The Party's over ......

November 15, 2012 4:27am CST
At least until the next party starts lol. I find I can only cope with MyLot for a limited time, since I tend to create and enter into discussions with "heavy" subjects and hopefully a lot of intelligent responses. Unfortunately this means going into the Politics and Religious forums more often than is good for my sanity, since they seem to have shoals of pilot fish swimming in their depths, defending their sharks with great vigour. Me being a shark hater (think of me as the Dolphin lol) I tend to spend too much time tearing my hair out at their Pavlovian responses to anything they see as either "liberal" or anti-religion. So, I need a break. The last one was nearly two years, but I'll try not to stay away that long this time. As it happens I am going to be very short of time for a while anyway. We got sale of our house confirmed this morning, and we only have 60 days to make all our arrangements for the move, including finding somewhere to live at the other end of our journey until we find a new place to buy. So, to all my friends here, for the time being I must say "Fare thee well", but I will be back. To the pilot fish I say nothing - I really would prefer not to get kicked off the site and miss my payout this month. Lash
3 people like this
13 responses
@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
18 Nov 12
While congrats are in order there is certainly some crap going on for you. I so hope you can get on top of your weight and sleep problems. Have some fun during the move, it should be an interesting venture. Above all, take care of yourself and your lovely lady, get settled in and come back to us when you can. Hugs Lash.
@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
19 Nov 12
I can't believe you just admitted that - you old softy you.
• Australia
19 Nov 12
Thanks MsT. I have to say, the bloody mask thing is going to be an adventure all on its own lol, but oteherwise life is exciting. We're even doing the "it's only 53 more sleeps" thingie. Lash
1 person likes this
• United States
16 Nov 12
Since being on mylot, I have really appreciated your responses and contributions to discussions. I understand your frustration and I also wonder if I should be participating in these types of discussions. You'll be missed!
• Australia
17 Nov 12
I was going to send you a friend request but I suddenly decided to take a break, so I'll send it so as not to forget when I do come back. Lash
• United States
17 Nov 12
Thanks! Take care!
• Canada
15 Nov 12
Hope you will be back sooner than later Your postings are always challenging, interesting and thought-provoking. Even when I don't respond, I enjoy reading. All the best with your move!
• Canada
16 Nov 12
Well, thank you :) I consider that a compliment. I've been here a long time but I tend to run in the background a lot, reading much more than I post. I welcome your friend request, either before you leave or when you come back, and will look forward to future discussions :)
• Australia
16 Nov 12
I just had a look at your profile, because you're not familiar, and if I wasn't dropping out for a wile I'd be doing a friend request. I can't imagine how I haven't noticed you before. Lash
1 person likes this
@p1kef1sh (45681)
15 Nov 12
Good luck and a Bon voyage to your new home when the time comes. I shall miss you around. However absence makes the heart grow finder or something so will prepare myself for your triumphal return.
• Australia
16 Nov 12
I must admit the day always looks brighter when I open the email and see a p1ke discussion. Hopefully I'll come back full of piss and vinegar and new ideas. Lash
@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
17 Nov 12
Congrats! I hope to see you back soon. Politics and religion certainly are subjects that require energy and patience, but they can be hard to resist. Take care!
• Australia
18 Nov 12
Thanks jen. I may find time to draft a few "interesting" things between now and my return. I may even dig into my sociology files just for you lol. Lash
@francesca5 (1344)
15 Nov 12
yes, you do post difficult discussions, but they are very interesting, but i can see why you feel the need to take a break. i suppose there is no chance of persuading you to just post few discussions on what are the best types of slippers to give as a christmas present?
• Australia
16 Nov 12
Anything but glass. I must admit I wished you started more, yours are always interesting. Lash
16 Nov 12
oh, i'm too much of a coward to start a discussion, though i am trying to deal with the underlying issues about why i don't like doing it, as i enjoy a good argument far too much for someone who doesn't like arguments, so i need to get to the root of the problem. by the time you come back, i may be starting loads of them. have a good move, and enjoyable rest.
@MntlWard (878)
• United States
16 Nov 12
Yeah, I've pretty much been on a break for years. I was very active when I started here, but I found the same issues you are describing and had enough after a few months of it. Now, I only come back when the myLot email shows me something I can't resist responding to, and the latest poster to grab my attention has proven to be a dishonest debater, so I now find that one easier to resist.
@GreenMoo (11833)
15 Nov 12
I wish you all the best with the move.
• Australia
15 Nov 12
And thank you too. Lash
@Sandra1952 (6047)
• Spain
15 Nov 12
We're going to miss you, Lash. Especially as you're one of the seemingly few people who can create a discussion that doesn't centre on favourite ice cream flavours. Try not to stress out about the move too much, and take care of your health. That's more important than anything else. Good luck with it all, and see you back here in the not too distant future.
• Australia
16 Nov 12
Not stressing about the move, I'm so bloody well organised I've already booked the ferry, found a house to rent, booked the moving van, and planned the drive to Melbourne, and that's just on day 1 of the 55 lol. I've just been given the charming news that my troublesome snoring and apnoea has actually become potentially fatal, which means I now have to stress about losing weight and I have to start wearing this 'orrible plastic mask which blows air down my throat while I'm asleep. At least, tha't's the theory, tonight will be the first attempt, and I'm not looking forward to it. Lash
@RawBill1 (8531)
• Gold Coast, Australia
15 Nov 12
Congrats on the sale going through Lash, that must be a huge relief. Now the fun really begins! Goodbye for now, we will see you Dolphin once you have swam away from the warm Queensland waters and when you reach those chilly Tasmanian waters. I am looking forward to hearing all about your adventures then. Take care and good luck with it all. See you soon. Bill :-)
• Australia
16 Nov 12
Thanks, Bill, and I'll see you when I have the time and energy to return. Lash
@pahak627 (5067)
• Philippines
15 Nov 12
This is just for a while. We'll be waiting for you after your break. I just hope that it will only be a short time. Good luck. Hope you can find a nice house soon.
• Australia
15 Nov 12
I'lllll beeee baaaack. Thanks for the good wishes. Lash
@deazil (4730)
• United States
15 Nov 12
I will miss you. Although I don't respond to many of your discussions, I have read most, if not all of them, from the past few months. A few may have escaped me. I try to stay away from political & religious discussions, although I have let myself get sucked into one or two. Your discussions call for deep thought on the part of the responder and I don't feel I'm up to the challenge. But, whether I have agreed with you or not, I have found them to be quite interesting and certainly good exercise for my brain. Quite a few of them I've read 2 and 3 times over just to make sure I got it all. Not working anymore is leading to brain stagnation. I respect your right to have your own opinion, be it popular or not. And I respect intelligence. I am neither a shark nor a pilot fish, being more like a sand stargazer. But dolphins are my favorite. I wish you much luck on your journey and hope you find a wonderful place to live. Have a great adventure! I'll be looking forward to your return. :-) And thank you for the BR in the bushfire topic. :D
• Australia
16 Nov 12
Don't sell yourself short. I do understand the stagnation which comes with having nothing meaningful to do, that's why I went back to university, where they truly treasure mature age students because at least we try to think outside the box. Become a dolphin. Lash
• United States
15 Nov 12
Lash, we just "met" but everytime I log on, I know I can always find intelligence in your posts. I'm gonna miss that. Please make your transitions speedily and hurry on back. This ole girl will be waiting for ya!!! Godspeed.
• Australia
16 Nov 12
I'll try to get back to the Lot in the New Year, but there's a lot to do even after we get there, so it may be several months. Thanks for the comments. Lash