I think you're right. The main difference between the rich and the poor is that the rich are willing to take calculated risks (not gambling, but calculated risks) to create the chance of improving their situation, and also that the rich have a different attitude to money. Most poor people, if they get some extra money coming in over and above what they need to survive, will spend it on a holiday, a new gadget, drinking with their friends etc. Then it's gone. I've done this myself in the past, and I shudder to think how much money I've wasted over the years. On the other hand, rich people (or at least the self-made rich) know to invest any extra money to make more money, then re-invest the proceeds etc. So if you're poor and want to be rich, the first thing to do is examine yourself for bad habits like that and work to change them. And get yourself educated financially, so you don't end up falling for these stupid online Ponzi schemes that people are always promoting. One thing I don't agree with is that the poor can't afford to have businesses. If you've got an internet connection you can make money. Ebay in particular makes it easy to sell all over the world with very little outlay, so unless you're so poor that you're literally out on the streets, you can set up at least a little part-time business to bring some extra money in.
11 Nov 12
It's a good idea to read a few autobiographies of people who've done well in business. When you do, you realise that they're usually just ordinary, everyday people who look at life slightly differently and are willing to step out of their comfort zones to follow their dreams.
@iMamom (321)
• Philippines
11 Nov 12
True, The best book i have ever read was Rich DAD poor DAD. Thanks for sharing :)
@iMamom (321)
• Philippines
11 Nov 12
Hi citizen stuart, You have a very clever ideas, Thanks for sharing. If all the poor people has your thoughts maybe there's a chance of being rich or at-least there will be improvement on their lives.
@victorywp (3524)
• United States
13 Nov 12
hi iMamom, yes you are right. the rich people are getting richer and the poor ones become poorer. as we can see in the world today, rich people can easily gets loan from the bank and with the money they get, they can invest in business, gold, foreign currencies, property, etc. to generate more money. but for the poor, no banks will loan money to them unless the poor ones can get a guarantor. and also, nowadays credit cards can only be applied by the rich. just like taking a loan, the banks will only approve rich applicants who shows their financial ability, in which the poor could not. and with the credit cards on hand, the rich can purchase almost everything and only to pay later on. some credit cards even offer cash back up to 50% from the purchased amount. in another word, the rich only pay 50% of the actual amount, while the poor has to pay 100% by cash if they spend on the same thing! and the rich can have a good cash flow since they can only pay their interest-free amount later on after purchasing something, while the poor ones have to pay cash upfront if they purchase the same thing! with all these benefits for the rich and none for the poor, we will only see the gap getting bigger and bigger in years to come.
@victorywp (3524)
• United States
14 Nov 12
hi iMamom, you are right. my point is there are too many benefits for rich people, some other like membership cards where they can get a special discount for a purchase made at certain shops or services. these membership cards were only meant for the rich and not being offered to the poor. so, it is like, once a person can get himself up into the so-called rich group of people, sooner or later they will get richer and richer. and their gap from the poor will get bigger and bigger. don't you think so, iMamom?
@iMamom (321)
• Philippines
14 Nov 12
Hi victorywp, Exactly... You got that... One sad reality of our current world.
@iMamom (321)
• Philippines
13 Nov 12
Hi victorywp, That is one of the sad facts about being poor. They are deprive of many things that this world has to offer. This gap between the poor and rich is not hidden. When it comes to lending money we cant blame this banks and credit cards company, These companies needs to earn money and those who cant afford to pay cant borrow. I reckon poor should not have credit cards because it will only put them in debt.I reckon one should live by their means. If you do spend over what you can its not good and will only make you poorer.
@natliegleb (5173)
• India
11 Nov 12
ya its true,but i think at some stage it needs to change ,for the welfare of the country and also for the economy progress
@iMamom (321)
• Philippines
11 Nov 12
The change begins in you! most used phrase in our country. Hope all does the same.
• Philippines
12 Nov 12
Why do you think there's this world wide crisis? Defenitely NOT caused by the poor people. It's the rich that are so greedy that they want more and more and more. It's never enough. It's all gone out of hand. Sports people that make millions for a few hours sporting. It's complete madness! Singers, bands: same story. I often wonder, why would I do with millions and millions? Why would I need that much money? For me it's just insane. Yes things have to be changed and I think Occupy is just a small start of something bigger bound to happen soon. Ordinairy people won't take it much longer.
@iMamom (321)
• Philippines
12 Nov 12
Hi franseman, Good points on that . I reckon 1st world countries such as USA and European are wealthy countries and even your not working you get unemployment benefits. However it is sad though that 3rd world countries doesn't have this benefits. Definitely not a cause of the poor, its just that they cant compete to those who have money so they remain poor.They are not to be blamed either. You and my fiance has the same opinion about this millionaires and billionaires of sports,singers, models and etc. How about those big malls and casino owners? There empire becomes wider and wealthier.Donald Thrumph and Paris Hilton for example. Paris Hilton has multi-million dollar investment in the Philippines of his AZURE Urban resort. The one who can afford to live there are those millionaires or billionaires only. I can't be one of them.
@WakeUpKitty (8692)
• Netherlands
11 Nov 12
Sounds to me you have a very easy/simple way of thinking. Who says the rich is working hard or taking more risks or spending money wisely? Who says the poor will be millionair one day? Also who says every poor person is uneducated? In my country mosth high educated people are jobless. Why? Because they cost way too much money (you get payed by education) plus nobody will hire you for a job which you are way too high educated for. There are people who have more luck in their lives as others. Also the ecomic crises (all over the world) is mostly forcing those with less income and the lower middle class to pay the bills while the rich ones are set free of that. This is what is happening in my country at the moment. Just hoping to get rich is not enough. You have to work hard for it and hope the economic crisis will not come after you. The best school means nothing to me. There were people educated great before there were schools at all. Also there are plenty of famous people who were rejected at schools and still made it and became rich and famous. The one who started facebook is one of them!
• Philippines
12 Nov 12
When it comes to (quote)"the rich spend their money more wiseley" I can't agree! They throw money like mad men! It's the poor that spend wiseley, simply because they HAVE to!
@iMamom (321)
• Philippines
12 Nov 12
Why do they remain rich when they just waist their money like that? So Ironic,well True some poor does. Some whom I knew who remains poor just cant have enough to spend and when they have a chance they just want to get everything they want and the next day live poor again.
@iMamom (321)
• Philippines
11 Nov 12
thanks for sharing wakeupkitty, Yeah im trying to keep it simple, though I am not saying it is what it is happening generally to all rich and poor people, I am assuming some of rich and poor does belong to those I mention. I am a graduate of a bachelors degree, I myself is not working on the field I am a graduate of instead I am working to where there is easy money. Here in our country those who studied on well known school are top priorities seldom those who are really striving hard and came from unknown schools has to work hard to get a better job and position. Thank you for the insight.
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
13 Nov 12
Hi iMamom, I think the real problem lies with the super rich, who hide their money in foreign bank accounts where they won't have to pay taxes. Also the rich never pay their share of taxes and that puts an extra burden on the middle class. Blessings.
@iMamom (321)
• Philippines
13 Nov 12
Hi pose123, Thats exactly true.. I would like to add as well that these super rich puts their money on trust funds of their family. So they dont pay tax. Thanks for sharing and happy mylotting.
@dandan07 (1906)
• China
12 Nov 12
It is almost true in my country, we can not find any evident to fight against the fact. Many poor people work hard, but they still can not earn enough to support their family, while the rich can get more with doing nothing. No one thinks it is fair, we have to do something to deal with it.
@iMamom (321)
• Philippines
13 Nov 12
Hi dandan07, How about those people who were employed for all their life and pays huge taxes? They remain poor and the government are only corrupting the money. Sad to know that its our money and in order to get something for free from government we have to load it and they earn more interest for it, Why not use the money to help the poor.
@iMamom (321)
• Philippines
13 Nov 12
Ps. Loaning your own money from government... what is it a stupid idea? cant they just creat a program like grant an amount of money to those who may qualify as a help. Like in western countries?
@ptrikha_2 (47586)
• India
12 Nov 12
Well, the rich-poor gap and income difference is not such a simple issue. Many factors contribute to this: Risk taking appetite and Entreprenuerial abilities are indeed higher in many rich people. Yet, many other factors too contribute. Such as : 1)Many people get very rich by selling properties inherited from their forefathers, which get inflated upto 5-10 times in some years only- especially in developing areas in countries like India, China and many developing countries. 2)Exploitation of labor force and workers in manufacturing companies, where their bosses get away with paying them much less than what they want. 3)Black Money- unaccounted money fuels inflation and hits poor people more than rich. There are many more factors which increase poor-rich divide.
@SinfulRose (3527)
• Davao, Philippines
22 Nov 12
The reason why there are a lot of poor people is because our education are teaching us how to be employees instead. And a lot of employees in the end are merely paying to have a low roof over their heads. It's all because most people don't know the right way to view money and have it work for them instead of them enslaving themselves to money. I too came from an average income family. But with the way things are going--like our bad health and poor money making skills--I'd say I won't be surprised if my household would suddenly become poor one day. I cannot depend on my father to do the working only and he is very thrifty with his money. I know that one day the value of his money would go down and he'll be losing it in a very fast rate since he's only saving it. There is one thing I can contribute to this discussion, by the way. The rich thinks along this line: "More and more;Less and less." "Make more and more money; Work less and less." "Help more and more; Spend less and less." Ain't it neat?
• Davao, Philippines
23 Nov 12
A corporation really does lessen one's taxes. Because it is an entity on paper only. I see that you're reading Mr. Robert Kiyosaki's books as well. Good job! Invest further in your financial education. We all need someone who knows something about money.
@iMamom (321)
• Philippines
23 Nov 12
Well said Sinfulrose. Thats the definitely whats on the book... How to get rich of Rich dad of poor dad. How to get rich is not taught in universities. This is very true. The people who are super rich does less work. Because money works for them. :) The more business you have the lesser taxes you pay.
• Indonesia
22 Nov 12
that is true, rich people are getting richer and the poor becomes poor. Thats came from their mind, rich people maintain in their head to become more rich but poor people maintain the opposite.. So to become rich we can change our way of thinking. When poor people suddenly become rich I think they will poor again soon.
@iMamom (321)
• Philippines
23 Nov 12
Somehow you are right... Rich knows how to take advantage while those who were poor who became rich all of a sudden they become vulnerable to being poor again.
@romzee (937)
• Philippines
12 Nov 12
Rich getting richer - Money attracts money.
More money attracts more money.
Rich getting richer!
[b]Money attracts money. More money attracts more money... The rich getting richer![/b] Just having money on the banks you earn monthly interest doing nothing! If you have money you can buy an apartment and rent it to people with no house and earn monthly rentals just waiting for every end of the month. And if you like you can easily establish your own business, hire highly qualified people to run your business without you actually running the business. You earn money more than you need and in the process become more richer. No money attract nothing! You have to work every penny earn. Money earn for working all day long not even enough to make you have a decent living. You earn barely enough to pay for expenses, And with some accidental expenditure coming, you end up in debts. And you get additional expenses for paying interests. In the process, you end up, poorer. And the cycle goes on and on... Have a great evening. Ciao!
@iMamom (321)
• Philippines
13 Nov 12
hi ROMZEE, Very well said, thank you for pointing out those points. Its true, we cant be richer unless we have extra money to invest it to something we can earn from. Those poor who cant afford is hopeless. Sad to say the reality.
@hlfbldmom (743)
• Philippines
12 Nov 12
The poor aren't getting poorer because the rich are getting richer. The poor are getting poorer because as a group they don't do anything to better themselves. There are far too many poor people who would rather do nothing for themselves even though they all the time in the world. It's easy to sit back and blame other people for our problems. Being poor has actually come down to a choice to be so by being lazy and some are just don't know how to control having so many babies even though they know that they cannot support it. If you want more out of life: get educated, work hard, spend money wisely, don't drink or smoke and party your money away needlessly. I saw lots of poor people doing nothing but get drunk, smoke and some are sitting on the street just talk about others lives instead of making unproductive things.
@iMamom (321)
• Philippines
13 Nov 12
Hi hlfbldmom, True to the 3rd wold countries like ours. Those who really works hard can afford to spend on holidays. Those who strive are those who can spend their money on rent to own houses and car which I can say middle classes. People who has strengths and capable of working who are lazy to strive harder remains poor. Maniana Habbit makes it worst. Those who spend their money on Gambling are the same. The people who gets richer are those who runs gambling sites. People who wakes up every morning to sit and talk about others lives instead of making money tends to blame their mishaps to the government and wait for the government for help. I should say that they have to realize that though money attracts money, one thing they have to know is when they dont act they wont have money as well.
12 Nov 12
your is just with the people. if your were born rich its not your fault but if you die poor then its your fault. all you need is hardships.
@iMamom (321)
• Philippines
13 Nov 12
Hi Israelaguilar, These people who became rich because of their heir are not to be blamed, sad that this people dont have to work hard to make more money. However if they do waist their money and doesnt value them they will end up poor. Thanks for sharing and happy mylotting.
@toyota4k (1208)
• Philippines
12 Nov 12
Especially in a third world country I live in, your statement can be quite true. It is true that millions beget millions so that without it you can't avail of it and stay poor. But not a few have risen from rags to riches as well as a rich guy suddenly going down to zero.
@iMamom (321)
• Philippines
12 Nov 12
Very true.It happens that sometimes your up there and suddenly your down there. Its the risk we have to take.
• Valdosta, Georgia
11 Nov 12
It is true. The poor are getting more poor and the rich are getting more rich. The thing is the rich have the money to go to school and get good jobs. The poor do not. It stinks but that is the way it is. I know I do not have the money to go to school and have a good career to make more money... The rich being more wise with their money I do not agree with. I am a saver, always have been but I still don't have money for bills and such...I hate spending foolishy, if you don't have it you just don't have it. That is how life is, I am broke as a joke but I only spend money on bills, food and things my children need.
@iMamom (321)
• Philippines
12 Nov 12
I my self has just enough, It worries me when i feel broke. Some people become rich with recycling rubbish and some hasn't been to college but were able to put up a business. I think when we have a family to look after and bills to pay and we are employed for the rest of our life it would remain like that. We will end up spending every bit of our money on bills,household and food. I think that those who doesnt have a family to look after and on the same employment will have a chance to save more.However the money needs to grow, if we dont have a business mind we wont be able to get out of the RAT RACE.
@prashu228 (37520)
• India
11 Nov 12
hi everyone needs money to have a god life for the basic needs. But some just don't get enough and they have to face lot of difficulties and compromises should be made. i hope everyone lives happily with enough money for their needs.
@iMamom (321)
• Philippines
11 Nov 12
I am not rich or poor, but I need more money to keep on living.I have a daughter to raise and it worries me everyday if I don't have money for milk and food.
@lizlee (208)
• Philippines
12 Nov 12
Hello! This is a sad fact. I mean, the rich gets richer and the poor gets poorer. I mean, this is life and this is how it is. I just don't know why but, when you see a poor person, let's say, the person is good, doesn't steal, don't any vices, working very hard to give his family a meal even at least twice a day.But look at him, still, even through all of those hard labor he take everyday, still they don't get any richer? Another sad truth right? I guess that's how things are
@iMamom (321)
• Philippines
12 Nov 12
So sad that the only we can do is to make ours better.
@shilran (178)
12 Nov 12
Yes it is a circle. Situation is worst in the 3rd world countries. The poor getting poorer and poorer and the rich getting richer and richer. It is not a good feature of a fair social system. We can see it in a country like India which is called a developing country right now. India has the richest people and India has the poorest people either in the same time. this is what happened Liberal Capitalism to india though it is said india has the second fastest economy growing rate in the world only second to China. India is a country which has full of problems.
@iMamom (321)
• Philippines
12 Nov 12
Thanks for sharing, I can see indian people all over the world, on the phone and even when I visit australia.They are taxi drivers and push cart and trolly's man. They are hard working. While china becomes know for their businesses. Many Chinese in my country are business man. They are not seeking employment at all. They create work. So we see the difference just by comparing the attitude of the people.
@neelia27 (895)
• Philippines
12 Nov 12
that is so true.. if you are poor even though you strive harder it seems that nothing works but there is also some that is lucky enough that made it from rags to riches.. I think in order to overcome whatever your situation is.. one must have determination... and faith of course..^_^
@iMamom (321)
• Philippines
12 Nov 12
I have read a few books about people who became rich from rags, the difference is when you start to think that MONEY IS POWER, money works for you and not you working to get more money. Basically rich people value money and make more money. While others are contented and say Money is not important.