Why is the country so divided?
By sirnose
@sirnose (2436)
United States
November 15, 2012 2:49pm CST
The election is over and people are still stewing about the outcome to the point of creating petitions on the White House Website to secede from the union. How childish, we all should work within the system to correct whatever is wrong with our political system instead of running away from the problems we face. I know how the losing side feels and this is the first time that a presidential candidate received the majority white vote and was defeated.
This says something about the state of the Republican Party and our political system being outta touch with "Main Stream America". I feel in 2016 if the problems that we face today isn't dealt with effectively then we will see another political backlash, hopefully a vote in for a viable third party that will recognize every voters concerns about the welfare of the country.
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9 responses
@crossbones27 (49957)
• Mojave, California
16 Nov 12
My personal opinion of why this country seems more divided than usual is because many on the right is fighting a loosing battle. If this last election did not show many people on the right that they need to do some serious self reflection, then I do not know if they will ever win a Presidential election again. That's if they do not change their ways, just want to be clear about that.
That being said, I think many on the right know the demographics have been changing. Many people are also waking up on issues like gay marriage and how we imprison so many of our own people over nonsense. That we do not need to make the whole world a democracy. That we need to fix our own country before we can help anyone else. How many top corporations and certain business leaders have been abusing the system and buying many politicians so they can rob the rest of us blind. Basically people are not in the dark as they once were on how things really work.
The reason the right has such a problem with that is they liked the way things were. They liked when people where naive about politics. When people would just hear a politician say some BS and everyone would believe it, that politician would get elected, and they could keep policies that only helped a select group continue to grow extremely wealthy. Then they could just say, well since these people are getting so wealthy they now create wealth for the rest of the country, which we all know did not happen. I am not saying it did not help some, but it hurt way more people than it helped. The people that it helped were probably living a pretty comfortable life anyways. Now they are just living a very comfortable life. It just drove the cost up on the rest of us and that is why more and more people keep falling into poverty.
So now many on the right know that ideology is on its last legs and they will do anything to swing it back to their favor. That is why you hear all this hate and scare tactics because it turns the average person off or gets them up set at people who are not the problem. It muddies the water and this way know one can see clear and people just blindly choose which is the right way to take this country.
Just to give you an example of a person who I believe has been part of this problem for over 2 decades is the last Republican Presidential candidate. After I actually gave the man some credit for giving a gracious concession speech to President Obama. He goes and shows his true colors again. By spreading the hate and divide rhetoric again. By saying everyone that voted for Obama just wanted gifts like health care and cheaper education. Oh what a crime for wanting to better your life and wanting to be healthy why you do it. That kind of talk just gets the hard right all fired up and they start posting all this hate and fear rhetoric all over internet and other various places.
This way it keeps the country divided and that ideology they want still lives to see another day. Its always comes down to power and money with these types of people. They do not care who they hurt in order to obtain more of it. I have to give these people credit though. It worked for the last 30 years for them. Not so much for majority of the population. Like anything when you abuse something to long it will eventually break. So now these people are actually hurting themselves because when so many people end up falling into poverty, it takes away from their overall wealth. Luckily for them, America looks like they are going to bail them out again. By acknowledging the problem and hopefully is on a path to fix the mess that was created by people who make their own rules, and do not play by the same rules as the rest of us.
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@matersfish (6306)
• United States
17 Nov 12
"Why is the country so divided?"
"It's the Republicans' fault!"
"Best response! Woot!"
myLot's humor section never seems to amuse me, so I do find pleasure in the political section's hilarious irony.
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@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
19 Nov 12
Didn't know that just because you skin is brown that you HAD to vote Democrat....but thanks for admitting that that is the way the Democrat party thinks.
@lilwonders456 (8214)
• United States
18 Nov 12
The divide is very real and will only get worse. Why? This country is divided. The people are divided. We have a large group of people that want more government control and more benefits to the public.A more soicialized or collectivism in our way of life. Then we also have a large group of people that want less government and less government benefits.They want more individualism and less government intrusion. These two groups want to totally different things.They are on opposite ends of the spectrum. They have little common ground. Each side is villifing the other side as hard as they can and trying to force the other side to their will. Neither side has real debate or compromise. It is all about pushing through "their" way and anyone who doesn't agree gets called all kinds of ugly names. Both sides are guilty of that.
I don't see this getting better. Add in our politicans who fan the flames, lobbyists and other corporate interests that play each side against each other. Tons of fear mongering and hyperpole.
But the honest truth is we are a divided country that wants two very different paths for this country. Which ever one wins means the other side (which is not small) will be very unhappy. But ask either side if they care about making a large portion of the population unhappy? Nope. They will be told get over it. Both sides have villified the other so bad they dont care about their feelings or wants. There is very little civility or common respect given in our political discourse in this country anymore to anyone with an oppositing opinion. It's all about what "camp" people are in.
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@sirnose (2436)
• United States
18 Nov 12
Spoken like a true Ron Paul supporter. Why we can't have "compromise"? Each side gets goodies from the government, the rich corporate welfare in the guise of tax breaks and corporate bail outs, and the general public gets their's in-the form of Aid to families with dependent children, Snap (aka food stamps), medicare, medicaid, and the biggest scarce cow of them all social security.
So, you see each side is greedy especially the rich because they can buy their way. Something is gotta give because we can't keep doing the same things over and over again and expect a different outcome, that is called "insanity."
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@lilwonders456 (8214)
• United States
22 Nov 12
Closing those loopholes will mean corporations will be paying more in taxes. Which means increasing operation costs. Which leads to lay offs, cutting how they run their businesses.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
21 Nov 12
Romney suggested closing those loopholes, guess what, NOW Obama wants to do so too.
@bobmnu (8157)
• United States
16 Nov 12
The people are divided over the fact of who will control their lives the government or them. Over the past few years we have seen the government (at different levels) tell us that we have to use a certain type of light bulb, how big a soda we can drink, what the children can eat for lunch, what type of health care we can have, where can a business expand, who a business can hire. The people are fed up with a government worker in one agency giving you approval then after you start another agency decides that a puddle on your property gives him control over your land or that a mouse found on the property is reason for the Federal Government to take control of what you can do with the land but you still have to pay taxes on it. Or maybe it is a Supreme Court that says that the government can take you land and sell it to a developer because the developer will pay more property taxes than you do. It could also be that the government decides that the people who invest in and loan money to the company can lose everything while the workers are protected and others can lose their business to help one group. It could be that people are upset that their tax money is being used to help a person who made a bad financial decision and now we have to pay so they can keep their investments and not lose money.
I think there are many people who thought one man could change this and instead he is making decisions on who get rewarded and who will pay. Some people say we need this because they have it so lets tax them so we can get the stuff. It is too bad when one candidate can say that if you vote for me I will give you stuff and those who are working will pay for it. In this country a person who is below the poverty level has some or all of the following things: A house the own, a car and some two cars, a colored TV, a micro wave, a DVD player, cell phone and some even a newer computer. The are eligible for free food, free health care, help with the rent, and help with the fuel bill. If they want they can get job training but not be forced to take a job and keep what they have.
I can't imagine why people should be upset because they are divided into two different classes, the takers and payers.
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@connierebel (1557)
• United States
17 Nov 12
The reason why the country is so divided is because half the people are on the take, and the other half are being taken from. Unfortunately the grabbing half won, so naturally the workers are not happy with having to pay out even more of our hard earned money to support other people. And we will be the ones that suffer all the negative consequences of Obamacare.
This system is beyond fixing. The only way to fix it would be to get rid of all entitlements, and put all the recipients to work. That will never happen, because they are the ones that put dictators like Obama into office.
The situation has nothing to do with the Republican Party. It has to do with unbridled immigration from third world countries, who don't care one whit about independence, and hard work, and all the other qualities that made America a great nation in the past; also due to too many people gettign handouts, especially in the big cities. Now that the non-workers outnumber the workers, of course the democrats will always win. There is no such thing as mainstream America anymore. So there will always be friction between the takers and the people being taken from.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
17 Nov 12
"Democracy is a form of government that cannot long survive, for as soon as the people learn that they have a voice in the fiscal policies of the government, they will move to vote for themselves all the money in the treasury, and bankrupt the nation."
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
17 Nov 12
"The way to crush the bourgeoisie is to grind them between the millstones of taxation and inflation."
— Karl Marx
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
17 Nov 12
"We can't expect the American People to jump from Capitalism to Communism, but we can assist their elected leaders in giving them small doses of Socialism, until they awaken one day to find that they have Communism."
— Nikita Khrushchev
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
16 Nov 12
It is NOT the President we are against so much as it is his ideology.
And I'm sick of being asked to compromise MY ideology in favor of one that is as dangerous as socialism/communism.
I guess YOU would say the founding fathers were wrong? They did do something to correct the problem of taxation without representation, they had a revolution. They risked it all, their wealth, their lives and their reputations. What about the civil war? Was it wrong to fight? What if the entire north said that we should work at compromise rather than fight?
If you cannot stand up for what you believe in and be willing to speak out against compromise, what type of person are you?
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@lacieice (2060)
• United States
16 Nov 12
I just watched a video that reported the "we the people" site has received 66 petitions...which is kinda funny since there are only 50 states, but there is one, at least, from every state. The one from Texas has 100,000 signatures, which sounds like a lot until you realize that is approximately 1/3 of 1% of the population of Texas.
By the way, the city of Austin, Texas, stated that if Texas seceded from the Union, they would secede from Texas.
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@cupkitties (7421)
• United States
16 Nov 12
Not everyone signed this petition for the same reason. Yes, there are a few little children who didn't like who won and they want to throw a fit. For others this was a message to our corrupt government. I don't believe anyone really expected to secede. They just want to be heard, though maybe this was not the best way to go about it. Some of those signers were
I am way more surprised at the very UnAmerican and uneducated responses to the petition signers, such as threats to attack them( WOW!) accusing them of TREASON!!? (these people need a dictionary. bad) and being traitors. I'm pretty sure the British felt the same way or does everyone forget where we came from?
And there are people telling the signers that something bad might be done to them for signing this petition on the government website. O.o DOES THAT NOT WORRY ANYONE!!?? Am I even in the United States anymore??!!
@cupkitties (7421)
• United States
16 Nov 12
Didn't finish this part for some reason: *some of those signers were Obama supporters by the way. So I wonder whats the excuse now?
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
16 Nov 12
interesting...Obama supporters signing a petition to leave the union? hhhmmmm
How do you know they're Obama supporters?
And I agree btw....UnAmerican and uneducated. Do people NOT have to pass a test on the Constitution to graduate High school anymore?
@cupkitties (7421)
• United States
16 Nov 12
" How do you know they're Obama supporters? "
There were a few people that spoke up and stated that they had voted Obama, but they're among those who signed with the purpose of waking our gov't up and remember this isn't all about the election results.
@matersfish (6306)
• United States
15 Nov 12
"Why is the country so divided?"
We're told we should be.
It's amazing how people act when those in positions of power green-light and endorse the behavior. It's certainly nothing new.
As far as delving into the whole mainstream America bit and thinking one party is inferior while the other is superior and all that stuff -- ah salute.
@sirnose (2436)
• United States
15 Nov 12
I agree that those in positions of power green-light and endorse the behavior. But I feel both parties have out lived their usefulness and it's time for other political parties to emerge to the forefront and give their solutions to the problems we face.
@knoodleknight18 (917)
• United States
16 Nov 12
Politics is like the new American past time. I think the division has really been there a while. The difference is we now have a really controversial president. The left is organizing, they're so organized in fact they organized OWS just to organize people. The right on the other hand is making up stories about how the president is a terrorist and commemorating the 1700s with a tea party and a declaration of independence from... well OWS didn't have much of a point so I don't guess I can knock the right for their fantasies of ceding from the Union.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
16 Nov 12
It is NOT the president, it is the ideology he adheres to.
Can two walk together if they don't agree?
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
17 Nov 12
There are patriots on both sides for sure, but I do believe after an in depth study of the principles of both sides, that it is the conservative constitutionalists who have the closer adherence to the founding principles.
Trying to elect a 'better benevolent dictator' is NOT what I call progress or trying to apply the doctrine of social justice.
@knoodleknight18 (917)
• United States
16 Nov 12
Seems to be a mutual feeling on both sides then. Maybe if we could leave our ideology elsewhere we could make progress, but that hasn't happened in the history of man kind. It's like how we can argue all day as to why people are poor and on welfare, but no amount of discussion will change the problem.
Two can walk together if they don't agree, as least walking would be progress, even if only to find they went the wrong way.