Getting a new cell phone

November 16, 2012 8:27am CST
I am wondering which cell phone should I go for? Many prefer smartphones over ordinary ones, but I feel a simple cell phone has lot of advantages over their costlier counterparts, i.e, smartphones. A cell phone with QWERTY keypad is what I am looking for, because it's easy to handle and last long. In my opinion if one goes for a smartphone it should be one of the higher end. Recently one of my friend went for a cheap smartphone but it has a very delayed touch response making it very inconvenient to use the phone.
9 responses
• Philippines
17 Nov 12
In terms of multi tasking applications, i think smartphones do have an edge, but there are smartphones that have QWERTY keyoboards. it really depends on which phone carriers suits your interests. :D
• China
17 Nov 12
I think simple and useful is good, some cell phones with many functions always not useful.
@jpso138 (7851)
• Philippines
17 Nov 12
The problem with the smart cellphone which are of lower standards is the response. There are those that are really slow and very hassle to use. But with the advent of so many cellular phones now out in the market, I am sure that there also some cheap models out there that function fairly well. The important thing to do is to check them well before buying. Now as to your choice, its entirely up to you. For as long as you see it fit, then whatever high end phone you buy and such function or operation you find difficult or hassle, then such would not be appropriate for your use. So just go for what you find convenient and great depending on your taste and lifestyle.
• Philippines
17 Nov 12
I am planning to get an iPhone. But yeah, it is very expensive. So I'm stuck with a samsung. but it really doesn't matter. as long as i can call or text home...
@natliegleb (5175)
• India
17 Nov 12
wow its awesome feel when you get a new model with all features and also new type of keypad
@Sindelle (824)
• United States
17 Nov 12
It really depends on what kind of user you are. I've had an iphone for two years and I'm very happy with it. I like how its very user friendly, works with my itunes account, and has the most accessories available when compared to other phones. One of my favorite iphone accessories is my light up speakers with a docking station that charges my phone. Droids are nice phones too. Many people like the Samsung Galaxy series. It seems like a lot of the computer savvy people prefer the droids in general. I agree with you and I don't like to go cheap on a new phone either. Most contracts these days don't let you upgrade your phone (cheaply) without waiting two years. The way I figure it if I purchase a state of the art phone in two years it will seem behind enough. I do not need to be purchasing old technology now because I'll have this phone a few years and it will seem that much more behind when I'm ready to trade it in.
@ChoukseyMK (1045)
• India
16 Nov 12
i have similar thinking. recently i lost my cellphone and planning to buy a new ones. i prefer a simple phone easy to operate.
@atv818 (1980)
• United Arab Emirates
16 Nov 12
Before, when luxury was still a privilege of mine, I would buy new cellphones as soon as they are out on the market. When financial disaster his me and my family. I used a very old cell. I think it was Nokia 5200 something. It was useful for me and when it got lost, I was not sad over the cell. I was despaired over my lost contacts. Lately, my sister bought me Sony Xperia. I'm still in the adjustment period since I'm not use to high tech cell as much as I used to but I'm enjoying it specially when playing games.
• Philippines
16 Nov 12
it depends on your style of application, you can use qwerty pad if you want to surf via mobile phone, its easier to use the web browser with qwerty pad. If you just like to talk and text or other basic mobile phone usage, better for you to have a standard type of cellphone key or not the high end class phone, since mobile phones easily phase out. you better just have what you need.