5% surcharge added to bills...thanks to ObamaCare....bet it goes nationwide!
By coffeebreak
@coffeebreak (17798)
United States
November 15, 2012 5:43pm CST
First hours are cut back to part time, which means we can't afford health insurance on that income...so we are "penalized" $2500 a year on our 1040's...which we can't afford or else we would have bought the health insurance...you pay the penalty, but you don't get the insurance..NOW companies are going to start to add a 5 % "surcharge" to ALL customers’ bills to offset costs from ObamaCare beginning in January 2014 when the Affordable Care Act is fully implemented.
You might think that you don't eat at these Denny's so it isn't an issue to you, but if one does it many many others are going to follow suit and do the same thing.If 40 Denny's can do it and it works...which it will...you know others will follow and not just Denny's...I'd venture to say that many of the smaller resturants and companies will do this same thing...IHOP is just like Denny's...they are nation wide too.
Thank you Obama for the Care that you are so graciously "giving" us! We just can't thank you enough!
Keep an eye out for this in your neck of the woods...and share it here so we can all keep up with the madness....
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8 responses
@ladybugmagic (3978)
• United States
16 Nov 12
What a jerk of a restaurant owner. Put the blame where it should be. On this clown trying to make a political statement.
Kind of like Papa Johns who has to raise the cost of pizza about 3.4 cents per pie.
There are many mom and pops who have happily paid for their employees insurance and never had to be forced to. I guess those who are the kind of people who care and give back to the community. This will also help to level the playing field.
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@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
16 Nov 12
Businesses are in business to make a profit. That's the point of starting a business, it isn't a charity. Charities are labeled as charities. Government regulations that increase the cost of doing business, affect that profit. They pass on the cost, and it isn't up to you or the government to decide how they restructure in order to continue making a profit. With many companies, it is layoffs.
Now, everyone was warned about the effects that Obamacare was going to have. But as usual, instead of blaming the cause, you blame the victim. Well, we can't blame the geniuses who thought up Obamacare, can we?
Obamacare levies a tax on all medical devices made in the US. So, what do you expect to happen? You expect companies to stop making them in the US and that is exactly what they are doing. Several medical device manufacturers are moving their plants to China. I suppose you think this is because they are horrible and greedy instead of thinking how stupid it was to punish US manufacturers only, thus creating American job loss.
The American economy is just reaping what the president and the Democrat congress sowed in his first two years. We told you this would happen.
And HuffPo links are not accepted as sources, it is a left-wing propaganda site. Read some real news.
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@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
16 Nov 12
ladybug...probably half of all business's that close have been "mom and pop" business's. They can't afford to stay in competition with the bigger companies. And those that do stay...if they do pay the employees health insurance...it is out of their profits that they do so...and it can only last for so long...those dollars don't stretch as far as they used to.
Rollo1 - Right on the nose...EVERYONE passes on the cost to the customer. And most always the first item in the line for cutting expenses is salaries. Hostess just closed 33 plants and layed off 18,500 employees. DId the Bakers Union do anything to stop it? no, they wouldn't bargain so Hostess had no other choice. INstead of taking a cut somewhere...probably in pension or health care...18,500 people are unemployed...and will have to pay for the Obama Care Insurance (it isn't health care..it is health INSURANCE) out of their unemployment...and down the cork screw they all go.
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@rodney850 (2145)
• United States
16 Nov 12
The only surprise here is that anyone would be surprised at this. This kind of offset will be nationwide and it will be just the tip of the iceberg. We are going to see more and more doctors refuse to see new medicare patients because the cost outweighs the reward and we will also see long waiting periods for health care just as they do in europe and canada. As the process continues over a decade we will see only one carrier of insurance--the government--because the others will not be able to compete.
Having said all that, I believe that obamacare is the very least of our worries as a nation. Obama and his administration now have four more years to push their agenda on America. This is going to get very ugly before it gets better.
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@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
17 Nov 12
Yea, sad to say but it is no surprise. ANYTHING that raises the "cost of doing business" is going to be passed on to the consumer. I think that what alot of people are not understanding is that this isn't "health care"...it is "health insurance"...similar to car insurance. You choose a monthly premium to pay each month and after that you have a deductible and after that you have a "put of the pocket" payment ...you pay 80%, the "insurance" pays 20%. The higher the premium you pay the lower the "out of pocket" you pay. A low monthly premium would give you a higher deductible to be met before the insurance kicks in and a lower percentage of the out of pocket. Pay a high premium..and the deductible is lower, and the out of pocket is higher.
I know there are other serious things too...but this one is kicking out butts now...and companies all over are going to be doing this...so that means people will be only obtaining part time wages, no insurance, no pension, no vacation time, no holiday pay...and when all that is lost, the next step is ....loosing their homes...can't make a house payment on part time wages! And of course credit cards will go belly up..and on down the line. This one starts out "not that big a deal" but the final outcome...is going to be HUGE!
@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
16 Nov 12
I read about that too! Doesn't matter tho..with the electorial college system...a person can win the popular vote..which is the actual votes of the people but they use the electoral college numbers for who wins. THat is so stupid...why not just give one vote for each state...regardless of how many people live in that state...and DC could be the 51st "state" and there'd be no tie...just a simple 27 votes..not 270 or more! The system was obviously "invented" by a man.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
16 Nov 12
Some thoughts on why we have the electoral college, some problems with it, elections affected by it, and agruments against it, and for it. Great site!
@Adoniah (7512)
• United States
19 Nov 12
Coffeebreak, there is still a chance to undo the obamderthalcare. Write to all of your representatives and everyone else's too to defund obamderthalcare. I think that congress is too cowardly to repeal it, but they do seem open to defunding it...
If everyone just sits back and whines instead of fighting then they deserve what they get.
Walmart has now raised its healthcare premiums so high that it is out of reach of most of its employees and they are cutting back hours. They are following the letter of the law and we will pay for it.
Obamderthalcare is not designed to help us, it is designed to bankrupt the middle class an destroy small businesses while helping illegals, and moslems ( they get it for free). Thus having a two caste system in the US. The ultra rich and the dirt poor whom they can control completely.
@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
21 Nov 12
I was just saying that to myself today (Yes, I do talk to myself!) The middle class is on the way out. There will be only the poor and the rich. And the rich are going to stop doing anything to make more...Donald Trump today said he wanted to build a mosolium (however you spell that...a big mortoruary) on his golf course in NJ for him and his family. Why? needs something to do with his money, and there's no sense in investing it in building or other business opportunites so might as well just spend it on himself!
No one will be able to afford the health insurance on 30 hours or less a week. ANd that is what the hours are going to. And yeah..sucks that they let the illegals have it for free...but make us citizens pay for it.
I just dont' get that in the polls during the election...every poll always had the percentage very high...always over 50% of those that DID NOT want ObamaCare..yet they all voted for him anyway!
@lilwonders456 (8214)
• United States
18 Nov 12
It is going in high gear here. I am seeing tons of employers laying off or cutting people to part time. Anything to offset the costs. I know a number of smaller companies that have laid off enough people so they don't have enough full timers to offer benefits at all to anyone.
Since it will be illegal to not have insurance this is force a lot of people to have to buy into the exchange when it is opened because they will have no other choice.
Anyone see what I see? Congress knew they could not get a one payer system bill passed. Too many people against it. But this bill will make it were they will get it anyway because employers will stop offering it to most of the people forcing them into the government exchange. Give it time and it will become a one payer system. So they are getting what they want anyway...they will just go about it in an indirect way when the direct way doesnt work.
@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
21 Nov 12
But the thing is...once companys put everyone on part time...people won't have the money to buy into the insurance. So why'd they bother? Cause they can take it from us...via 1040's when we have to claim proof of health insurance or pay the penalty of $2500. But if they didnt' have it to pay for the insurance int he first place, they won't have it to pay the penalty..so the fed's dont' get it that way either. All that does is ruin peoples credit reports, make judgements of property etc. It is a never ending circle of "take take take"....and it gets to the point....that you can't get blood out of a turnip" so the gov literally can own us!
@Troublegum (641)
• United States
16 Nov 12
I am going to put this in the category of "only surprising if you slept through economics 101"
If you increase a businesses cost of doing business, they will do some combination of these 4 things, slash costs elsewhere, pass costs on to customers, make less money, or go out of business.
Hostess pushed by increased costs and labor unions refusing to let them cut costs, scrapped it all and closed their doors.
this dennys, papa johns and many others are increasing pricing and cutting employee wages, hours and benefits.
Of course this is not only expected, it is the intended result of Obamacare.
@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
17 Nov 12
Exactly right. NO company is going to add to their "cost of doing business" and just take it from their profits... they will and always have passed it on down to the consumer. Like you said Economics 101.
I just can't get over the union members at Hostess...why did they let the union leaders take their jobs! I dont know what they were fighting over, but at least they had a job. They could have either cut their way of life down to meet the job benefits, or they could have kept working while looking for something else...better than on unemployment and looking. And thing is.. I don't believe they can qualify for unemployment as they weren't fired or layed off...they walked out, In my experience with UE...only time you can quit a job and qualify for UE is if you Employment package was cut 30% or more. Then you can quit and will qualify for UE I know this as it happened to me and I qualified. But even so..UE only lasts 26 weeks...at least work where you are until you find something else. Why didn't the union do something temporary to try to keep the members working..but they didn't. They just told them to walk out and Hostess said fine...good bye. How stupid they are!
@bobmnu (8157)
• United States
16 Nov 12
First Obama Care is not about Health Care it is about power and dependency on government. A friend of mine had excellent health insurance paid by the employer ($18,000 a year per employee) and it does not meet the requirements of Obama Care. Now that they have changed plans to meet the requirements the employee is paying more for medical care and getting less. His employer is getting ready to drop the health insurance because of the new regulations and will gladly pay the $2000 per employee fine and is willing to pay the employees more to get health insurance but for most that will cost them more to buy insurance and they will pay taxes on the increased salary they receive so to get the same coverage as before will cost the employer at least $23,000 to cover the cost of the fine and the increase in the tax and Social Security. In the long run Obama is going to cost the working person and business more money while those who do not work continue to get free stuff.
@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
17 Nov 12
ObamaCare is not health care..it is health insurance. Same idea as car insurance..you pay a monthly premium and then have a deductible and then have the "out of pocket" expense split between you and the insurance company. That is what people are missing about this...they all think it is health care...like Blue Cross...in a way it is...but the government gets the monthly premium and the deductible and the doctors will decide if they want to take that obama insurance and many are saying the will just close their doors cause it isn't worth their time or education or liability.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
16 Nov 12
After reading some of the responses here I am totally amazed that the same people who would cry FOUL at the government cutting back on 'benefits' are expecting a business owner to do with less profit. A man/woman who invests time, talent and labor into a business to make a profit to benefit HIMSELF and HIS FAMILY is considered GREEDY when they want to KEEP the fruit of their labors, but those who are the beneficiaries of government benefits (provided by taxing others) can freely demand all they want from those who labor.
Something is VERY WRONG with that picture and convinces me that Romney was right to say 47% (or more) of this countries citizens are TAKERS.
@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
17 Nov 12
YOu know, debrakcarey....I hadn't thought about that. But you are right. THe teachers were bellowing FOUL when their income was being cut, yet..hey, no big deal if a business owner gets his income cut. Because "cost of doing business" is the first that comes out of all profits..when all that is paid so he can stay open...what is left is profit and that dwindles until the owner is only paying to keep his doors open..not make a profit. Who the heck is in business if not to make a profit?
I agreed with Romney on the 47%. That also includes not just people that are unemployed, but those that are employed with a lower income that don't have to pay taxes on that income..yet receive all kinds of government helps. He wasn't putting anyone down..just stating fact.