I'm a Christian Witch...
By Duvessa
@Duvessa (913)
United States
175 responses
@thoughtprocess (2209)
• United States
6 Sep 06
I'm fine with it, as long as you're not hurting anyone.
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@mommydearest (877)
• United States
13 Oct 06
In my opinion, the pope has nothing to do with it and I can pray to God anytime I want without the pope. God will hear my prayers because I believe in him and pray from my heart.
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@mommydearest (877)
• United States
14 Oct 06
By the way, you go ahead and send it right on to the vatican. I have accepted Jesus as my saviour and I know where I am headed when I die. If you rely on this man to get you into Heaven, then you are in for a big surprise.
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@jessclarenz (75)
• India
10 Oct 06
hope you folks read your bibles. It is the final authority on anything Christian. Jesus asked us to PRAY (not spells) in Jesus' name. Prayer as found in the Bible is just speaking to God. Again Holy Spirit is a Spirit (no he/she). Bible talks of THE way (not many ways) i mean there is only one way of being a Chrisitian. PRAY and clarify with God.
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@sugarkube (1)
• United States
5 Sep 06
My thought is what are your beliefs as a Christian Witch? You believe in Jesus Christ as well as the power of what? You can cast spells? I'd have to know more before I shared thoughts, personally.
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@jtexas (527)
• United States
9 Oct 06
Its funny but this is not a new concept. In the mexican culture we have what are called Curanderos which are folk healers who pray to god as well as the help of the old aztec belief.
Similar to voodoo which use african gods with christian beliefs. A lot of this is bridging two worlds.
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@mtdewgurl74 (18151)
• United States
10 Oct 06
Kewl beans! lol I was always told i couldn't believe in this stuff because i had to choose. And that i would have to denounce God with i refuse to do!!!! I believe in god and jesus but have always been drawn to the wicca stuff my cousin says she dabbles in it. But never known i could do both cool!
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@mommydearest (877)
• United States
13 Oct 06
But God created Adam first in his image. God is the father. A father is a man.
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@Sunset50 (1397)
• United States
6 Sep 06
I had an aunt who did readings for people most of her adult life. She believed in the Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit and prayed asking if she was helping people with her gift of seeing the future. She had the power to find lost things including finding people and was usually right in what she told her clients. She would not read for any member of the family, saying she could not give bad news to the ones she loved. I had not seen her in a long time, then one day she came to visit my parents. I asked her if she still did readings and she said no. She told me a man came to her looking for a German bible that had been lost throughout the years. My aunt saw the bible he was searching for and said it was open and she could read the scripture it showed even though she didnt speak German. The scripture gave her a warning that what she was doing was wrong and she never read for anyone again. All I can say is if you have any questions inside of you of whether what you are doing is right or wrong, it might be you are going against what you are suppose to be doing since you say you believe in God. Prayer should reveal to you what you should do. Witchcraft is real, some do good some do evil. It is a personal thing only you can decide.
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@Duvessa (913)
• United States
11 Oct 06
Azna is not demonic and could never be. She does not enslave anyone! And witches do not only cast spells to hurt people, in fact all of the witches I know are AGAINST hurting people and using black magick.
Azna is the most commonly used name for the Christian Goddess and I use it also because it's what feels right.
Concealed In Plain View-
Among the many pearls of truth that, for centuries, have purposely been concealed from those who attend churches and synagogues is the awareness that Elohim [el-lo-HEEM], the God of the Bible, is really simultaneously both God and Goddess. In the original Hebrew, the word Eloah [el-LO-ah], is the feminine form of ‘God’. The word, Eloah, literally means “Goddess”.
For centuries, theologians, motivated by divers agendas and biases, deliberately masked profound truths about Elohim, the God of the Bible. They deliberately concealed from the common person’s view the existence of the Divine Feminine within the Holy Scriptures. Even though some of the Hebrew words for God have a distinct and clear-cut feminine gender, translators and commentators have almost universally covered up this knowledge. They were unwilling to use the feminine word “Goddess”. Therefore, they consistently used only masculine pronouns when referring to God – even when feminine pronouns would have been more correct. There has been a calculated conspiracy to purge the Goddess from synagogues and churches.
Here are some websites that support and provide proff that there is indeed a female counterpart to God the father-
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@Bulafj (109)
• United States
9 Oct 06
I'm sorry but there's no Azna spirit in the Bible.
Azna is something that we don't read in the bible . So that is a different spirit from the Holy spirit.
Sorry I'm just reading through and was just trying to get wich spirit you will high light, and I got you here.Azna is a Godess yes, but she is not of the bible.Everything you serve has to do with God the Father, Son and Holy spirit.Anything apart from this,is not Christian.
No matter how you put it, you can call yourself a Christian Witch but as soon as you believe in something apart from the trinity, that is not christ like.There is also nothing like Christian Witch.A witch is a witch,Christian witch, no...no...does not go together with Christ.Because the bible says love your brother even when they wrong you.Witches cast spells when someone wrongs them.
Azna is a demonic Godess, she does cast spell and enslave lives on others.
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@TexasTornado (131)
• United States
6 Sep 06
I am a Christian Wiccan. I don't consider it as being any different than a Baptist or Methodist. All denominations have different rituals and beliefs. I do not, however, call myself a witch. It calls prejudice and hostility to a benign form of spirituality.
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@wsue1023 (1395)
• United States
6 Sep 06
I think there is some misunderstandings about what a Christian is. For those of you who call yourself a Christian witch... what does it mean to be a Christian? What makes you a Christian? Do you know that it's more than just recognizing that Jesus is the son of God?
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@Badnews (3)
• Canada
10 Oct 06
Considering that the bible has been interpritted more often than the Mac Donalds menu, I find it hard to believe that people go to the lengths they do to support it and spread the word. I do believe in a higher power but I have no use for the "Christian" doctorine as it is now presented.
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@AndreaM76 (1164)
• United States
11 Oct 06
One thing I've learned,It doesn't do good to argue beliefs.I know what I know because God inspires me. I know the bible was written by the hand of a man but it was the Holy Spirit that inspired them. As far as translations,well the books had to be translated and I know by faith God uses his word to speak to our hearts. I would never call myself a bible thumpper because you will never convince anyone there is A Jesus by throwing out the bible says this....I feel if you live by example this is the way to lead people to the Lord. I would just say to you be real cautious about how and what you believe because satan is a deceiver he can lead weak believers onto the wrong path by making things seem right when they really aren't. God bless you. I will have to research these beliefs to see how they come about.

@Duvessa (913)
• United States
11 Oct 06
well I do not really have much to reply to you because you weren't rude or trying to shove your beliefs down my throat, thanks!
I will however state that I no longer believe in a being called "the devil", "satan", "the prince of darkness" etc etc...
Evil is man made and lies in the hearts of humans. I think it's time that we stop blaming some unseen "evil" and start putting the blame where it truly belongs.
I have never seen, felt or heard anything that would make me believe in satan. Yes when I was growing up I was scared of the devil because I was taught to fear him, before I started thinking for myself. I have however felt and seen prof that God does in fact exist, I know S/he dwells within my heart, my being, my soul, and all around us in nature as well.
Humans are the only evil creature I've ever seen proof of, the devil is nothing but a scape-goat.
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@AndreaM76 (1164)
• United States
11 Oct 06
Your welcome...satans' image as the world we know is out of hand. He is made to be this horrible looking creature who scares all. No where in the bible does it show satan as a gool type being. he was an angel..he was once the most beautiful Angel who wanted to be God and God said no I am God so he cast him from heaven. He is a deceiver, yes all humans are responcible for thier actions and yes we should not ever say the devil made me do it but...he is here to corrupt any one close to God. He doesn't have to work too hard on non-beleivers because he has them already. What he wants is misconception and destruction to the christian faith and wants to alter our faith in contempt. He has a way to make things seem good in right when indeed they are not. I have wittnessed this type of destruction and felt his presence as real as I have Gods. He does want us scared though to question our faith.

@sedel1027 (17846)
• Cupertino, California
6 Sep 06
Cool. I am glad you found a way to bring the two together. There is not reason for someone who believe in nature and what you have descirbed to not also be able to be a Christian. People who tell you otherwise are closed minded.
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@sedel1027 (17846)
• Cupertino, California
12 Oct 06
But what about the Wiccans who do not fall into the catergories above? Those who truly respect the religion for what it is and don't dye their hair black or preach to others. It sounds like the people you were around were confused and unhappy with themselves and needed to be termed a witch to draw attention to themselves.
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@jtexas (527)
• United States
9 Oct 06
I personally think if you do good then there is nothing wrong with your beliefs. I had a great grandmother who was a practicing curandero which is a blend of the old meso mexican beliefs with christian beliefs. So know where your coming from. Many people would go to her when cures could not be resolved. In many cases she was able to help those spritually as well as physcially
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@Bulafj (109)
• United States
9 Oct 06
Now this is what I call the correct way of having powers and using it for good.
It is nothing to wrong someone but in all things, she is helping cure people.This we have too,where I come from and this is good.But casting spells is enslaving people...not good.

@Antianara (608)
• Australia
10 Oct 06
the christians ain't gonna like it but seems fine to me.
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@dreamsncharms (1340)
• United States
29 Oct 06
Intersting discussion. I am not religious one way or another really. I have been interested lately in learning about Witch's and Wicca and Paganism. More out of curiousity than possibly joining. I just like to learn about different things.
Something funny to me happened a few nights ago. I looked online for a recipe for pumpkin seeds and it happeend to be on a Witch's website. It was the easiest best recipe. So Hubby came home and I told him I am making the seeds according to a recipe in a Witch's site. He looked at me weird and told me Witch's are against his religion. LOL
He is a non practicing Christian is the best way I can describe him. He smokes, curses, does not go to Church and is going to act offended at my Witch pumkkin seeds. LOL
Just thought I would share:)
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@dreamsncharms (1340)
• United States
29 Oct 06
Thanks for the comment from my response :) I will look further into studying about Witch's. They do seem very interesting :)
@Sezara (169)
• United States
29 Oct 06
That made me laugh. A lot of people don't like anything with the word "witch" in it. It's just the way most people are raised. I'm an anthropoligist and I can tell you that witches are serious fun studying. I highly reccommend looking into the origin of the word witch without religions first and then crossing over into the relations to paganism. Oh, the gender issues you'll find!

@magikrose (5429)
• United States
22 Oct 06
I am a Proud Pagan. I was brought up in a Christian church and 1 thing I dont like about Christianity and they say you have to live there way or you are considered evil. I dont like being told how to live my life. Ever since I started learning Paganism I have never felt so fullfilled in my life. I get to walk MY own path, I get to decide if I want to walk to safe road like everyone else or take the road less walked.
To me the road less traveled has more mystery and more questions, and I like that. With Paganism I dont have to travel to another building to worship, I can do it right from my home.
Pagan/Wicca is all about worshiping the same God everyone else worships, we just believe that he has a mate by his side the Goddess or also known as Mother Earth. I dont see what the problem is if all we really do is wirship nature and favor peace and life.
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@xPITxFEINx (10)
• United States
23 Oct 06
ok i dont hate on ne1 who belives in there god but i belive that there is no higher power jus evolution so the bible is a story made up by sum guy probley high on summin...think of this if there was a god y would he let childern get cancer or
let inoccent ppl go fight a war that will never be won and die doing it........
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@Duvessa (913)
• United States
24 Dec 06
In my beliefs (and other people's also) this is not Gods doing but our own self inflicted pain, heartache and misery for the good and spiritual growth of our soul. We chose the life that we are living before we are born, sort of like picking out college courses to take in order to earn the degree you want. Each lifetime we plan out our lives in order to grow and learn and become closer to the divine.
@maya_n_bennett (4687)
• United States
6 Sep 06
Cool, Christian Witch, what do you do? Do you cast spell, do potions or what? Do you believe in God and all the things too?
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@krishna183 (2284)
• India
6 Sep 06
no one is a born witch .. u can become a witch if u want to .. anyone can do it
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@Tony78 (89)
• United States
9 Oct 06
Alot of words just to say nothing at all. My questions still go unanswered. The term Christian witch is a good example of Oxymoron.
"Uncertainty is an inherent problem of those that become involved in the occult." Are you saying you are uncertain? This contradicts the rest of your post, that is unless you are saying I am in the cult. In which case your statement ytwo sentences later contradicts everything else.

@Duvessa (913)
• United States
17 Oct 06
Ok, right off the bat on your site you say that the bible is inspiried by God and Every line is the word that He spoke. Now with that in mind...
At the cross, serveral of the disciples heard Jesus' last words, yet if you read the bible all of them heard something different. If they were all there and all loved by Jesus/god the same and all heard his last words why were his last words something different to each of them in each of those books of the bible?
"Every scripture shall be followed, as intended by God."
really every line? so then I guess you should start now and go around killing witches since the bible says to....
but wait, it also says that "thou shall not kill"
so you can't follow every line exactly as you've stated, if you do then it will start to contradict itself.
"There is only ONE GOD: the Creator of the heavens and the earth, and of all mankind"
Well if God created man in his image (actually the bible says OUR IMAGE) then that still means that God is not only male but female also because he created male and female animals and plants and humans - Now I've argued this point before and I'm always told that "man" reffers to humans both male and female, so if you stop and think logically for one second you'll see where myself and thousands of others are coming from when we say that there IS a female counter-part to God the father.
"Then I began to speak in another language. Not knowing at the time what I was saying or what it meant, I just knew I felt the Power of God and His Peace"
I thought that the bible stated that you weren't supposed to speak in tounges unless there was a translater around...
And as far as speaking in tounges, why can't everyone do it? Everyone I mean being holy-roller christians? I know many many Godly people who have never been able to speak in tounges, why are only a few allowed this "gift"?
And just to let you know, even though I don't follow an orgainzed religon and attend church anymore I'm closer to God than I have ever been and S/he has been answering my prayers also. I know i'm on the right spiritual path and I know that God/dess is with me, within me and all around me.
@Duvessa (913)
• United States
17 Oct 06
I don't believe in "Satan" anymore so I can not follow him.
I follow Jesus and God/dess.
I've seen proof that God/dess is real and I've felt them.
I've never seen Satan or felt satan. The only evil i've ever seen and felt came from the hearts of humans.
I'm not decieved I'm enlightened and it's very refreshing.
@Katy238 (1028)
• United States
17 Oct 06
The very belief you have is a counterdiction. You cannot be a Christian and follow Jesus Christ and a witch and follow Satan. I am sorry you are decieved hun. Jesus was crucified before the foundation of the world. It is a spiritual revelation given by the Holy Ghost that He is the I AM. To be a Christian is to follow Christ. Christ is the Image of the Invisible God Col 1:15 It was the Catholic church that killed people (witches, new born babies, even women who had green eyes etc) not Christians. They themselves are decieved (I know I was one of them). Please do not confuse Christians with people who claim to be Christians. Even you yourself claim to be Christian :)

@callalily (165)
• United States
9 Oct 06
I cannot understand how you can claim to be a Christian and also a witch. A true Christian relies on the power of the Holy Spirit. What other powers do you think you are tapping into in your practices outside of Christianity? You cannot serve two masters. So, what do your witchcraft practices serve and worship? Please think about this!
@Duvessa (913)
• United States
9 Oct 06
It's really not that hard to understand if you'd just try and pry that uber closed up mind of your open just a tiny bit.
I do not serve two masters, I have no clue where you even got that from...
I serve God the father, Jesus the son and Goddess the mother/Holy Spirit. When I pray and/or give thanks it is always to them and in their name. Witchcraft is not a religion, it is simply a chosen form of worship, a path to the divine. You probably attend church and sing and listen to a "preacher" read from the bible and give you his thoughts about these things. Well I chose to stop doing that and make up my own mind and to think for myself and to stop being a blind little sheep following along wioth the rest of the herd. I read the bible and I pray and talk directly to God/dess and guess what, they don't ignore me just because I choose to no longer attend a organized religion. In fact I'm closer to them than I -EVER- was while attending a church. I know they are real and I know that they love me, I know that they dwell within me and all around me. And most importantly I know that this chosen path is the right one for me and I know in my heart that they lead me down this road for a reason.
so I make no apologies to anyone for anything I believe. I know that it's right for me and that is all that matters. Contrary to popular christian beliefs there is more than one path to God/Dess.
@Tony78 (89)
• United States
10 Oct 06
"so I make no apologies to anyone for anything I believe. I know that it's right for me and that is all that matters. Contrary to popular christian beliefs there is more than one path to God/Dess."
Jesus said otherwise, he said I am the way the truth and the light no man come unto my father but through me. Also are you referring to the holy spirit as goddess? The holy spirit has no gender association. You say you study the Bible but don't follow it. Since you do not use the King James or any version based on it what do you use? Also where in the Bible does it mention any goddess?
@callalily (165)
• United States
9 Oct 06
For one thing, I do NOT have a closed mind. As a matter of fact, I am the most open minded person I know of here in my small Southern town. (Mostly Baptist!) Just because I do not agree with you does not mean that I have a closed mind, it means that anyone who disagrees with YOU will be accused of being closed minded!
Since you do not believe what the Bible says, and you think that the Holy Spirit is a goddess, then why do you persist in claiming to be a follower of Christ? Do you think HE practiced the things you do? I do agreee with you that the Bible was written by the hands of people, but it was by divine inspiration. Who wrote what you have been reading? Who is the author of your beliefs?