Nano Technology, What do you know?

November 13, 2012 6:17pm CST
Nano technology is gaining lot of attention these days. It enables researchers to come up with unique materials that are much harder and suitable for any kind of applications. Nano robots also making news in the medical science where it goes into our system and do the job as instructed and goes out of the system. What do you think about this technology?
6 responses
@voracious (624)
• Philippines
16 Nov 12
In fact, we are in the transition phase from micro to nanotechnology specially when it comes to computers. As we know that 1 intel processor consists of millions of microscopic transistors and resistors. When it comes to medical application we have so called immunization and I believe scientist can enhance those technologies through the years.
• India
20 Nov 12
You are right. The possibilities of Nano technology are immense in computing. It can make an enormous transformation the way we do computing. Nano technology can bring us small computers with super computing capabilities.
• Calgary, Alberta
14 Nov 12
I am so excited with this technology because it might have the potential to extend our lifespan beyond our expectation. Rats usually lives around 3 years but because of nano technology, scientist were able to make a rat live longer than 3 years, from what I hear the rat is like 5 years old and still living. for now its being tested in animals. You know I am willing to be a guinea pig for this technology if it can make my life longer.
• India
14 Nov 12
Like every other good technology I fear there is a dark side too. There are fears that Nano technology could damage our environment by polluting it with residual nano particles.
• United States
14 Nov 12
Actually the Nano Technology has been here for much longer than you realize. What is going on is it is just being added and used in different applications. Do you realize that in some products that are on the store shelves is actually taking in your actions and recording them? Yes and many other applications like that is going on. How do you think they have made computers and cells work the way they are now? Combining technologies brings even more products. So the Nano has been around a very long time.. do the research and see for yourself.. especially in new human armor for battle's for real..
• Philippines
14 Nov 12
That's actually cool. IT's like the concept in Metal Gear Solid, a video game in Playstation. I think it's also possible to control human beings against their will using nano technology in the future. I'm sure if they find developments regarding this, they would pursue further improvements until the farthest they can get with it. It would even provide them ways to control animals to be used for security guards, to prevent any humans getting casualties whenever there are robberies in banks and stuff... just think out loud. This is actually a great topic. No wonder why there are a lot movies and video games that commit to this plot.
@rog0322 (2829)
• Cagayan De Oro, Philippines
14 Nov 12
Hi, Nano Tech, I understand without Googling, deals on the atomic level, just like Quantum Mechanics. Needles to say, it comes up with super small things, like chips on a fingernail or, yes, robots that can take a tour of the human body to take whatever mission there can be. It is really beyond our capability, the nearest thing we can be is peeking at it on a high power microscope. Which reminds me, nature has been dealing with it for the past billion years or so, microorganisms designed from the single celled protozoa, molecular viruses and the genetic code of every living thing. It's a whole new/old frontier out there, next to the vast and limitless domain of the stars and the galaxies. We can have it for the good of humanity, hopefully.
@olliekobra1 (1825)
14 Nov 12
i must admit that i dont really know a lot about this type of technology i have heard about through different sc-fi programs such as red dwarf but i dont really know that much about it. Its scary really if you think about how much we have progressed in technology.