Home Alone

@GreenMoo (11833)
November 16, 2012 3:48am CST
I've been home alone every day this week, with no family, no volunteers and no neighbours. My husband is off doing our olive harvest and neither he nor the kids will be home until this evening. I find it really hard to motivate myself when I'm alone and have probably not done anything this week that was not essential. I've not even done anything that was particularly enjoyable, having spent most of my time pootling about on the computer. I feel like kicking myself when I realise how much time I've wasted. Do you spend a lot of time alone? Do you do better work when there are other people about? How do you motivate yourself to switch off and get to doing something worthwhile?
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15 responses
@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
16 Nov 12
Well, since I'm always alone I don't have a problem there! In fact, when I do get visitors my motivation to do anything goes right out the window and I spend all my time with my guests. My problem in getting motivated is thinking why bother because no one is ever here and nobody cares if I do it or not, whatever it is. So I do something more enjoyable!
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@GreenMoo (11833)
18 Nov 12
There's nothing wrong with spending time with guests! My feelings of guilt are all to do with feeling that someone else will have to do the things I don't I suppose.
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@thesids (22180)
• Bhubaneswar, India
16 Nov 12
Oh dear. I can very well understand you here. Reason - I have been all alone since jan 2012 becaue my wife got posted in a different city due to work. Now, I have been all alone since then here at my place. The sad part is that I am ill and have been staying confined at home since 2008. So I have nowhere to move out and make friends with. Still, I am feeling much better today as I have access to internet, mylot and a few friends that I have made here. Now on the discussion, well, I dont feel bored but because of ill health somedays I feel really low - weakness - and it doesnt allow me do the basic chores like cooking or even brooming. But then the good thing is that these days are numbered and there are more days when I can be at least towards normal. I hope you can move out in your neighborhood if the loneliness is taking its toll on you and maybe an evening chat over a cup of coffee or even a dinner at your friends place should keep some of the loneliness away. I work as a web developer and despite me being at home, I am blessed with a couple of clients who keep giving me work sometime or the other. And as there is less of work, I always feel excited to do it. I had been a teacher for all my career and I also worked as a career consultant. These professions have helped me have more of patience I guess.
@GreenMoo (11833)
16 Nov 12
I'm just feeling sorry for myself and need a swift kick up the backside to make me realise that I have nothing to complain about. I am very lucky as I have interesting work to do which I love and am physically capable of doing it. I'm very grateful for the internet and for my friends I can speak to online.
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@GreenMoo (11833)
16 Nov 12
Thesids, i just wanted to say thanks for posting this. After I responded last time I actually got off my butt and went outside. I've been driven back in again by the rain now, but at least I did my morning chores!
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@thesids (22180)
• Bhubaneswar, India
16 Nov 12
Dear the solutions are mostly always around and nearby. All we need at times is an eye and someone who shows us the way. I am really glad that you did find some fresh air outside. And if it is raining, try getting drenched in the rain. (if your health allows). I keep doing that on some rainy days - it kind of makes me closer to my childhood days... and then share the feelings with your friends online
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@BarBaraPrz (49034)
• St. Catharines, Ontario
16 Nov 12
Well, you do have the excuse of being among the walking wounded... how is your hand now, btw? I spend a lot of time alone, and a lot of it could be classified as "wasted", but I don't feel guilty about it. There's tons of stuff I could be doing, but I choose to ignore it.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
19 Nov 12
hi barbara and greenmoo oh right you hand was really bad awhile back did you get to a doctor. it sounds likes it healed now but peeling skin like that does look a bit odd. but I am so glad you did not get blood poisoning from it. I have carpal tunnel syndrome in my right hand. it does not bother me all the times.but sometimes when I have typed for a long period it goes numb then as the 'blood circulates and the feeling comes back wow does that hurt.my doctor looked at it and said its just carpal tunnel syndrome and slow down on typing. too I find if I hold my right hand in a more relaxed position while typing I do not get that numbness nearly as often.he he I think we can tell people we are working just because we are on mylot lol. my roomie says you s ure love that thing how come I never get to use that thing? my g., if I let her use this she would ruin it in ten minute. everything else she has borrowed from me she conveniently doe not remember having borrowed it.she is getting more and more senile. I d not lend her anything anymore that I cannot replace cheaply as she does not really know what she is doing half the time.I have had my computer for years and its not a toy to let someone who is confused play with.
@GreenMoo (11833)
18 Nov 12
My hand is absolutely fine now thanks and I'm off the antibiotics too which means I've no excuse for skiiving at all. The damaged skin on my hand is all peeling off now, it's absolutely grim! I don't feel guilty when I do something I enjoy, but I do feel guilty when I just pootle away the time doing nothing special.
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@jillhill (37354)
• United States
16 Nov 12
I live alone so that is not an issue. In fact getting company is sometimes an issue because it prevents me from doing what I want...I love crafting and I don't need much to motivate me into doing something productive. I have been making cards most of the afternoon after working all day....so no I don't work better when others are around...
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
19 Nov 12
hi GreenMoo why not grab some sheets of paper and just sort of journal and write whatever comes into your head. I did a lot of that when I first came here as I did not have my computer for 11 long months. My son got them out of storage. we got hooked up to the cable in my room and off I went. But before then I did a lot of writing in a sort of journaling way, It can be productive if one finds something you have written that could be used in article writing or even in writing a short story.I am not good at crafts but am good at writing though.
@GreenMoo (11833)
18 Nov 12
If I were doing something productive, or even just something that I wanted to do, I'd feel better. I have a tendency to let the day drift by without being able to say what I've been doing, and that really annoys me. Having someone else around helps me to focus.
• Pamplona, Spain
16 Nov 12
Hiya GM, Today I could kick myself as I was going to go into Fotolia to see how my few photos were doing on there. I had not been in for ages and ages and it looks like I have to get yet another password doh. Also another truth is that I just do not have much time for anything as I am almost a slave to this Dog at least that is how I feel so much fur and more fur. So I welcome a chance to sit on here and relax for a while. But I also like to get out for a walk the longer the better but I have not had a chance this week at all except for when I just shut the Door on all of them and left the dog too I feel I have a right to be on my own as well.xxx
@GreenMoo (11833)
18 Nov 12
I seem to spend my life letting dogs and cats in and out, and goats too! I know exactly how you feel :)
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• Pamplona, Spain
28 Jan 13
Hiya GM, Dog really takes the biscuit the kitchen door is open and he knows how to open it and waits there for ages for me to open the door for him lol. Your Majesty as I say to him please open the door yourself please be so kind. He is really cheeky you know so you have to keep him in line. This door business has been going on for the past weeks or two or three I have lost count. Yes I know how you feel too must be much worse for you he brings me in eight loads of mud at a time if he wants and if I let him. When I lose my rag he runs and hides lol but half an hour later he comes round again to butter me up.xxx
@inertia4 (27980)
• United States
17 Nov 12
I actually get more work done when I am by myself. I feel I can concentrate better. But sometimes I do go off and surf the net. What I can get done online at home alone in an hour will take me all day when there are people around.
@GreenMoo (11833)
18 Nov 12
I was trying to do some reading with my family around yesterday, and actually gave up in the end because I was reading every sentence three times. I just wish I had the motivation sometimes to do things when I have the opportunity.
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@inertia4 (27980)
• United States
20 Nov 12
You have to tell yourself and push yourself. I sometimes just become lazy myself. But when I have something to do, or something I want to do, then I get it done. I push myself a little and it gets done.
@p1kef1sh (45681)
16 Nov 12
I have every Monday and Friday to myself, at least I do unless somebody dreams up a meeting for me to go to, which they do quite often. I usually do a little bit of house work but often just dream the day away. Then round about 5 o'clock I start to feel guilty because I haven't been as productive as I think I should have been. On the other hand I deliberately selected those days to be my rest days and so I really ought not to complain when I don't do anything but best! Don't beat yourself up over it; if you have enjoyed the time alone then frankly what you have not done is not important. I feel that even in the best of marriages or relationships a little me time is entirely acceptable. So enjoy it. In fact as you are an hour also ahead of us now you have probably come to the end of your solitary existence, the family are all home and life will return to its chaotic normality.
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@GreenMoo (11833)
18 Nov 12
I wouldn't feel nearly so bad if I were doing something that I enjoyed with my time. But when the day just disappears and I can't tell you what I've been doing, then I feel frustrated with myself. I'm actually on the same time as you. Spain is an hour ahead though which proves confusing.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
19 Nov 12
hi GreenMoo I feel alone a lot becausde I have a roo mie who sleeps alld ay yet feel I am horrid as i w ill not got to bed at 8or 9 pm but go instead at ten. so I take a b reak from mylotting at 9pm and have my disabetic snack and read try ing to relax so I can sleepl. I will be deamned she starts in whenmI have been there for ten minuts whijning lets go to bed and I tell her I am not sleepu and I am busy I go to bed at ten. so another fiftee min uts this time when she whines I yhell at her leave me alone. I will turn out my light at t en. she shuts ip then bujt this is not how I ever envisioned my old age t o be.I wish my son was making moire money so we could again rent a two bedroom apt and share it.but he is not and he has a job whichn so many here fo not. I am shorry I am having a pity p arty too and reall y I am blessed in many way. I have a best friend and a son who cares for me so all is well really . hope you start getting positive vibes too as wehn we pity ourselves it reallyh makes us depressed.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
19 Nov 12
typos alert because not becausde, all da y not allday, sleep not sleep when I, sleepy not sleepu, yell not yhell. which instead of whichn really not reallyh sorry for the mess.
@GreenMoo (11833)
20 Nov 12
No problems with typos here Hatley. I know what it's like to have fingers that don't work as fast as my brain! Don't feel bad about your roomie. I think 10pm is a very reasonable time to pack up for the night, and we must all compromise when we need to share space.
@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
16 Nov 12
Actually I think I'm more productive when I'm home alone. Having everyone else around gives me excuses not to do things, and the kids drain my energy.
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@GreenMoo (11833)
16 Nov 12
I'm pretty limited as to what I can do inside the house, which is where I tend to be when the kids are about. But outside there's a million things need doing if only I could get myself out there! Actually, I have headed out this morning but was driven back in by the rain after doing the animals. It's stopped again now though so I need to go through that whole shall I, shan't I thing all over again!
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• Philippines
16 Nov 12
I don't like spending time alone if I'm killing time. I'd like to do it with friends or family, or someone I can talk to for hours. The only time I'd like to be left alone is if I'm trying to do something that needs my full attention, like working and what not. Although whenever I'm playing video games, I also like to be alone since it also requires my full attention.
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@GreenMoo (11833)
16 Nov 12
I definitely find it easier to get going if there's someone else around, even if they're doing something completely different to myself
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• China
20 Nov 12
No wonder you have started more discussions lately than you used to.Have you got into slack farming season? Needn't you make box lunch for your husband and others that do olive harvest.You always keep yourself busy.No sooner had you had time on your hands than you complained of home alone.
@GreenMoo (11833)
20 Nov 12
No sooner had you had time on your hands than you complained of home alone. Haha I must sound as if I am never satisfied huh? Yes, packed lunches have been made and sent off. They always get a lovely lunch when they're away, as I feel bad that I can't go too. I've actually got no volunteers here at the moment, so that frees up a huge portion of my day. Olive harvest is the last big job of the season though, now we will be working on betterment projects without deadlines
• China
24 Nov 12
You are busy all the year round.Do you extract olive oil by yourself or sell it ?
@sishy7 (27166)
• Australia
16 Nov 12
No, or not yet I should say... I imagine when my kids are all moving out then I'll probably have more time alone with my spouse. These days I have to get up really early in the morning or sleep really late at night if I want some alone time.
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@GreenMoo (11833)
16 Nov 12
My spouse isn't here either. He's normally around, but not at the moment.
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• China
17 Nov 12
Actually I spend more time home alone because I do not have a girlfriend yet and I live far away from my hometown,so I will make some plan when I am alone at home,such as learn something,or do some sports,or go outside and join some groups of my friends,I think when you have a lot of time be alone at home you really need to make some plans,otherwise you will waste a lot time.
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@GreenMoo (11833)
18 Nov 12
I had a whole to do list, but found it very easy to ignore!
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@soraya452 (127)
16 Nov 12
When home by myself I like to do a mixture of things. Like read a book, cook and have a relaxing bath. Sometimes I do things worthwhile other times I just lazy around. Personally I'm happy to do both.
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@GreenMoo (11833)
16 Nov 12
I could think of a million things I could do which would be enjoyable.Snuggling up in bed with a book would be top of my list. But I am supposed to be working.
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
24 Nov 12
I've been totally on my own now for 7 years and I work better this way. It doesn't really matter if I have a lazy day or a productive day as I don't answer to anyone. If others are about, they are a distraction and I become resentful of the intrusion. I have days when I spend too much time online and if I'm busy with my volunteering and other projects and the housework piles up I get a bit fractious with myself and I need to at least make an attempt to catch up to feel better. I find the best way to go about things is to make a list and prioritise the chores. In other words...get myself organised. If I don't do this, things just become worse. It's great to be on my own but it is crappy that I have to do all the work.
@GreenMoo (11833)
24 Nov 12
The plus side of that scenario is that if you don't do the work there won't be anyone to answer to but yourself!