Challenge of Quality Education
By GilMegans
@GilMegans (241)
November 22, 2012 3:15am CST
Quality education is a partnership responsibility. Both teachers and administrators are tasked in providing quality education in the institution where they are hired and assigned. Both are expected to work together to make quality education a positive tool towards the realization of the dreams and aspirations of the students and their parents. Quality education can be achieved if the following factors were given further considerations.
1. There must be a re training program services for to those old yet good teachers in order for them to know and updated to the latest methods of teaching.
2. There will be a proper recruitment of newly hired teacher professionals. it must be a new breed of dynamic teachers whose deep concern is to improve the quality of education ins the school system where they are teaching.
3. All educational materials that vital to the students must be provided accordingly and completely to its designated classrooms and/or departments. such as: e.g. set of computers, books, visual aids, ventilation, chairs and proper desks and other educational tools for learning.
4. Salaries of teachers must be given a close consideration by the officials/authorities in the higher education office for them to be more eager enough to do more/exert efforts and standardized improvements on their teaching methods ans strategies during classroom discussions.
3 responses
@StLouisMetroTutoring (678)
• St. Peters, Missouri
26 Nov 12
Hi GilMegans! This is a very important topic. Thanks for bringing it up.
I agree that quality education is a partnership. I agree with a lot that you said. Are you aware that teachers DO receive regular training? It's called professional development. It's a requirement to retain certification as a teacher. The specifications as to what will satisfy the professional development requirements are rather stringent. I've been a certified teacher for 30 years. I've had a lot of professional development. I've been on the committee that gives the OK to professional development and that tracks teachers' progress toward meeting the requirements. Professional development can come in the form of education college classes or teaching education college classes. In which case you don't need as many units. They can also come in the form of workshops and other learning activities. If the teacher elects to go this route, there are quite a few units needed and they have to be of a varied nature.
Are you also aware of the new surge in public education toward everything being mandated? The last year I taught in a public school, every minute of every day was pre-defined for me. I was not only told the content that needed to be taught, but also when, how, and how much. It doesn't matter what quality of teacher you get with this. A monkey could do this. What it does do is stifle creative teachers and burn them out. I was actually reprimanded because my students were not yet at a level where they could successfully do the mandated activities, so I taught it a different way. That wasn't allowed. The book said we were to do this activity every afternoon. It didn't matter that the students wouldn't have been successful their way. It didn't matter that the content was still taught. I'm not the only teacher I know that left public education teaching because of the mandates.
I think one of the major things that's lacking is that when we understand that quality education is a partnership, it doesn't mean "it's those people's responsibility". It means it's a partnership with everyone. Yes, the teachers and administration at a school are responsible for the education of a child around 40 hours a week. Do the children not receive education any other time? What about the other 128 hours? There is more to education than formal education. Isn't EVERYBODY responsible for quality education? If people truly stood behind education, we would not need to say the things you listed, because it would be assumed that education should be a top priority and these things would happen. The things taught in the school would also be supported and reinforced at home, where the student spends most of their time.
@GilMegans (241)
• Philippines
26 Nov 12
My utmost appreciation and heartfelt gratitude Ma'am/Sir StlouisMetroTutoring for sharing your brilliant ideas and very good opinions. Thank you for taking time to discuss this matter which I believe it is closely related to your experienced and profession. Well, in my very own country the standards of teaching has been strictly enforced in all curriculum levels. Every institutions are compelled to follow the customary requirements of teaching guidelines and strategies. But the question is, how to arrived the average on the target objectives if one or the other has no capability to enhanced on this. The focal point that I am referring to is the ability of a teacher to learn and understand the situation of the classroom including the interest and needs of their respective pupils/students in which everyone can certainly comprehend to the methodology of their teaching strategies.
I indeed agree to your point that even monkey can do what a teacher can because you have already the manual or basis or shall i say a guidelines to follow, but it is only limited to the level of the monkey which can only distinguish things and make sign language for them to convey their message to people. And what exactly a good teacher can do even if they are only regulated to follow their standards as the the school being implemented, but they can actually do further motivation, exercises and other classroom activities in order to arouse and get the interest of the pupils/students. Learning is not limited only to the standard given by the institution but it will derive to the quality of the the teacher.
The responsibility that i am saying is direct to the task of the teachers and administrators. Why parent need to send their pupils/students to school? simply because they want that their siblings were molded by good learning as they have better respect and trust by the teachers. The responsibility that you throw by the parents ranging about 128 hours to educate their siblings as often called non formal education. Yes it could be happen if the family itself has stable already in terms of financial capacity. But how about those parents wherein they need to exert more efforts just to suffice their family needs and send their siblings to school, do they have time to teach their siblings as what the teacher did in the school? the ample time that your are saying is not the leisure time of parents rather it is their resting hours wherein they need to relax with their family union.
Quality education can only be achieved if teachers and administrators work hand in hand with the support of parents to make this into realization. The big function on this is merely the teacher who establish quality learning to the pupils/students.
@StLouisMetroTutoring (678)
• St. Peters, Missouri
26 Nov 12
From what country are you? I'm from the US. We have lots of standards to follow and they're enforced in the public schools (private schools have different regulations). I'm sorry, when I talk about education, I sometimes get emotional and don't explain myself well. What I meant by a monkey could do it, I meant that with the mandates, it not only doesn't require somebody who thinks, it doesn't allow it. I used to do all kinds of fun learning activities with my first graders. They'd have a ball. And they'd learn a lot! Every year, the second grade teachers would tell me they knew who had been in my class because they could always read so much better than the other students. It's because we played while we learned. We had fun. We did things in a variety of different ways so everybody could feel some success. The students were actively engaged with everything we did. The students enjoyed school. But once the mandates were in place, those activities weren't allowed anymore. There was no using my teaching strategies to determine the best way to teach. There wasn't time for extras. The math curriculum was actually completely scripted. Not only were we told which lesson to be on every day, we were supplied with a handout that had the exact words to say. As long as I've been a teacher, there have been standards. That's not a guarantee of success, but it is a framework. I'm talking about much more than standards. Standards tell things such as what year a certain skill should be mastered. They give goals by the month. Beyond that, how to get these learning objectives accomplished was left up to those that had studied how best to do it and could adapt to the specific needs of the learners at the time. Now it's gone beyond that. The teachers don't have control of how things are taught anymore. I don't know where this is headed or what the end result will be, but I do know that it leaves zero room for anyone - including the students - to be an individual. It's like taking a bunch of round pegs and trying to squeeze them into square holes. Some will adapt and will fit. But there are others that will always be left out. The current system doesn't make any allowances for differences.
What I meant about education at home didn't mean that those at home should actually teach things like the multiplication table. It's great if that's what they want to do, but children also need to be allowed to just be children. I meant that we should all value the importance of education. Therefore, value what needs to be done at school and home as a result. Home needs to support these efforts. It's almost impossible for teachers to have a whole lot of positive impact when students go home just to hear that their teacher is an awful person or that they don't need to do their homework because it's a waste of time. If there is a problem, you need to speak to the teacher. Things that should be taught at home are those things that it used to be taken for granted that would be taught at home. Like respect for others. Manners. How to settle an argument. How to treat yourself with love and respect. These are just a few. Now, all these things are being taught at school because they're not being taught at home. Then people complain because it's not being taught the way THEY want it to be taught.
I'm sorry if I wasn't clear. It sounded by your reply as though we were talking about two different things. And when I read my first response, I saw why.
@GilMegans (241)
• Philippines
26 Nov 12
Thank you for expounding further ma'am Becky, appreciated a lot. I'm from Philippines. I am also a teacher by profession but not practice it in actual teaching inside the classroom. I've been been very eager to practice my profession however opportunity of teaching doesn't go with my desire. I am currently working in a private entity wherein my nature of work is far fetch to the baccalaurete degree that I earned.
Well, returning back to the track, the method of teaching in your country is far different to our country's methods. Yes, our teachers has the outline of what they need to teach based on their subject matter but it will not limit them to follow what is required for. I mean, they can add creative strategy as they can integrate to their handouts standards. Manual is merely a guidelines of teachers, they certainly follow the books according to its chapter being discussed on that day but they can profound something which is beneficial to the learning of the students.
Regardless to any level, our school system eventually focused on the standards being enforced by its institution. Teachers can actually suggest their views and opinion which it could be a tool towards attaining proper learning to students. What does it mean? Our administrators is open widely in accepting motivations, exercises or any activities if it is necessary. Good teachers are good motivators do you agree with me ma'am?. Motivation is the very effective tool in getting attention of the students to actively participate during classroom discussions, and if they will limit them because we have standard to be followed how can we generate reactions from them?
Lastly, i really admire your sincerity and loyalty to your profession ma'am. hopefully many of teachers like you would think of this way as what are you thinking too for a better sustainability of learning and quality of education will be on hand not only for the benefits of the students but to the community as a whole.
Thank you very much for sharing your views ma'am Becky...

@Saisahaana (35)
• India
22 Nov 12
Its not only the amenities and the skills the teachers have.
Even if there is gonna be an upgrade in the skill sets of the teaching professionals, the quality of the education given to the pupil wont change to a significant level.
The quality education comes in where the students are really given a practical and on board illustrations and given a chance to express their creative thoughts and ideas.
@GilMegans (241)
• Philippines
22 Nov 12
Precisely, the point that you are referring to is already included to the factors above mentioned. A quality teacher knows how to arouse interest of their pupil/student by way of having proper motivation, actively participating classroom discussions, letting the, express what really the wan to utter with respect to the subject matter. The learner is the center of classroom discussion wherein they will be adjusted by their teachers. That's why hired teacher are those flexible/adjustable not only on one aspect but all the personal aspects. Inculcating sturdy learning to students/pupils are the compelling task of a teacher. Thus, the quality education that we are aiming for was imperatively lies on the hands o the teachers and school adminitrators....
@Saisahaana (35)
• India
22 Nov 12
The point what I wanted to make is that the way the real facts are taken through to the students. Most of the educational topics are mere Theories and nothing oriented to Practical learning whereas the child loses the correct awareness of the real objective.
Yes, rightly as what you have said, it lies with the teacher to motivate the students to get into the topic well. But still there is always a lack of the practical knowledge for most of the lessons.
Though the trend is changing slightly now with lot of animated illustrations and other pictorical representations, a lot more has to be changed in order to make a child completely aware of a subject.
This way the basic objective of any education can be achieved.
@GilMegans (241)
• Philippines
22 Nov 12
Actual and factual exercises to pupils/students are limited only based on the vitality of the practical scenario and its importance to the subject matter. Actual learning is a technical based learnings, they are those who directly engaged in technical skills. nevertheless, the quality of education that i am referring to is the standardization of teaching methods and strategy regardless to its form of instruction and application. Practical learning as you've mentioned just to arrived into an awareness and real objective, will actually derive first on the theoritical discussion prior of its actual deliberation. If the quality of teaching is standard as i was the real and routinely practice in a certain institution, even if it's not merely and totally exposed on actual and/or practical learning, still the total learning certainly absurb...To light of the above, it is imperative if the said factors will be applied hand to hand by the mentors...
@grace147 (223)
• Philippines
22 Nov 12
It is indeed a sad reality that there are countries education system are taken for granted - just like the place where i came from. Other countries set education as there top priority. You are indeed correct GilMegans on your opinion on how to improved the quality of education. Above mentioned factors truly affect the quality of services in imparting knowledge to the children.
@GilMegans (241)
• Philippines
22 Nov 12
Yes i totally agree with you Ma'am Grace147, there are some countries which put education as their least priority most especially in learning universal language. There are countries which merely focuses their teaching on their own vernacular. As the system of education goes nowadays, we badly need to have the full pledged quality of students and not to its quantity instead. QUALITY/GOOD PRODUCT can be certainly achieved if quality of seeds has been carefully implanted with the comprehensive system of handling are likewise closely observed.