I am going to make more money even though it was a depressed day

November 19, 2012 8:41am CST
Insufficient money restrict my activities. I go for shopping and movies few times a month, eat out almost every week, and go for internet everyday when I make adequate money in that particular month. With the money I have in my hand these poor months, I can only go for movie once in a blue moon, eat out when there is no food in the fridge and go to cyber cafe for only an hour sometimes. I know I must make more money if I want to do what I want, I am tired of inadequate life, with the little money I have, I always save and be grateful to my father especially because he is the one who gives me daily expenses everyday. I am trying tomorrow to work for some money then it accumulated afterward getting it. Hopefully my depression also won't restrict me from waking up and feeling bored going to the office to do my work.
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19 responses
• Indonesia
20 Nov 12
Same here, I get extra allowance from my father because I don't have stable job yet but he gives extra money when I do some tasks for him and his office, like when there is computer exhibition I go there checking price and manage the invoices, manage folder, etc. I'm still a student and my father give me deadline to finish my degree before July 2013 because he will give me a real job position or someone else will fill the spot, but actually I don't like office job I prefer flexible job that's why I try to expand my handcraft business so I can work for myself and earn a decent income. I don't hang out a lot, but when I babysit my nephew I get extra money from my sister and my nephew likes to go to timezone game center in mall so I can consider it as relaxation day
• Malaysia
20 Nov 12
Thanks. Same to you, my friend.
• Malaysia
20 Nov 12
Wow. You have been doing well with few things. Carry on as long as you like. Good Day.
1 person likes this
• Indonesia
20 Nov 12
Thank you, I understand how you feel about office work and depression, I hate office job too and hate to think the competition in office job and annoying office mates. Hope you will earn more money and can buy whatever you like.
@mariaperalta (19073)
• Mexico
19 Nov 12
Great to see you positive there.. even though we have sad or bad days we need to still keep focused and earn.
• Malaysia
19 Nov 12
yeah, that is the hardest thing to do but I am going to do it. THanks
• Philippines
19 Nov 12
dont think to much and dont over do it
• Malaysia
20 Nov 12
@passion Thanks
@cobalt20 (1318)
• Philippines
20 Nov 12
You cna make money from online earnings. You can do search and make your earn living. Saving money is the best for you. Do not spend that nothing from you. Just be a simple lady. I hope my advice is good for you.
• Malaysia
20 Nov 12
How I wish I can earn online for a living. Right now, its just pennies here and there.
22 Nov 12
How do you make money online? There are a few money making sites if you want to join them, when you combine them it adds up quicker. These sites are listed top to bottom -(most to least payout) http://www.sendearnings.com/?r=ref2944658
@moneyham (201)
• India
19 Nov 12
Try to do a part time job also. You can do teaching classes for kids after the office time or you can do some typing jobs. Getting engaged is the best way to avoid depression. Don't loose the believe in God, visiting church will also be a good relaxation to mind. If you need worth Online part time jobs, visit my website which is updated in my profile. Hope it will helps.
• Malaysia
20 Nov 12
Thanks both of you. Your advise is very much welcomed.
@prashu228 (37520)
• India
20 Nov 12
yes she has many opportunities if she want to as she is still young and hard working too. She tired a lot of online jobs, i hope she likes teaching , i think this helps her a lot.she can get constant money.
@ARIES1973 (11426)
• Legaspi, Philippines
20 Nov 12
Hi wong! Most of us are trying our best in order to have sufficient amount of income in order to cope with our day to day living. Only there are times that no matter how hard we try, we just can't get the proper strategy. I am glad that you have a positive outlook in life despite all the trials that comes along your way. We should not lose hope as time will come, we will be able to get what is due for us. Have a nice day!
• Malaysia
20 Nov 12
Just a few interruptions in my life so far. I will never give up. You too.
22 Nov 12
I am very glad to see that you are not gonna let this stop you. Keep that positive attitude and good things will happen for you.
@Mavic123456 (21891)
• Thailand
19 Nov 12
Ouch!!! Lucky you have such good father, yes make more money even you are depressed and do what you can. And start saving for heaven's sake.
• Malaysia
20 Nov 12
He...he...thats what I am thinking too!
@Mavic123456 (21891)
• Thailand
20 Nov 12
good.. very good.
• Philippines
19 Nov 12
Hello Wongchoiyee, you are really a determined person, i don't even know how you were able to managing how to do it. I can't do what you do, before I used to be but for some reason, my own passion for mylot has run dry for me. well, either I have little money or no money at all. your lucky still that you have a home and work in every day living while others out there even have trouble having a decent meal or home. I don't even go to theaters anymore because it's so expensive and not to mention i was almost victim of being robbed in those theaters
• Malaysia
19 Nov 12
Hey letran, I wasn't a determined person, its the environment and peer pressure that makes me always fight back for myself. Other than that, my father is great supporter, he gives me money everyday, although not much but enough for food. I know you are a determined person too, as I see people who wants to live will work for it as said by my brother. I am quite pity and sad when I see beggars on the streets, the only thing I can help is donate some coins to them. Anyway, I think its strange to be rob in a theater, your experience will awake me.
@Cutie18f (9546)
• Philippines
19 Nov 12
Well, this is life. It is not perfect and we have bad days much of the time. But it's no use sitting nor just lying there and not doing anything. We have to move and make a difference at least for this day and then make it a day-to-day habit.
• Malaysia
20 Nov 12
oh yes...you reminds me. TQ.
@aeiou78 (3445)
• Malaysia
20 Nov 12
In my personal philosophy, the more depress you are, the more desire for you to make more money. Only with monies, our life will be easier and happier. Be positive. We shall not give up easily to struggle for surviving. Be ambitious too. We must keep moving forward and keep being positive in every problem we have.
• Malaysia
20 Nov 12
Yea..its goes same for me too.
@natliegleb (5173)
• India
19 Nov 12
wow you have good attitude but never ever get spammed by these people out here.its needed
• Malaysia
19 Nov 12
yup..yup...all spammers get inform now! I won't be tolerating tomorrow.
• Canada
19 Nov 12
I have tried swagbucks before, but it is not as great as this site
@francesca5 (1344)
19 Nov 12
hello wongchoiyee, I think working through feeling depressed is a good thing, as not doing work while feeling depressed may then make you feel even more depressed. but the best thing, in my view, would be to try and work out what is making you feel depressed, but feeling able to carry on working while feeling down is a step forward in the right direction.
• Malaysia
19 Nov 12
yuppy...my friend francesca I am doing it although my heart is not feeling well, for a start to recovery. Hopefully I can be motivated like from now on.
@glenng01 (71)
• Philippines
20 Nov 12
Just know that once you hit rock bottom, then there's no other way to go but up. But if you let depression get the most out of you, then you're probably making some holes that would get you moving sideways while still being in the bottom. A good phrase that caught me the other day is that you must change your mind to change your world.
• Malaysia
20 Nov 12
yea...change the mind b4 its too late. Going to see the world.
@stan87 (47)
• Bulgaria
20 Nov 12
Hello there! I believe most of the people around here are in the position as you are. So am I :) Well, I can't say that I don't earn enough. I just have a lot of expenses as I don't live with my family anymore. I have to pay the rent and ... just everything. All the expenses I have - internet, electricity, water, transport, credit card . . . Wow! The money I earn are somewhat enough for somebody living with his parents. As that's not my case, it's just not enough for me. That's the reason why I'm wandering round the web looking for alternative ways to make extra money. And why not all the money I need. Anyways, I wish you all the luck you need! And I hope you won't get too depressed. You can beat this, you will be alrigh - you'll see :) Take Care!
• Malaysia
20 Nov 12
hopefully, you can manage to earn some money here and there on the net.
@kat_2x (105)
20 Nov 12
Thats life.. we need to move on even when were down and depressed.. keep it up! :)
• Malaysia
20 Nov 12
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
22 Nov 12
Honestly, I think the fact that you never have enough money is probably one of the major contributing factors as to why you feel depressed all the time. I know for me, I've been struggling a lot with depression this week. The reason that I've been so depressed is because of the fact that we are having to live this week on a very minimal amount of money. We actually have had twenty dollars to get through the entire week and it is quite depressing. The result of this, I've been working harder online than I usually do so that I can ensure that we will not end up in this same situation next month (we always have one or two weeks every month where we have to get through with little of nothing.)
@rhodzptc (1317)
• Philippines
19 Nov 12
Just keep that positive mental attitude of yours and in time your hard work will result to fruit fullness.
@prashu228 (37520)
• India
19 Nov 12
wow, that's a good mind. You have to make your mind to work and earn more. This gives us energy and keeps motivating us all the way. All the best.
• Malaysia
19 Nov 12
yup...money refresh and motivates me
@rotloi2 (321)
• Malaysia
22 Nov 12
maybe it time to change spending attitude.. i have a hard time to adjust my spending attitude too.. the biggiest problem is fix and change.. i think 1 day i really change because major event took place or because i felt extremely gratitute on people who support me ever since
22 Nov 12
Sometimes no matter what situation we are put through, you have to keep your head up. I know it is hard to not be able to do the things you want to do, but sometimes we all must make sacrifices. As a very wise person once told me "Live simply, so others can simply live". I am not saying that you should give up everything you enjoy, just cutting back a little so you have money for the things you absolutely need. I wish you the best of luck, and I hope that you continue to earn. Struggling is horrible thing for anyone. Hang in there, and try to maintain that positive thinking. You will get through this. ~SB