Macy's, Donald, Free Speech and Stupid people!
By coffeebreak
@coffeebreak (17798)
United States
November 15, 2012 11:03am CST
Good grief...what ever happened to freedom of speech! And is this all people have to complain about? The country is falling apart...and this is what people spend their time doing? Donald has employed tons and tons of people over the years, but lets put some of those people out of work..cause if he stops selling the clothes...that means the factories will close...thus putting people out of work!!! Is his opinion worth loosing a whole lot of jobs over? I think not!
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8 responses
@knoodleknight18 (917)
• United States
16 Nov 12
I think trump just wants people to recognize, a normal billionaire would have taken his money and retired. Not Trump, he clearly was an unloved child who will never have enough attention.
What this has to do with free speech, I have no idea. People can petition Macy's to do whatever they want. The bottom line is, keeping the Trump line either hurts their business or it doesn't. It's no more stupid boycotts involving Disney and gays. You would certainly think in the times we face people might find something better to concern themselves with than fashion. But if you honestly think the country with the biggest entertainment industry on the planet is going to worry about real issues you clearly don't understand what America is all about.
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@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
16 Nov 12
The freedom of speech I am referring to is the fact that all he did was Tweet what he thought about the election to those that have "befriended" him on the Tweet service. He didn't ask them..they came to him! He told them what he thought, and they got mad and are trying to tamper with his business. Meaning, they are basically saying he can't freely speak unless they agree with what he is saying...getting mad because they don't agree with him and now trying to trash his business.
But I agree with this all they have to talk about or complain about? Hostess just announce it is closing all plants in the country...18,500 people are now to mention the products it makes are soon to be gone. But lets complain and make a big deal about a man's clothing line and go to war over that! Trump is what he is cause of his good business decisions. Do they really think that if he stops this clothing line, he will go BK? No, he will find another way to support himself. Real estate went bad, so he went into fashion. I'd have to man!
Oh, I totally understand what America is all about. I very SADLY understand! Here Isreal is being attacked, unemployment is sky high...yet let's complain about a man's fashion line!
@knoodleknight18 (917)
• United States
16 Nov 12
I don't disagree with you, on the absurdity of the matter. Where I disagree is that this actually has any relevance to freedom of speech, other than that exercising it can, as we often see, get an entity into a bad PR situation. CEO's and companies have the freedom to say whatever they so desire. However, as representatives of their companies, they must tread more carefully.
Donald Trump can say, tweet, blog, etc. whatever he wants so long as he isn't shouting "fire" in a crowded theater. However, if he makes statements that people find offensive, he may lose business, justified or not. Just as anyone may arbitrarily choose not to do business with him. I see where what he said might have been bad publicity. What I don't see is where anyone is being denied the right to say something.
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@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
17 Nov 12
He isnt being "denied the right" to say anything...he is being condemned for saying it. When all is said and done is these people that are complaining that are hurting themselves and other shoppers. They say if Macy's doesn't stop carrying Trumps men's clothing line, they will stop shopping at Macy's. I have been to Macy' is a great store, great sales, great clothes, affordable prices for pretty nice stuff. I used to shop there until I moved and they don't have one near me so I put my Macy's credit card away.
But..if they stop shopping there..they are just hurting themselves and now they won't be getting the great prices, cool clothes, good sales, affordable clothing and very nice fashion....they have to find it elsewhere or do who is hurting whom?
On the other side...if Macy's pulls Trumps line...then those that liked have to find something they are hurting themselves, and now other shoppers.
Have they hurt Trump, no. He will just put the line at another store! If they don't like what Trump said...don't buy his product! But for crying out loud, why hurt yourself by not shopping the rest of the store and loosing out on great products and prices.

@TheMetallion (1834)
• United States
17 Nov 12
Freedom of speech is not "freedom to remain product spokesman when the producer decides you're damaging the brand."
Macy's sold clothing long before Trump hawked for them, I'm sure they still remember how.
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@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
17 Nov 12
Of course if they dump him, they will just fill it with someone else. And then someone else will have offense to the new line....etc etc etc! I honestly don't think that enough will stop shopping Macy's if htey dont' dump Trump. I know Macy's..they have great sales, great clothing and other things, great affordable prices....they might stop for a little bit, but after a couple months go by, that red sale tag and Macy's "one day sale" sales will start sparking them back into the store..even if Trump is still there! I think Macy's should just ignore t hem...say if you don't want to buy his line, we have other options. You can't please all the people all the time.
@bobmnu (8157)
• United States
15 Nov 12
Why is it that when Christians get upset our beliefs are mocked and ridiculed we are told to learn to be tolerant and inclusive. We have to be more appreciative of Art.
I think Donald Trump should come out and urge people to shop at stores that promote American Values such as Free Speech (not a boycott of Macy's but be positive in the message). I for one will not buy anything at Macy's this Christmas or after. Remember a few years ago when some retailers ordered their employees not to say Merry Christmas and Christian Consumers became upset. Now most retailers have quietly gone back to allowing employee to express wishes as they see fit. If you believe in the American Values then support those businesses that also support them.
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@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
16 Nov 12
You won't buy at Macy's because of this? It should be you buy cause they hvae what you want and can afford, not cause of who the endorser is. The man had the money to employ workers to make the clothes and Macys to hire the work to a bunch of people. Stop the clothing line and look at all the people that are out of work! No one is thinking about that...they just are being obnoxious cause they got their feelings hurt by Trumps view of the election. That's his view and no one has to agree with it if they dont' want to, but putting people out of work is a hateful way to show opposition.
I remember Walmart stopped saying Merry Christmas and only Happy Holidays...I didn't really care as most of the time when it was said by an employee...they weren't saying it cause they were wanting to be nice and cheery and really cared whether or not I had a happy holiday..they were saying it cause they were told to say it. I'd rather them do their job better then spout off something to me that I know is of no value or meaning to them! And yeah, the next year,., they were allowed to say Merry Christmas.
And like that...come closer to Christmas, those trouble makers doing all this..will forget about it..they won't buy anythign from the Trump selection but you know they will still go to Macy's and come first of the year it will all be forgotten about.
But again...what happened to Freedom of Speech? That was Trumps option to say what he wanted to say...those opposing it would have fits on top of fits if something they said was used against them!
@thegreatdebater (7316)
• United States
16 Nov 12
Coffee, we all know that freedom of speech is a right in the constitution, but isn't in business. If you exercise your freedom of speech to your boss and upset him/her than they don't have to respect your rights. Just like in this case, if it hurts Macy's image then they are with in their rights to fire him, and remove his line from their stores.
However, you also point to people losing their jobs. The only people that would be losing their jobs are Trump, and the people in foreign countries seeing how Trump doesn't make his clothes here in the US. Maybe he should call on the employees of the company that makes his clothes to sign a petition?
@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
17 Nov 12
I know it only goes one way! Sad isnt' it! Just recently I read where a woman posted on her Facebook page a VERY derogitory comment about Obama...and her employer read it and fired her. WHat ever happened to "freedom of speech"? But since the employer said it dampers his business...he is apparently within his rights to fire her. I think that more than "freedom of speech" being preached..maybe "don't mix business with pleasure" and "don't take the office home and don't bring the home to the office" should be what is preached.
And the "loosing job" part...they hired people to work that department...without it..they have no need for those employees. Plus...if people stop shopping Macy's...they won't need as many employees.
I just dont' get why these people didn't just say to Macy's...drop the line or I won't shop there anymore. Why make a big fuss over it? It isn't like Trump is the first "celebrity" to have a line of fashion or anything else for that matter that there wasn't some dissagreement about. Kohl's has lines of clothes by I think it is Jenifer Lopez and another one...I think the line is ugly, and can only fit and look right on a woman with that same perfect body...and am often insulted that the store caters to those lines an I have have to go the back of the department to find fashion that fits me better...but do I go crazy and petition and mouth off at them and threaten to stop shopping if they don't get rid of those clothes? No, cause the clothes they have for me do fit and I do like them and it'd be really stupid of me to stop shopping there and getting clothes I do like, just cause they have a department endorsed by someone I dont' like, think is a slutt(y) kind of person and is insulting women that don't have perfect bodies like they have and therefore can't wear their line of fashion, has more money than sense and hasn't uttered a single word of intelligence that I have heard. ANd that is all this with Macy's/Trump is.
It'd a been a better thing for them to protest it based on his manufacturing the clothes out of the US after Trump being so vocal about being so American etc. I don't know where the clothes are made...or by whom...but if they are made out of USA...why don't the protest Macy's selling the clothes for that reason.. instead of Trumps personal opinion of Obama
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
16 Nov 12
Free speech works both ways.
In other words, boycotts ALSO work both ways.
In my opinion, America has become a nation of easily offended wimps.
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@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
17 Nov 12
Boy, I couldn't have said it better! You are so right. It does go both ways and it seems people are more concerned with "how it was said" than the effect it will have! Ever since this "politically correct" crap-ola came about at the turn of the are right...America has become a nation of easily offended wimps. And what makes it they hurt themselves and dont' even realize it ...until it does come back to bite them and then they are on the other side complaining about how what they caused is now effecting them!
@robspeakman (1700)
15 Nov 12
Free speech? what is exactly that?
The right to say what you want without regard for anothers feelings?
Making an insulting movie and stirring up hatred in the Islam world?
Or are we talking about the empty headed ramblings of the Twitter idiots who believe the fact that they can talk implies that they have something worthwhile to say.
In the UK a former Government member was named on Twitter, Facebook and the mainstream Media as a paedophile, who had abused boys in the 1980's. It turned out to be a case of mistaken identiity - He is now seeking financial damages from EVERYONE on Twitter who mentioned his name and any allegations, the same applies for Facebook and the BBC.
He was named because we believe that freedom of speech is a limitless power that we have - we are idiots
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@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
16 Nov 12
I get your point and agree. Just cause it is "free" to say, doesn't mean that you should say it. But.. at the same is his view of the outcome of the election. Everyone has their view...should they be allowed to voice it? yes, but like you say...this in is a bunch of mindless "tweeting" that just causes problems. I think "tweeting" is the worst thing to be "invented" since spandex! It is the same thing as recently...a woman wrote on her Facebook that she doesn't know why someone hasn't "done the deed" to Obama (I use those words as I dont' want to say here on MylOt what she said on her Facebook page)...her employer found out about it, and fired her saying she was a bad impression of his company...again...what ever happened to Free Speech? Yet it is perfectly legal and okay to burn the American flag... all in the name of free speech.
I myself, don't think anything he said was terrible...whether I agree with him or not. It was just his point of view but I do happen to agree with him. I see several things in this election that were just to coinsindental to be "right". Very suspicious things.
@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
17 Nov 12
That's my whole point...if you don't like what he has to say...don't listen to him! End of story, why carry on with petitions and try to hurt a business or that person themselves! Just walk away and go to something usefull with your time!!!
@matersfish (6306)
• United States
15 Nov 12
We live in an extremely hypersensitive culture that is enabled further by mass overreaction by minor complaints.
When Victoria's Secret feels it has to apologize to the Native American community because one of their models wore an Indian headdress, the PC culture's gone overboard.
When one person complains about the word "god" and a school states that no one is allowed to say the word, stuff's done gone ridiculous.
Speech and expression seem to be very costly things. But that's only because people are too quick to cave to pressure.
Hey, Macy's, chill out. You'll survive if you don't sever ties. Obama fans won't burn your stores down.
@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
16 Nov 12
If Macy's dumps his me that is just a bad thing for Macy's to do. Come on...they are just clothes and they are very nice clothes...who cares who endorses them! Celebrities endorse alot of things that I think are stupid, ugly etc...but that doesn't mean the stores should stop carrying them. What about those that like Trump..or just like the clothes! Now they have to find good fashion somewhere else? That'd make them go elsewhere, meaning Macy's will loose business...either way they could loose but at least if htey keep the line they have a nice men's fashion line that many men like and by christmas...most of the trouble makers will have forgotten all about it as they will be involved in the holidays.