Do you use nasal spray for runny nose?

@besweet (9859)
November 21, 2012 5:07pm CST
I am trying to avoid all those nasal sprays when my nose is stuffed. But today I woke up and I was sick, and my nose is getting worse. I have used 2 packs of tissues so far and it's still runny. I had a nasal spray from last winter and I am going to use it before I go to bed, or else I won't be able to sleep all night. Do you think that nasal sprays can cause any other effects that I should have in mind before using this one?
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7 responses
@joycseer (845)
• Malaysia
22 Nov 12
Hi besweet, sorry to hear about your condition. I too, have very sensitive nose especially towards dust from the unstable weather. Doctor did gave me nasal spray once, but he told me not to use it unnecessarily, otherwise i might become addicted to it. And it is not healthy to use nasal spray too often. This morning i also woke up with runny nose, watery eyes. Make me feel so uncomfortable. I just recovered from my sickness not long ago, i felt like i might be getting sick again. Sigh...hopefully not. I don't want to take any medication again so soon. All i want is just to sleep more and eat...that's all. Wish you speedy recovery, and try not to use nasal spray so often. Go and sneeze out the flu or runny watery from your nose and clean it with water. Don't use tissue to sneeze, as the bacteria or virus will stick to the tissue, and if you throw them into the dustbin, it might spread all over your house. The best way is to clean it with water, and wash your hand clean with soap. With that, you will reduce the germ spreading. However, you can use tissue to stop your runny nose by stucking them into your nose, so you don't have to go to the washroom so often...that is what i always do. LOL! But, remember to throw the tissue into the water closet, and flush it down. These are my personal experience hygiene tips.. Get well soon. Have a good day.
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@besweet (9859)
• Ireland
22 Nov 12
I think that the house is already full of my bacteria because they spread as I walk around! I don't think I feel very comfortable with water on my face yet, I clean it in the morning and I feel like drowning because I can't breath well from my nose.I keep my hands clean but I spend a lot of time on my bed getting warm and I need my tissues next to me. Thanks for the advice though! I hope you won't get sick again, I know from personal experience that the second time is always worst than the first one with ilnesses. Take care :)
@besweet (9859)
• Ireland
23 Nov 12
Thank you! I already feel better today! My dad is recovering as well, we both got sick at the same time! lol
@joycseer (845)
• Malaysia
22 Nov 12
Hahaha...yeah, my parents used to say that to me too. They say my germs spreads everywhere i go and causes others to fall sick too. Sometimes you recovered, but the next person is ill. Actually we recovered because the virus was transferred to another person. Opps..feel so sorry for them. Thanks, you take care too okay. Wish you get well soon, and rest more. Yes, you need more rest and sleep well.
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@youless (112358)
• Guangzhou, China
22 Nov 12
The nasal sprays usually works well temperately. However, it is better not to use it so often unless you really feel uncomfortable. Since you will have to depend on it if you often use the nasal spray. And it will not solve your nasal problems anyway. I know it may sound crazy, but I hear that swimming can heal many healthy problems. In the past I swam once when I had nasal problem and it worked well after that.
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@besweet (9859)
• Ireland
22 Nov 12
I used it once last night to sleep better and it worked. Maybe I will use it one more time tonight! I've heard it too, swimming all year long helps us have good health. Unfortunately we don't have a beach here, or a pool facility. But I guess that I should start from the summer and continue through the winter because now it would just be too cold!
@Aja103654 (5646)
• Philippines
22 Nov 12
To be sure, you would have to ask a physician first. And it depends on the brand of the nasal spray too. There are many factors to consider, but generally, i think nasal sprays are harmless. If you are worried about side effects you can try natural remedies for stuffy nose like steam inhalation. You can run the hot shower and inhale the steam or put hot water on a cup or basin and inhale the steam to relieve stuffiness. Avoid cold wind also and cold places, because these conditions will make your nose more stuffy. Elevate the head of your bead or put more pillows under your head when you sleep so you can breathe better. Hope these helps
@besweet (9859)
• Ireland
22 Nov 12
I prepared hot chamomile earlier and I inhaled the steam, it relieved me for a while and it opened my nose. I have used this inhaler before and I remember that the pharmacist told me to use it 3 times a day in maximum. I don't have the box to read it and I am wondering if it could have side effects. I am going to use it once before going to sleep. I always rest on the side so usually I can breathe from top unless I am too sick. However, my nose keeps running during the night and I hope I 'll feel better with the nasal spray! Thanks for your advice! :-)
@deazil (4730)
• United States
21 Nov 12
I can give you a website that will help a lot. This site has all natural remedies that work. I have friends who tried the hydrogen peroxide one and they all said it worked within minutes. I don't get sick but my head felt a little stuffy last year so I tried it. I was amazed. This whole site is amazing. Hope it helps.
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@besweet (9859)
• Ireland
22 Nov 12
Hi deazil! I will check it now, I think natural remedies work better than medicine in some cases. Thank you, I will let you know what I will do and if it will work! :-)
21 Nov 12
it depends if you are like you have a cold or something and you get a runny nose yes you can use it but i would recommend using a tissue or something because many people are allergic to nasal spray
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@besweet (9859)
• Ireland
22 Nov 12
I am not allergic, I had bought this last year and used it once if I rememeber correctly. I don't like breathing from the mouth in my sleep because my throat becomes soar and dry. I hope this will help me sleep for now and tomorrow I will look for other more natural alternatives.
@cgicale (137)
• Philippines
21 Nov 12
Hi Besweet, I have tried nasal sprays before. I have allergic rhinitis and asthma as well. My doctor prescribed a nasal spray for my nose and an oral inhalant for my asthma. I never liked it but I had to use it. Whenever I spray it on my nose I feel a little drowsy and gets teary eyed. I also can't go swimming in the beach or the pool since it may cause infection. I've used it only for several months then stopped using it at all.
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@besweet (9859)
• Ireland
22 Nov 12
This sounds like a strong one. Maybe you did well that you stopped using it, or maybe you should get a second opinion. I bought this nasal spray for my stuffed nose last year and I haven't used it since then. I didn't get any side effects last year but I have throwed the box away and I can't read the instructions.
• Philippines
21 Nov 12
I got similar problem today, I drink lemon juice. Try it.
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@besweet (9859)
• Ireland
21 Nov 12
Does lemon juice help with runny nose? I drink orange juice for vitamine C but it's too early to see any improvements! I will try this tomorrow morning when I wake up!