Fed Gov't Cuts Food Stamps for everyone in Ohio - what a thank you from Obama!

@Rollo1 (16679)
Boston, Massachusetts
November 12, 2012 9:45pm CST
Oops, Ohio. I guess you Ohioans all thought you were going to be safe in your government programs as long as that evil Mitt Romney didn't get elected. After all, he was going to steal from the poor just so rich people could stay rich and be evil together in their big group of rich evilness. But here's a strange thing. The Federal Government is cutting food stamps for every beneficiary of the program in Ohio. All of you will be receiving $50 less. I hear you, I know - Obama was reelected, how could this happen? Well, the government thinks that it wasn't cold enough in Ohio last winter and that even if you don't heat your home with natural gas, the lower natural gas prices mean you won't get as hungry, or something like that. Sorry, Ohio. I know you meant well, but when will you learn? There wasn't any hope and change in the first four years and yet you fell for it again? Next time, vote for someone who will create jobs for you to go to and make money, because the government can take your assistance any time it wants to. And who wants to live like that?
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12 responses
@chrystalia (1208)
• Tucson, Arizona
13 Nov 12
Sadly enough, when you look at the county maps in most of the blue states (and in the red states, for that matter) you will always find that the heavily urban areas go blue, while many rural areas go red-- and of course, that means a state goes the way of its major cities. Then the suburban and country people have to deal with the results. While the late Roman Republic, pre-empire had it's issues, this wasn't one of them-- because the rural voters had more influence than the urban voters, for this exact reason. "food stamps" are by no means a new invention-- the Romans had similar programs, along with a lot of things we consider "modern". Poorer people and liberal people tend to congregate in cities-- the poor migrate to cities for the greater jobs and services, and the liberals for the larger educational opportunities. But after any election, it will always be the rural people that get hit with consequences far more heavily than the urban dwellers, because of the lack of a dense service network. Of course, those who live rurally like me, tend to be conservative, thrifty, and store a lot of stuff-- which is a good thing (until the city dwellers run out of stuff, of course). It should be interesting to watch the fur fly. I wonder if that decision was made pre-election and withheld, or post election? I'll have to check it out.
@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
13 Nov 12
People have simply believed the slogans and the scare tactics and have very little knowledge of how the government or the economic system works. Social programs are necessary, but when they are administrated poorly they do become bloated. On the other hand, the government makes calculations that aren't based in reality. Considering that the Obama administration did everything it could to recruit people onto the Food Stamp program, I have to assume they felt that recipients of government assistance would be more likely to vote for Obama.
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• Tucson, Arizona
13 Nov 12
The calculations themselves haven't changed in a very long time-- they based this decision on the fact that the winter last year was milder than expected, winter this year is supposed to be milder as well, and at the moment natural gas is at a lower price than usual. What is UNUSUAL about this situation is the government's reaction-- Ohio requested a review and adjustment, due to current economic conditions. Normally, the government doesn't deny such a request out of hand, as it did this time. In past cases I have seen, the government usually "splits the difference" with the state, or makes other funding available to partially offset the benefit impact. In this case, they didn't-- and for good reason-- THERE IS NO MONEY. The United States Military recently implemented a policy that recruits in basic training who suffer hernia injuries as a result of training are no longer given corrective surgery and allowed to "recycle" and complete training-- a hernia is now considered a "genetic predisposition", and they are tossed out of training without receiving medical care. Senator Mc Cain's office is currently investigating this, as a matter of fact-- because my younger son, while in ranger training, suffered a hernia, was allowed to continue to train until 10 inches of his intestine ended up in his scrotum-- then they discharged him, without surgery. He, like myself, believes in paying for services he gets-- so at the moment he is sitting in Tucson, with his intestines STILL in his scrotum after 5 weeks home-- because he can't afford to buy the "low cost" insurance to get surgery, he is not eligible for ACCHCS (Medicaid)-- because Arizona stopped enrolling ACCHCS patients over a year ago, due to the economic conditions-- and he doesn't have 11,000 dollars to pay for it himself. There is no reported "hernia" gene-- and he was healthy when he went in. At any time, that intestine could strangulate, and he could die, or end up wearing a colostomy for life. And he is not the only recruit this has happened to, by any means. The fact that the United States government would deny necessary medical care to recruits, who volunteer to protect and defend our Constitution, and our nation, is unconscionable. But they are-- BECAUSE THERE IS NO MONEY. Social programs currently account for over 1 TRILLION dollars of our annual budget, when we HAVE a budget-- far more than the cost of all our military and all the wars we are considered part of at the moment. But military members tend to be republican, or conservative. And yes, many food stamp recipients do tend to be liberal, or democratic. Neither group is EXCLUSIVELY conservative or liberal, but voting records and party preferences tend to follow this general profile.
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@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
13 Nov 12
The lack of concern for our military is inexcusable. Everyone knows that budget cuts need to be made to reduce the deficit and the debt, but cutting services to our military members is not where they should be made. Has your son contacted an attorney? An attorney may take this kind of case on a contingency fee and usually provide a free consultation. Also, it could end up being a high profile case and if there is the possibility of a settlement from the government, an attorney may agree to handle the lawsuit based on his expectation of winning a large sum. No fee would need to be paid unless your son wins (but watch out for expenses).
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
13 Nov 12
I hope they make a huge stink about it. Maybe the other states will wake up then and realize how precarious life can be when you depend on the government. I feel sorry for those who truly need the assistance. I was astounded that my state voted for Obama, when I left 28 years ago it was a very conservative place. Our governor has turned us around and we're attracting more jobs and new businesses and our unemployment rates have dropped. With that example in front of them, the people still voted for a liberal, left-leaning president. I guess they'll have to learn the hard way--unfortunately, there are many struggling people who will have to pay the price for their stupidity.
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@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
13 Nov 12
http://www.wcpo.com/dpp/news/region_west_cincinnati/price_hill/food-stamp-benefits-to-be-cut-for-ohioans Because of the way the federal government calculates utility expenses for people receiving the benefit, a mild winter nationwide last year, and a lower price for natural gas, many families could experience a significant cut in aid, those familiar with the program say. The government sets the guidelines. These stories are coming out of Ohio, so I don't know if similar cuts will occur in other states. I agree that last winter was mild in many areas, but that's no guarantee for this winter. It could be that lots of places see cuts, and we just haven't heard about it yet.
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@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
13 Nov 12
Don't the states determine how they administer federal programs? I may be wrong. IF the federal gov. does the figuring, I'd guess they're running out of resources? Trying to 'save' some money. But then, wouldn't all 50 states have cuts?
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@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
13 Nov 12
More to follow. And when the dollar fails NO ONE will get their 'benefits'. I fully expect the drones to shoot the messenger.
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@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
13 Nov 12
Speaking of drones, what do you think of that Russian report about Indianapolis?
@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
13 Nov 12
Well, I am sure they still run a fountain of propaganda just as they did in the days of the USSR. Note the references to 9/11 and the "truther" conspiracy. However, I think anything is possible and even in the wildest propaganda there could be a grain of truth. I don't think it takes several days to confirm a gas leak. But who knows? And it's not possible to believe what the government tells us and it hasn't been for many decades, not just recently. I think the difference is in what the gov't is hiding. I think it's much more devious than we ever imagined in the good old, bad old days.
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@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
13 Nov 12
I think the government lies to us about so many things that I feel justified in NOT BELIEVING a word 'they' say. It seems rather strange that a RUSSIAN news source would bother saying anything about a gas explosion in Indianapolis. So the very reporting of it by them makes me wonder.
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@millertime (1394)
• United States
13 Nov 12
Wow, I bet they didn't see that one coming. I doubt very much it will happen though. Obama will probably sign an executive order to keep the food stamps flowing. They couldn't possibly reduce government benefits to the poor. That would go against everything that they stand for and promised to their constituency. All they have to do is fire up the printing presses and print more food stamps. While they're at it, they can just print a bunch more money too. Problem solved...
@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
13 Nov 12
Actually, this is the stupid way the government calculates things. It wasn't cold last winter so you don't need as much food this year. But since the voters in Ohio had every reason to believe Obama was going to protect them from the evil Romney budget-cutter guy, they may be very surprised to find out that the hand-outs are smaller this year, especially after they showed up at the polls ready to vote for their reward points.
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• United States
13 Nov 12
Being a "pick yourself up by ya bootstraps" kinda of person, this news don't make me sad, it makes me glad. Who needs food stamps? Its an entitlement program that far too many "need". No they need to do as I did, find a job and if they can't find a job, well start a home business. President Obama is doing the exact same as former president Reagan with his "welfare queens". Get 'em off the system. Food stamp? yeah thought that was resolved 20 years ago.
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@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
13 Nov 12
But the people in Ohio voted for Obama, in some districts as much as by 99% (if that is the real count and not a result of fraud). They were told by Obama that it was Romney who would take away their entitlements and assistance and Obama was going to keep them all in welfare forever. They have every right to feel had.
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• United States
14 Nov 12
They shouldn't feel had, they should be mad!! I didn't hear him say he was advocating for food stamps but if he in fact did say he would keep all of Ohio on food stamps and on welfare, they should be mad. Then after they get pass their anger they should stop with the food stamps and get a job.
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• United States
13 Nov 12
Hhhhhmmmm...and I think this is just the beginning, too. I told my friend that we would see gasoline above $4.00 per gallon within the year. Of course, this will cause another increase in prices due to the increase in freight charges. And we all know that when the gasoline price falls, the other prices don't follow suit. When you look at the statistics that show how many more people were added to the food stamp rolls during the first four years of Obama and how much the percentage of those in poverty increased, it seems that those voting were merely playing the lottery with their government assitance checks. They gambled their vote that the Obama administration would continue to redistribute the wealth and from what I read of your post, they may have lost that wager!
• United States
14 Nov 12
Of all the good points I've read in this discussion "It has been proven in more than one society that socialized medicine does not provide equal access to healthcare. It has also been proven that redistribution of wealth will destroy the economy of the nation that practices it" works as an excellent summing up of the issue!!
• Tucson, Arizona
13 Nov 12
well, it didn't make big news, of course, but according to the government's own statistics, more people got on food stamps last month than ever have before in a single month. Also, those of us who read the Labor and Statistics webpage already know unemployment is far worse than public figures show. The chickens will come home to roost, so to speak. I have made we the people, regulations.gov, the U.N. website and Labor and Statistics regular stops for a while now, since I don't trust the media mainstream or fringe, to report all the news. There's no substitute for reading it yourself. The problem with redistribution of wealth is it punishes success. And when you punish successful people, they either stop succeeding, or they move somewhere that appreciates their efforts. Would you take a promotion if it meant a 10% salary cut instead of a raise, and that 10% would be given to entry level or part time employees in your company? If you offered that deal to an average American, they would scream in your face and probably try to sue you-- but the average American doesn't understand the Laffer Curve, either. Our elected officials, on the other hand, definitely DO understand the Laffer Curve-- which means they know exactly what consequences redistribution of wealth through taxation will have, and what consequences increasing entitlement programs will have. They don't want to admit it, either because they hope to prove it wrong, or because they want to keep their jobs (probably the latter, of course-- most of them are wealthy by our standards).
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• United States
13 Nov 12
Unfortunately, when the economy fails, I think that it won't matter what is stored and how prudent you were and prepared for that time. The marauding bands of hungry, thirsty, government supported individuals will prey upon those who have prepared and will kill them for their stores. As the moral fabric of our society continues to deteriorate we will observe more and more things that should open our eyes to the damage done by liberal socialistic programs. It has been proven in more than one society that socialized medicine does not provide equal access to healthcare. It has also been proven that redistribution of wealth will destroy the economy of the nation that practices it.
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@cher913 (25781)
• Canada
13 Nov 12
is this an Obama thing only in the state of Ohio or all over the US? just wondering. i agree with you regarding the part about the poor getting poorer and the rich getting richer. it is around here in Canada, so it is not only in the US.
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@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
13 Nov 12
It will probably affect many states, but Ohio newspapers are covering this as it affects Ohio. I haven't heard about what will happen elsewhere. Ohio went for Obama in the election and Obama's campaign hammered Romney as the rich guy who would take away your food stamps. People in Ohio are probably pretty surprised that re-electing Obama didn't insulate them from cuts in benefits.
@celticeagle (172006)
• Boise, Idaho
13 Nov 12
Just a little note about food stamps. They are TO HELP you buy food. They aren't supposed to be your entire alottment for food. It is just to HELP with food. We all have to help ourselves too. Not just depend on the government to do it ALL. Just getting Obama back was a sore blow to many states. Not just Ohio.
• United States
13 Nov 12
WOW, someone is bitter. It is OK Rollo, there will be another election in four more years!!!!
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@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
13 Nov 12
No Debater, I am just feeling sympathy for all those voters who voted for Obama because he promised he would take care of them and because he told them that Romney was going to kill Big Bird and take away their food stamps. These people have to feel a little bit like they've been had. After all, Obama didn't tell them that math still applied or that the government doesn't have an unending supply of money to shower over them.
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@Maggiepie (7816)
• United States
26 Nov 12
[b]Yeah. What SHE said! Maggiepie[/b]
@mariaperalta (19073)
• Mexico
13 Nov 12
Cnn news make a comment a few days ago... that many states will be seeing federal cut backs. Hope they arent to bad.
@Tongcv (172)
• China
13 Nov 12
What causes it?
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@Maggiepie (7816)
• United States
26 Nov 12
[b]Ignorance. Thee has been at least a century of malteaching people, resulting in ignorance of how & why our country began, & dropping real classes in school of how capitalism really works. Those classes aren't taught any more. The far left run the system, now, & spend all their time brainwashing young people into believing America & capitalism are "evil." That, & that the hideous slavery system of socialism, which always fails, is "great." Ask the N.E.A.* why they've dumbed down the public schools. The answer will tell you all you need to know. * As if that lot would answer...certainly not honestly.... Maggiepie[/b]
• Saudi Arabia
14 Nov 12
I think you're right about that. lots of fuzz going on and its hard coping up these days