Fear and Intimidation.
By bird123
@bird123 (10658)
United States
November 16, 2012 11:11pm CST
How many holy books use fear and intimidation?? Do they say God will do bad things to people who do not follow or believe?? Does this really make God look mighty, powerful and good?? Are people being taught to fear God? How many people in this world are afraid of God??
Let's take a few steps back and look it all over. Does God give us all free will? Most will say yes. Why would God give us free will then threaten and intimidate us to conform to a specific way?? That's not truly free will, is it?? Next, God has ways far beyond anything mankind has. After all, Anyone who can create universes is pretty capable. Does it really add up that such an Intelligent Being use fear and intimidation to deal with His children?? Of course not, if I don't do it, God surely is smarter than I.Fear and intimidation is a method used in an attempt to control others. Does God really need to control us??
Clearly the use of fear and intimidation does not add up yet many many holy books claim it's all God. Can anyone be so blind not to see that God must be at a Higher Level than to use such petty tactics?? On the other hand,mankind is noted for using fear and intimidation over the centuries.
God places truth all around us. WE must all strive to see the real truth God has provided. Isn't it time everyone learns to Think for themselves?? You will grow Closer to God if you do.
God is Unconditional Love. God has never ever been One to be feared. We too can choose not to value the petty things mankind holds so dear, rising ourselves to a higher level. Isn't everyone capable of this??
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13 responses
@taheraa (1545)
• Giza, Egypt
23 Nov 12
How to bring up my children the fear of God?
This set of educational methods that can help parents in promoting the concept of the fear of God in the hearts of children, and the fact that it is the duty of parents to take care that the diversity of educational methods, they must also take care that include:
1. Completely away from the methods that would alienate the child and reach a wrong concept about the fear of God, as a way of cruelty, exaggeration and intimidation, intimidation and threat ...
2. Reduce the sources of fear and satisfy the child's need for security; until the fear of God more meaningful in the same child.
3. To explain to children the difference between the fear of God and fear of people, and the fear of God does not mean never escape but means ensuring satisfaction and closer to him.
4. Abuser is who should be afraid of God, but who is keen to obey God, God protect him and sponsored and great deal his giving.
5. Careful budget to introduce the concept of fear, the fear must be matched please.
6. The first constraint and the problem is Child Education on the fear of people, and although the officer social is important but should not be the first criterion for behavior; That will result in a charity work in front of people (hypocrisy) and the search for their satisfaction, then the parents care to instill the fear of God in the hearts of children in the first place.
The first way to instill the fear of God and surveillance in the hearts of the children is a living example and concrete in front of them, and of the behavior of those around them in general and parents in particular.

@taheraa (1545)
• Giza, Egypt
25 Nov 12
Once again, you have lost target of the meaning of words,
There are a difference between the fear of God and fear of people, and the fear of God does not mean never escape but means ensuring satisfaction and closer to him.
We all must know that our actions are all God knows, what is your sense when work is harmful to yourself and your community.
Fear here from doing bad thing, and you do not want from the person you love and loves you not see you doing this thing
Do you want God to see you steal, do you want to see you commit adultery, Do you want to see you kill.
We all love God and therefore to be our fear, that see us do what makes him angry.
Summary of speech, there is a difference between fear and awe of God and fear of humans, it also be the difference between human bondage and slavery to God, slavery to God is the maximum degree of freedom on the contrary from the slavery of human beings, which is the maximum degree of degradation and humiliation.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
26 Nov 12
God never gets angry. God is above that. Those children who choose evil do so because they simply do not understand. God will not get angry or hate as mankind does. God sends lessons to teach His children what their actions really mean. Love them and Teach them.
I know one can define words in many ways, Feeling a bit guilty, I'm sure religion has twisted the meanings of fear and slavery to fit their view. It will never ever be right no matter how it can be twisted to associate fear and slavery with God.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
24 Nov 12
It is Evil to instill fear of God. It is a method by which people wish to control the actions of others. It is petty. It will never be right. Look around you. God does not do it. Why should mankind take it upon themselves to take the easy way out? Don't teach your children as God does but use fear and intimidation to control them. You can twist and attempt to justify the use of fear and intimidation however those that understand will know that fear and intimidation will never be right in any form. I am never ever going to teach my children to use such methods by using them myself. Surely we can rise above such an evil and petty thing.

@6precious102 (4043)
• United States
19 Nov 12
What is your definition of “free will?” Do you mean no consequences for your actions, which would be license; or do you mean God won’t stop you from doing as you will?

@6precious102 (4043)
• United States
22 Nov 12
“…holy books use fear and intimidation…” -- The only ones who need to fear the laws of God are those who are disobedient to His will. However, what you failed to mention is that in at least one of those holy books it tells how God has made a way of escaping punishment for everyone who has disobeyed Him. So, no one has to suffer the prescribed consequences of their disobedience if they're willing to accept God's forgiveness. Therefore, instead of thinking God uses fear and intimidation, we come to the conclusion that He truly loves us despite our actions.
"...God give us all free will..." -- But free will is not license. Therefore, even though God won't stop us from doing what we will, that doesn't mean we're free to do those things without consequences. So, what you call fear and intimidation is in actuality the warning of a God who loves us so much that He makes it perfectly clear what the results of disobedience are, and tells us how we can be forgiven for our disobedience.
"Why would God give us free will then threaten and intimidate us to conform to a specific way??" -- Is that really what God does? How would you feel if God said nothing and let mankind die out of ignorance. By warning us what the results of disobedience are, and then making a way for us to avoid judgment, that shows us how dearly He loves us.
If you had a dread disease (sin) and the physician (God) told you how to be healed (forgiven) for that disease (sin) and that His remedy was the only cure that was everlasting, wouldn't you, as a wise person, take the cure (forgiveness), or at least do research on the cure?
"Fear and intimidation is a method used in an attempt to control others. Does God really need to control us??" -- Do you remember the words of President Abraham Lincoln, "You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time." The same is true when if comes to controlling people, and everyone knows it. Therefore, control will only work on a few. In the long run, what good is it, and since trying to control others for the most part doesn't work, most religions don't work that way? Instead religion presents its case along with the evidence and lets the individual make his/her own decision.
"God places truth all around us." -- "If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." - John 8:31
"...everyone learns to Think for themselves..." -- But we also need sources that will help in finding answers. Sometimes those sources are holy books.
"God has never ever been One to be feared" -- It was obvious to my siblings and me that our parents truly loved us; but just because they loved us, it didn't mean they let us get away with inappropriate behavior. My mother was more the disciplinarian, but I dreaded my father's discipline more. Was I afraid of him? No, but I did revere him. Did I love him? Yes, most assuredly; and because I loved and revered him, I was ashamed of myself when I did wrong and was disciplined by him for it. The problem with today's world is that too many people don't fear (revere) God.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
24 Nov 12
Thr Real God has not told you of your inherited sin or any of the others stories your religion spreads. You read these stories in your holy book and assume they are God. They are not.
Clearly you do not know yourself if you think a person is made of three parts. We are all Spiritual beings in our true nature. That's it ONE. Our physical bodies are no more than our transportation in this physical world. As for having a soul regardless of your definition, it is a story based, once again on the stories your holy book spreads and not reality.
Is there proof for what I say?? You bet. One wonders why you do not start your journey to discovery and discover your proof. You want a religion that does all the work for you and serves it up on a plate. I'm afraid truth rarely comes that easity.

@changjiangzhibin89 (16874)
• China
28 Nov 12
Maybe Some people deck themselves out and intimidate people in the name of God.You know ,I am an atheist.When it comes to God,I think the truth is just God.

@changjiangzhibin89 (16874)
• China
29 Nov 12
No matter whether we are atheist or not,we must hold firmly to the truth.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
29 Nov 12
There are more people in this world than one can count who attempt to speak for God when they are really speaking for themselves. There is so very much that is said about God that simply isn't true. I like what you say when you say The truth is just God. Perhaps you see more than many religious people who claim they know God.

@stary1 (6611)
• United States
25 Nov 12
Fear and intimidation is used in all areas for control. Churches have unfortunately used it to control congregations for the benefit of continuing and supporting primarily the Church.
I agree a mature understanding is needed that fear is not needed..God is love and strength..
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
26 Nov 12
Yes, God is Unconditional Love with the intellect to understand there are better ways than the use of fear and intimidation. One can still be strong through intelligence. God is a Wonderful Teacher. Now that we understand and see fear and intimidation for the petty thing that it is, we become the teacher to those students around our lives. Many will understand. Perhaps, the others will at least see there are possibilities in a new direction.
@squallming (1775)
• Malaysia
30 Nov 12
I have given thought to this matter as well for so many times now. God is suppose to be love and all the good supposed to be God's characteristics. It is just how some people who claim themselves close to God and are able to speak to God, they deliver God's messages in a threatening and conditional way such as "If you don't obey god's will, you will not get eternal life when the judgment day comes". Such way of delivering God's messages seems to imply that God's love is with condition and that we shall all fear God. The truth is, we shall all love and appreciate God rather than following his words out of fear. 

@bird123 (10658)
• United States
1 Dec 12
You are right. God is Unconditional Love. People who use fear and intimidation simply do not know or understand God. Funny that they do not have a problem claiming to speak for God. Perhaps they only care about being important themselves rather than the truth.
@mangtony7451 (479)
17 Nov 12
Hi bird123 greetings. I personally believe that everything has its advantages and disadvantages as there are always two extremes. It is just a matter where to focus our attention. Fear and intimidation are no different.
Humanly speaking, we try to instill fear in the heart of our children not because we we do not want them to rise to a higher level of learning or that we do not want them to think for themselves BUT only for their good and benefits. Again I believe, It is the same way with God.
All the best mangtony.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
17 Nov 12
But don't you understand? By using fear and intimidation on your children you are teaching them to use fear and intimidation. The real God does not do this. How much better would the world be if mankind would also stop using it? The higher level has always been there. One must only reach for it.
@stary1 (6611)
• United States
25 Nov 12
I understand what you are saying about fear, but I think it's appropriate only for very young children who can't reason yet..so we grab them out of oncoming trafic or if they are about to fall or we yell out no or stop.....that action might scare them and perhaps they can then associate the behavior they tried is dangerous...

@Adoniah (7512)
• United States
19 Nov 12
Nice topic Bird. If one takes the words written in holy books as the strict word of the Creator or some other god, then it is pretty rough and scary. You have to remember that when the ancient gods were in charge there were a whole lot of them and it took a lot of convincing to get someone to believe in your favorite god or gods.
When the idea of monotheism came along, it was an extremely difficult concept to get across to a bunch of folks who were already being intimidated by multiple gods. The habit of intimidation was thoroughly engrained in folks by then. It was also mostly a patriarchal society. You had to be macho to be in charge, so of course the Creator had to be macho too. (simplistic explnation) We all know in our hearts that women had pretty good bit of control of the hearth, but that men still had to be in charge of society.
Now I know that most religions teach that their holy books are the word of their creator. But, I think that the men who wrote down these words used a bit of poetic license. The gist is all there, but the emphasis is patterned after the lives of the time. A bit of free will here?
As time progressed, most of us kept our holy books, but the interpretations and the emphasis softened a lot. The Creator is looked upon as a good and gentle Creator. He always was I believe.
In my faith, the word fear is translated as awe. Big difference right. He is one to be looked upon with awe, not fear.
We must also remember that not all religions worship the same Creator. There are still other gods being worshiped out there.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
20 Nov 12
You are right. Anything written by mankind will display who they really are. Holy books are no different. Yes, there is a Big difference between fear and awe. They could never be the same for me. As mankind grows in intelligence and wisdom, they grow toward God regardless of religion. Meanings will change more in the future. After all, we can't be cavemen all our lives.
@kukueye (1759)
• Malaysia
17 Nov 12
Well it depends on personal belief level.At these modern age, many people do not fear God and brings havoc to other fellow mankind in crime,war, violent and such. Only time they see god is when big disaster cause by natural disaster like hurricane floods earthquake and such. Some see it as Earth and not even god, it think god has less place now in modern times.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
17 Nov 12
God's place in the world has been the same since the beginning of time. Of course, from mankind's perspective, their view of what is going on might be limited by their own restrictions. Still there are many more people in the world today. Those that know the real truth do not make as much noise as others. Still as intelligence and knowledge increases so will the view. God will be in their view sooner or later.
@cecil04 (408)
• South Africa
18 Nov 12
It really hard for people not to fear God, this being has an army of Angels which I do not know why a God would need one in the first place. The holy books are there to show us how powerful God is and how this being destroys civilizations in a mater of hours, minutes or even seconds. Mankind is a fullish and young race they claim to know God and they have never even mate this all powerful being. I may be wrong but for hell (a prison for the devil and corrupt souls) to exist didn't God have to create such a place which mean our father may have a dark side. Doesn't God have emotions like us humans because he can love and get angry and doesn't that mean our greed as his children is us wanting to be like our father.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
18 Nov 12
God has no army. Why would God need an army? God does have an infinite number of children.
Granted, change can be unsettling. So often the unknown can create fear in a person. Monsters can be generated by our imagination especially when one values darkness and can not see that change can be a good thing. After all, look how well mankind has advanced. One thing you can be sure of. The changes that God makes is toward the best interest of His children. They are geared toward our learning and growing as people. So often it takes drama and adversity to rally people to solve the real problems. Kiddies often just want a good time and do not want to attempt to learn anything. Through it all God has fixed it ahead of time. No matter what happens, we are all eternal.
Mankind has spread many stories about God which simply are not true. Intelligent people do not blindly accept them. They venture to discover the real truth for themselves. Hell and the devil do not exist.
Does God have emotions?? You bet. Life really wouldn't be grand without them. On the other hand, God has a very very high intellect. Intelligent people never allow their emotions to rule them. You might not understand this ,however even emotions can be broken down to a set of numbers. They are not as troublesome once one Understands them.
God is Unconditional Love. God is above all those petty things mankind holds so dear. Once mankind really understands, they too will set the petty stuff aside. So why is God Unconditional Love?? Simple, that is the most Intelligent way to be. Think about that!!
@mariaperalta (19073)
• Mexico
17 Nov 12
I think it depends on one beliefs. I hope people arent teaching this. BUt with so many different religions out there. Its going to happen. Have a great day there.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
17 Nov 12
Everybody wants to rule the world. Mankind is a controlling lot. In reality, this is mankind's greatest problem. Still, that is not everyone. Diversity in time will lead others away from ruling and controlling others. God gave everyone a different view to guaranty mankind a larger view than any one person could have. Ruling and controlling restricts and narrows mankind's total view. Wisdom will lead mankind to allow the total view to be seen. Too often today it is a struggle to maintain the freedoms that allow the total view to live. Yes, our work is never done.
@franseman (516)
• Philippines
18 Nov 12
First and foremost: I am an atheist. And the things you put in this discussion are part of my choice. Believers tell us that god is lovce. Why then should people fear him?
Then there's this strtange thing that many people claim that god spoke to them. G.W. Bush even told that god personally told him to attack Iraq. god is love?????
I will and can not believe most of this nonsense. People use god just as it suits them fine. It is a well known fact that spreading fear gives you tremendous power over people.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
18 Nov 12
Yes and people use God to justify their actions. So very often their actions have nothing to do with God. Just like all the physics of the universe adds up so does everything about God. Simply because you can't agree with what religion is spreading doesn't mean that God does not exist.
I'm sure you recognize that so much of religion simply does not add up. That's because religion does not really understand God. Mankind fills in their missing pieces with what they want to be, instead of what actually is. Still they profess to say they are speaking for God. Clearly they do not.
Atheists are a part of the picture. They help teach people who believe blindly that questioning is important. Even though many do not listen, that truth needs to be out there ready for those blind believers to see.
Being an atheist also gives you an advantage in discovering God. You are not muddled in all the religious beliefs that are out there. You can be open to discover what is as long as you are open to the possibility that God could exist. Beliefs that God doesn't exist prevents discovery as bad as those who claim they know it all about God.
A hungry student for discovery along with an open mind to discover the truth whether one agrees with that truth or not, are powerful tools which if used properly can lead one to great knowledge and wisdom. One must merely be brave enough to venture into undiscovered country where the real answers wait to be discovered.
If God exists, God can be found. God can be found. Funny thing though, very few people really want to find God and that includes people of religion.
@micheal123 (183)
25 Nov 12
The governments and powers that be use these scare tactics everyday,my whole nations scared of terrorists yet we have never seen them with our own eyes,as long as people are scared of the streets it will be o.k to have the big brother camera's watching our every move and we will continue to spend billions on state of the art security systems made and sold by the same system that is scaring us.
@shadowvelton (20)
• Brazil
17 Nov 12
God wants our love, He don´t want our fears. When we do the right things He smiles, when we do wrong things He "cries" and we receive the consequences of each decision. Some do the right thing because loves God, but some people do the right because they fear God. Have a nice day and do you better choosing the right.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
17 Nov 12
If one does the right thing out of fear then their lesson has not been learned yet. When the fear is gone, one will choose the wrong. You see, the use of fear is useless in the big picture. It also teaches evil, the use of fear against others. Only the freedom of choice without intimidation is the way to really teach. Everyone must judge the consequences of their own actions. In the end intelligence will always make the right choice. Hate, condemnation along with the use of fear and intimidation only slow the lessons one must learn, not to mention create new lessons along the way.