open purse,count money,38?no 16 dollars.oh myG 22 dollars missing!!!

@Hatley (163773)
Garden Grove, California
November 22, 2012 8:56pm CST
Tuesday afternoon I took my last 33 dollars out of my account here at Gold c rest and added it to the five dollars in my purse38 dollars. I was ill that afternoon so did not go shopping. And my purse was in my sight on my walker.Okay Wednesday yesterday afternoon at dinner, 4pm I thought my purse looked like someone had moved it and I dug out my billfold.I counted it and recounted then did it again and yet again. no the money was missing a twenty dollar bill and two ones,. I even had the front desk girl ask the admins if she might have miscounted but she claimed no she gave me 33 dollars. so then I had to believe that here among over one hundred people someone one took 22 dollars out of my billfold and took it out of my handbag to do it. the only time I did not have it in my sight was when asleep or yesterday at 11 am. we had our Thanksgiving feast . my walker then was parked behind two other walkers and they were at my back .Its so hard for me to believe some one would steal here and yet I do not really know many of these people at all. If the administrator did not miscount the money then someone stole it. as I had not touched it Tuesday afternoon and evening nor yesterday til dinner time. then I found money was missing. I searched my handbag over and over. the money simply was gone.I am not sure if the a dmins did miscount bu t I cannot argue with her., your take m ylotters what would you do? I am chalking it up to being tool naive'abnd trusting everyone when I should not be that way ,.
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47 responses
• United States
23 Nov 12
Oh Hatley, I'm so sorry. Is there a time when everyone at Gold Crest is together, so that perhaps you could mention it? Like you said, you don't really know everyone there-residents or workers. Then you could let everyone know what happened-and maybe the guilty party will return the money. That's terrible, especially since it's so close to the holidays too. Sadly, I've found that I really can't trust anyone anymore.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
23 Nov 12
thats what I have finally learned. the money has been on my walker while I sat with my back to the door and care givers come in to do our beds. so its possible a care giver did take it. from now on I lock my billfold in my locked drawer with my over the counter locked meds.atleast its not too long til Dec 3 when I c an get more money again.this time I will watch her carefully to be sure I have the money then it will be locked away til I need to use it. I no longer trust any one but my roomie. I hated to think there was a thief bu t that the only p ossible explanation,. I am thinking of putting up a note "to whoever took my 22 dollars if you will return it in an envelope addressed Patsie Hatley and leave no name nothing will be done to you. thanks their conscience might get the best of them.
2 people like this
• United States
23 Nov 12
It's quite sad that you've forced to do that, isn't it? You can't trust anyone nowadays. Glad to hear that it didn't make you a hard person, but it did teach you (and anyone else who's reading this) a lesson in taking extra precaution. Is there a manager that you can speak to there? Hopefully the thief will be deterred by a locked drawer.
1 person likes this
• United States
24 Nov 12
I like the heavy padlock idea...just don't get one so heavy that you struggle to get to your purse! That's terrible that the manager won't do anything...I guess this was the only option available for you to live at, huh? Now you'll be much more cautious.
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@adnileb (5276)
• Philippines
23 Nov 12
Oh, I’m sorry to hear that ms.Hatley. Don’t they have a CCTV camera to monitor everything inside? Maybe they do so you could check on who. Or someone’s been acting suspicious. Take care next time. Maybe have a purse like a small sling bag. So other than your shoulder bag, you have your money kept safe near you.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
23 Nov 12
hi adnileb in the halls but not in our rooms so anyhone in my room co uld have taken it if my back was turned while I am mylotting, I have a sho ulderbag and I used to carr y it alwa ys on myshoulder slo guess I will do it again or lock my billfold in my locked drawer with overthe counter meds. Also as my son suggested really watch the admins when she counts ou r the nmoney and also cou nt it before you leave. she could have made an error bu t she claims she did not. since she is the administrator here I do not dare arg ue with her but she has nev er made an error before so I doubt she did this tiem.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
23 Nov 12
yhes adnileb from now on I will not be naive nor trusting but take care to keep nmynmoney safe also I will count any money I get before every leaving the room that way nothing bad can happen hopefuly
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@adnileb (5276)
• Philippines
23 Nov 12
Maybe she got confused but if she hasn’t made any errors before, well maybe this is the first time. But if she isn’t the one, maybe others have wondered in your bag. Take care, ms.Hatley..
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@ElicBxn (63792)
• United States
23 Nov 12
I'm afraid you have discovered that anything not nailed down can be stolen. This is never an easy lesson to learn, but the fact is that for some people another person's property is not wrong to take, its just a challenge to not get caught. I hope that you can survive without that extra $22...
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
23 Nov 12
hi elic yes I learned one very important lesson .to lock my billfold in my locked drawer along with my over the counter medications as its just as important. I have 16 dollars a nd probably 3 in change as its getting close to Dec 3 so I will be okay but it really did shock me. I am to prone to think everyone is good' as I can see they are not. lol. just because I will never steal does not mean I guess that theres not a thief here.
@SomeCowgirl (32190)
• United States
23 Nov 12
I have two minds about this. One one hand I can see where you are coming from and what you are saying. It does appear that someone has taken it from your handbag. Another mind says well maybe it's not so much that but that someone mistook it for their own purse. It could be either / or but yet you don't know. I don't know if there is anyway for you to go about finding out without offending people or seeming rude. However it's clear 22 is missing from your wallet and you know it is one twenty dollar bills and two dollar bills. Can you wear a fanny pack? I'd maybe do that when going out or around the other tenants of Gold Crest. This way they can't steal it unless they steal it off of you.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
23 Nov 12
hi SomeCowgirl yes its possible with some who are senile. I have a shoulder bag so from now on I will carry it on my shoulder when going out or at meals before going out.other times I have a locked drawer they insisted on for me to keep over the counter things like aspirin and Tylenol because they told me they were afraid others might come in and take medications and get ill. which really made me curious as I wou d never go into someone else room unless the person invited me to come in.
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@SomeCowgirl (32190)
• United States
23 Nov 12
It's sad that people would steal from each other so I am hoping that it wasn't the case. Either way I am glad you've got a way to resolve it - atleast to keep it by your side. Now as for the medicine thing goes, my grandmother, I love her, but she can be one to abuse medications. She has in the past and has gotten sick from it. It may be that the employees of your home thought this, or perhaps they don't want those who are forgetful to think that it's their room and pilfer through...
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
24 Nov 12
hi SomeCowgirl yes I am sure that they are thinking some will forget which room they have .the thing is this is supposed to be a retirement center for rational people not people who are senile or have Alzheimer but now that they take them in and almost every time they end up having to send them to a nursing home with medical staff around the clock. we have no medical staff here at all.trained nurse aides to pass meds but that is all.
@bjc66bjc (6730)
• United States
23 Nov 12
Wow Hatley, I just don't know what to say..But its bound to be some scroudrels in a residence of one hundred of people.. It just sad to know that there are thives amongts you regardless of the age.. I don't like liars and theives because they say if you lie you will steal and if you steal you will lie...sad either when you have to live amongst them.. I hope it dosen't cause a lot of burden by not having that 22 dollars... Anyway hope you had a great Thanksgiving Day,,,,
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
23 Nov 12
hi bjc as early in the monring as it is I got the most pleasand shock. a myl ottoer clear from Germany has sent me 28.53 cents by paypal to help me from the loss and I am so full of thanks. I got the message from paypal so will have to email to Regina as this needs a huge thanks. from now on I will always count the m oney myself before I live the room just int case she did make'an error. I know she an honest person so if she did it was just an error otherwise someone among all of us is a thief. sad b ut true.I did have a wonderful Thanksgiving day as myson came to share it with me.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
24 Nov 12
that was just such a surprise and all the way from Germany., I must thank her for sure wish I could hug her.
@bjc66bjc (6730)
• United States
23 Nov 12
Oh how wonderful...what a great show of kindness...
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• United States
23 Nov 12
Dear hatley,I am so sorry for you and I fear you can't do anything. I believe that it was a miscounted cause usually when somebody steals money they will take it all!
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
23 Nov 12
Elenaka hi thanks I feel it was miscounted too.But since she is the administrator and says she gave me 33 dollars I cannot argue with her.but from now on i will count with her then count it before I leave too.I do ubut that she would be upset but I just think she made an honest error.
3 people like this
• United States
24 Nov 12
The Administrator of the facility should have you count the money when you receive it and you should be signing on a ledger that you received that amount of money. If that is not happening, then you may want to contact the Ombudsman over your facility and discuss the problem with this advocate.
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
23 Nov 12
HI Hatley, Well, you could go back and ask the administrator if her drawer balanced that night. It's possible that she was but highly unlikely. Why? Because it is only 22.oo and I'm thinking that odds are that she counted out a $20 and 2 ones correctly. I think that odds are that someone stole it from you and I am so sorry that you had that happen to you. It's such a horrible feeling, I know. Suddenly, you don't know who you can and can't trust. Everyone is suspect. One thing I can say is that it is clearly someone in your complex. Keep your eyes and ears open. People that do this sort of thing, never stop until they get caught. Maybe you could set the person up...leave a purse on a table and discreetly keep an eye on it while you get your food. Eventually he/she will get caught.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
23 Nov 12
hi yex its made me not trust any one. bu t I ha ve learned not to le ave the rooj before I also count out the money bu t we called her and she claims she did give m e 33 dollars.I belive her because I had five ones plus the 33 so tw of those five ones was also missings. 22 dollars is an odd amoutnt so someone slipped out a twenty dollar bill and two ones from my billfoled. I have a hunch now that it happened while we w e re having our ho liday dinner. My walker w ith nmyhand bag was behind me and behind two others. we were there eating for probaly on e hour. people were coming and going and of c ourse with mny back to thingsd I wo uld not see someone pull ou t the billfold. from now on it goes in nmy locked drawer I guit trusting anyone.
@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
23 Nov 12
its not being naive. you are an honest person thats found out you have thief in your presents. thank God, it wasnt more. ive let my gaurd down a few times and been ripped off again. my mom told me years ago to trust no one. but she was a cinical woman and i couldnt always be her way. suspicious of everyone. even if an aid counted it wrong, they could very well have been the culprit themselves. even admins are not always honest. looks like you may very well have to lock it away or carry the cash on your person. my mom used to pin her money in her bra
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
23 Nov 12
hi bunnybon my mom used to do the same thing. my dad was very cynical and did not trust anyone and as a kid I hated that. so I vowed I would not be like that but now I think he was bascially right in some ways. I would never take money thats no mine, when I was going back to college in my fifties I found a wallet with over 20 0 dollars in it and took it to the admins office as the billfold had the students name in it,. Her father came to the campus and found me and gave me a hundred dollar reward for turning it in.but I find others are not honest here. I just now locked my billfold in my locked drawer. its safe there.
@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
23 Nov 12
This is so horribly sad and I am so sorry that it has happened to you. It would appear for a fact that the money was stolen. I am the same as you and believe people to be good and I trust too much I suppose. What a way to celebrate Thanksgiving. I just wish the person has an attack of conscience and returns it to you. So sorry Hatley
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
23 Nov 12
hi cynthiann I was so naive and trusting as I though others lived by tghe same code I go but not so.A lso I forgot to recount the money before I left the administrator's office. she claims she did not miscount the money and i do believe her as I have been here for 4 years and have always got the amount I asked someone did take it from my billfold which was in my handbag. I now have my billfold locked away in my locked drawer, when I came here I was made to buy a padlock for my drawer so nobody could get into my over the counter medications. so now I have locked my billfold with what I have left in there and hid the key too.
@blue65packer (11826)
• United States
23 Nov 12
Sorry to hear you have some money missing! If someone stole some of it,why didin't they steal all of it? I have this feeeling you were shorted changed by the adminastration. Sucks you can't tell them they made a mistake. Just proves you can't trust anyone nowadays!
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
23 Nov 12
hi blue65packer. Yara the girl at the front desk asked the administrator if shje could have miscounted and she declared she gav e me 33 dollars.and as she is who sh is I cannot fight that. I made one vital error as I did not count my money before I left her office. However I have a hunch she c ounted correctly a s someone took one only the 2 0 dollar bill bu t tw o ones I had b efore I got the 33 someone here is a thief. now I have locked my billfold away in my loced drawer and the key is hidden. so its safe whats left of it..
@jaiho2009 (39140)
• Philippines
23 Nov 12
dear Hatley, I am not sure if the administrator cheated you- but I am sure you know them (administrator) more than I do. Maybe next time do not leave your things un-attended (public warning) next time kept it on a safer place. I am so sorry to hear that you lost such amount. That can pay my internet bills already and I can still buy chocolates for my kids. Happy Thanksgiving ma'm...cheer up
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
23 Nov 12
hi jaiho I usu ally always count my money after the admins gives it to me and she claimed yesterday she gave me 33 dollars. she is really pretty nice so I just do not think it was her error plus the twenty that was stolen was part of the money she gave me but the two one dollars were ones I had before I got the 33 dollars. so they stole an odd amount 22 dollars. I had had a habit of leaving my purse on my walker and had nev r lost any money before but as my roomie said it only takes one time. from now on when not in my room my shoulder bag is going back where it belongs on my shoulder.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
23 Nov 12
hi j aiho yes indeed as they would have to have a tug of war with me and as I am bigger perhaps they would lose. lol.
@jaiho2009 (39140)
• Philippines
23 Nov 12
That's the best thing then..keep your bag on a safe place
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• India
23 Nov 12
Mom I am so sorry to hear this, thanks for sharing, sharing with others makes one feel relieved, i am sure your administrator had paid you the right amount; we have a say;'always drink water after purification only' and 'always count money after receiving and before keeping in your pocket'. You should not have kept the money there, you learnt a lesson. I can feel what you feel, who ever he/she may be that stole tour HARD EARNED MONEY, will be punished one day; he will lose much more than the stolen amount Last week our maid stole SIX 500 rupee notes from my purse; she had kept there 6 counterfeit notes
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@Kalyni2011 (3496)
• India
23 Nov 12
Mommy I am so sad to hear this, i know how hard you work to earn!!!! In future never keep money here and there, you can buy a small purse to keep money safely; and the safest place is your blouse or what ever you wear, just slip it there from above; no one can stole. Many women in my place do it; particularly during travels. god bless you, I and hubby always pray for your health.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
23 Nov 12
hi Kalyni and I always pray for y o u and the professor to be well and healghy tool'Yes I have learned never to leave t he office of the administrator before counting my money myself.I know she is really honest so even when she w3asw asked if t he could have miscounted she declared no she had given me 33 d ollars'so I do believe her. but keeping m y handbag on my walker in a p ublic place was not a good idea. I have a shoulder hand bag and before I g ot the walker I alway s hung it o n my shoulder and never ever missed any money. s o I have learned some valuable lessons. As I really do not even know a lot of the more than 100 people here yes someone could be and probably is a thief. I always just trusted people but no more. now my billfold is locked away in my locked drawer.the key is safely hidden so no one can get it. but when I am going shopping I will carry my handbag on my shoulder.
@deazil (4730)
• United States
23 Nov 12
Oh, Hatley. I'm so sorry this happened to you. It is a very bad feeling to find you've been robbed. And in this situation it's impossible to know for sure what happened to your money - miscount or theft. I learned years ago not to trust anyone. It's too bad, but it has to be that way. Well, you learned three valuable lessons here. To always count your money, lock your purse up in your drawer when you aren't holding onto it and don't trust anybody. Hard lesson learned. I hope you won't be too inconvenienced financially by the loss. $22 dollars is not a small amount. At least they didn't take it all. I think your idea of putting up a note is a good one. You never know, it might work. Thieves don't usually have a conscience but it may bother them after a while because they will keep remembering the note. They won't be able to forget it. Especially if you leave it up for a long time. I hope you had an otherwise pleasant Thanksgiving.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
23 Nov 12
hi deazil yes it was time for me t o face it, you cannot trust people. while I would never never steal anything even if I was broke and hungry as I believe in doing right but others evidently do not. Since yara asked the administrator if she could have miscounted and she claimed no she gave me 33 dollars. I really am not sure as I did not count it.Most always I count it before i leave as I line up the bills in my billfold but I was feeling ill and just did not do it. then I left my handbag with billfold inside on my walker. i think and this sounds horrid but we had our holiday meal on Wednesday a t 11 am and my walker was parked behind me with two others in front of it. Then is when it could have been stolen while we were all having a great time with Thanksgiving food. I hate to know someone here is a thief., Now I will never trust any one here again also I have locked my billfold in my locked drawer as I intend to not be stolen from again.
@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
23 Nov 12
It is Sad when this happens. Especially when you know you have been watching and keeping an eye on things really close. I have had money disappear a couple times in the past when somewhere, and even while at work a time or two, and it can be upsetting. I had someone yrs. ago steal my purse, and take over 200 from it, and then throw my purse in the trash. Problem was I know who do it, but no one ever wanted to do anything about it. So now most of the time I tend to carry very little cash on me.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
23 Nov 12
hi tina I s ure have got a wake up call. first I did not count the money when she gave it to me which I usually do so she could have miscounted it. now its my word against hers as she claims she gave me 33 dollars. she is the administrator here so I do not feel I can argue with her and yet I do not think she did as she gave me three one dollar bills two fives and a twenty I am pretty sure that was how it was. so its more likely someone stole the money as they took not just the twenty dollar bill but two ones and i had the three ones and the two fives she gave me so out of the five dollars I had before a got the money someone also took two ones. a twenty and two ones.. it is upsetting and I have lost trust now in both co- residents and care givers as someone took money from my billfold. but at least its not too long now til Dec3 when I get more money. but it hurts to think there are thieves here. so now I know and will make a lot of c hangtes in how I handle my billfold and my handbag.
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• Canada
23 Nov 12
Whether it's my bank, or someone giving me change, or whatever, I watch the people count the money out right infront of me. If they're not going to count it out infront of me they can't be trusted, and if I decide not to watch them do it, then I'm a fool. When it comes to family giving me money, I count it. LOL I remember one day when my step-son had a bunch of change he needed to get rid of, so he asked me to buy it from him for $20. I've got a nice big change purse, so I was able to take it. I gave him $20, and he gave me a hand full of change, which I counted. That's natural. If my mother gave me change, I'd have counted it. He thought it was wise of me to count it, because he said if it had been the other way around, he'd do the same thing. As for the purse, keep it in your lap next time, or locked in your room, if you're not using it.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
23 Nov 12
hi danish canadian right I should have r e ally really watched her count it then count ed it as I put it in my purse.usu ally I do do that too but I was feeling IBS cramps and just did not recount it nor really watch her.She claimed she did give me 33 dollars and hope thats true but still som eone could have t taken it. Before I had to use a walker I always carried my shou ldr bag on my purse where it belonged so am going back to safety mode again. . s c
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@BarBaraPrz (48699)
• St. Catharines, Ontario
23 Nov 12
Did you count the $33 when you got it? It seems an odd amount for someone to take. Hope you get to the bottom of it.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
23 Nov 12
Hio Barbara no thats so stupid of me as I usually do b t I was felling ill and just did not think to do it. yes I hope so too as I really needed that money.but at least its not far now to the third of December and I can draw out moe money but as you sa I will count it when I get it just to be sure before ever leaving the room so no one can say oh you lost some if I waited then went back.
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@FrugalMommy (1438)
• United States
23 Nov 12
I'm so sorry that happened to you, Hatley. I don't think there's much that can be done except counting your money when you get it from the administrator and making sure that it's not left unattended by your walker. It's so sad that you have to worry about things like this. Even if it was an accident and someone mistook your purse for theirs, it still leaves you feeling violated.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
23 Nov 12
hi Frugalmommy thanks this was the first time I did not count the money be fore I left the administrator and feel stu pid for not having dcone it. otherwise if she did not make an error someone just helped themselves. yes thats it to think somone else got in to my billfold and removed money that w as not theirs. sad but you cannot trust people any more.
@louievill (28851)
• Philippines
23 Nov 12
It's possible that their might be a kleptomaniac on the prowl out there, not just money, try to find out if there are other things missing
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@louievill (28851)
• Philippines
23 Nov 12
The home should install CCTV cameras for the protection of the residents, that's one of the best way to catch the culprit cause they would see who enters where, these gadgets are very cheap now so why not suggest or bring it up during your meetings.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
23 Nov 12
hi louievill there are some in s ome areas as there is som e monitor sat the front desk gbu I do not th ink they cover all the halls. I wi sh they took the ides of thievery more serious here.
@louievill (28851)
• Philippines
24 Nov 12
They should (take it seriously) I know how frustrating it could get when you know you have something and suddenly it vanishes to thin airand you go on looking everywhere even turning pockets and wallets wishing it might be there and you just misplaced it, terrible
@cgicale (137)
• Philippines
23 Nov 12
Hi Hatley, In this world we can't really trust just anybody else. Even those who we have known for a long time can do something like this. We should always be cautious in leaving important things behind specially if no one you trust is able to watch it for you. $22 is already something. It's no longer easy to earn a lot of money. I've had my digicam stolen in my room before because I was too confident no one will touch it since the room is locked, but one day it was gone. So we can't really tell.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
23 Nov 12
not cgicale thats for sure I a m counting the money before I leave so if there is an error it can easily be correctedthen will lock up my billfold in my locked drawer unless I a m going shoppping and then my handbag will be on my sho ulder so any thief will have to tussle with me and will not win, lol.yes to me 22 dollars is a lot of money. I am not ging to trust an yone now
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