Makes fool

@bhanusb (5709)
November 16, 2012 9:54am CST
Sometimes newspapers and electronic media hammer continuously on a particular subject. Ultimately media establish their view. They make wrong to right and right to wrong. There is a story : 'A Brahmin(Hindu priest) was carrying a little goat on his shoulder. Some cheaters made a plan to take away the goat from the Brahmin. Accordingly they waited different places of the way of the Brahmin. When the Brahmin met the first man he said to the priest why are you carrying a dog on your shoulder. The Brahmin met the second ,third, and fourth cheater on his way. They all said the same thing to the Brahmin. He ultimately got convince that he was carrying a dog. So he left the goat. The cheaters then took away the goat and made a feast.' Sometimes a section of news media do like that.
2 responses
@jkct02 (2874)
• Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia
17 Nov 12
There is always people who will cheat or lie for their own benefit. There are also governments and big organizations who even embarks on brainwashing schemes. So, for a commercial newspaper to report some news in a way to make the readers to come to a certain conclusion is not only possible, it is done rampantly especially in developing countries. They present the news biasedly. They manipulate the story to suit their agenda. They try to make their reader to believe their version of events. But we must believe in ourselves. We must use our brain to think. We must be able to analyze with logic. We must be able to get the truth from different sources to determine the reliability. Don't buy the newspaper that is biased.
@bhanusb (5709)
• India
17 Nov 12
Yes you are absolutely right. We should apply our brain to judge what is mischievous and what is right and honest.
@savypat (20216)
• United States
16 Nov 12
ow right yu are, say it long enough, loud enough and even those that doubt will start to question themselves. This is why people of light and peace need to be clear and loud for others to follow the path toward spiritual goals.
@bhanusb (5709)
• India
17 Nov 12
To discover the path of light and peace is not easy. It needs patience and practice.