how to go thailand via road from india delhi

November 21, 2012 12:13pm CST
friend i want to go thailand from india delhi via road is anyone can give me details about formalities and the highway i choose to reach there safely via china or Myanmar ?
2 responses
@Porcospino (31366)
• Denmark
20 Dec 12
The route via Myanmar would be problematic because of the rule saying that you can't cross the border overland. You would have to fly into Myanmar and fly out of Myanmar so that it not a good choice if you prefer to travel overland. I think that it would be better to travel via China and Laos. You need a visa for China and a visa for Laos. You would have to arrange your visa for China before you leave India, but you don't have to do the same thing in Laos. You can buy a visa when you cross the border between China and Laos. From Laos you can cross the border to Thailand. The route that I have suggested is not the shortest in kilometers, but you would be able to avoid Myanmar and the problems with the illegal overland borders.
@maximax8 (31047)
• United Kingdom
23 Nov 12
I am following the interesting travel story about an Irish man called Niall. He is traveling around the world but he won't go on air transport. It is one of the rules he has for his trip. Recently he was in India and wished to travel overland or sea to Thailand. He wasn't able to get sea transport to Sri Lanka or get hold of a visa for Pakistan to go into China then round to Thailand. In the end he got a lift on a cruise liner. It wasn't legal for him to enter Myanmar by land transport. You and your friend might be able to get a visa to go via Pakistan. Otherwise travelers can fly into Myanmar and aren't allowed to travel overland. Good luck.