Is this the end of the world?
By Christoph56
@Christoph56 (1504)
November 16, 2012 3:48pm CST
With so much disease and destruction, you have to wonder if this is some devine plan for the end. I mean, there have been massive hurricanes and floods, outbreaks of pandemic viruses, and horrible problems between governments and people... it has to be the worst ever!
Well, it's not.
For natural disasters, the number of recorded earthquakes has recently risen, but since we've learned to construct our buildings better, and have greater warnings for these events, the death tolls and destruction has been less then at any point in human history. The worst that have ever happened, were floods in China, in 1887 and 1931, but with both of these, the people involved had no way to save themselves, and had no idea it was coming. The recent floods in the US brought far lower tragedy.
What about things like avian flu? Or the swine flu? Well, the worst of these actually happened around 600 AD, called the Justinian Plauge, killing nearly half of the world's population, because nobody had any idea what it was and had no way to treat it. The Spanish Flu was far more recent in the early 1900s, and spread to about 1/3 of the planet, but even the treatments they had then made it get to less people and have a far lower mortality rate. The Swine flu was similar, but with our treatments, it killed very few people around the world, and became pandemic, but we survived easily, and even have flu shots now to prevent similar spreads.
For the governments and people, I don't even think you can relate the problems that happen now to things like the 2 world wars, or the crusades, or so many other events that have happened through history.
Really, if the world was going to end because of these kinds of events, it would have ended a long time ago, and nowadays, we're safer then ever.
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10 responses
@registermail (5)
• India
17 Nov 12
I think, we are going in the destructive way of life. nature has provided us natural habitat which we are exploring and causing destruction to natural resources and habitats. As u have mentioned about the 1887 or the earth before that are not in current scenario. lots of land, forests and fuels which were present at that time, now has vanished or become less.So dear i would like to say that we are moving toward end..... it will take time but we all are nothing in front of super natural power. we can think how best to make home to resist earthquakes but we can't stop earthquakes. we can cure the diseases like flu, but we can't stop till now spread of AIDS and so many new epidemic diseases.
we are pretending it that we are more safer now, but i feel environment at that time was good and less polluted as compared to now.
@Christoph56 (1504)
• Canada
17 Nov 12
Our natural habitat was really the worst kind of system we have ever lived in. Technology has made the whole world far better and safer then ever before. Yes, I agree, we've done a lot of bad things towards pollution, but we've come to a point where we've realized that, and so many different organizations have been doing so much to help us.
But, if we were in a completely natural habitat, without medical service, grocery stores, or even soap, our average lifespan would be around 40 at the highest, and many children would die from easily curable problems. These problems still go around in Africa, although even those are at an all-time low, even with the horrible spread of HIV.
We do work to preserve natural resources. I think one of the best examples is lumber. We use trees to make so many things around us, from houses to paper, and because of that, we plant more trees! Companies have specific areas of land, and they take out the trees, and plant new ones, which are far better at sustaining the area, because they're in a much younger form of growth. Really, if we want to have more trees, then use more paper and build more houses!
@micheal123 (183)
17 Nov 12
I disagree we can not ignore the fact that the Artic is melting and the climate is changing around the world,we can not ignore the fact that cooperation and industry are polluting and destroying the earth we call home.
I think its scary that medicine is a multi-million dollar business,used to make large profits worldwide and the fact that governments use the media to promote all the fast food companies turning it in to one of the fastest growing industries that gives back obesity and bad health worldwide. I do not think everyone is safe,Id like to no why femme prison camps are being set up around the world that resemble Germany's concentration camps,and why thousands upon thousands of plastic coffins were found by researchers and were moved almost as soon as they left.
It is also scary that through out the world there are millions of people abusing the powers they were given for profit or self indulgence,the world really is in bad shape
our drinking water is full of flouride and if you don't believe me look it up as its a fact,find out what it is a the reason it was put there, and if all these things don't worry you then maybe the fact that more money goes in to the military than any other industry and they now have weapons that can rip whole countries apart.
War is big business the biggest,and the world is run by business now so I can not see things changing.
@Christoph56 (1504)
• Canada
17 Nov 12
I agree with you on many of your points, but I don't see them having any kind of real problems.
Yes, we are undergoing climate change, but that happens on a regular basis, like the new ice age that came in through the 70s. People said that it was going to freeze over the whole planet, and that it would be a global catastophie... but it wasn't. I think the change we're having now will be along similar lines, and that we'll be worried about another ice age coming in a good 20-30 years from now.
Corporations and Industry making pollution is a bad thing too, but people have really realized that, and we're undergoing massive changes with our cars, how we use power, the direction of industry... the leading science research is on climate change and how to help, so we're doing loads and loads to make it better... no real reason to worry about it.
Billion dollar healthcare is huge... and it's the biggest helper the human race has ever had. There are pills that can cure, or help, nearly everything. We can even cure cancer, or treat AIDS and HIV, and basic procedures can stop plagues and flus. Since we've given so much to healthcare, you can now go into the hospital with what was formerly called a terminal illness, take a pill, and walk out perfectly fine that day. It's really awesome that we have this, nowadays.
Fast food is huge, but now the directions of vegetarians and organic farming are bigger then ever, making a huge difference. Plus, even fast food is better then what we had 100 years ago. Back then, it was extremely difficult for many places to get grains and breads. Now a fast food meal is more nutritious for us then any meal made of just potatoes and unprocessed milk, which were some of the most common food sources back then.
Our water has many new parts to it, but our systems of cleaning and treating water are better then ever. You can safely drink tap water in any 1st world country, and if you don't feel safe having that, you can get bottled water from around the world, the cleanest while still most mineral filled water possible.
They have weapons that can do terrible damages, and war is business, but it has always been that way, and the overall number of nuclear weapons has been decreasing since the early 90s. War is a huge business, which I agree, is just terrible, but the modern age is the most peaceful age of all time. Think it's bad now? Well, just look at 500 years ago, where war, national and international, were constants happening everywhere on the planet. Now we actually have real peaceful nations, and every nation of the world gets together to help eachother out. If this continues, we'll be getting closer and closer to an actual world peace as more time goes on.
You really shouldn't be worried about these things. The human race is really at the best place it has ever been, and it's likely to continue that way.
@micheal123 (183)
17 Nov 12
Hi great response but I do disagree with some of your points because of the things I have witnessed and studied in my life. I am not scared of a ice age coming,as the Artic is melting but as far as industry and the environment goes you should watch a three hour documentary called corporation which is put together by people who work in that world,they tell the truth about what is going on in the world I watched it not long ago on netflix and it was very enlightening.
I have no problems with people helping other people in fact I think that is what life is all about and the professionals who study for years to save lives are the worlds real hero's. When I was growing up I lived with my Grandad and every monday the doctor would turn up at our door with the one thing my grandad could not live without,his pills brought straight to him for free. He had one for everything,one to sleep,one to eat,one to stop shaking,one for this and one for that a huge bag of sweets,he had been on them since he had a little wobble in his early twenties and still on them in his sixtees,even at 14 I could see he wasn't being helped,in my opinion they gave them him so they didn't have to help and this happens over and over to the poor forgotten people of the world,I do believe you can get good care but not everyone and that is my problem on that.
It has been proved that people have been cured from cancer by going on vegan diets,flaxseed oil is another natural remedy for cancer which will not be accepted by the mainstream as to many people would lose money,and wonder pills in my opinion are not great as we do not no the long term effects chemicals have on our bodies,sure if its gonna save your life great but that does not take away the fact that pills can be used as a substitute for care and work.
Flouride is more toxic than lead yet the government allows 20 times more flouride than lead in to our drinking water but I bet the rich are not drinking the same water as me. And tests have shown that bottled water may not be to safe either as potential toxins may migrate out of the plastic. October 2005 the BBC found a unopened bottle of Volvic that had been contaminated by napthalene. But my biggest worry for this world is the fact that a certain country has attacked and bombed fifty countries since the second world war,its supposed to be a modern world and a time of peace but that is only for some, because people want power others will suffer and that certainly won't change.
If you put a normal packet of french fries in a airtight jar and Mcdonalds french fries the normal one's get moldy and horrible whilst the McDonalds one look normal after 2 weeks , I have seen this with my own eyes and it can not be good for our children's bodies and futures as everybody eats there. Everybody is scared of terrorists these days even our children yet has any of us ever seen one I no I have not. I am quite new on here and it was my best response yet and I am not saying you are wrong these are just the things I see worthy of looking into and scared was a bad word to use cos I am not what will be,will be but I do want the truth.
@Cutie18f (9546)
• Philippines
16 Nov 12
The recent calamities we suffered are enough to make us think that we could be experiencing a preview of the apocalypse. Earthquakes are now more frequent, the weather changes are now more often, and a lot of other weird environmental changes which should heighten our fear of the end. I do not want to say these things are normal because they are not. One time a sudden gust of strong wind made me think it was the end of the world. It had a very ugly howling sound, I imagine a hurricane must be something more horrible than this. It's scary.
@Christoph56 (1504)
• Canada
17 Nov 12
I think the fact that you got so spooked out with a strong gust of wind shows that you're just more scared that something will happen then is really needed. If you're scared of global warming, then you need to consider that we're at the end of the 11 year solar cycle, and after 2013, we'll have a much cooler 9 years, so it's not a big worry, and we're trying out best to lower CO2 levels, so hopefully we'll be doing better in the next decade.
There will always be environmental calamities, but we've gotten far better at working with them, so really, there's no big reason to worry... just keep safe, plan out strategies to keep safe in storms and earthquakes, or whatever is more common in your area, and you'll do just fine.
@Christoph56 (1504)
• Canada
17 Nov 12
Well, revelations in the bible talks about great horrors happening, but there is a long list of leadups, like the whole planet having massive earthquakes, all the trees dying off, the sun and moon going out, locusts and dragons attacking, etc etc... but we're far off from all of the leadups, so I'm not too worried.
@shadowvelton (20)
• Brazil
17 Nov 12
Really the end of the world is near. What we can do to better the world?
@Christoph56 (1504)
• Canada
17 Nov 12
Well, we're already doing it. We're working in science and medicine to clean up the world and help out the people, we're seeing eachother more of equals then enemies (although we're still quite a ways off from any kind of "perfection", at least we're moving forward), and we're lowering the problems that we're making on the planet to go in a new direction.
If you want to help better the world, then help out others, and go into things like environmental science! The more people we have working on it, the better of an outcome we'll get :)
@ajgalang (1)
• Philippines
17 Nov 12
No one will ever know when will the world will ever end. But one thing for sure it is getting nearer. The earth condition is so unstable. Sickness, pollution, immorality, war, global warming, earthquakes, tornadoes, typhoons, and many more. For me as a Christian believer that the Bible already foretold that this things will will happen,and today they are already happening.
@Christoph56 (1504)
• Canada
17 Nov 12
The earth's condition is really more stable then it ever has been. Sickness is at an all-time low, and should continue going in that direction with medical science. Pollution is high, but it's something we're working greatly on to make better. Immortality is nowhere in sight, but helping people live longer is always better. War is at an all time low, although still nowhere near an end. Global warming goes along with pollution and solar cycles, but we're cleaning things up, and the sun has constantly been changing and shouldn't make big problems for millions of years. Earthquakes are happening more, but we're tracking them more, which is one of the biggest reasons we're seeing more of them. Tornadoes and typhoons are also coming in at a similar rate to always, just that we see more of them because we get news from around the world that is made to scare us.
None of these points you made show that we're coming to any kind of end, I think it'll be just fine.
@mikeshaws (141)
• Canada
17 Nov 12
I am agree your says. This result is people ignore nature environmental science and now it's only start just.I do not believe 2012 is last year,but I know our the world is badly more and more.
@neelia_lyn (2003)
• Philippines
17 Nov 12
And ye shall hear of wars and rumors of wars: see that ye be not troubled; for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. - Mt. 24:6