Here is the CHANGE You Voted For Liberals
By debrakcarey
@debrakcarey (19887)
United States
November 12, 2012 10:50am CST
Over an 16 month time span, there were 234 terrorist attacks in Libya…48 in Benghazi…2 attempts on the life of the British Ambassador,…The British and the Red Cross pull OUT of Benghazi…OUR Consulate in Benghazi was attacked twice…Our security people in Libya sent a dozen or so pleas for MORE security and WARNED of the growing threat from terrorist factions linked to al Qaeda…Our Ambassador sent messages to the State Department warning of those threats and alerting those in charge to the fact that the LIBYANS there to protect us were casing the joint and…
Nobody did a damn thing about ANY of it other than to DECREASE security in Benghazi.
We have 4 Americans killed in Benghazi due to a terrorist attack and while it was watched live in real-time at out State Department and in the white house situation room…Nobody was sent to help…any who were in a position to help were ordered to stand down, those who defied those orders were either killed in Benghazi or removed from their commands and…
Nobody but NOBODY is responsible.
Do I have that about right???
It’s now been nearly 2 weeks since Hurricane Sandy slammed the east coast and just a couple of days shy of 2 weeks since the Emperor graced New Jersey with his presence.
While mingling with the serfs, the Emperor heap praise upon FEMA and the FEMA director for the fine job they were doing but…
Now, people in the hardest hit areas are still out of their homes…They STILL don’t have electricity…In New Jersey, NON union power workers were CHASED OUT…FEMA ran out of water…FEMA closed their doors in the area DUE TO THE WEATHER…Area power companies are refusing to answer their phones…There is gas rationing if and when there is gas to be had at all…There is FILTH piled in the streets…FEMA has NOT been communicating with the victims of the storm…There is rampant looting and many places look like third world countries.
Have I got THAT about right???
In Florida…There is obscene voter fraud. St. Lucie County had an astonishing 141% voter turnout. In their RECOUNT…St. Lucie County officials decided to recount ONLY 3 of the 6 days of early voting ballots and, they had sheriffs escort citizen observers from the recount station. In Florida, BY LAW, Citizens have EVERY right to be there for such a recount.
Issues such as these are not confined to Florida.
Such issues are being found in nearly ALL key states and, in fact, nationwide.
There are many, MANY reports of people voting more than once, people showing up and finding someone else had used their name and driver’s license number but couldn’t match their signature. There are many reports of illegal aliens registering and voting the same day…BOTH illegal acts. We have reports of people being thrown out of polling venues for wearing a M.I.T. shirt ( the person tossed was a student at…M.I.T.) while another polling place had a giant mural on the wall of Obama and yet other places allowed their poll watchers wear Obama hats.
In Ohio, the Emperor won 99% of the vote where Republican poll watchers were illegally ejected, 100% of the vote on 21 Cleveland precincts and nearly 108% of the vote in Wood County Ohio where there are 98,213 eligible voters but…106,258 ACTUALLY VOTED!!!
The New BlacKKK Panthers put on their little show outside PA polling stations…AGAIN.
Even the U.N. observers sent to a few key locations were ASTONISHED that photo ID’s were NOT insisted upon and there seemed to be NO uniformity to the voting procedure from polling place to polling place.
This proves that even a blue hatted blind squirrel can sometimes find a nut.
Oddly enough, the Emperor didn’t win a single state where Voter ID IS required but we’re supposed to believe that is nothing but a weird coincidence.
Do I have THAT about right???
AFTER the election…We find company after company…Business after business…LAYING OFF workers because of Obamacare penalties.
Here are just a few of those businesses laying off workers because of Obamacare:
Research in Motion Ltd. – Lightyear Network Solutions
Providence Journal – Hawker Beechcraft
Boeing – CVPH Medical Center
US Cellular – Commerzbank
Iberia – Momentive Performance Materials
Brake Parts – Gameforge Berlin
Vestas Wind Systems – Husqvarna
ING – Ericsson – SRA International
PerkinElmer – Majestic Star Casino and Hotel
Center for Hospice NY – Bristol-Myers
Lower Bucks Hospital – Oce North America
Corning – United Blood Services Gulf – Atlantic Lottery Corporation
Welch Allyn – Dana Holding – Stryker
Boston Scientific – Medtronic – Smith & Nephew
Abbott Labs – Covidien – Kinetic Concepts
St. Jude – Hill Rom – Darden Restaurants
JANCOA – Kroger – Caterpillar
Alcatel-Lucent – Umatilla Chemical – Rocketdyne
We can now add to that list:
Smith & Nephew – 770 layoffs
Abbott Labs – 700 layoffs
Covidien – 595 layoffs
Kinetic Concepts – 427 layoffs
St. Jude Medical – 300 layoffs
Hill Rom – 200 layoffs
And these:
Welch Allyn — a manufacturer of medical diagnostic equipment in central New York — which says it will cut 275 employees, about 10 percent of its workforce, over the next three years.
Dana Holding Corp. — a global auto parts manufacturing company — which warned of layoffs due “$24 million over the next six years in additional U.S. healthcare expenses.’’
Stryker — a medical device manufacturer — which plans to close its facility in Orchard Park, N.Y., eliminating 96 jobs in December. They also say they’ll slash 5 percent of their global workforce, about 1,170 positions.
Boston Scientific — a medical device manufacturer — said it plans to cut between 1,200 and 1,400 jobs, while shifting investments and workers overseas to China.
Medtronic — a medical device maker — which cut 500 positions over the summer, with 500 more set to be eliminated by the end of 2013.
And that leaves us with the looming fiscal cliff. Taxes are about to go up astronomically. Middle class expected to take the brunt of these tax hikes.
With the exact same dynamically opposed factions in Washington we had before…The Emperor is vowing, again, to veto any solution that doesn’t jack up taxes on the “wealthy” and the House is advocating closing loopholes and lowering tax rates to increase revenues and encourage businesses to grow.
Those Imperial tax hikes would hit the same people and businesses already reeling over the 21 new taxes in Obamacare and would cause more layoffs and less growth along with increased prices to consumers.
Doing nothing would take us ALL over the cliff with tax hikes decimating businesses and spending cuts decimating our military and our ability to defend ourselves along with ushering in a whole new recession with higher and higher unemployment, lower and lower GDP, increased debt and higher deficits.
Meanwhile, we have an Imperial administration willfully lying to the people, covering up acts of treason, appeasing our enemies, turning away from our allies, and ruling by decree, rampant reports of voter fraud and people devastated by a natural disaster living in 3rd world conditions because the federal government, in who they place their trust, simply can’t respond.
47 million Americans are on the food stamp program. That number will rise.
23 million Americans are out of work. That number will rise with all the layoffs.
1 in 6 Americans are living in poverty. That number will rise as hours are cut.
Terrorist attacks are on the rise and Iran is developing nuclear weapons.
Our national debt is $16 trillion dollars. That number will rise as we try to deal with all the jobs lost and layoffs and hours cut.
While the nation we once knew crumbles the Pravda media continues to tell willing dupes that all is well and soon, we will be Greece, running out of other people’s money with which to placate the rioting masses…BUT…THIS is FUNDAMENTAL TRANSFORMATION…
Do I have this all just about right?
And all the liberals can say is stop whinning, we WON. 

4 responses
@stealthy (8181)
• United States
13 Nov 12
You paint a very bleak future and unfortunately as far as I can tell it is all true. Many didn't vote for Romney because he was rich and they thought he couldn't relate to them. They didn't consider that because he is rich and got there by being a good businessman, that he could do a good job of running the country. The voted for Obama because he made it look like he could relate to them and because he is a very good liar and didn't realize that what he wants is power and the country doesn't matter.
1 person likes this
@flowerchilde (12529)
• United States
14 Nov 12
You said it all Stealthy! I was shocked to hear the degree of smear campaign and character assassination the Obama campaign waged, especially in those swing states.
@sona22 (1430)
• India
13 Nov 12
debrakcarey! You are surprised me. I live in West Bengal, a state in India and we were accustomed with such polling statistics. A voter failed to cast his/her vote as it was already cast. Fraud voter is our practice. I have no idea about USA but in true sense I am in a believe that voting system in USA is better than India. Here the politicians also can purchase votes. But I never heard that out of 100 voters 105 voters had cast votes. We have statistics where out of 100% casting votes one party has 100%.
May I conclude that the face of the emperors are same.
@flowerchilde (12529)
• United States
14 Nov 12
Yes indeedy, I would say it serves the blind (brainwashed by lib 'news' outlets) minions right, they deserve whatever comes their way.. if, we didn't have to go there with them!