It's never the kids fault right?

@911Ricki (13588)
November 22, 2012 4:43pm CST
My friend showed me this article and I couldnt stop laughing. Now I've had a similar issue with my stupid neighbours kids, trespassing, my old dog biting her and having to get stitches. Now I was reading this article it's very brief but it made me remember the situation years ago. My neighbours kids climbed our giant fence into our yard to go swimming (without our permission), the dog was outside peeing, and bite her. Now I would say it's her own fault, and we ended up having to put our dog down because this stupid kids tw*t of a mother made a big deal, and called the health unit saying the dog is vicious. In my opinion the kid shouldnt be trespassing, we had signs up everywhere and she took tht risk. Her mother even said she knew she was going swimming, and that she can do what she wants (oh even in our backyard). After all this the parents made such a big deal going around saying things about us, the neighbours all stuck up for us, within a few months they moved. I don't have kids nor do I want them, but especially in this article it points the kids being the victim. Now is it always the dogs / animals fault? Most nicely not, my first remark was what was the kid doing? Clearly, being in the backyard playing the dog maulted her face. I know in all the cases I see the kids are tormenting the dog, or doing something to provoke it.
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14 responses
@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
22 Nov 12
hi to me if someone trespasses where they are not supposed to be and get bit'then they have to take the consequences.We had a dog that was never mean but one kid everyday came past our fence and poked our dog with a long stick so e v entually she did it one too many times and our dog did bit her as she came in the yard with the long stick. We won out b e cause the kid w s trespassing and ab using our dog no matter how good will take a lot of abuse and not try to defend its self.
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• United States
22 Nov 12
Good point. I think that parents have a responsibility to make sure their children don't trespass--especially if they know that there are consequences. I know that dogs in America are generally more domesticated, but in many countries they are not and children learn to stay away from dangerous animals. Children are not stupid, they can learn to be careful.
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@shaggin (72010)
• United States
22 Nov 12
That is so sad that your dog had to be put down years ago. Those kids should not have been on the property trying to get in the pool without your permission. I understand if the kids were walking by and the dog ran out on the sidewalk and attacked them then it might be considered vicious and be put down. I would punish my kids for going on someones property not punish the dog.
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• Philippines
22 Nov 12
You had signs there, that has got to mean something, right? Unless it says "Feel free to enter" I'd say the parents were irresponsible for that event. They just felt like they had to blame someone and you're a sitting duck at the moment so they put their crosshairs on you.
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• Uganda
23 Nov 12
well it is easy to say that it was the kid's fault but again dogs during the day should be kept inside their kannels or chained to avoid such accidents. so i advise the dog's owner to lock his animal up and the kids parent to teach her kid some manners not to enter some ones home without their permission.
@sid556 (30960)
• United States
15 Dec 12
why should the por dog be locked up for the day? he is fenced in and there are warning signs. dogs are also there to protect the home. cant be too effective if locked up. at 13 this could should know right from wrong. this is not the first time this kid has tresspassed. at 13, the parents should still have a clue as to where their child is and if that child breaks the rules then the reins should be tightened until they can be trusted. /
@zurichann (235)
• Philippines
15 Dec 12
That is such an irresponsible parent. They ought to know the danger permitting their children to go wherever they wanted to without proper supervision. Of course, it will never be the fault of the animal. They don't know what they're doing.
@cutepenguin (6431)
• Canada
26 Nov 12
Good thing those neighbour's moved. I cannot believe they were so bold as to let their child climb fences to swim in your pool. On the other hand, we were taking our toddler trickortreating and at one house, a young dog just lunged at my son when he crouched down to look at the dog. My son wasn't teasing him, he hadn't even moved toward him. The dog was just skittish because Halloween is such a strange night. So sometimes it isn't anyone's fault.
@dodo19 (47312)
• Beaconsfield, Quebec
14 Dec 12
I still don't understand how these parents can't see that their child was at fault, had a hand in this situation. Whether you have signs up or not, trespassing is trespassing, and it's still against the law as far as I'm concerned. If this was my child, I'd been upset that they were trespassing on someone else's property. This mom isn't really helping her child by putting all the blame and responsibility on you, when this shouldn't be the case in the first place.
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
25 Nov 12
I think that a lot of parents have blinders on when it comes to their children and believe that they can do no wrong. However, I don't feel this way and never have when it comes to my children, I know that they are human and that they are likely to make mistakes. Now Kathryn was bit by a dog when she was just three years old and I do believe in that situation that it was the dog's fault and not my daughter's fault. She was with her grandparents and they'd gone to the neighbor's house to drop off a Christmas present and Kathryn walked by the dog when he bit her in the face. The owners of the dog also felt that it was their dog's fault and they did pay for Kathryn's emergency room visit without us requesting it. But overall, I do think that the majority of dog attacks are because of something that a child did to provoke the dog.
@Paper_Doll (2373)
• Philippines
23 Nov 12
I think that if I am the mother of this child, I would not dare complain about what happened to my child because as a mother, I think that it is my responsibility to make sure that my child won't do such thing. I will be very disappointed with myself that my child has done something like this. I should have thought her not to do such thing because that is definitely wrong. It is definitely the fault of the child, but since she is still a kid, it is the parents who will be held liable or responsible for their kid's actions.
@NailTech (6874)
• United States
23 Nov 12
I had a neighbor long ago where she would pitch a fit about my cats, & it wasn't a good ending. My mom ended up giving the cats to some unknown man, a total stranger. I have always worried what that man had done with them. I have had this worrisome pit of heartbreak ever since, cause I do not know what happened to them. I mean they were a litter of kittens and grew into young cats together, had a happy home with us and then suddenly they have to be taken away from us and God knows where or what would be done with them. I have never been the same since and that was when I was 17. It made me feel like a bunch of my kids were taken away. All cause of my neighbor who thinks she owns the whole neighborhood. I have known some people like yours, your dog was not bothering anyone except guarding his own property and he should not have been put down. That is so wrong and that mother has no concience. The kid should not have been in your yard and swimming.
@Angelpink (4034)
• Philippines
23 Nov 12
It is not the fault of the dog , it is the duty of the dog to watch over the territory , it is but normal for dogs to have that reaction because that kid is considered an intruder. It could be the fault of the kid because there was a fence meaning , over that fence he should not cross because there might be danger but kids are always forgiven because by nature they are curious , unruly and can't manage themselves yet. They are under parents supervision. Now i guess the blame would fall to the parents because they should take care of the kids well , teach them right from wrong and always instill the good values. I am not so familiar with legal laws not sure if legally the dog owner has an obligation to the kid or not ? But i am sure morally , he is oblige to help the kid for anti rabies .Both parties need to sit down and talk.I believed anything can be solved .
• Philippines
23 Nov 12
In my opinion the kid is definitely at fault here. And it's trespassing too, I mean it's your property and the pool too the kid don't have any right to get in there! LOL hahaha XD Maybe the kid is really annoying. I hate kids like that, and the parents should be responsible too with her child. tsk tsk. -_-
@gilenie (190)
27 Nov 12
Its the parents of the kid who is false/wrong, as a parent you should always look up to what your kids doing.All parents should be watchful to their kids.Keep kids in danger.