Hope for the president to be assassinated
By Ladycwells
@Ladycwells (96)
United States
November 12, 2012 1:42pm CST
According to The Root, The Daily News is reporting Denise Helms, 22, posted on Facebook that "Another 4 years of this N*****, maybe he'll be assassinated this term." and is now being investigated by the Secret Service. She also got fired from her job at Stone Cold Creamy whose representative said they were appalled at her comments. Denise said she is unapologetic and she don't understand why she is in trouble.
According to Facebook, she had several "likes" to the comment indicating her friends agreed with her.
WoW...while she certainly has the freedom of speech (I for one am glad she is speaking, at least she is not hiding her true thoughts) but wishing the president dead...wow. All I can say is she need a lesson in karma and hope that the shovel she wants to dig for him does not visit her first. When you wish this for someone else, it tends to happen to you first.
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15 responses
@matersfish (6306)
• United States
12 Nov 12
It's disgusting.
And thanks for not taking the tone another similar discussion took about FB postings, acting as if 1 person out of 320+ million painted a picture of America, or that these types of things only happen from right to left/white to black, or that something is wrong with society today and it's worse than it's ever been.
It's a nasty incident perpetrated by a moronic individual who should lose her right to use the site.
And every individual acting in such a way should be individually called out and held accountable for their actions.
I'm not sure I believe in the whole karma bit, but a person with an attitude like this does definitely need to watch out. She might get herself in some serious trouble.
One of the biggest issues I have with this is that she's 22. We're not talking about some 65-year-old bitter throwback to Jim Crow. This is born in the 90s. WTF?
You gotta wonder if she's really a racist pig full of hatred who came up in a household like that or if she's just playing the part to be as harsh as she possibly can. It could be like calling someone a "fagg0t" to be an a$$hole. That doesn't necessarily mean you're anti-gay.
Regardless -- it doesn't matter, I guess. She's a moron.
I just hope for her sake and those whose paths she'll cross in her lifetime that it's the latter and not the former.
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@Ladycwells (96)
• United States
12 Nov 12
matersfish, appreciate you comments. I have to wonder, if a person even has the guts to call someone a fa**ot, Ni**er, trailer trash, etc, doesn't that show their true feelings and thought process? I have been very, very hot, mad...but didn't revert to any of those titles that could apply at that time.
I understand anger and the need to appear harsh...got it. But when was the last time you said I wish so and so was assassinated?
@Bluebell18 (636)
• United States
12 Nov 12
FB is an outlet for you speak your mind. However, a lot of people take this outlet way too far. I, myself included, had said some things on FB that I regret & I am rarely on that site. Part of me believe that this schmuck of a girl only wanted attention. She got it in the worse possible way now.
@Ladycwells (96)
• United States
13 Nov 12
I get your point. I do. I feel like she totally went overboard to post that comment on FB, and she had to feel somewhat supported to do so in the first place. Who would post such comments?? I too have a brother and we too have argued and called names, but we DIDN'T post it on FB or even go through the neighborhood calling each other names and I don't even think our parents ever heard half the stuff we said.
Clearly, she wanted an audience or the support of her friends to post such a comment. I hate to say this but...I was curious as to how many supported her comments and how many would disapprove. Overall it seems most dislike her comment but only in that she stupidly posted it to FB. But she has the right to say these things. Its just sickening to me.

@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
13 Nov 12
Freedom to have an opinion? - Yes
Freedom of speech? - Yes
Freedom to threaten the President or incite others to kill the President? - No
Freedom to post whatever you want to on Facebook? - Facebook says No, and they write the rule book
Her employer fired her, and that's probably the right decision for the employer since they don't want to be associated with her comments. She's young and stupid, or she'd know better.
But I wonder how many people on Facebook ever talked about assassinating Romney and got pulled off FB for it? Again FB writes the rules but this type of speech is either allowed or not and as Debra pointed out, FB allows certain types of hate speech and not others.
It's one person, she's not very bright. If she had a page wishing for assassination and got a few tens of thousands of subscribers, I would be concerned.
But that's not the case, so I think it's pretty much over. At least we know she was not a real threat.
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@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
13 Nov 12
Nowhere did I say it was okay because the president is black.
I said she's probably no real threat.
And she didn't threaten the president, she didn't say she would assassinate him. She said she hoped someone would. That's wrong, but it's not an active threat since she didn't threaten to actually do it herself.
She's definitely not smarter than most. In fact, people her age are, on the whole, woefully uninformed about the world in general and definitely about politics.
I said that her employer had the right to fire her and it was a good idea for them to do so. But as I have seen dozens of similar threats on Twitter and Facebook about Romney, and I don't believe that those individuals are really going to assassinate anyone, I don't believe she is going to, either. Therefore, she's just too stupid to realize the sorts of things that civilized people don't say in public. People that stupid rarely are smart enough to get past the Secret Service.
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@lacieice (2060)
• United States
13 Nov 12
Ever since Columbine, all threats are taken a lot more seriously. They can't be ignored, since if they are ignored and are carried out, there will be guilt all around. I don't think the parents of the Columbine killer ever thought their son
would do something like that.
You can't threaten the president of the United States without causing a stir. That's just the way it is. I don't know anything about the threats against Romney or Ryan, but I do know they were just candidates for the office, not a sitting president.
@Ladycwells (96)
• United States
13 Nov 12
Thank you for your comment. I agree she is but one person. I tend to believe she may be "smarter" than most or "braver" than most in that she fearlessly expressed what many feel. Her comments are not something to be swept under the rug, in my book, it should be addressed. Assassination has always been investigated and taken seriously and it should be no different because the president is black or hated so much.

@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
12 Nov 12
That's the problem with Facebook...you can't say what you want...no "Freedom of speech" on facebook! So anyone that wants to tote around praising free speech..it is already being taken from us...it starts with Facebook...then your employer...then.....
This is why we have to ALWAYS vote or do whatever is needed to keep ALL our rights...not just those that we like or don't have a issue with...like the current UN and US treaty to ban small weapons..it is law now...and will remain law until/unless Congress vetos it and with a Dem Senate and anti gunners...we might just loose out 2nd ammendment right..and so it will begin that they will dwiddle our rights down to where we have none.....
And...where has this woman been all these past 2-3 years where it is common practice for employers to monitor their employees and new hires and see what they do on Facebook...and hold it against them? This just means your personal life is controled by your business life...moral of the story? Stay off Facebook and don't mix business with pleasure
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@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
12 Nov 12
This is awful, and goes to show just how angry people are at one another and at our leaders. No excuse is good enough to make this sort of thing accpetable though.
I am reminded that during the campaign, two pages were up for about 17 days despite being reported to FB the first day they went up.
The title of these pages, respectively;
Advocate the Murder of Mitt Romney and Advocate the Murder of Paul Ryan.
That and tens of thousands of tweets calling for the rape of the two candidates wives, the murder of both candidates, and the burning down of the White House if they won, threats to riot and threats to kill those who voted for Romney/Ryan were continually reported and archived by Twitchy.com
So while I am appalled by this woman's post, there are comparable on 'the other side' of the fence. And FB left them up 17 days?
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@Ladycwells (96)
• United States
12 Nov 12
There's always a "other side of the fence" no matter what the topic. Any topic will have the "other". Point is most people deny hating the president but at the same time supports this kind of rhetoric. It is wrong no matter what side of the fence one is on.
I support the student body of Ole Miss. protesting. I don't support racism, derogatory name calling and violence, no matter who perpetrated it, it was wrong.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
13 Nov 12
Facebook's "bias"? I'm not defending them for leaving posts like that up about ANYONE ever, but any site like FB would likely automatically be a lot quicker to get rid of an open threat against a sitting President of the United States than probably anyone else. I'm NOT saying ANY President's life is "more valuable" or whatever than anyone else's, I'm just stating the facts.

@Bluebell18 (636)
• United States
12 Nov 12
That was a disgusting comment she made. If she hasn't already, her FB page may be taken down, she might have to go into hiding. Sick, sick, sick. She might have to sleep with one eye open.
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@Ladycwells (96)
• United States
12 Nov 12
Hi Blue!
I agree. I may be the only person who believes in karma, but wishing a person to be assassinated is a very strong hate and I tend to believe it may backfire. How sad to harbor such deep seated hate. I feel sorry for her and the person(s) who instilled that in her or supported her in her young life to feel this way. Just sad really.
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@LovingMySon (224)
12 Nov 12
i agree with Denise Helms. She is totally right. He is ruining this world. SO many people are losing there jobs due to the obama care and hes not doing anything to prevent it. hes causing it. SPEAK THE TRUTH GIRL!!!!! U DESERVE BETTER!!!!
@Ladycwells (96)
• United States
12 Nov 12
You are certainly entitled to your own opinion and right to express them. I am sure you and Denise are not alone. Unfortunately for you, America disagreed with you and those bigotry ideologies. I can support the fact that some of us want to move forward and some want to keep things the way they always have been. Truth be told both sides have valid points that should be given thought. I DO NOT support hate, decisions based in hate or wishing a fellow man to die. I feel sorry for those who do.
@Bluebell18 (636)
• United States
12 Nov 12
When Bush was in office, I never hear anyone say that wanted to assassinate him. Had they did, would u have the same feeling?
@LovingMySon (224)
12 Nov 12
I dont think anyone deserves to die but i do think that someone better has to have a way to fix our economy because obama is not doing the trick hes just making things worse

@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
13 Nov 12
Hi Ladycwells, It will take a long time to eradicate all prejudice but this lady has to be taught a lesson. I am a Canadian and I may not like our Prime Minister, but I would never wish any harm upon him. As you say, she has no idea of the harm she is doing to herself either, hopefully she will get some help. Blessings.
@grandpa_lash (5225)
• Australia
13 Nov 12
What gets me about these toxic zealots is that they ignore the substance of the issue, in this case wishing for the assassination of the President, and carry on about the form, or some irrelevancy (in context). It shouldn't matter which side of the fence you sit on, her comments are unacceptable.
What is even more unacceptabele is that 4 responses to this discussion are actually supporting her, one because she agrees, and the others for what I have described above. Sometimes this site looks like a toxic waste dump.
@Ladycwells (96)
• United States
13 Nov 12
Bravo Lash Bravo!!! Very well said and well noted because you are right on target. Thanks!!
@LetranKnight25 (33117)
• Philippines
14 Nov 12
That's frightening isn't it? we have several statements before about president getting killed or assasinated but never been investigated by the Presidential Security Group in my country. Why Secret Service has to investigate when there's FBI, NSA or CIA that can have a back ground check on this woman?
this is just way too much overexaggerating CRAP! how can an ordinary person be a threat to the President when she was just ranting
..maybe they should have fired her! quietly. well, I am actually confused and i have no clue why

@bryanwmc (1051)
• Malaysia
13 Nov 12
I thought she was american,dont they champion freedom of speech over there? if it happened in my country,i wud understand,just recently something similar happened in that some dude posted in FB that a certain state ruler was unfit to rule coz he thought he was .....?/??? then he got arrested,got hauled into jail and spent few weeks just coz of that statement. you dont really expect this kind of thing in the USA right , supposed land of the free ,model of democracy, or how cynical are their laws championing freedom of speech? It is not like the person is atually gooing to do so,since when is it a crime to think of something but not actually go and do it?
I think if they investigated everybody who wanted the president's demise,or removal, they wont have time for much else going by he reelection statistics.
@Ladycwells (96)
• United States
14 Nov 12
She didn't commit a hate crime. She expressed her freedom of speech in a very nasty, hateful and unnecessary way. She retains the ability to exercise her freedom and she is unrepentant of it as she should be. I don't condemn her right to feel this way. I condemn her racial remark about the president and especially her wishing him assassinated.
You asked since when is it wrong to think something...she didn't just think it, she posted it up on FB for the world to see and support her on. She got the support (she has gotten it on this thread) but she also got feedback because of it, being fired and investigated.
@stary1 (6611)
• United States
13 Nov 12
I would fight stronbgly for free speech, but there is a limit...like falsely shouting fire in a crowded theater, some thoughts should not be voiced.
Common sense must prevail and calling for the assination of the President is totally outrageous

@Ladycwells (96)
• United States
14 Nov 12
Agreed!! Despite what seems to be expressed here, I actually said the girl was brave and had a right to feel the way she do and express them. However like you said, you don't scream fire in a burning building. You don't go on FB and post that you wish the president to be assassinated. Thanks for the reply.
@Mattxu (62)
• China
13 Nov 12
I feel that you are as extreme as the girl. Though you may not like your president, you couldn't use such remarks to attack him. If the girl said she would assassinate your parents, how would you think about it? Freedom of the speech doesn't mean you can threat other people's life. You don't have the right.
Though you don't like him, more people regard him as the president. You can never change the fact. So it's time to shut up your mouth.
@grandpa_lash (5225)
• Australia
13 Nov 12
I'll take into account that you don't know English very well, but you have completely got the wrong end of the stick here - at least I think you do. Other people in this thread have suggested that free speech is an excuse, but not the discussion starter. She in fact condemns this girl for her statements. Perhaps you should reread the opening post and offer an apology. Or else shut up your mouth.