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I want to start a small scale online business !!! need help guys!!
By itpsolution
@itpsolution (29)
November 18, 2012 9:40am CST
hi!! everyone, actually i am panning many things from many years related to start a business which interm will become a successful company. I have experience in many field like electronics, electrical,integrated circuits testing and developing etc in electro, I am a programming also i have did many projects in c,c++,Java,Php,and web application using HTML,jsp,java script etc, graphic designing- Photoshop and flash favorites, presently i am dealing with distribution and resource management in various field like mobile, networking etc. Finally i came to an decision let me start a company which hands all process i know, but the lag is - i want to make a data entry process for part time employee in my company, but i am not getting a good site which is reliable, example- megatypers they may suspend my accounts and they are paying high only in specific time, which is not affordable, then captch2cash they wont pay correctly to each count.. Guys do anyone know any good sites ???which is legit ???and gives you a good feedback. I have tried odesk, freelancer also i doesn't work for us.
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