Dying man confesses his crime then he survives

Calgary, Alberta
November 13, 2012 8:34pm CST
This news is kinda grim but it makes me laugh for some unknown reason: A man named James Washington have a heart attack so he thought he is about to die, In able for him to clear his conscience so he can die peacefully, he decided to confess the crime he did as he is "dying" He murdered a woman by hitting her head with a block during 1995 and he is able to get away with it because there is no evidence againts him, as in the crime became a cold case. When he got the heart attack I guess he thought he can get away with it again and die peacefully so there is no harm of confessing his crime but the moment he confessed his crime, he survived the heart attack and recovered. the moment he recovered, he denied it again.... source: I guess no secret is forever, I love how he instantly recovered the moment he confesed. yup bubblews admins, I am the writer
James Washington almost got away with murder. The Nashville man, in prison on an unrelated sentence, made what he thought was a death bed confession when he suffered a heart attack, admitting to the murder of Joyce Goodener on July 5, 1995, according to WS
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28 responses
@rsa101 (38115)
• Philippines
14 Nov 12
Opps! I guess he would have to pay for it since he admitted it and the word of a dying man is supposed to be a genuine statement and he just said it. What would be his alibi for his previous statement he is now denying to have said. Sad that it could be his redeeming act but now he is denying it so I guess he is just putting himself deeper more into lying more.
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@rsa101 (38115)
• Philippines
14 Nov 12
Yeah I guess that is what is suppose to happen. I guess God gave him the opportunity to repent on it while he is still alive and put justice on the woman he killed a long time ago.
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• Calgary, Alberta
14 Nov 12
How I hope his heart will be healthier so he can enjoy his punishment in jail fully. He needs to be healthier and live longer.
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• Calgary, Alberta
14 Nov 12
Now he is denying it but there is no more escape anymore, had he confessed his crime 17 years ago, who knows he might have been released from prison by now.Now he will spend the last few years of his life on prison.
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@lizlee (208)
• Philippines
15 Nov 12
In life, you just can't explain it but there's a funny way to turn things around. Who would think that after this man's confession he will survive the heart attack. Good for his victim, she was given justice for his confession. Its really true when they say, nothing can be kept a secret. :)
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• Calgary, Alberta
17 Nov 12
He is already caught, he should just admit his crime for real, so he wont need to wait for another heart attack. His soul might get forgiveness if he accepts his punishment.
@riyauro (6421)
• India
15 Nov 12
yeah good for the murderer.. it was good one and yeah I found it very very funny as well.
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@artemeis (4194)
• China
15 Nov 12
What goes round, comes around. I could not help but see the humor with you. Somehow, I have to say that this ugly secret is really stressing his heart leading to this attack. Conscience just have its way of getting back at us people. Did you notice that he is a Muslim? Seems like even religion could not help a person without genuine repentance even when he had done his pilgrimage (Haj). Justice sure smiled on this one here.
• Calgary, Alberta
15 Nov 12
I dont know what did that woman do to him to kill her that brutally, but in the end his conscience takesover but now he is able to fight his conscience again by denying it again but many people n the hospital listened to his confession so he already threw himself under the bus.
• Philippines
15 Nov 12
LOL. Can he still get away with it after confessing his crime? Maybe that wasn't a heart attack at all. LOL. Maybe it was just a panic attack. He got over it. I just read about panic or anxiety attack yesterday. Oh, pity him. He deserves to be in jail. He's a murderer.
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• Philippines
15 Nov 12
Maybe he was under stress then he wanted to die with a clear conscience. However, it wasn't his time to die yet. I guess God wants him to suffer from his sin before going to heaven. But, can he still go to heaven?
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• Calgary, Alberta
15 Nov 12
he is hiding it with his self for 17 years so it might have been a hard 15 years for him. if its a panic attack, then that may had been caused by his 17 year old secret that no one else knows but his self.
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@blue65packer (11826)
• United States
14 Nov 12
I heard this on the radio the other day! He really thought he was dying! Now he isn't and will end up in jail for what he did! Not a smart move on his piont! I know he is not happy that he did the confessing! Now he is denying it! So typical of alot of criminals who confess to crimes like murder! What a doushbag!
• Calgary, Alberta
14 Nov 12
at least now he is free from secrets and inner demons. and he thought he can get away from it and wont be on jail. I am not suppose to laugh on his situation but I cant help it. The time bob just exploded.
• Philippines
14 Nov 12
It's something we truly can enjoy and laugh a bit from our serious story for the day. Yes, it's funny but there's a bigtime lesson we can derive from that story. There are a lot of people who are in pain and as if it's the end of the world for them, so they become honest and accept their sins and confess them, just like this man did. However, when their health is good and seems the world starts to rhyme, they forgot what had happened and never learn from it. Instead of continuing to do right, they become worst. I admire those who truly were committed to face the consequences and do right, since their life is a life of second chance. As for the man who denied it again, there will never be another second chance..
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• Calgary, Alberta
14 Nov 12
He already confessed it so he should just deal wth it and accept the consequences, I think he just need to use the remaining days of his life by regretting his crimes and try to be a good person, so he wont be needing to confess another sin on his next heart attack, who knows if he behaved well in prison he may get a parole. The family of his victim finally have the peace of mind they wanted for 17 years
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@GardenGerty (160242)
• United States
14 Nov 12
It is very ironic. His guilt probably was part of the stress that helped bring on the heart attack.
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• Philippines
14 Nov 12
Not if the crime was committed 17 years ago. But then obviously his conscience won't let it go since he confessed when he thought he was dying.
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• Calgary, Alberta
14 Nov 12
he is like so close to making a perfect crime but his perfect crime is not perfect at all, it only takes a heart attack to make his crime revealed.
• Calgary, Alberta
14 Nov 12
People should be praying for his health and well being, Lets pray for him to have a long life.... No more heart attacks.
@silentwill (1685)
• Philippines
14 Nov 12
Uh oh! Spoke too soon. Maybe it was God's way of forgiving him, by letting him live to atone for his sins and pay for his crimes. Except he never meant for that. Well he can't just retract a confession like that. He'd be brought to justice.
• Philippines
14 Nov 12
No no not bad at all. He'll live 30 more years. In jail.
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• Calgary, Alberta
14 Nov 12
The reaper make a joke on him I guess, God moves in mysterious ways I guess, this man thought he can escape his crime and go to the afterlife and never be in Jail.
• Calgary, Alberta
14 Nov 12
I hope he is going to recover well and his heart will be healthier than ever, Wishing someone's health well is not a bad thing right?
@marguicha (221452)
• Chile
15 Nov 12
If it wasn`t terrible, I`d say it was funny. But anyway, it seems as if it were a punishment from above, so as to say. He could get away with murder, but he could not escape his concience.
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@marguicha (221452)
• Chile
15 Nov 12
I suppose he doesn`t even know that he has a conscience.
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• Calgary, Alberta
15 Nov 12
He must be hating his conscience now for having a mind of its own, againts his will it makes him admit his crimes.
@jaiho2009 (39141)
• Philippines
14 Nov 12
Now he really is clear of his conscience -lols. Serves him well
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@jaiho2009 (39141)
• Philippines
14 Nov 12
Definitely he is at peace now- inside the cell
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• Calgary, Alberta
14 Nov 12
is the cell even peaceful?
• Calgary, Alberta
14 Nov 12
there is going to be a new "girl" on prison... hey at least his conscience is clear now.
@mspitot (3824)
• Philippines
15 Nov 12
I think he was given a second chance to make his mistakes right but he chose to commit another sin.
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• Calgary, Alberta
17 Nov 12
You mean denying his crime again after realizing he is alive and kicking.
@riyauro (6421)
• India
15 Nov 12
.. I am laughing like crazy here after reading your post..hahha. it is indeed so funny. see God is watching and he knows what to do with you..he must have really regretted that moment, I am sure..Thanks for sharing and have a wonderful day ahead..
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• Calgary, Alberta
17 Nov 12
Do you think he can have a wonderful day a head as well? the soul of his victim can finally rest in peace.
@Sindelle (824)
• United States
15 Nov 12
Ops, way to make headlines as the international idiot sensation. I hope they can charge him still. Granted he said he did it but with no physical evidence and him taking it back I'm not sure how the justice system will handle that. Its still hilarious though. I bet that poor women's family is very happy.
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• Calgary, Alberta
17 Nov 12
Maybe if 17 years ago he admitted his crime and goes to jail and behaves well in the prison and be a model prisoner, he might have been free by now, he might have been parolled.
• Philippines
14 Nov 12
Hahaha. This man's really good!! Maybe the second time he gets a heart attack, he'll admit it again. I just hope he'll realize that he can't keep that secret forever.
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• Calgary, Alberta
14 Nov 12
Now the secret s out of the bag, makes you think if he is hiding more secrets waiting to be confessed
• Philippines
15 Nov 12
Agreed. But then again, all the truths will come out eventually.
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@roberten (3128)
• United States
15 Nov 12
Woops! Looks like ole boy will be hanging around for quite awhile. (Tee he-he!) Sometimes the truth won't set you free.
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• Calgary, Alberta
15 Nov 12
Well it set his "heart" free and he followed his "heart" during the heart attack. Its now proven heart is more than an organ that pumps blood through the arteries, You are right, the truth didnt set him free, The truth let set him inside the cell.
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
15 Nov 12
Well, I would have to say that his guilt had something to do with the cause of his heart attack. In addition to that, I think that the fact that he did confess is a good thing. The reason that I say that it is a good thing is because of the fact that now the family of the woman that he killed will know what happened to her. I don't know if the man will be around long enough to be brought to justice, but the closure for the woman's family is worth his confession in my opinion.
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• Calgary, Alberta
15 Nov 12
I know, her family can now feel much more emotionally at peace and the person that killed her is now brought into Justice after unintentionally admitting his faults.It took him 17 years to hide this but as proven , secrets are not forever, he gave his best to hide it but a single heart attack ruined his almost perfect crime.
@Cutie18f (9551)
• Philippines
14 Nov 12
And he's a liar as well. It's a good thing he is in prison now.
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• Calgary, Alberta
14 Nov 12
He is only honest during heart attacks
• Valdosta, Georgia
14 Nov 12
Wow go figure! That is super ironic, and it is kind of funny the way it happened... Guess he should have shut his mouth, lol. Someone else said the stress of having this secret probably gave him the heart attack is probably exactly right! That is a BIG secret to keep for many years, that would cause anyone a lot of stress!!
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• Calgary, Alberta
14 Nov 12
he have no idea that he will survive the heart attack so I guess he is so convince he is gong to die. who would have thought confessing to sins can cure a deadly heart attack.
@neelia27 (896)
• Philippines
15 Nov 12
how ironic life is.. funny because after confessing his crime he denied it then.. after his recovery.. it after what happen to him it should be a lesson for him and for that matter i think he should be punished for what he did..
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• Calgary, Alberta
15 Nov 12
am sure he will learn his lesson soon, The Prison in the USA maybe more comfortable compared tot he Prisons in 3rd world countries but its still considered a hell hole compared to the 5 star paradise resort prisons of Norway.
• United States
15 Nov 12
It's funny what people will do in their last moments, and funny what people will do when that moment isn't their last.
• Calgary, Alberta
15 Nov 12
short comment yet very witty, Its also funny when he seemed to rather die right now after being blessed to stay alive. I mean we should be thnakful we are still alive right?