What Does Faith Do For You?

November 19, 2012 2:08pm CST
RIGHT - BEFORE COMMENTING, I WANT YOU READ THIS POST CAREFULLY...... What does your faith do for you? Faith is a belief in an idea or ideology, It is not the property of a religion. I am an Atheist - I do not believe in a God. My faith is the science that answers the questions. I have an unbreakable faith in Science and maths, For me this brings clarity and understanding to the Universe around us - Whether that be the Universe billions of lights years away or the Universe in my garden. It makes sense and it makes me content. NOW - I have not insulted anyones faith there, nor have I said why Science disproves God, I merely stated what I believe and why. Without disrespecting other faiths or spouting Scripture or even saying there is no God....... What does your faith do for you?
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13 responses
@WakeUpKitty (8694)
• Netherlands
19 Nov 12
I never thought about faith in the way you described it. I also learned that there is not always an answer to the questions there are plus I learned to accept that. I always was a person who wanted to know why or what or how. I don't believe in a god either and for me, personally, a god doesn't bring anything good at all. I noticed that those who say they believe seldom have that much faith as they claim they have. I might be mistaken if it comes to that but if you say you have so much faith in your god, in his rules, his love, then how come you are not happy and shining each day of your life? How come you are not full of power, energy to get the best out of it knowing everything will be alright? How come you are so passive.. just sit there, praying, hoping? This is something I will never understand. This is also not the way I want my children to grow up. I want them to believe in theirself, to be someone. To fight for what they want, their goals. To have self esteem and not counting on others to safe them. To see their own value instead of crawling around for so called VIPs or heroes (who can be dumped in no time as well). Science is fine with me but also not always the truth. It partly explains but also is changing it's "results" throught the years since a scientist will frequently search for questions on a certain answer. His investigations cAn be build the way he will get the answer he is looking for as well. So I am sceptic if it comes to that as well. Especially if people keep repeating old news and ignore new discoveries for a long time just because they do not have an open view or are only able to believe what once was teached to them.
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@urbandekay (18278)
19 Nov 12
Firstly Faith is not just a belief in an idea or ideology, to understand faith think of it as not just the courage to walk into the void, where no bridge exists but that which stops such action being foolish. Now as an atheist you face a dilemma There are many things we accept as true without being able to prove them (Where proof means 3rd person proof)An example of such is consciousness; you cannot prove to me you are conscious and I cannot prove to you that I am, we do however accept that we are conscious because we experience it. Similarly, I can not prove to you that I know God exist or that I experience him but my experience of him is of the same kind as my experience of being conscious and similarly unmistakable. So as an atheist you are faced with a logical dilemma; either you must accept that your belief that you are conscious is no more valid that the believers faith in God, OR They must admit that you are logically inconsistent Which, I ask is it? all the best, urban
19 Nov 12
You are attacking me because I am an Atheist and I have faith? That is not really addressing the question is it? I have faith in science and maths - I have faith in it completely, I know that if I throw a ball up it will fall back down. I know to the minute how long light takes to travel for the sun - Science and maths give me that faith. I also have faith that the religious folk will hijack this post and try to explain why their viewpoint is right and mine is wrong. I believe that consciousness is nothing more than an organic computer processing information. Faith does not belong to the blinkered
@urbandekay (18278)
20 Nov 12
1. I am not attacking you, just exposing the logical inconsistency of your position 2. You may believe that consciousness is nothing more than an organic computer processing information but then why would such a computer need to be conscious, rather than just process information, like any computer? No one to date has provided any rational explanation of consciousness let alone reduce it to information processing, without such belief that it is, is surely fanciful all the best, urban
20 Nov 12
There is also no rational explanation or proof of a GOD, yet we allow this belief or faith to mould our societies and influence our laws. Would it not be fair to say that conscious is just a word - it doesn't actually mean anything. The fact that you are processing information mentally does not make Consciousness some mythically state of being, it is merely just the Brain folding over a page so it does not lose it's place. The arrogance of humans suggest that we have a consciousness along with Chimps and Dolphins. Does any other lifeform on this planet not have one? I would say that every creature on this planet has some form of understanding that it is alive. I suspect that the world holds a conscious mind in such high regard and elevates us above other animals because if we think of what is it really - It will make us realise that we are very very small. living on a small planet in a tiny Solar system within an ordinary galaxy in a huge Universe..... We are nothing more than specks of dust, why would anybody care about us?
• Thailand
22 Nov 12
Faith is belief in something without proof. This is not a valid approach to science or maths. If you believe in science rather than studying and understanding science you might just as well stay with religion. de omnibus dubitandum
@averygirl72 (38149)
• Philippines
19 Nov 12
In my own understanding faith is believing completely to something whether you are sure or not? It's like trust, for example you met a new friend even though you still does not everything about him you have entrusted some faith in him that he will be a friend to you. You said you don't believe in God, I do believe in God but there are times I doubt him too. I even spend about a few months completely wanting to erased the idea that a God exist because he does not seem to care. At times I doubt, at times I have so full of faith. That is why it's called faith- your really not sure but you give it a try!
22 Nov 12
Thank you, good answer
@mariaperalta (19073)
• Mexico
19 Nov 12
No one has actually SEEN faith. But all of us have seen what faith does. Faith exists only as a subjective reality, an etheric reality, a reality in consciousness. Like rationality, faith is non-material, but nonetheless effectual: It is invisible, but it leaves visible tracks. Faith means something different to all of us. Even if you dont believe in it.
• Mexico
19 Nov 12
Had practise with it. my son and I have discussed this for hours after what happened with his dad and I.
19 Nov 12
WOW, Maria. Best explanation of faith - EVER!!!!
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• Indonesia
27 Nov 12
I think faith not always have to do with religion too so I agree with you, for me faith is something that we strongly believe in, of course to have faith in religion terms, you can say that it's faith in God, if it's faith in Science like you have faith in, I believe that's faith too. What I can undertstand that faith is to believe something that we haven't see. If you believe strongly in science which say that Universe billions of lights years away, then in my opinion, that called faith too since of course you haven't seen Universe billions of lights years away, except the gound and the sky you can see from the earth, but you believe that Universe billions of lights years away exist, then it's true, it's called faith.
@adforme (2114)
19 Nov 12
I hear what you are saying, and I agree on your definition of faith. Faith does not necessarily have to do with religion. It is belief. It can be strong. Sometimes it wavers, but it is what you choose to believe and hope to help yourself through to a successful outcome. Faith grounds me. It keeps my mind open for a promise of the possible. This is what faith does for me.
@MandaLee (3764)
• United States
19 Nov 12
Hi, What an interesting question. My faith gives me encouragement, strength and peace. Happy Thanksgiving to you!
@sender621 (14893)
• United States
19 Nov 12
My daith has always been a strong guide to my life. it has seeen me through so much in my life, i don'tknie hoe I could managE to live without it.
@allknowing (138905)
• India
20 Nov 12
Religion and therefore faith is the opium of the masses. Some have not budged an inch from what they were brought up to believe but some like me have evolved themselves at different levels of this belief to the extent that I for example no more believe in rituals. I need to cling on to something that helps me face whatever I need to face and that something is God. I understand God differently.
@inertia4 (27960)
• United States
22 Nov 12
Faith to me is just a word in the english language. Like all words, thats all they are. I see things like you do. Noe of the religious explanations make any sense to me what so ever. Where as science make nothing but sense. I think of it this way. People who have faith are actually followers of a belief. Its no different then a cult. At least in my opinion. Other who do believe in god, that is their right to do so. And I do also believe that no one should put down anyones beliefs. It is a touchy subject though. It always seems that no matter what you say about religion, there is always someone who will be offended. That seems strange to me.
@moneyham (201)
• India
19 Nov 12
To be honest i don't trust science that much. To me science is not the faith, i am not opposing you at this point. Its because the science is keep on changing. For example the science first told us that sun is revolving around the earth. After many years, they have corrected that its not the sun, its the earth who is revolving around the sun. Lets take one more example. In my schooldays my science teacher teach me that Pluto is the ninth planet in the solar system. Now the science is telling that Pluto is no more a planet. How can the faith/science can keep on changing? Its man's ignorance which is changing.
@Mavic123456 (21893)
• Thailand
19 Nov 12
Yes, well said and I respect your opinions too regarding Science, I will not saying about Scriptures too because I am no good in it. I am not religious but i believe in God more than science. Science is exploratory and evidence and tests and validation which results to proofs and all. However, the reason why I have faith because there some things that had happened in my life that no science can answer or prove. Something more deeper than proving that the world is round. Only my faith saved me from this event. SCience could not cover everything in the world, in my humble opinion it just limits to the discovery and finding and then realizing, validating and proving later. We don't even know where science begun and why do we have science?