Who rules the world

November 18, 2012 3:49pm CST
There is a lot going around these days about who rules the world. Is there a leading power in the world? who control the world from high up looking down upon the masses and if so what is there objective?
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5 responses
• Portugal
18 Nov 12
When you say that you refere at God, aliens, something like this or just siply people. If you ask abou people, the answer is simple: the one who has the biggest amount of money and gold rules the world, or at least a large part of it.
18 Nov 12
I meant people and I think you are right money and gold certainly do rule the world
@Paper_Doll (2373)
• Philippines
18 Nov 12
It's Satan who rules the world. This is why he dare to offer everything in this world for Jesus Christ to turn his back on God. It is also Satan who control the world powerful organizations. But all of them will come to end in the near future to turn over the leadership of this world to our King, Jesus Christ and the world will be a better world that everybody hopes for.
@aabuda (1722)
• Philippines
18 Nov 12
I think petroleum exporting countries rule the world! They are the Gods who has power to changed the way we live and interact with our own world....we depend our future to them. Our countries development is dependent on the prices that they will gonna give us...and the prices of goods and services in our own countries is directly related to their prices...
• United States
18 Nov 12
All you have to do is look around & watch the news to see who is truly ruling this world. The bible clearly states that God is a God of love, would a God of love really do any of the things that are being done today to his children? No absolutely not. When Satan was thrown out of heaven where do you think he went? A perfect example of this is when Jesus wandered in the desert while he was on earth. Satan tempted him w/ many things & he even went so far as to offer Jesus all the kingdoms of the world if he would only leave God his father & follow him instead. How could Satan possibly offer Jesus something that wasn't his? He couldn't. God is allowing Satan to rule the world so that mankind can see that they can not rule themselves without God's guidance as Adam & Eve were told they could by Satan. Satan lied to them & lied about God so God had to prove His right to rule the earth thus proving Satan a liar. So in short & in answer to your question, there is only one ruler of this world right now & that ruler is Satan. It wont be much longer though when God steps in & takes over rulership w/ His son Jesus as King.
• United States
18 Nov 12
I tend to think it's not as organized as conspiracy theorists seem to think. However, I do think that a few select corporations control tie the hands of governments.