Can The Electoral College Stop Obama From Being President.

@Fatcat44 (1141)
United States
November 19, 2012 11:19pm CST
I read an article today. Obama is not officially re-elected yet. The get re-elected the second Wednesday in December by the electoral college. It turns out that 2/3 of the states have to be in attendance to do the election. If the 2/3 is not there, it appears that the house of representative then elects the president, and the senate elects the vice president. I know this will never happen, but the article said that if the 24 states that Romney carried did not attend, the house of representatives would have to elect the president. Is this really true? It also said the we would have to pertition these 24 states not to show up.
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7 responses
@matersfish (6306)
• United States
20 Nov 12
Been a long time since school, so I don't remember these things that clearly. I did hear them talking on election night about how the EC members could go against what the popular vote said. But in terms of the House electing the President and the Senate electing the Vice President, I thought that only happened in a tie in the EC votes. Obama's President. Folks can argue about the election results and whatnot. It's all good. Some still claim Bush stole 2000. It it what it is. But it doesn't change the reality. I doubt there will be any issue.
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@crossbones27 (50311)
• Mojave, California
20 Nov 12
I think the right is wishing for some kind of miracle. Face it right wing Obama won fair and square and did not cheat, like many in your party did by making up rules as they went along to restrict voting or make some rules so Ron Paul had no shot at making Romney's chances harder. There is not anything you guys can do about it. Frankly, I think you guys got what you deserve by not electing the best Candidate. You guys could of chose Buddy Roamer, Gary Johnson, Ron Paul, Jon Huntsman, Tim Pawlenty. Yet you guys went with a guy that changes his ideology like most people change their T-shirts everyday. By the way if you guys wanted a real conservative, from what I have been hearing, Jon Huntsman was the most conservative in the bunch just by what he passed when he was Governor and by his voting record. That is the problem when you hate facts, you end up making the wrong choices. I said a while back not even money was going to win that election for Romney.
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@Fatcat44 (1141)
• United States
20 Nov 12
Crossbones. I searched Romney flip-flops, and there are only two cases he flipped flopped on. Abortion which he explained that happened early in his office as governor and another item about signing a pledge a few years ago. All of the other flip flops that the left media said he did, he did not. He let the left, and his own right during the caucus paint him as a flip-flopper. He was not. 2ndly, for a business person he was the best candidate. No other had nearly the business know how that he does. The point we are going after is that Obama is a big socialist. He was raised by communists and he him was a member of the communist party for many years. He was very influenced by people by the likes of Frank Marshall Davis and Bill Ayers. If those names do not scare you, you need to re-assess the situation. We are headed to socialism in a hand basket. I do not socialism. It turn people into dependents of the government and the government control them. Also, Obama go voted in by the tax consumers, not the tax payers. The people who voted him in want all freebies. And when the business leave and go to other countries, there will be no money coming in to pay for these freebies. He promised no tax increases on the middle class, but they are looking at closing loop holes in the tax system where the middle class will be paying higher taxes. He has not had a budget for four years and spend us over 6 trillion into debt. So many of the left are so stupid that they actually thing these are good things. The are not. They will literally ruin our country. It has to be stopped. You fine with this? There are many parts of the country that are not. So if you are fine with this, are you becoming a socialist/communist too? This is hard words, but look at the situation. Just look at the facts who Obama and the democrats I am calling it as it is socialism.
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• Mojave, California
20 Nov 12
Fat I could care less what you call me. Unlike some in this country that start so much stuff, I have served my country. My bad I served under Clinton, a man who thought before he reacted. If that is the measure of a man well I guess the jokes on you guys because there is a way to reach the world with out blowing up there surrounding areas. I have talked to kids from Iran that want nothing to do with all this nonsense. Get outside your hate. The world is changing and you my friend just are not going to fit in because you are poisoned with hate.
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@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
21 Nov 12 watch the damn video, a man testifies before CONGRESSIONAL COMMITTEE, that there is a program that switches votes and is undetectable! THE ELECTION WAS STOLEN. Machines across the country were registering a vote for Romney as a vote for Obama. And THE ONLY REASON FOR NOT WANTING VOTER ID is so that people who should not vote can vote. Even the UN was baffled as to why we don't have uniform voter ID laws. As for the kids in Iran, they were killed by their 'president' when they tried to speak up and say they were against his ideology. Remember? Or maybe the MSM you love to watch didn't report on that? And I'll keep saying it until I die, to disagree is NOT HATE.
@chrystalia (1208)
• Tucson, Arizona
22 Nov 12
Well, more slanted news-- Here's how it works. Of election day, each state chooses a set of electors, the number is equal to the number of representatives that the state has, plus the 2 Senator-- D.C. gets 3 electoral votes. On December 17, all these electors meet in their states, and MUST vote-- BUT-- in 24 states, they are NOT required to vote according to the popular vote, as those states have not passed laws that require them to comply with the popular vote. Maine and Nebraska, have laws that allow their electoral votes to be split. Once the votes are signed and sealed, they are delivered by secure means (don't know what kind) to the Congress, where they are then opened and counted on the 26th of December. At that point we have a president. In all states, laws are in place that allow a voter who doesn't vote along party lines (in the states that require this) or a voter that doesn't show, to be immediately replaced by a reserve voter. No one knows who the electors are, and they can't hold any public office if they are chosen to be electors. The electors are chosen from the party of the candidate that won the popular vote. So Theoretically, in those 24 states in question, and Maine and Nebraska, the electors can vote as they choose. of the 24 states, however, none are "swing states". "faithless voters" have happened in the past, and 29 states have laws in place to prevent electors from voting against the popular vote, or the party they are affiliated with. I didn't add up the numbers, but the list of states where electors can vote as they choose is on the electoral college website. And I doubt it's enough. In the event of a tie, the house chooses the President, the Senate chooses the Vice President. The odds of a bunch of democratic electors voting against the O man are less than zero, unfortunately... and I believe Romney won most or all of the states where it would be possible anyway, and the electors in the other states are prohibited by state law from voting against the popular vote. The only way I can see it making a difference is IF: and I haven't done the math-- you have a close election, and the electors in choice states choose to vote AS THEIR DISTRICT voted, making the electoral votes proportional, as in Maine and Nebraska. But-- the vote would ave to be very close, the candidate in question would have to have some of the mandatory party vote states on his card, and the choice states would have to allow the vote to be split-- and I haven't dug into enough state law to see if any of those states directly prohibit splitting the electoral vote. i know they don't MANDATE it, as Maine and Nebraska do, but I don't know if they prohibit it, and that's an important legal distinction.
@mensab (4200)
• Philippines
20 Nov 12
come to think of it, this is crazy. it may be possible, but highly probably. the american system of election has been institutionalized to pave the way for a smooth transition of power. in this case, obama is reelected by the populace. the electoral college has to reflect the will of the populace by showing up and representing the voice of the american people who voted obama for another term.
@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
20 Nov 12
I don't know if that would work but the majority of the people voted for Obama and I think that it should stand. If not, voting makes no sense if it can be manipulated to one party's preference. I think we should rethink who can vote, though. There should be a basic knowledge test near the voting booth to test knowledge of candidates and issues. Failure means you can't vote because you don't know enough to make an intelligent choice.
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
20 Nov 12
We can't violate our voting privileges to save the country or there will be nothing to save. We have to elect representatives with the guts to challenge the prez and throw legal roadblocks in front of executive orders. Our Congress is spineless for the most part, afraid of losing personal influence or wealth--we need to get those a$4holes outta there! Every incumbent should be sent packing. If we capitulate to the easiest solution we are shooting ourselves in the foot. We can't destroy something in order to keep it alive. My first reaction to your post was yes, do it! But then I thought about what it would mean..the loss of everything that made us such a great country the past couple centuries. We've survived bad presidents before and we'll survive this one. By the time Mr. Obama's term is up no one will ever elect someone with that rhetoric again.
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• United States
21 Nov 12
Every time there's a Presidential election, someone wonders what would happen if the sitting President decided to become a dictator. The answer is pretty simple: The military takes its Oath to support and defend the Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic pretty seriously. A President who attempts to become a dictator qualifies as an enemy domestic. What's more, per the Constitution, a Presidential term has an expiration. On January 20, 2017 at 12:00 pm, President Obama will stop being President no matter what. The Vice President's term will also have expired, and so at that time Speaker of the House John Boehner would become President. Should the Democrats take the House, then Nancy Pelosi would be President. In none of these cases would it matter who's in the Supreme Court, there would be no Constitutional controversy to put before them.
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@Fatcat44 (1141)
• United States
20 Nov 12
dragon, I know any kind of action like I said would be very hard on our country, and probably not worth it. However is Obama's socialistic/communistic plans of us worth it? If during this term, a Supreme court justive would retire, and a new liberal one be appointed, Obama could pronounce himself as dictator and we could not stop him. He is taking out two of our top brass, why? Remember, intermarriage affairs are the democrats favorite method of destroying leaders.
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• United States
20 Nov 12
So you want to ignore the votes of the people of the United States of America? Doesn't that go against EVERYTHING the republican party, and specifically the Tea Party stands for? Now lets see if all of the right wingers get mad at YOU when you say Bush did it!!!
• United States
21 Nov 12
Fat, Obama was ELECTED by the MAJORITY of American voters. How would that make him a dictator? How could he declare himself dictator? If I tell you I am the dictator of the United States, does that mean it will happen? The American people spoke, and that is how this country works. I understand that you don't like Obama, and now you know how I felt in 2000 and 2004. No one with half a brain (that would be giving some on here to much credit) would even consider the state seceding, but it is up to them.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
21 Nov 12 FIRST OF ALL, the election was stolen. I'm convinced of it. Second, will anything come of these schemes to make it all go away, no. There are way to many RINOS and leftists running the country now. We're screwed. It's eitehr a coup or a revolution. Or the alternative, letting Obama take us FORWARD into total financial collapse. Whatever happends, Americans are in for some tough times.
@Fatcat44 (1141)
• United States
20 Nov 12
If Obama declared himself dictator, would you want him removed from office? Or would be okay with him? Debater I do not want us to do the electoral thing. I would be worse for our country than Obama, even though, I think Obama is very bad for the country. States are looking are seceding. Which is worse? I just know if we can't keep giving the feds more power. The states have to ratchet this in some how. I was just pointing that there are other means out there.
@francesca5 (1344)
21 Nov 12
I don't think you have really thought this through fatcat. if states that supported romney did not turn up to vote, then why should not the same thing happen next time, with another winner. its really a precedent that you should be encouraging. it would destabilise your electoral system very quickly, and quite likely if it was necessary to have another election obama would win better, as it would just annoy people.