Question about Bible

November 13, 2012 1:30am CST
Hi, there. these days i am reading Bible. I have some questions. In Genesis 26 :Then God said,"Let us make man in our image,in our likeness,let them rule over the fish...." Here, what does "us"mean? Thank you.
1 response
@owlwings (43914)
• Cambridge, England
13 Nov 12
God only refers to Himself in the plural six times out of many hundred references. These verses have always presented a problem and various explanations have been put forward: 1) That God is referring to Himself as the Trinity or as 'God and the Holy Spirit' or 'God and the Word of God' 2) That God is including the angelic host in the statement 3) That God is using the "royal plural" to show that He is "all things". 4) That, at the time that this story was told (and before ever it was written down), the Jews did not have a monotheistic view of God and that they worshipped or believed in a number of gods or, perhaps, a male and a female God or separate male and female aspects of one supreme Being. You can find all of the arguments above on the Internet but none of them is really a satisfactory or definitive answer!