Are you Successful?

@iMamom (321)
November 18, 2012 12:51am CST
How do you define success ? I am just an ordinary person. I've been to University and finish my 4 year bachelors degree. However I don't think I am a successful woman. I have been working for 5 years in a call center industry. I have talk to the presidents and CEO's of a multi national companies offshores. However I still dont call my self a successful carrier woman. I dont have a car or a house. I am still living on a rental house. I have been to Australia and stayed their for a few months and went home. and live a frugal life because I have to.. How do you define a successful person? Does he has to have something to show off?
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22 responses
• Philippines
18 Nov 12
I can sense that you are not just an ordinary woman. You have the qualities of a successful woman. Treat yourself as special, a genius, a gifted woman. Finishing a degree is good - a testament to your perseverance. However, a degree doesn't guarantee success. Success differs from one person to another. If you excel in something that you truly want and love to do, that is being successful. Dig deep into thine heart and know what you really desire to do, become, or have. When you found that out, pursue with all your might continuously, aggressively, and with perseverance until you get to the top. That is success. I hope to hear that one of these days, you will recall this time and remember that success is for people who believe in the beauty of their dreams and pursue with all their might.
@jalucia (1431)
• United States
18 Nov 12
ditto ... good way to put it gig.
@iMamom (321)
• Philippines
18 Nov 12
Hi GIG, What you just said is inspiring. I was been very aggressive when it comes to getting a job, I aim higher but maybe I need more perseverance. Success seems very slow to me... I'm almost there but I am not lucky enough. I have big dreams and for sure once i am able to make it, thats going to be posted here. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. :)
@francesca5 (1344)
18 Nov 12
I don't consider myself to be successful, but then, on the other hand, I am not sure if I would want to be, in the sense that once I have succeeded at everything then what is there left to do. It depends though how you define success, there is a lot of pressure from society to force us into viewing success as about money and material wealth, and owning a big house. But there are other forms of success that are equally valid, some might argue that just being a nice person is a big success, especially when so much value is placed on being wealthy. Maybe you need to define what success means for you personally, and escape from success as defined by others, but what it means to you. maybe I should do that too!
@iMamom (321)
• Philippines
18 Nov 12
It takes alot of many different things to get what we want in life ; financial sucess, career, personal success. However I would preferably settled with personal success. Happiness and contentment of what I have is what matters most now.. Yes I would agree with that, We should do that...
@alberello (4752)
• Italy
18 Nov 12
Well, from my point of view, every person can succeed in life. I say this because I think the success is already within us, must know how to pull it off. It still is not easy! I currently consider myself a failure. I start from the premise, however, that I am a person psychologically sick (to me is regarded as having a allowance equal to 75%). I currently do not work and I do not even no the future work-related. I live at home and are maintained by my parents, although I have already 37 years of age. Probably in my past I've made ??choices incorrect, unfounded until the year 2003, the work (and also quite prestigious), I had. However, I believe that it is never too late in life. although at my age the resources to be exploited, however, are few, I believe that my situation could however be improved! And I hope so!
@iMamom (321)
• Philippines
18 Nov 12
Hi alberello, Oh your so lucky living a life with a GOLDEN SPOON my friend,You don't have to work. However yes I agree that success relies on us. Like our destiny is an effect of what we are doing now... That's how I think about future. Yes, I wish you good luck and it is never too late... Better late than never... :) Thanks for sharing... :)
• Hungary
18 Nov 12
Success is reaching your goals and gaining happiness by this way. Well I have many successes already, but still: future is saying: "Nah, not enough". Sometimes we must look back and see what we already did to get some power.
@iMamom (321)
• Philippines
18 Nov 12
hi csabaholcz, Good on you, Glad to hear about your success. True i have realize looking back on our past makes us realize what success we had gone through. Well done my friend... Keep on aiming for it... thanks for sharing...
@meowchie (992)
• Philippines
18 Nov 12
Material things will never be evidence of success.. There are very rich and abundantly living person, but are very stressed and keeping themselves safe from kidnappers and some having hard time to look after kids. Who because of the luxurious life, became hardheaded causing problem to the family.. If we are happy and satisfied with what we are today, healthy-mentally,physically and spiritually well then I may consider them successful too..When you are well remembered by other people because of your influence to them, then you can consider yourself successful because some people looks up to your deed..
@iMamom (321)
• Philippines
18 Nov 12
Hi meowchie, Contentment in Life, being someone of good deeds can be called a successful person. I reckon that if we feel that we are happy and satisfied on our entire well being that counts us a successful person. Thats is great.. thanks for sharing...
@hlfbldmom (743)
• Philippines
18 Nov 12
I believe success is something we make. "Success isn't a result of spontaneous combustion. You must set ourselves on fire said Arnold H. Glasow This is a very apt quote and I believe that Everyone who strives to succeed should take a heart. A successful life should encompass far more than your work and your finances, although they are part of the big picture. A fulfilling life in all areas is a successful life.
@iMamom (321)
• Philippines
18 Nov 12
Hi hlfbldmom, Thank you for sharing a very nice quote and your words of wisdom. A person has to feel successful with in and he him self is a financial success ? I thought I was already successful before however i am wrong..
@jalucia (1431)
• United States
18 Nov 12
I think a measurement of success has to do with what kind of success you are talking about. If you are happy with yourself, than you have reached personal success because not many people are happy with themselves. You mentioned successful "career woman." This is totally about your position in your career. If you want to be in a higher position, you have to start climbing that ladder. But, if I were you, I would define success to myself. What do you think success is? That way when you reach it you will know. Otherwise, you may never consider yourself successful, always hoping for more.
@iMamom (321)
• Philippines
18 Nov 12
I am considering both... as a career woman and personal success. I guess I would settle for the 2nd one the personal success. Thats a good start... :) thanks for sharing....
@prashu228 (37524)
• India
18 Nov 12
I dont think i am successful, till now, still i need to find a good job and gather some good amount of bank balance, that's my goal as of now.Si i am still struggling at present, so cannot be called as successful .
@iMamom (321)
• Philippines
18 Nov 12
Hi prashu228. I wish you good luck, here in mylot as well. This is our life's reality... Good bless.
@ARIES1973 (11426)
• Legaspi, Philippines
18 Nov 12
I came from a very poor family and I remember that I had to walk for 5 kilometers in order to reach the school. There are available transportation in the area but it was just that my mother cannot give me money for the fare. I was able to finish my college degree, have my own family and presently working with the government. If I would be comparing the previous life that I had, I could say that I am already successful in my little own way. Although I don't have an expensive car yet and some luxurious things in life, I could say that I am successful already because I was able to make my life better. I am still striving hard for my children's future that is why I am trying my luck online and hopefully I will be able to achieve my goals. If we had a feeling that we are not successful in our life, maybe we have to assess our past actions, revise the plan that we had and aim to do better.
@iMamom (321)
• Philippines
18 Nov 12
aries1973 hi, Wow thats a great story of success, I tend to compare what you have done to what i Have experience from the past. We are not that poor however my mom was in debt and misses my allowances when I was going to school. It was hard for me because I have to finish my studies, I even slept with friends house and misses lunch time. I dont have luxuries of nice clothes unlike my older sister. So I really want to finish my college so i can get a better JOB. I got a good Job and my sister didnt finish her studies. She valued the things she enjoys and while i have persevered. I think I can consider my self successful somehow that I have finish my studies and earn good money and help my family a little bit.
@McCreeper (777)
• United States
18 Nov 12
Sometimes I think it's good to look at the small things in life. I actually haven't reached college yet, but I'll be reaching it the very next year, which I'm glad on. If we look back to our past, I'm sure that we have all met a lot of terrible things, and they won't ever really be less than the good things that have happened in our life, because we don't learn from our successes. You have passed High School. You survived four years of college where others may have done things that they might currently regret. You have a college degree. You have a job. You own a place to live. You're not ordinary (Not necessarily a bad thing). Regardless of all the terrible things that could pop-up in the thought for others, it only contributes to your altruism instead of egoism. Remember to keep the small things up at-hand when you have met your future tragedies to get through life. Just saying.
@iMamom (321)
• Philippines
18 Nov 12
Hi mccreeper, It is good to hear those words, Looking back where I came from is far from who I am now. I agree with you. It is best that I should look back on those memories, when I was in High school I aim to get to College. After college I aimed to work, which I am very lucky I got it right away after finishing my college degree. I always aim to move up one step at atime.. Now I am seeing the big picture... Thank you for sharing, I really appreciate your thoughts. Happy mylotting.
@kokomo (1867)
• Philippines
18 Nov 12
I think the only way we can assess that we are successful enough in life is how we see into it. If we are contented enough with what we have done so be it. Me, myself also still cannot say that I am a successful person right now. My goal in life is not to be famous or so very rich but to be able to send my three younger brothers in college. Right now, I am supporting mg two younger brothers next to me with their studies. When they will be successful in the future in any ways, I could say then that I will be very successful woman too.
@iMamom (321)
• Philippines
18 Nov 12
Hi kokomo, Your kind and very supportive sister. I guess when all of your younger siblings finish their studies and get their own JOB you would consider your self successful. Thanks for sharing . Good luck to your journey...
• Philippines
18 Nov 12
i do have that same question before how to be successful what is successful word then i learn that successful for me is not just having a car,house or any expensive things etc.being successful is when you are contented on what you have in life when you feel that you are happy,could not ask for more
@iMamom (321)
• Philippines
18 Nov 12
Hi Passion4fassion, Well said, I would prefer that I kind of success being contented and happy. I would not want to complicate anything because when I am aiming for big things It takes alot of effort to achieve it. Maybe in my own simple ways I can make my life better with out having to aim for more. Thanks for sharing. :)
@Mavic123456 (21893)
• Thailand
18 Nov 12
Man's wants is insatiable. Once you achieve something you will look for ways to get another thing to achieve. And that's okay we are humans and we want to have something to be proud of and make us good humans. I have been working for almost 25 years and I have nothing LOL. No one is successful in one way or the other, career, friends, family and love because after getting what we want, then we set to get another one again.
@iMamom (321)
• Philippines
18 Nov 12
You have a point there Mavic, I think this successful thinking is on us. We will never be contented even it takes forever, However some says if you are contented of what you have and if your happy you feel you are successful. Thanks for sharing Mavic... happy mylotting.
@keithyen (13)
• Australia
21 Nov 12
you cant tell it because you dont feel it that you are successful...for me u already successful in your life but i think ur not contented what youve got...
@aerous (13434)
• Philippines
19 Nov 12
I live a life that is being enough to have in life. I have no means of good income but I am contented enough. Even do I am struggling to do something due to lack of financial means. I always think about contentment and happiness. I don't see anything being successful having a luxurious life. For me success is contentment and happiness. What is the used of owning the world but your the loneliest person in the world. Even if you have car, money, house, yatch, private plane and buy everything you want but still having the emptiness of your heart. Those things are useless and no success that being reach upon your goal. Success is happiness for me...
@Iriene88 (5343)
• Malaysia
19 Nov 12
Successful to me means that I have achieved what I want in life. Living the life like a rich and successful person in terms of career, financial and family life. However, I am not achieve success in my career yet. I am focussing on it now. Therefore, I hope both of us will start doing something about it, we need to take action, focus and stop at nothing to achieve it. Planning is important too. Good Luck and all the best to all of us.
@sender621 (14894)
• United States
19 Nov 12
I think that we all have different ideas of what success has to be to cecome a reality. i fee that success is achieved when we find something thaat motivates and moves us forward.
• Philippines
19 Nov 12
success to me means to know deeper my relationship to my one and only Creator.That's all matters to me.Nothing else.I admitted myself when i was studying I am achiever, competitive,OC person.But thanks to my GOD he forbidden me to do all of that. I am just an ordinary person who satisfied what i have right now.With GOD I have everything that I needed.Though I dream big to be a millionaire but now i just give-up and turn to GOD To help other people with my own money and hard work.To do everything that GOD pleases. Is one of my goal/ aim in life.To serve GOD is what i meant for success.. I am still living in my parents house.I am working online but still struggling.I explore my self but my happiness and success is GOD. whats the use of my money.If his love separates me.if i gain wealth,power and fame that humans proud of while losing my soul...I cannot afford that one.I can't let go of my strong desire to serve GOD....
• Indonesia
19 Nov 12
Well, from my points of view, everyone has different ways to look what success looks like and we cannot judge success in one side only. Success has alot of meaning based on what we have already reached. For instances, finished your study in the University or high school for few years, it can be said that success, got a good job with a high salary you receive every months from your work place, that also we can say success, have a car or expensive motorcycle you have or big house, we can say it success too but that all is not the real of meaning success. The real meaning of success is that you can help the person around you not just your family, but your all friends too, especially the people around you feel proud of you. That is the success mean.
@jazzyme (113)
• Philippines
19 Nov 12
Being a successful person for me is not having all the material things that life has to offer.There are rich people who are not happy because they don't have a successful family or personal life.There are some family that I know who are happy even if they lack of many material things.They have a successful family life.Being successful is being contented in what you do or whatever you have in your life.I believe that the most successful and complete human being is the one who is happy serving God.God bless!